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The n00bs must be culled
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Mar 31, 2007, 7:34 PM
Post #76 of 206 (5605 views)

Registered: Dec 21, 2006
Posts: 1716

Re: [kixx] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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kixx wrote:

I was just going to post a new thread about the inappropriate and harmful attitude toward aspiring climbers... This post has gone far beyond the negative attitude I thought was possible. It is truly unbelievable that this kind of behavior is even thought to be funny by some. And before anyone tells me to "lighten up - we're just having a little fun, bla blah" get out from behind the veil of animosity you all hide behind and think of the harm you are doing the climbing community.

Even the use of the term n00b has become derogatory and unacceptable. If you have to degrade others on the internet who are interested in doing something that you do, you must really have some inferiority issues. THIS HAS GOT TO STOP

Anyone who has been anything less than helpful to a beginning climber has done nothing but harm the climbing community. I'm begging everyone here at to please isolate these pricks and strongly discourage them from making these opinions public.

In fact I am encouraging everyone to crowd the pricks favorite climbs, throw ropes on their heads without warning, ask them annoying questions like "why don't you have any peetoons?", and even climb with them, because they hate climbing with people who don't share the same ideas.

When it comes down to brass tax the climbing pricks are small, scared, little people, who need to rag on anyone seen as inferior to them no matter how temporarily that situation might be. Pricks like this ruined a big part of my life.... see this thread for the full story:;;page=unread#unread


Pricks - Before you think about flaming me get out from behind your animosity

so i thought about flaming you. and then i stepped out from my veil of animosity. and now i am standing out in front of it. and flaming you. and i post under my real name. first off, do you personally know any of the said "pricks?" have you seen them be disrespectful in real life to nOObs? and if nOOb is so derogatory, why do you use the term yourself? dont give the "well that is the term used here" excuse, you could have chosen another word. this is the iternet and if anyone chooses to believe everything they read here, i feel sorry for them. there is no clause in the registration on this site stating that every post has to be serious and as factual as possible. THIS IS NOT THE REAL WORLD, it is the internet. i personally find this thread hilarious, as i have posted already, but i would help a nOOb if i thought i could. in person, in the real world. have you considered the OP as a sort of commentary on the seeking of information in an online forum, where people are often known to troll, instead of finding someone in the real world to personally and first hand find information from. there are also a large amount of repeated posts that could be avoided if the nOOb would do a bit of searching on this or other sites instead of just posting. oh no, that would require some effort on their part. my last question for now is whether or not you realize that your statement of culling the pricks presents the same type of animosity as the OP. so you are really doing nothing to help here. it sucks that people have ruined your life for you, probably not over the internet. i also like how you decided to give the link to let everyone know just how helpful you are. if i ever need any help, i will ask you first, then the rest of the ruined community after that.


Mar 31, 2007, 9:11 PM
Post #77 of 206 (5584 views)

Registered: Oct 8, 2005
Posts: 624

Re: [kyleshea] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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Sorry, but I enjoy a hostile atmosphere of people giving each other shit. If someone is a jerk, says something out of line, does not know what the hell they are talking about, or puts a preposition at the end of a sentence, they sometimes deserve a little grief. Myself included.

I don't want to become, but its a little fun to get into the occasional pissing match. I think that fewer people here would participate if the site was a warm and fuzzy Q&A, here are my toproping photos from spring break sort of affair.

The beginners forum is a great place for friendly and sincere responses. A little drama adds some fun elsewhere.

We should be total dicks to noobs online, and helpful mentors at the crags. Hopefully this will discourage them from developing a dependency on online forumsSmile

I'm kidding a little on this last point. The cannons of netiquette tell us to act the same online as we would in face to face interactions, but I find it hard to bring real life color to the internet without someone misinterpreting my post as malicious hatred. If anyone ever feels as though one of my posts has taken away their birthday, they are entitled to a public or private apology.


Partner j_ung

Mar 31, 2007, 9:29 PM
Post #78 of 206 (5580 views)

Registered: Nov 21, 2003
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Re: [bbentley77] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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bbentley77 wrote:
Sorry for blowing the cover leech...

That's not possible on Laugh


Mar 31, 2007, 10:20 PM
Post #79 of 206 (5560 views)

Registered: Aug 15, 2004
Posts: 55

Re: [bbentley77] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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afgghhhh its hard to read sarcasm on the web, my bad. hooligans!!!


Mar 31, 2007, 10:57 PM
Post #80 of 206 (5555 views)

Registered: Jun 2, 2005
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Re: [kyleshea] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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Don't forget! We all were a n00b some time ago, for one it was longer ago then for another, but we all been a noob. There just need to be some kind of standard treatment to keep the growth in control, like an forced course or something, so all know the basics and know how to handle things.


Mar 31, 2007, 11:22 PM
Post #81 of 206 (5549 views)

Registered: Apr 21, 2006
Posts: 104

Re: [axelvanettinger] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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Are you saying some type of state sponsored licensing program I could complete to get a license?

I think I'll I just laugh. It's much easier.Cool


Mar 31, 2007, 11:31 PM
Post #82 of 206 (5546 views)

Registered: Jun 2, 2005
Posts: 71

Re: [norm1057] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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ok i live in the netherlands and there are 2 kind of climbers in my area the good and the bad (their all ugly).
But i can tell when someone is explained how to climb, and whom is not explained. The ppl who is not learned/told how to belay and take a fall, are the ppl you hear banging on the ground when their lowerd by their belayer. saw it a few times. gives you the creeps, makes you wish they weren't around or at least took a course.

I did a course too. Made me feel less n00b? No, but at least i could climb on my own and nobody had to watch me. That's what i like of other climbers too. Doesn't matter if their n00bs or have months, years or ages of experiance. we still know we all did a course and know how to climb.


Apr 1, 2007, 12:41 AM
Post #83 of 206 (5525 views)

Registered: Oct 12, 2006
Posts: 354

Re: [kixx] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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kixx wrote:
In fact I am encouraging everyone to crowd the pricks favorite climbs, throw ropes on their heads without warning, ask them annoying questions like "why don't you have any peetoons?", and even climb with them, because they hate climbing with people who don't share the same ideas.

I doubt you could even get off the ground on my favorite warm-ups. But give it a shot, I always need a good laugh... Hahahahahaha

(This post was edited by diophantus on Apr 1, 2007, 1:08 AM)


Apr 1, 2007, 1:18 AM
Post #84 of 206 (5511 views)

Registered: May 30, 2002
Posts: 8588

Re: [kixx] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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kixx wrote:

In fact I am encouraging everyone to crowd the pricks favorite climbs, throw ropes on their heads without warning, ask them annoying questions like "why don't you have any peetoons?", and even climb with them, because they hate climbing with people who don't share the same ideas.
Anybody who wants to even ask about my "peetoon" better buy me dinner first. Or at least a cranberry apple clif bar.

Partner cracklover

Apr 1, 2007, 2:07 AM
Post #85 of 206 (5495 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2002
Posts: 10162

Re: [kixx] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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kixx wrote:

I was just going to post a new thread about the inappropriate and harmful attitude toward aspiring climbers... This post has gone far beyond the negative attitude I thought was possible. It is truly unbelievable that this kind of behavior is even thought to be funny by some. And before anyone tells me to "lighten up - we're just having a little fun, bla blah" get out from behind the veil of animosity you all hide behind and think of the harm you are doing the climbing community.

Even the use of the term n00b has become derogatory and unacceptable. If you have to degrade others on the internet who are interested in doing something that you do, you must really have some inferiority issues. THIS HAS GOT TO STOP

Anyone who has been anything less than helpful to a beginning climber has done nothing but harm the climbing community. I'm begging everyone here at to please isolate these pricks and strongly discourage them from making these opinions public.

In fact I am encouraging everyone to crowd the pricks favorite climbs, throw ropes on their heads without warning, ask them annoying questions like "why don't you have any peetoons?", and even climb with them, because they hate climbing with people who don't share the same ideas.

When it comes down to brass tax the climbing pricks are small, scared, little people, who need to rag on anyone seen as inferior to them no matter how temporarily that situation might be. Pricks like this ruined a big part of my life.... see this thread for the full story:;;page=unread#unread


Pricks - Before you think about flaming me get out from behind your animosity

Thanks, dude! That's the funniest thing I've read online in ages. Even a good bit better than the OP in this thread. I can't wait to read about how the evil online pricks ruined your life. Thanks for the link! Yay!




Apr 1, 2007, 2:40 AM
Post #86 of 206 (5476 views)

Registered: Apr 21, 2006
Posts: 104

Re: [cracklover] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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Excellent post and thanks for the insight. I did get a good laugh until reading the rest of the story.


Apr 1, 2007, 2:49 AM
Post #87 of 206 (5471 views)

Registered: May 30, 2002
Posts: 8588

Re: [cracklover] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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Aww. I do believe a lot of drama happened offline and putting it all out online will never REALLY show 100% of the truth. I followed the links... looks like what happened was basically real... and hell, I even participated in the original thread by the porter (what the hell was I doing in an alpine thread, anyway?!)

I don't know what side to believe. Both sides were convincing enough in their writing. But it looks like whatever happened, kixx was really wounded. That sucks for him. I hope he's healed some.

But even giving kixx full benefit of the doubt (hey, it's the internet) I hope I am not being too snarky in saying, that was that... and this is a silly, if cruel, little joke thread by the_leech. It's too bad it opened up some deep wounds. But it really is humor. Not everybody is expected to laugh, but there's no need to take this thread personally.


Apr 1, 2007, 4:03 AM
Post #88 of 206 (5443 views)

Registered: Nov 23, 2005
Posts: 178

Re: [kyleshea] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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OK, my white flag is up...

The sarcasm and general witty ribbing that goes on in the online forums can be really funny. (The "ask the n00b" thread has put me on the floor laughing more than once. Thanks Subtle for making light of all of us - sport, trad, boulderers, ice climbers, etc.)

I think everyone can agree that if and when a negative attitude crosses from the internet to the crags it is really bad for the climbing community. This happened to me in a very dramatic way so i react poorly when i see it encouraged online. i see that the leech was being sarcastic... but with the attitude toward beginning climbers deteriorating (mostly because of a few really dumb ones) you can see how this could be taken seriously and carry over into the real world.

If trolling or lazy internet posters who don't want to research their new interest in climbing post up dumb and silly questions because they think it's funny or they really are uninformed, and this drives you crazy then just ignore the thread... Somebody will come along and tell them to hang out at a gym and point out a few good books to read. We can all do that right?

Most climbers I've met have been more than helpful and encouraging, but it only takes a few pricks to destroy somebody's enthusiasm for joining what is really a great group of diverse people.

The fact of the matter is that you never know who exactly your talking to online, and who to believe. It would be very difficult for an honest beginner to sort through the sarcasm... so i think it should be kept off the beginner forum at the very least (where sarcastic remarks have been abundant)

If everyone took the steps to help educate rather than discourage beginners we might see less dumb and dangerous events in the real vertical world. Required classes or licenses would kill climbing as we know it (being an independent group of folks) so we need to take the responsibility to educate as a community.

If you want to "cull the n00bs" than help them become real climbers instead of being pricks to them - online and off. (the two worlds are blending in this day in age)

Cull the Pricks was meant to be sarcastic and funny but I see it didn't really accomplish anything - sorry.

Climb hard
Kris in Po-Town


Apr 1, 2007, 6:47 PM
Post #89 of 206 (5399 views)

Registered: Feb 8, 2007
Posts: 392

Re: [kixx] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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In June 2004, the Food and Drug Administration cleared the first application for leeches (Hirudo medicinalis) to be used in modern medicine as medical devices.

Surgeons who do plastic and reconstructive surgery find leeches especially valuable when regrafting amputated appendages, such as fingers or toes.

"The idea behind the leeches is to cause blood to ooze so that the body's own blood supply will eventually take over and the limb can go on and survive," says Rod J. Rohrich, M.D., president of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Leeches apply the perfect amount of suction to get the blood flowing. But Rohrich also says he uses the leeches only when there's a compromised situation, such as following surgery, "when the patient's own blood supply isn't adequate."

Packing a one-two chemical punch, the benefit of leech therapy comes not from the amount of blood that is extracted, but in the powerful anti-clotting agent hirudin, contained in the parasite's saliva, which keeps blood flowing freely. At the same time, leeches emit a natural anesthetic that minimizes pain during their feast.

excerpted from


Apr 1, 2007, 7:20 PM
Post #90 of 206 (5384 views)

Registered: Jan 1, 2007
Posts: 145

Re: [the_leech] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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the_leech wrote:
In June 2004, the Food and Drug Administration cleared the first application for leeches (Hirudo medicinalis) to be used in modern medicine as medical devices.

Surgeons who do plastic and reconstructive surgery find leeches especially valuable when regrafting amputated appendages, such as fingers or toes.

"The idea behind the leeches is to cause blood to ooze so that the body's own blood supply will eventually take over and the limb can go on and survive," says Rod J. Rohrich, M.D., president of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Leeches apply the perfect amount of suction to get the blood flowing. But Rohrich also says he uses the leeches only when there's a compromised situation, such as following surgery, "when the patient's own blood supply isn't adequate."

Packing a one-two chemical punch, the benefit of leech therapy comes not from the amount of blood that is extracted, but in the powerful anti-clotting agent hirudin, contained in the parasite's saliva, which keeps blood flowing freely. At the same time, leeches emit a natural anesthetic that minimizes pain during their feast.

excerpted from

How could you ruin such a good thread by posting something so utterly lame and retarded? What the hell is the matter with you?


Apr 1, 2007, 8:16 PM
Post #91 of 206 (5373 views)

Registered: Apr 13, 2002
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Re: [pappy] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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pappy wrote:
thats pretty low. everyone has a chance to learn to climb. chill with it bro.

I agree. The next thing ya know you'll want to get rid of us old farts cause we're not fast enough. How bout next we start on ppl whose user name starts with the.MadCrazyCoolSmile


Apr 1, 2007, 8:31 PM
Post #92 of 206 (5364 views)

Registered: Aug 1, 2005
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Re: [pappy] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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pappy wrote:
thats pretty low. everyone has a chance to learn to climb. chill with it bro.

Sounds like pappy is a prime canidate to commit bro-rape


Apr 1, 2007, 9:19 PM
Post #93 of 206 (5349 views)

Registered: Sep 19, 2005
Posts: 56

Re: [tonloc] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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Sounds like pappy is a prime canidate to commit bro-rape
dude chill, lets just get some beers and talk it over. haha. thats one of the weirdest videos i've watched in a while. Laugh


Apr 1, 2007, 9:50 PM
Post #94 of 206 (5337 views)

Registered: Aug 1, 2005
Posts: 249

Re: [pappy] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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yeah sounds good lets just bro out and talk about jack johnson, ill bring the natty ice


Apr 1, 2007, 10:05 PM
Post #95 of 206 (5330 views)

Registered: Nov 21, 2005
Posts: 594

Re: [the_leech] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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If 'n00bs' are clogging your routes then you should probably start climbing harder before I call you a 'n00b' yourself.


Apr 1, 2007, 11:45 PM
Post #96 of 206 (5313 views)

Registered: Jan 29, 2007
Posts: 10

Re: [the_leech] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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i'd just like to point out that YOU in fact were a n00b at some point, and im sure that you didn't go sailing to the top of the social climbing chain in a day.
it may surprise you...but there are n00bs out there that want to keep their local spots as quiet as you do.
and guess what... people know about Climbing!
Fact: there are a lot of people in this world.
Fact: Climbing is becoming a more popular sport whether you like it or not.
So get over it, because your elitist revolution will never happen.

happy climbing!


Apr 2, 2007, 12:19 AM
Post #97 of 206 (5301 views)

Registered: Jan 1, 2007
Posts: 145

Re: [drummergirl] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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drummergirl, please read the whole thread, esp pg 3 at the bottom. I normally wouldn't do this, but you're hot, and I feel obligated to protect you....


Apr 2, 2007, 12:23 AM
Post #98 of 206 (5297 views)

Registered: Sep 19, 2005
Posts: 56

Re: [bbentley77] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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drummergirl, please read the whole thread, esp pg 3 at the bottom. I normally wouldn't do this, but you're hot, and I feel obligated to protect you....


Apr 2, 2007, 12:32 AM
Post #99 of 206 (5295 views)

Registered: Oct 14, 2003
Posts: 152

Re: [the_leech] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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You elitist douche bag. I bet you are a whiney little gumbie yourself... bragging how you crushed some over bolted 5.11 sport route at your local crag or "put up" a new boulder problem. Spend less time on the net and more with a pack on your back. Less yo-yo and more go go.



Apr 2, 2007, 12:40 AM
Post #100 of 206 (5291 views)

Registered: Feb 8, 2007
Posts: 392

Re: [curtis_g] The n00bs must be culled [In reply to]
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“curtis_g” wrote:
If 'n00bs' are clogging your routes then you should probably start climbing harder before I call you a 'n00b' yourself.

If you read the entire thread before posting, you might appear to be less of a jackass. At least bandwidth won’t be wasted by your repetitious drivel. Please refer back to page three for a response to your asinine comment.

“drummergirl” wrote:
i'd just like to point out that YOU in fact were a n00b at some point, and im sure that you didn't go sailing to the top of the social climbing chain in a day... bla... bla... bla... bla...

I don’t see why you’re all worked up, honey. Based on your profile pic, you may be eligible for the exemption suggested by girl_lostInVA back on page one. Even n00bBentley picked up on this. Just keep in mind that an annoying personality can exclude you from the exemption.

Now, before anymore of you throw a fit, please remember what Dr. Rohrich said: "The idea behind the leeches is to cause blood to ooze so that the body's own blood supply will eventually take over and the limb can go on and survive."

This is for your own good, n00bs.

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