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freesolo lead rack
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May 23, 2008, 8:11 PM
Post #51 of 69 (1571 views)

Registered: Aug 12, 2003
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Re: [notapplicable] freesolo lead rack [In reply to]
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notapplicable wrote:
tolman_paul wrote:
I can understand the approach, I almost did that on the regular route on fairview after having climbed the route roped. I knew physical free soloing the route was a cinch, but mentally the roof move about 700 feet up was too much for me at the time. Then I realized I'd be short changing myself the experience if I carried gear for a single move on the route, and if my mind wasn't right to free solo it, I just didn't belong on that rock sans rope.

I just think that the most critical item in free soloing is the mindset. It's completely focusing on being comfortable on the rock and focusing on what you are doing. Carrying gear means you have doubts about what you are putting yourself into, and those doubts need to be out of your head when you free solo.

Much better to not go up, or come down if you're head isn't in the game vs thinking, well I'll take some gear along just in case.

Yep, yep.
OTOH, I've free-solo'd some of the local Quartzite, taking gear to cover my ass just in case the changeable summer weather around these parts decided to deliver a nice afternoon shower. Haven't had to reach into that bag of tricks yet.

I've been on that rock with an unexpected summer rain before, while roped up with a partner. The 5.7 quickly started feeling 5.10+. I'd not wish that on anyone, especially free-soloing.


May 23, 2008, 8:21 PM
Post #52 of 69 (1568 views)

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Re: [tolman_paul] freesolo lead rack [In reply to]
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tolman_paul wrote:
Carrying gear means you have doubts about what you are putting yourself into, and those doubts need to be out of your head when you free solo.
Perhaps the way you ought to have worded this is:
tolman_paul wrote:
Carrying gear means I have doubts about what I am putting myself into, and those doubts need to be out of my head when I free solo.
Basically, it sounds like you are projecting. But don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you or anyone else doesn't have the right to consider it mentally or psychologically different. I am simply pointing out the fact that freesoloing with gear on one's back is still freesoloing. Regardless of what's going on inside the climber's (or spectator's) head, the physical circumstances of the activity are the same.

I think the categorization of climbing activities based upon the mental state of the climber is ridiculous in general, and largely the result of the sport climbing fad. We love to put numbers and little labels all over the things we do, but in the end all of this mental stuff is illusory. The only really objective definition I can think of for freesoloing is that you are free climbing what is considered a rock or ice climbing route, without being connected to a rope or protection, where if you fall you will probably die due primarily to the distance fallen. You are free to add anything you want to this definition, but it's very likely that I won't agree with you.

(This post was edited by valeberga on May 23, 2008, 8:34 PM)


May 23, 2008, 8:41 PM
Post #53 of 69 (1557 views)

Registered: Apr 22, 2005
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Re: [valeberga] freesolo lead rack [In reply to]
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Sportclimbing mindset? I started climbing when it was just climbing, and I don't understand the sport climbing mindset. I never said carryiing gear while free soloing isn't free soloing, though others did say that. If you find offense at those questioning carrying gear, why is that?

I've always thought free soloing was a very personal endevour, and should only be done for oneself. I do recognize with the net and folks reading over posts that others will get ideas about activities they haven't tried before. Now if someone had thought they weren't up for climbing something with only shirt and shoes, and then realized aha, I'll carry a small rack just in case, they might get on something they really shouldn't be on.

But the act of carying gear on a free solo is an self acknowledment that you might be putting yourself into a situation you can't handle w/o gear, otherwise why would you carry it??? Some people like to push their solos closer to their edge, others don't know where there edge is from the ground and will find out on the rock. I personally can't see putting myself in the situation soloing where I'll carry gear just in case. If I'm close enough to my edge to need gear, then I'll rope solo the route. I've probably roped soloed 100 times for every free solo.

More people get hurt/killed free soloing when they had gear with them vs. the shirt/shoe approach. It's not a macho thing, or a bragging thing, but it is a very real thing and should be acknowledged. It's not to say the shirt shoe guys are some how better or anything. But the point is, they know what they are up against and are focused on what they need to keep it together.


May 23, 2008, 8:49 PM
Post #54 of 69 (1556 views)

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Re: [tolman_paul] freesolo lead rack [In reply to]
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tolman_paul wrote:
Much better to not go up, or come down if you're head isn't in the game vs thinking, well I'll take some gear along just in case.
This is a classic argument of which the implications are seldom considered by those who invoke it. It's like saying one shouldn't climb a route if they think that wearing a helmet is a good idea. It basically implies that the only safe thing to do is to stay home, which is actually not true because even staying home will eventually lead to your death.

You suggest that one must not carry gear for their 'head to be in the game.' But how can you pretend to know how someone else mentally prepares, or that they are even playing the same mental 'game' that you are?


May 23, 2008, 9:09 PM
Post #55 of 69 (1551 views)

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Re: [tolman_paul] freesolo lead rack [In reply to]
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tolman_paul wrote:
Now if someone had thought they weren't up for climbing something with only shirt and shoes, and then realized aha, I'll carry a small rack just in case, they might get on something they really shouldn't be on.
Yes I could imagine this happening, but it's not the only explanation for why someone might carry gear they don't plan to use. Furthermore, since carrying gear just makes free climbing harder, and because trying to use it would be hardest when the climbing became hardest, the chances of it actually helping someone climb a route are pretty low. If someone were really pushing their limits, then they wouldn't want the extra weight, and they wouldn't have the physical reserve to mess with pro at the cruxes anyway, so they would be best off taking nothing.

But as far as I understand most freesolos are nowhere near the climber's limits. For me the rope and gear is just "why not?" kind of thing. For others, perhaps they are in a mindset where the thought of taking anything with them would ruin the experience. But again, we're talking about mental stuff, which doesn't really change the activity itself.


May 23, 2008, 11:34 PM
Post #56 of 69 (1525 views)

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Re: [valeberga] freesolo lead rack [In reply to]
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i think the key to this rediculous discussion is not state of mind, but commitment. while a big, sudden, mistake will end the same way in both scenarios; slower mistakes like getting pumped, getting rained on, bonking, or getting benighted will end much differently for our gear-free soloist than for our free-free soloist. the physical circumstances are not the same for both climbers because one of them has gear. even if it never comes out of the pack, they have been working with a net in many ways that matter.

also, this thread was much more entertaining near the beginning, when more people thought that the idea of a free solo lead rack was a joke...


May 24, 2008, 12:22 AM
Post #57 of 69 (1504 views)

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Re: [elvislegs] freesolo lead rack [In reply to]
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'Net' is a poor choice of words. A net catches a fall. Emergency gear in one's pack will not. Preparing for what would most likely be non-climbing circumstances (at a cost of a few kilograms) in no way changes the nature of the climbing. Either way, the climbing itself is the same--uninterrupted free climbing with no distractions, where failure isn't an option.

Best thing to have in the rack: mp3 player
Worst thing to have in the rack: iceaxe... catches on stuff, and tools might point out that you are not freesoloing because you just bust it out and drytool any time you want Tongue

(This post was edited by valeberga on May 24, 2008, 12:30 AM)


May 24, 2008, 12:34 AM
Post #58 of 69 (1496 views)

Registered: May 10, 2004
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Re: [valeberga] freesolo lead rack [In reply to]
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Worst thing to have in the rack: iceaxe... catches on stuff, and tools might point out that you are not freesoloing because you just bust it out and drytool any time you want

Is free solo dry tooling really not free soloing? Ready? Argue!


May 24, 2008, 12:46 AM
Post #59 of 69 (1495 views)

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Re: [sully264] freesolo lead rack [In reply to]
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That freesoloing stuff sounds super dangerous and committing! So glad I'm not doing that as long as I wear a harness!


May 24, 2008, 1:08 AM
Post #60 of 69 (1490 views)

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Re: [tolman_paul] freesolo lead rack [In reply to]
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tolman_paul wrote:
It's not to say the shirt shoe guys are some how better or anything. But the point is, they know what they are up against and are focused on what they need to keep it together.
I just figured out how to translate this into something I can agree with. And that is: "they have climbed the route many times and know each exact move on the route, and how long it will take them to climb it, so there is no reason to expect the unexpected."

That may be how all of the pretty famous climbers in the magazines with too much time on their hands are doing it these days, but it's not the only circumstance under which solo climbs are undertaken.

You know it's interesting to consider that by modern standards of protection, the pioneers of big climbs were probably for all intents and purposes essentially onsight freesoloing everything, and probably knew it, even with all of the sh*t they were hauling up the wall. But I guess the sportos would prefer to call that "X-rated," even though the climbing and the consequences are pretty much the same.

(This post was edited by valeberga on May 24, 2008, 1:14 AM)


May 24, 2008, 3:39 AM
Post #61 of 69 (1465 views)

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Re: [elvislegs] freesolo lead rack [In reply to]
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elvislegs wrote:
also, this thread was much more entertaining near the beginning, when more people thought that the idea of a free solo lead rack was a joke...

Yeah but that line of discussion ran its course pretty quick.

This wankery however, can go on for pages...


May 24, 2008, 3:44 AM
Post #62 of 69 (1461 views)

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Re: [sully264] freesolo lead rack [In reply to]
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sully264 wrote:
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Worst thing to have in the rack: iceaxe... catches on stuff, and tools might point out that you are not freesoloing because you just bust it out and drytool any time you want

Is free solo dry tooling really not free soloing? Ready? Argue!

Leashed or leashless?Angelic


May 24, 2008, 3:42 PM
Post #63 of 69 (1447 views)

Registered: May 20, 2006
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Re: [valeberga] freesolo lead rack [In reply to]
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valeberga wrote:
But I guess the sportos would prefer to call that "X-rated," even though the climbing and the consequences are pretty much the same.

You're shootin' holes in your own argument. "Sportos", by and large, don't bother with "X-rated" ideas, that's a "trad daddy" concept. Can we drag out any "other words" to put in quotes.


May 24, 2008, 4:41 PM
Post #64 of 69 (1439 views)

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Re: [shockabuku] freesolo lead rack [In reply to]
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shockabuku wrote:
valeberga wrote:
But I guess the sportos would prefer to call that "X-rated," even though the climbing and the consequences are pretty much the same.

You're shootin' holes in your own argument. "Sportos", by and large, don't bother with "X-rated" ideas, that's a "trad daddy" concept. Can we drag out any "other words" to put in quotes.
Bullsh*t, there are bolted sport routes that get retroactively called R and X.

The fallacy of modern "climbers" is in thinking that rock climbing has more to do with how to label and rate things, than with climbing up some rocks.

Anyway, we're posting on the internet because we just can't keep our mouths shut, so I'm sure this can just continue ad nauseum...

(This post was edited by valeberga on May 24, 2008, 5:40 PM)


May 24, 2008, 6:04 PM
Post #65 of 69 (1415 views)

Registered: Dec 28, 2003
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Re: [psecody] freesolo lead rack [In reply to]
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psecody wrote:
this is off topic sorry but what kind of dog is that?

He is half Blue Healer half Belgian Malinois.

Best mix ever.


May 24, 2008, 6:09 PM
Post #66 of 69 (1408 views)

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Re: [j_ung] freesolo lead rack [In reply to]
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j_ung wrote:
areyoumydude wrote:
Hey, that's my dog slack.

If he wonders off at the crag, do you follow along calling, "Slack! SLACK!"?

Smile Luckily he doesn't wonder off.

He did think his name was "Take" for a while after many trips to The Creek.

(This post was edited by areyoumydude on May 24, 2008, 6:10 PM)


May 24, 2008, 7:15 PM
Post #67 of 69 (1355 views)

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Re: [areyoumydude] freesolo lead rack [In reply to]
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areyoumydude wrote:
j_ung wrote:
areyoumydude wrote:
Hey, that's my dog slack.

If he wonders off at the crag, do you follow along calling, "Slack! SLACK!"?

Smile Luckily he doesn't wonder off.

He did think his name was "Take" for a while after many trips to The Creek.

Climbing terms for dog names? Sweet idea! "Off Belay! Off Belay! Crap, where did Off Belay go? Oh shit! That guy just fell!"


May 24, 2008, 11:37 PM
Post #68 of 69 (1328 views)

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Re: [valeberga] freesolo lead rack [In reply to]
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valeberga wrote:
shockabuku wrote:
valeberga wrote:
But I guess the sportos would prefer to call that "X-rated," even though the climbing and the consequences are pretty much the same.

You're shootin' holes in your own argument. "Sportos", by and large, don't bother with "X-rated" ideas, that's a "trad daddy" concept. Can we drag out any "other words" to put in quotes.
Bullsh*t, there are bolted sport routes that get retroactively called R and X.

The fallacy of modern "climbers" is in thinking that rock climbing has more to do with how to label and rate things, than with climbing up some rocks.

Anyway, we're posting on the internet because we just can't keep our mouths shut, so I'm sure this can just continue ad nauseum...

Yes, there are some, not put up nor used by "sportos".


May 25, 2008, 3:32 AM
Post #69 of 69 (1307 views)

Registered: Nov 28, 2002
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Re: [areyoumydude] freesolo lead rack [In reply to]
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Dude, that's a hang-dog.

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