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Sep 15, 2008, 12:26 AM
Post #51 of 302 (7443 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
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Re: [notapplicable] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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Was just watching ironman online and the footage STOPPED 5 mins before the end.
An annoying place to lag, you say, but NO- not lag! just the DVD ripper FUCKING WITH YOUR HEAD!!!Mad
Anyways, it wuz good.


Sep 15, 2008, 1:04 PM
Post #52 of 302 (7434 views)

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Re: [sungam] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
Was just watching ironman online and the footage STOPPED 5 mins before the end.
An annoying place to lag, you say, but NO- not lag! just the DVD ripper FUCKING WITH YOUR HEAD!!!Mad
Anyways, it wuz good.

That sucks, certainly the ending wasn't the best part but most importantly you missed an allusion to the upcoming Avengers movie!

The CG was crazy good wasn't it? I was highly impressed.


Sep 15, 2008, 1:17 PM
Post #53 of 302 (7431 views)

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Re: [notapplicable] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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Watched Burn After Reading last night and it is absolutely the funniest Coen Bros. production since The Big Lebowski.

The script was brilliant as always, so many characters, overlapping story lines and plot twists but they manage to keep them all clearly on their own path and nothing gets muddled. Malkovich and Swinton were awesome and Pitt was funny and adorable as always.

If you like Barton Fink, TBL or Intolerable Cruelty, you will love this. To have had such long careers and for The Ladykillers to be the low point of that career is a truly great achievement. The Coen Bros. are masters of their art, that is for certain.


Sep 24, 2008, 4:27 AM
Post #54 of 302 (7418 views)

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Re: [notapplicable] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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Watched Cassandra's Dream tonight.

I've been know to say loudly and often that Woody Allen is a jackass. That said, he has really managed to turn himself around in the last few years. It started with Melinda and Melinda, when he gave Will Ferrell a chance at a more serious role and put together a story that was at turns both comediaclly hopeful and dark. Then followed it up with one of the best movies that has been produced in the last 10 years, Match Point. (Watch it if you haven't, absolutely brilliant)

Cassandra's Dream is in the same vein as Match Point and tells the story of the things man will do for a chance at upward mobility. The tension was not built as effectively or subtly as in MP but taken on its own, it was a really good exercise in honest and intelligent film making, with good performances from both Colin Farrell and Ewan McGregor. Worth a watch over most all his other stuff but if you only gonna watch just one, go with Match Point or the newly released Vicky Cristina Barcelona.

(This post was edited by notapplicable on Sep 27, 2008, 4:59 AM)


Sep 24, 2008, 4:45 AM
Post #55 of 302 (7414 views)

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Re: [notapplicable] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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Sitting here watching Sex, Lies and Videotape and its so simply and candidly good.

Its been disappointing to watch Soderbergh's film making spiral downward as his budgets continued to soar. I am looking forward to The Argentine next month though. I know he still has it in him to make good movies, he's just gotta focus.


Sep 24, 2008, 1:00 PM
Post #56 of 302 (7408 views)

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Re: [notapplicable] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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damn, seen a bunch of moies over the last couple months. synopsis:

The Dark Knight: yeah Dark alright. christian bale has a lisp, that was distracting, but the movie was quite possibly the best of all the modern batman movies, since the first Micheal Keaton?jack nicholson device. too badn Heath died, his Joker was actually disturbing and scary. Jacknicholson's Joker was a cartoon, and unbelieveable. Heath's Joker, well, he could exist, iIRL like the Zodiac, or BTK, or any number of malicious sociopaths that actually exist. Harvey Dent, not so much. all in all I really liked it. fun movie.

Iron Man. dudes, I was reading Iron man comics for the first, when his suit was all gold colored, and fat, and his head looked like a bullet (circa 1964? I forget). the movie was AWESOME, except for the battle with Obediah Stane. much too cartoony.

Pinapple Express. HIlarious, I( laughed about all the way thru. the running joke about Saul's supplier contuinuing to get shot (what, 10 times?) but surviving, and then after the whole denoument, going out for breakfast, was one of the funniest bits.
very funny movie, I hadnt' laughed that hard in the theater since Team America.

Tropic Thunder: FUCKING LAFF RIOT. thre's a lot of subtlety to this movie, and in each scene hey are making fun of tehm sleves, Hollywood, rambo mivies, and the self absorption of actors in general, its just one giant running joke..."never go full retard.." just thinking that makes me crack up.

woody H's character's obsession with a tiny, minor, unimportant clause in striller;s contract was classic. Tivo saves the day! anybody else get the irony?

..And this was possibly Tom Cruise's best performance since, I dunno, Rain Man. a GREAT comedic turn. he might be a scientology weirdo who shoudl never open his mouth in public., but that dude can fucking act. his ghetto dance had the entire theatre laughing it's collective head off. I enjoyed the hell out of it.

"G5...and LOTS. of. money..."

Hellboy 2: SUCKED.

Anchorman (DVD): that's some fucked up shit right there. weird, like a couple of the other will ferrel movies I've seen (taledega nights, Blades of Glory), but a total crack up in so many places.

"I love...lamp."

"I'm riding a furry tractor!"
yeah. ;-)

SHoot 'em up: the quintessential comedic parody of well abvout every over the top shoot 'em up I've seen, without the pretense to seriousness. funny, action-packed, though I can see how some people just don't get the joke. part of the joke is the MANY unexplained setups (like the many backup guns he sets up with duct tape and string at the factory) which parody unexplained setups in so many other shoot-'em-ups that want to be taken about EVERY 007 movie.

going to see Burn After Reading this weekend.

(This post was edited by robbovius on Sep 24, 2008, 1:00 PM)


Sep 24, 2008, 1:04 PM
Post #57 of 302 (7401 views)

Registered: Apr 10, 2006
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Re: [robbovius] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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I don't care if christian bale has a lisp, he's still HAWT.

burn after reading was hilarious, my fave brad pitt movie to date.


Sep 24, 2008, 1:14 PM
Post #58 of 302 (7398 views)

Registered: Oct 20, 2004
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Re: [robbovius] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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I loved Ironman. Upset a couple friends when I opted out of seeing Sex In the City to see Ironman. "Why would I want to pay money to watch a bunch of neurotic and manipulative women? Especially when I could go see an eccentric, ego-centric Hero?"

The other winner for me and pleasant surprise was Speed Racer. Man o man, I thought that movie was fun! I loved watching that cartoon as a kid. The visuals were well done and really added to the story. High art, good heavens no. Quality entertainment, heck yeh!


Sep 25, 2008, 4:01 PM
Post #59 of 302 (7373 views)

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Re: [boo] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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boo wrote:
The other winner for me and pleasant surprise was Speed Racer. Man o man, I thought that movie was fun! I loved watching that cartoon as a kid. The visuals were well done and really added to the story. High art, good heavens no. Quality entertainment, heck yeh!

I read not so good things about Speed Racer so I skipped it while it was at the theater. Sounds like that might have been a mistake.


Sep 25, 2008, 6:26 PM
Post #60 of 302 (7362 views)

Registered: Jul 5, 2007
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Re: [notapplicable] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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When I saw Speed Racer I loved it. Very cool with a lot of intersting action.


Sep 27, 2008, 1:48 AM
Post #61 of 302 (7356 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
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Re: [churningindawake] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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Just got back from watching Eagle Eye.

Its kinda hard to talk about this movie without giving to much of the plot line away, which some people might want to come as a surprise.

It was well acted, funny at times and had mostly realistic actions sequences. What it suffered from was an overly complicated plot that had the characters literally and figuratively running in circles when they could have gone in a straight line. The action just felt contrived. If you like over the top action/conspiricy movies then you should watch it in the theaters, big screens make this kind of movie more enjoyable. If thats not your favorite genre then wait for DVD because it has been done better in the past (TDK, Bad Boys, Matrix, etc...) and will be again in two weeks when Body of Lies comes out.

6 out of 10 stars kind of movie and most of those stars come from it being well filmed/fun to watch and not from originality (actually we've seen this plot twice in the last few years) or realism.

(This post was edited by notapplicable on Sep 27, 2008, 4:55 AM)


Sep 27, 2008, 2:43 AM
Post #62 of 302 (7345 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
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Re: [notapplicable] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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Watched The Fall late last night.

As movies go, it was assemble in a very unique way. Filmed over 4 years in something like 18 different countries, it was shot inbetween and during other film shoots that placed the director near the desired locations. I don't know the details of what was shot when but the lack of continuity in filming doesn't show in the final product at all.

The "real world" portions of the film that took place in the L.A. hospital felt perfectly real and character interaction was both charming and heartbreaking. The blending of storylines and interjection of the fantasy world was well handled but I did feel the secondary/fantasy story was a bit campy and disjointed feeling. It was beautifully realized to be certain and left me thinking the phrase "visually stunning", was coined in anticipation of this very movie.

If you don't mind a strong touch of surrealism (Think Big Fish) then this movie is a must watch. The main characters were so sincere in there portrayals of lost innocence and a need for simple friendship. There is some very nice eye candy to keep it interesting and a unique look at parts of the world we don't often see.

Oh and I recommend watching the special features, it provides a nice look at how the movie was compiled and the passion that was its genesis.

(This post was edited by notapplicable on Oct 4, 2008, 2:31 AM)


Sep 27, 2008, 3:22 PM
Post #63 of 302 (7331 views)

Registered: Jan 23, 2008
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Re: [notapplicable] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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   Sweet pics or screen shots, whatever they are.

Anyone seen the previews for the upcoming movie "Body of Lies"? Stars Leonardo DiCaprio, it looks pretty good.

Ya know at first I didnt really like Leo, but he has grown on me and not in a malignant (sp) type way.


Sep 27, 2008, 3:31 PM
Post #64 of 302 (7328 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
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Re: [mecalekahi-mekahidyho] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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Yeah I thought he was just gunna be a cheesy heart throb at first but he's a fine actor.


Sep 27, 2008, 6:26 PM
Post #65 of 302 (7321 views)

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Re: [mecalekahi-mekahidyho] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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mecalekahi-mekahidyho wrote:
Sweet pics or screen shots, whatever they are.

Anyone seen the previews for the upcoming movie "Body of Lies"? Stars Leonardo DiCaprio, it looks pretty good.

Ya know at first I didnt really like Leo, but he has grown on me and not in a malignant (sp) type way.

Yeah I'm looking forward to it. I am glad that his next few movies are going to be outside the action genre though. He was great in all three but his parts in The Departed/Blood Diamond/Body of Lies are all similar. Revolutionary Road has been completed and is due out at the end of the year.


Sep 28, 2008, 6:07 AM
Post #66 of 302 (7302 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
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Re: [notapplicable] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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Just finished Deception

OK first off, and pay attention now because this is important, Michelle Williams if fuckin hawt!

All right now that we have that out of the was pretty good. Its strongest point was easily the lighting, cinematography and over all style inwhich it was shot. They made a great choice in using digital to film the numerous night scenes throughout New York, everything was crisp and vibrant and the whole movie was just pretty to watch. New Yorkers, you city was done proud.

Great casting in the three lead roles, everybody was convincing and Williams was especially charming. I know Hugh Jackman has a lot of detracors but hes been rock solid in every thing since The Fountain and this was another good one for him.

The weakest point had to be the script. Not for the dialogue or placement and interaction of the characters in realation to one another or the story but for elements of the story itself. The plot just had some holes in it that are some what bothersome while looking back on it. At times it lacked a real thought out feeling of plausibility and there were just alot of little things that were let slide so that the story could progress down a certain path. Fortunately the story was interesting enough and the movie so well crafted that I didn't really think about the plot weaknesses until afterwards.

If you care as much about the look, feel, sound, mood, acting and setting of the movie as you do the storyline, I highly recommend. You've seen elements of this storyline before and you might see the ending coming but you haven't seen it executed in this manner.

(This post was edited by notapplicable on Sep 29, 2008, 4:20 AM)


Sep 28, 2008, 6:36 AM
Post #67 of 302 (7297 views)

Registered: Aug 14, 2007
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Re: [notapplicable] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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jsut came back from Burn After Reading. I was ready for a movie night. Twisty plot reminds me of a TC Boyle novel (or.. a Coen Bros film!). John Malkovich is such a natural actor. I love watching Brad Pitt, in this movie he's so much younger and inane.... Pitt's role in the Twelve Monkeys was another genius bit of acting.

Leo DiCaprio also amazes me, I try to think he is a weenie, but then I watch him act and he's amazing. What was the movie where he portrayed Howard Hughes- The Aviator? He carried that movie.

lots of good movies out there, right now. I might have to repeat movie night again ,soon. this is a good thred, thx for the few suggestions.


Sep 29, 2008, 5:18 AM
Post #68 of 302 (7260 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
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Re: [geogoddess] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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Finished rewatching Spartan a little while ago.

A post mentioning Val Kilmer as a favorite actor reminded me of this movie so I thought I'd give it another go. Like most of Mamet's scripts, there is alot that goes unsaid and you pick up more with each viewing.

Written and shot with a great economy of style, this is one of my favorite crime drama/conspiracy films. Top ten of the genre really. Although its much more about corruption and conspiracy, it watches more like a character study or drama than the triller style that is the typical manifestation of those themes. The dialogue was typical Mamet, some what stylistic but terse and packed with bits of trade craft, lending it a certain weight and sense of realism.

If you liked Heat, Ronin (also written by Mamet), The Departed and Leon The Professional, you will really dig this movie. When ever I start to talk about a movie I really like, I find I don't have a great deal to say. I guess its greatness is so self evident in my mind that there's little left to say. Its clean, engaging, intelligent, dramatic, well written and layered such that it warrants multiple viewings.


Sep 29, 2008, 5:38 AM
Post #69 of 302 (7253 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2005
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Re: [geogoddess] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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geogoddess wrote:
Leo DiCaprio also amazes me, I try to think he is a weenie, but then I watch him act and he's amazing. What was the movie where he portrayed Howard Hughes- The Aviator? He carried that movie.

I absolutely hated that movie. The Departed, drag itīs feet though it might, is a great film that I think showcases DiCaprios real talent as an actor, quite frankly he rocks in that movie.

Last night we watched "Tropa de Elite", an inside view of Rio de Janeiros elite antinarcotic/antiguerrilla military police unit, the BOPEs.

Absolutely insane. Great movie, a few kinks in the story telling but one of the best films Iīve seen in a while in any language. I did watch it in portuguese with subtitles so i donīt know how the english version might be, but a definite must-see for anyone who doesnīt frighten too easily. 4 out of 5 stars.

(This post was edited by squierbypetzl on Sep 29, 2008, 5:43 AM)


Sep 29, 2008, 6:01 AM
Post #70 of 302 (7247 views)

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Re: [squierbypetzl] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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squierbypetzl wrote:
geogoddess wrote:
Leo DiCaprio also amazes me, I try to think he is a weenie, but then I watch him act and he's amazing. What was the movie where he portrayed Howard Hughes- The Aviator? He carried that movie.

I absolutely hated that movie. The Departed, drag itīs feet though it might, is a great film that I think showcases DiCaprios real talent as an actor, quite frankly he rocks in that movie.

Last night we watched "Tropa de Elite", an inside view of Rio de Janeiros elite antinarcotic/antiguerrilla military police unit, the BOPEs.

Absolutely insane. Great movie, a few kinks in the story telling but one of the best films Iīve seen in a while in any language. I did watch it in portuguese with subtitles so i donīt know how the english version might be, but a definite must-see for anyone who doesnīt frighten too easily. 4 out of 5 stars.

that is so not me. I hold my breath at the mere sense of anticipation of something scary, I'm disturbed by gore... geez, even scary music in minor keys winds me up. I'm such a sap. I need to get over this! Its jsut a movie fer cryin' out loud, I just get so... wrapped up.


Sep 29, 2008, 12:24 PM
Post #71 of 302 (7236 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
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Re: [geogoddess] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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geogoddess wrote:
squierbypetzl wrote:
geogoddess wrote:
Leo DiCaprio also amazes me, I try to think he is a weenie, but then I watch him act and he's amazing. What was the movie where he portrayed Howard Hughes- The Aviator? He carried that movie.

I absolutely hated that movie. The Departed, drag itīs feet though it might, is a great film that I think showcases DiCaprios real talent as an actor, quite frankly he rocks in that movie.

Last night we watched "Tropa de Elite", an inside view of Rio de Janeiros elite antinarcotic/antiguerrilla military police unit, the BOPEs.

Absolutely insane. Great movie, a few kinks in the story telling but one of the best films Iīve seen in a while in any language. I did watch it in portuguese with subtitles so i donīt know how the english version might be, but a definite must-see for anyone who doesnīt frighten too easily. 4 out of 5 stars.

that is so not me. I hold my breath at the mere sense of anticipation of something scary, I'm disturbed by gore... geez, even scary music in minor keys winds me up. I'm such a sap. I need to get over this! Its jsut a movie fer cryin' out loud, I just get so... wrapped up.
You shoul watch the original friday the 13th.


Sep 30, 2008, 1:43 AM
Post #72 of 302 (7215 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
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Re: [squierbypetzl] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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squierbypetzl wrote:
Last night we watched "Tropa de Elite", an inside view of Rio de Janeiros elite antinarcotic/antiguerrilla military police unit, the BOPEs.

Absolutely insane. Great movie, a few kinks in the story telling but one of the best films Iīve seen in a while in any language. I did watch it in portuguese with subtitles so i donīt know how the english version might be, but a definite must-see for anyone who doesnīt frighten too easily. 4 out of 5 stars.

Just added it to my Netflix queue, it looks damn good. Thanks.

One of the special features on the City Of God DVD was a mini-documentary on the "Special Police" and the insanely uphill battle they wage against, drugs, violence and corruption. Those guys are some crazy bastards.


Sep 30, 2008, 2:03 AM
Post #73 of 302 (7211 views)

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Re: [notapplicable] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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Caught Stranded on a movie channel yesterday, while sitting on my ass being lazy.

It watched more like a documentary than a feature length film, had sparse dialogue and was clearly filmed on a small budget. All of which I liked but alot of people will find slow or boring, which at times it was. Vincent Gallo was awkwardly funny as usual and everyone else was solid in there role. The director did a good job of creating the feeling of isolation and haunting sadness.

It wasn't anything special beyond being thematicaly more realistic than its contemporaries in the genre, but worth watching if you get the chance. Wouldn't go out of my way though, lots of better stuff out there that won't actively try to put you to sleep.Tongue


Sep 30, 2008, 2:26 AM
Post #74 of 302 (7208 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
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Re: [notapplicable] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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You need to stop watching movies and get on that paper work.


Sep 30, 2008, 3:29 AM
Post #75 of 302 (7195 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
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Re: [sungam] The Movie Thread [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
You need to stop watching movies and get on that paper work.


I'm a bit of an addict and this thread has not helped. I'm about to start In My Skin, which is about a woman who develops an obsession with self mutilation after she gets wounded in an accident. Should be nice and twisted.Smile

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