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Access to Secret Boulders?
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May 14, 2009, 6:36 AM
Post #1 of 4 (2006 views)

Registered: Mar 31, 2008
Posts: 407

Access to Secret Boulders?  (North_America: United_States: Pennsylvania: Southwestern_Region: Secret_Boulders)
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I've recently come across these boulders in a somewhat framiliar place, and i put up these pictures in hopes that people will be psyched to come check them out. However, let me tell you a little bit of background first. There are a few climbers who "frequent" (maybe once a month, and do not boulder) this area, and they think that access is sensitive here. However, this area is located on public state game lands and sees way more hunters than climbers. I believe these people are just being selfish and want to keep the area to themselves. They said they are worried about it becoming a destination, but we all know in southwest PA even the most popular climbing areas dont get flooded with people.

So i really just wanted peoples' input and opinions about the access of this place.

Do you think directions should be posted and people should be allowed to climb on public state land?

Or do you think it should be kept a secret for the select few who sparatically climb here?

If your not from around here your opinion will probably be overlooked, no offense intended.

A little bit about the boulders:
I'm not positive that no one has climbed these boulders, and in no way am i claiming any first acsents. This place is still wild with no evidence of trails or cleaning. All names of projects are just for reference purposes only. But they are all very hard and i doubt very much anyone has even been on them. I'm not concerned about any first ascents, i just think this place has a serious potential for hard bouldering and anyone is welcome to come climb here; as it should be. There are tons more boulders to climb and snakes to catch!

So lemme know what you think

(This post was edited by CrazyPetie on May 14, 2009, 6:38 AM)


May 14, 2009, 7:09 PM
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Registered: Jun 26, 2006
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Re: [CrazyPetie] Access to Secret Boulders? [In reply to]
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maybe once a month

Yeah, that's not frequent

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located on public state game lands and sees way more hunters than climbers

If it's on state land than there aren't access issues. If you pay taxes, than you pay to use that land.

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in southwest PA even the most popular climbing areas dont get flooded with people

That is correct

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Do you think directions should be posted and people should be allowed to climb on public state land?

Yes and ppl are allowed to climb on public state land.

Please post directions to the boulders.



May 15, 2009, 1:08 PM
Post #3 of 4 (1902 views)

Registered: Jun 1, 2005
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Re: [CrazyPetie] Access to Secret Boulders? [In reply to]
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Post the directions or at least e-mail them to me. I would like to look at this place. It looks good.



Jun 19, 2009, 9:39 PM
Post #4 of 4 (1755 views)

Registered: Mar 31, 2008
Posts: 407

Re: [andersjr] Access to Secret Boulders? [In reply to]
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Directions have been updated for "secret boulders" which is really Colls Cove. I gave people plenty of time to voice their opinion, and since no one has said otherwise, i feel it was my responsibility to share this location with the climbing community. Go check it out, and watch out for snakes! any questions about where a specific boulder is located, feel free to ask me. Also there are way more boulders then are listed.

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