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Oct 17, 2009, 10:55 PM
Post #51 of 121 (1566 views)

Registered: Dec 12, 2007
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Re: [jmeizis] Ethics question [In reply to]
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If you know how to place solid gear then you know 99% of what is needed to build a gear anchor. Tying the pieces together is not that difficult and an easy extension of tying bolts together (regardless of how much the ideal anchor is argued on this site).

You can easily, and arguably more safely, learn to belay from the top with a bolted anchor.

You can easily practice building anchors on the ground and safely bounce test them.

What is really lost by bolting single pitch trad anchors? I guess a bit of commitment is lost because you don't have to save gear for the anchor and you don't have to carry it up the climb. The route will most likely see a lot more TR action which isn't necessarily a bad thing (routes grow over in about a year in Squamish if they aren't climbed regularly). Of course increased usage can cause access issues and detracting from the climbing can be a viable deterrent. Somebody has to take the time and spend the money to put the bolts in. There's more pros than cons in my mind.

jmeizis, you can throw around all the pejoratives about laziness and morons but I think you're looking for adventure in all the wrong places.

For me cragging is about mileage. I want to practice climbing. If I can get more pitches in in a day by not having to futz around with anchors then I'm all for it. Call it lazy if you want but I know how to build anchors. I don't need to practice. I'm not going to climb harder practicing building anchors.


Oct 17, 2009, 10:59 PM
Post #52 of 121 (1565 views)

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Re: [clausti] Ethics question [In reply to]
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clausti wrote:
if your ultimate priority is the most safety for the most climbers, and on the one hand you have bolted anchors at the top of every single-pitch route which maximizes safety for single-pitch-only climbers and on the other hand you have bolted anchors only when there is absolutely no walk-off, which maximizes safety for climbers who will ultimately do multipitch climbs, then your decision to bolt anchors at the top of the climbs or not should be based on which user group is more numerous.

but it doesn't sound like you're taking the relative populations into account; i don't think you've even mentioned it. so i remain skeptical that climber safety is what's driving your arguments.

I am arguing for safety, but not for those who have no business leading a trad route. If you can't build a safe anchor, then you shouldn't be climbing where you rely on gear to hold a fall. Period. So no, I am not concerned about people who have no business on a trad route who make the decision to climb something that is beyond their ability. Those are people who consciously make a bad decision and are responsible for the consequences of their actions.

to be somewhat more nuanced, it would make more sense to make the above judgement on a crag-by-crag basis, and in NC i'd guess that the percentage of climbers who climb at least some multipitch is a lot higher than the percentage in, say, kentucky.
I never argued otherwise. But this thread is about someone who probably doesn't have the experience or knowledge necessary to be on the routes he's choosing to climb insisting that we change our climbing practices to suit his inability.

and to learn to build an anchor properly in the first place, someone has to intentionally teach you. so whether or not you have to learn before your first ever lead pitch of trad or before you lead multipitch doesn't seem like it really matters all that much to me.
It's about repetition for experienced multipitch climbers, as well. If you don't practice your skills at the more accessible single-pitch crags, then you will be less proficient when it counts. It's not just about learning for new people; it's continuing education and skill maintenance.

lastly (for this post), exclusively single-pitch crags are often more crowded than multipitch areas. hence "cragging." and people walking on clifftops does a lot of damage to trees and plants, and tatty sling collections are ugly, uglier than bolts, and i just don't see the difference in leaving fixed nuts or hexes for anchors vs bolts; you're still leaving gear. so yeah, i do think that single pitch climbs should have bolted anchors.
That's why we give Pilot Mountain as an offering to the masses. Our crags are seldom crowded because the people who don't know what they're doing overwhelm that single-pitch crag with bolted anchors and steer clear of the quality crags.


Oct 17, 2009, 11:04 PM
Post #53 of 121 (1561 views)

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Re: [jmeizis] Ethics question [In reply to]
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jmeizis wrote:
If you don't know how to build gear anchors because you're crag is all bolted then what are you gonna do when you go to NC, MN, WI, SD, NY, MA, NH, ME, CT and the many other states that have little to no bolted anchors.

That was somewhat true 20 or so years ago, but you can take SD off that list now. Except for most of the back country, you'll find even sidewalks and stairways are bolted anymore.


Oct 17, 2009, 11:11 PM
Post #54 of 121 (1558 views)

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Re: [TarHeelEMT] Ethics question [In reply to]
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TarHeelEMT wrote:
clausti wrote:
if your ultimate priority is the most safety for the most climbers, and on the one hand you have bolted anchors at the top of every single-pitch route which maximizes safety for single-pitch-only climbers and on the other hand you have bolted anchors only when there is absolutely no walk-off, which maximizes safety for climbers who will ultimately do multipitch climbs, then your decision to bolt anchors at the top of the climbs or not should be based on which user group is more numerous.

but it doesn't sound like you're taking the relative populations into account; i don't think you've even mentioned it. so i remain skeptical that climber safety is what's driving your arguments.

I am arguing for safety, but not for those who have no business leading a trad route. If you can't build a safe anchor, then you shouldn't be climbing where you rely on gear to hold a fall. Period. So no, I am not concerned about people who have no business on a trad route who make the decision to climb something that is beyond their ability. Those are people who consciously make a bad decision and are responsible for the consequences of their actions.

beginning with the premise that a climber in question is reasonably competent to build an anchor, would you speculate that there are more accidents per 10,000 topside gear-anchor belays and subsequent walk-to-rappel-stations-and-rappels, or more accidents per 10,000 leader-lowers-off-draws-and-second-cleans-and-is-lowerd-through-quicklinks?

my perspective is not that i think building the anchor per se is more dangerous, but that I think the things that go with it, specifically rappel stations, are both objectively and cumulatively more dangerous. and i think bolted anchors at the top of single pitch would minimize rappelling.


Oct 17, 2009, 11:20 PM
Post #55 of 121 (1551 views)

Registered: Apr 25, 2006
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Re: [hafilax] Ethics question [In reply to]
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You can easily, and arguably more safely, learn to belay from the top with a bolted anchor.

If you're proficient at it, then it's just as easy and equally safe to belay from the top with a gear anchor. There's no reason that people who don't know how belay from a gear anchor shouldn't learn how.

It's not about adventure, it's about having a skill that is necessary for climbing. I don't understand what the big deal is about people placing a few pieces?

It's also about not permanately screwing up the rock. Bolts make a permanent scar. Climbing in some places you'll notice the weird little holes, why make them if they're not needed?

If your cragging is about mileage then why don't you go to a gym, it's loads safer and you'll get way more mileage without having to deal with the pesky gear, leading, guidebooks, bugs, trails, weather, etc.

You might not climb harder from building anchors but you'll be faster and more proficient at it with practice.

I'm a minimalist when it comes to bolts so I'll say it again. Why place the bolt if it's not necessary. It's a real easy ethical premise in which I can think of a few circumstances where it's necessary.


Oct 17, 2009, 11:46 PM
Post #56 of 121 (1543 views)

Registered: Oct 4, 2005
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Re: [forkliftdaddy] Ethics question [In reply to]
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And NEVER go climbing anywhere there is a walk-off or a communal rap anchor. Never visit Ship Rock, Moore's Wall, Rumbling Bald, Linville Gorge

Three of those four areas are chock full of top anchors


Oct 17, 2009, 11:52 PM
Post #57 of 121 (1540 views)

Registered: Oct 4, 2005
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Re: [TarHeelEMT] Ethics question [In reply to]
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TarHeelEMT wrote:
forkliftdaddy wrote:

Just stay at Pilot.


Well, to both of you. If you climb in NC we'd prolly find something in common and end up getting along one way or the other, but every time I see someone dismissing Pilot, I think that that person really doesn't get it.

It's just a really fun place to climb. You can do bunches of routes, not have to lug 40 pounds of gear down a fifth class descent gully, and have a great day with people who might not enjoy Shortoff.

There's nothing wrong with fun and safe.


Oct 18, 2009, 1:19 AM
Post #58 of 121 (1516 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2006
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Re: [camhead] Ethics question [In reply to]
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The problem with bolting the tops of climbs that have walk-offs is that just anybody with a rope, some slings, and carabiners can walk up to the top of the climb and hang a rope off it. Gear anchors at least require they own some trad gear, and better yet if the gear is too sketchy to toprope on, forcing the belayer to sit up there and top belay. By creating exclusivity you cut down dramatically on the clusterfucking of routes. Just look at the Thin Wall at Joshua Tree. It'd probably get climbed a few times a year if there weren't convenience anchors on it. Instead it's always got a huge crowd on it. That's fine for Joshua Tree, because there's literally thousands of routes and Thin Wall kind of sucks anyways. But seriously, improving access can sometimes hurt access, especially at smaller crags that can't handle the load of noobs that come running when they hear "good toprope location".


Oct 18, 2009, 2:00 AM
Post #59 of 121 (1505 views)

Registered: Jun 3, 2003
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Re: [jamatt] Ethics question [In reply to]
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Which three?

Yes, every one of those crags has some top anchors. Not all are bolts. Not all route have top anchors.

Ship Rock has some, but there are plenty of routes for which you have to top out and walk to one of the communal rap stations.

Moore's has several, but then again, many routes do not.

Linville has a world of bolted anchors on Table Rock and Hawksbill, but venture into the NC Wall or Shortoff and you'd better know how to make an anchor and how to find your way down.

Rumbling has some as well, but if you do Finishing School, Zydeco, Southern Boys, or Pumping in Rhythm and get to the top expecting to find two bolts you'll be sorely disappointed. You'll be sending down for some cordage.

And RE: Pilot, I like that place well enough. There are some routes that I think are outstanding. Hawaii Five-O and Body Surfin, for example, are great routes. Fun movement, good gear, solid rock. And there are plenty of fun, but slightly chossy classics. Overhanging Hangover, Gentle Ben, Crackin Up, and Devil in the White House come to mind. Then there are the fun choss heaps like Arms Control, the Three Bears, and Black Rain. My point was that you can climb a lifetime on TR or over bolts, or even over gear without ever learning to set an anchor at the top of the cliff.

Hell, the same is true at the New -- now that they've retrofit top-rope anchors on so many of the gear routes -- and, for that matter, Rumbling and Table Rock.

(This post was edited by forkliftdaddy on Oct 18, 2009, 3:27 AM)


Oct 18, 2009, 2:04 AM
Post #60 of 121 (1504 views)

Registered: May 31, 2007
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Re: [camhead] Ethics question [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
Troll or not, I'm going to rant here. As far as I'm concerned, there should be bolted anchors at the top of ALL single pitch trad lines. Trees are getting killed at Paradise Forks because of a lack of bolted anchors. At many areas such as Joshua Tree and City of Rocks the only decent anchor options wind up throwing your rope down into the crack. And at almost all these areas where there is not a walkoff, this results in clusterfucks and crowds at designated rap stations.

The whole phobia against bolted anchors at the top of single pitch trad routes is a relic from the era in which it was assumed that ONE person would lead to the top of a pitch, and then belay a follower up from the top. While this makes sense fo multipitches, it is not conducive to cragging at all, in which one person may want to do a route that nobody else wants to do, or conversely, for a situation in which many people may want to toprope the same pitch.


I'm pretty sure I know the area talked about and MOST of the time there are established rap areas for several climbs that are close together. The NC Selected Climbs book has these areas noted . If the original poster wants to talk to the guy who established the routes 30 + years age , contact him , he'll be glad to tell you where every ones at.Wink


Oct 18, 2009, 2:33 AM
Post #61 of 121 (1493 views)

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Re: [jmeizis] Ethics question [In reply to]
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jmeizis wrote:
1. Am I saying this to piss someone off or because I don't like someone in this thread?
2. Does this have anything to do with the OP or the following discussion.
3. Do I just want to hear myself talk?

I'm not sure about #1 and #2, but, since no one else is interested in what you have to say, #3 is true by default.


(This post was edited by jt512 on Oct 18, 2009, 2:34 AM)


Oct 18, 2009, 2:42 AM
Post #62 of 121 (1488 views)

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Re: [jmeizis] Ethics question [In reply to]
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jmeizis wrote:
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You can easily, and arguably more safely, learn to belay from the top with a bolted anchor.

If you're proficient at it, then it's just as easy and equally safe to belay from the top with a gear anchor. There's no reason that people who don't know how belay from a gear anchor shouldn't learn how.

It's not about adventure, it's about having a skill that is necessary for climbing. I don't understand what the big deal is about people placing a few pieces?

It's also about not permanately screwing up the rock. Bolts make a permanent scar. Climbing in some places you'll notice the weird little holes, why make them if they're not needed?

If your cragging is about mileage then why don't you go to a gym, it's loads safer and you'll get way more mileage without having to deal with the pesky gear, leading, guidebooks, bugs, trails, weather, etc.

You might not climb harder from building anchors but you'll be faster and more proficient at it with practice.

I'm a minimalist when it comes to bolts so I'll say it again. Why place the bolt if it's not necessary. It's a real easy ethical premise in which I can think of a few circumstances where it's necessary.

As usual, Jeremiah, you believe your opinion is more important than it is; so much so, that you assume all of us should share it.

Well, it isn't, and we don't.



Oct 18, 2009, 3:09 AM
Post #63 of 121 (1477 views)

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Re: [TarHeelEMT] Ethics question [In reply to]
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I am going climbing tomorrow in North Carolina. Because of this thread, I want to do something really controversial. I am bringing my brand new bosch. I am going to retro a well know classic. What one will it be?


Oct 18, 2009, 4:44 AM
Post #64 of 121 (1465 views)

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Re: [johnwesely] Ethics question [In reply to]
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johnwesely wrote:
I am going climbing tomorrow in North Carolina. Because of this thread, I want to do something really controversial. I am bringing my brand new bosch. I am going to retro a well know classic. What one will it be?

Wear your flak vest.


Oct 18, 2009, 4:52 AM
Post #65 of 121 (1460 views)

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Re: [TJGoSurf] Ethics question [In reply to]
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less fixed gear is better. last thing we need is fixed gear atop every route at hemmingway.


Oct 18, 2009, 6:24 AM
Post #66 of 121 (1443 views)

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Re: [byran] Ethics question [In reply to]
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byran wrote:
But seriously, improving access can sometimes hurt access, especially at smaller crags that can't handle the load of noobs that come running when they hear "good toprope location".

Can you list any specific examples where this has happened? To be clear, this is not a pointed question; it's just a matter of curiosity.


Oct 18, 2009, 12:06 PM
Post #67 of 121 (1426 views)

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Re: [TarHeelEMT] Ethics question [In reply to]
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There was some other good posts but I'm about to hit the road again(it is the weekend and the weather is great). I don't rap for convenience. I would rather walk off than anything, but sometimes you gotta rap because the walk off is too long, and I have no issues walking to another rap station but sometimes thats impossible.


Oct 18, 2009, 12:32 PM
Post #68 of 121 (1423 views)

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Re: [forkliftdaddy] Ethics question [In reply to]
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forkliftdaddy wrote:
Hell, the same is true at the New -- now that they've retrofit top-rope anchors on so many of the gear routes --

at the New, specifically at bridge buttress, the tiny, concentrated clifftop environment was getting *creamed.* those anchors are a good thing.

Partner j_ung

Oct 18, 2009, 1:09 PM
Post #69 of 121 (1418 views)

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Re: [TJGoSurf] Ethics question [In reply to]
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TJGoSurf wrote:
There was some other good posts but I'm about to hit the road again(it is the weekend and the weather is great). I don't rap for convenience. I would rather walk off than anything, but sometimes you gotta rap because the walk off is too long, and I have no issues walking to another rap station but sometimes thats impossible.

This entire discussion is moot. Post this on the CCC board with the specific routes and the specific reasons why you'd like to see a bolted anchor there.

I would like to make a couple general points, though...

1. Bolts are not permanent. If they're placed intelligently, most can be removed and the holes patched, and future climbers will never be the wiser.
2. We did not retro fit "top-rope" anchors on trad routes at the New. We retro fitted top anchors. That some people will use those to top rope is inevitable, I suppose, but the intent is to preserve cliff-top habitat -- AND IT WORKS.


Oct 18, 2009, 1:11 PM
Post #70 of 121 (1416 views)

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Re: [j_ung] Ethics question [In reply to]
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The CCC? Fuck them. I've never met a member in one of their leadership positions that wasn't a dick. I know a guy who offered to pay for replacement bolts for Pilot, they didn't even send him an email back. Maybe they aren't all like that, I don't know. But I won't join the CCC until they get friendlier.

Partner j_ung

Oct 18, 2009, 1:27 PM
Post #71 of 121 (1413 views)

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Re: [TJGoSurf] Ethics question [In reply to]
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TJGoSurf wrote:
The CCC? Fuck them. I've never met a member in one of their leadership positions that wasn't a dick. I know a guy who offered to pay for replacement bolts for Pilot, they didn't even send him an email back. Maybe they aren't all like that, I don't know. But I won't join the CCC until they get friendlier.

Catch more flies with hammers, eh? Best of luck.


Oct 18, 2009, 1:30 PM
Post #72 of 121 (1409 views)

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Re: [j_ung] Ethics question [In reply to]
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If you want people to join your organization dont be a cocksucker. The in particular i'm thinking about was at Pilot. I was talking with one of the rangers about a situation. She overheard, came out and physically pushed me away. Again fuck the CCC.

Partner j_ung

Oct 18, 2009, 1:50 PM
Post #73 of 121 (1401 views)

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Re: [TJGoSurf] Ethics question [In reply to]
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You don't need an anchor. You need an enema.


Oct 18, 2009, 9:38 PM
Post #74 of 121 (1366 views)

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Re: [TJGoSurf] Ethics question [In reply to]
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Oct 18, 2009, 9:48 PM
Post #75 of 121 (1361 views)

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Re: [j_ung] Ethics question [In reply to]
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j_ung wrote:
You don't need an anchor. You need an enema.

Sig worthy. CoolCool

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