
Dec 21, 2009, 5:14 AM
Post #1 of 6
Registered: Dec 21, 2009
Posts: 1
Estoy preparando para un viaje a Chirripo en enero y me gustaria escalar los crestones. Que me pueden decir sobre las rutas? shannon.t.thomas@gmail.com

Dec 21, 2009, 7:07 PM
Post #2 of 6
Registered: Feb 21, 2006
Posts: 1876
1)No hay escalando en Costa Rica. Devuelve a Tejas, por favor. 2)Edit your email adress so you don't get a bunch of spam. Example: rob[dot]rules[dot]larisa[dot]drools[at]gmail[dot]com 3)I has 4 of yer draws. And 3 of the GSA's.

Dec 22, 2009, 12:50 AM
Post #3 of 6
Registered: Aug 19, 2009
Posts: 1
Hola Roberto, Gracias por tus consejos tan sabios. Estamos muy emocionados para ir a escalar aqui en Costa Rica porque aqui no hay escaladores engreidos como un muchacho que conocemos de apellido Hellams y tambien de escalar en piedras que no estan tan pulidas como en tejas. Pensabamos NUNCA regresar y quedarnos bajo el sol tropical, pero ahora que tenemos tu informacion tan valiosa, sabemos que no podemos escalar aqui ni escapar de los escaladores engreidos. Muchas gracias soloroberto Con Cariņo las escaladoras ticas mas pura vida del mundo!

Dec 22, 2009, 6:29 AM
Post #4 of 6
Registered: Feb 21, 2006
Posts: 1876
I'm sorry, freetranslation.com does not have a setting for costa rican, so i don't understand your doubtlessy crazy rant. Ripitere in ingles, por favor? Also, pura vida?

Dec 22, 2009, 10:50 AM
Post #5 of 6
Registered: Jan 18, 2006
Posts: 672
You're spaniesh is bery dephicient. Plis rephrain yurshelf from makin joks in spaniesh. Also, if you haven't heard the expression "pura vida", you obviously don't know much about Costa Rica.

Dec 22, 2009, 2:45 PM
Post #6 of 6
Registered: Feb 21, 2006
Posts: 1876
yokese wrote: You're spaniesh is bery dephicient. Plis rephrain yurshelf from makin joks in spaniesh.  This is very, very troo. And my ingles is almost as bad.
In reply to: Also, if you haven't heard the expression "pura vida", I have. In reply to: you obviously don't know much about Costa Rica. I don't. Is that the one next to Haiti?