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Jan 14, 2010, 7:00 PM
Post #26 of 63 (1790 views)

Registered: Mar 25, 2004
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Re: [Lazlo] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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I just have my stuff always packed, pretty much....

- Harness has belay device, nut tool, prussiks, chalk bag always on it
- B/pack has harness, shoes, headlamp, guide books always in it
- Rack is stored on a gear sling, and slings/biners are all a sling
- For travel, my rolling duffel is always packed with: crazy creek pad, stove, sleeping pad, tent, sleeping bag, pots, kitchen utensils, pee bottle, extra headlight, kitchen pack(sugar, salt, pepper, sauce mixes, stuff like that).

The only time anything gets screwed up is if I unpack or store one of the items in the wrong spot....


Jan 14, 2010, 7:04 PM
Post #27 of 63 (1786 views)

Registered: Apr 8, 2004
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Re: [sungam] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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As Aric mentioned, TP. And a ziplock bag to carry out the TP (and fem. hygiene products). And another to carry out cig butts that you find lying around. Both of these in a large ziplock so it's all double bagged to reduce the stink. A trash bag to carry out any other trash.

Duct tape- 2' or so rolled up in a plastic bag so it's relatively clean, kept in the first aid kit. More taped around water bottle or other hard objects for general repair.

Check the "super" glue, some are toxic. I use "skin glue" for minor cuts and scraps as it has a mild anesthetic (but stings like a b*tch when first applied).

Small pocket knife *without* scissors. That you carry on you. Large safety scissors in the pack, much more useful in case you need to cut through clothing to expose a wound.

CPR mask and gloves.

Maxi pad, sterile and cheap, for wound dressing.

Band-aids (if you have kids). The ol' duct tape and gauze is fine for adults, but kids need the re-assurance of a real band-aid.

Aspirin and Advil (ibuprofen), they have different uses.


Pencil and notepad. Useful for leaving messages on your car for friends arriving late, taking notes of routes, etc.

Jetboil, for hot drinks when it gets a little chilly. Hot cocoa for the kids.

Flint/steel striker, never know when you're gonna get stuck out overnight.


edited for clarity

(This post was edited by qtm on Jan 14, 2010, 7:09 PM)


Jan 14, 2010, 7:05 PM
Post #28 of 63 (1783 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2007
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Re: [Lazlo] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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In all reality, I actually carry a small 6"x6" drybag with more of an 'emergency kit' in it rather than a first aid kit. In this kit, I carry;

Small paper back medical guide (Adventure Medical Kit's "A Comprehensive Guide to Wilderness & Travel Medicine")
Ample amount of toilet paper
compass (included is an inclinometer and signal mirror)
hand warmers
toe warmers
Petzl e-lite
Dermatone medicated spf 23 lip balm
athletic tape
mole skin
finger bandages
3"x3" non stick pads
1/2" medical tape
sunscreen spf 45 (atleast two day's worth)
deet insect repellent
fire starter (dryer lint mixed with petroleum jelly)
two lighters

...and of course, items go in and out of it depending on the seasons.

(This post was edited by Lazlo on Jan 14, 2010, 7:24 PM)


Jan 14, 2010, 7:08 PM
Post #29 of 63 (1779 views)

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Jan 14, 2010, 7:19 PM
Post #30 of 63 (1762 views)

Registered: Aug 30, 2009
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Re: [sungam] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
First off, first aid - what are the necessities?
Sport Climbing
-As above
-Stick clip
-List of excuses for having stick clip
-Long draws
-Anchor draws (?)
-Projecting rope
-Sending rope
-Wind shirt/fleece
-Boom box
-hammock for when your buddy takes an afternoon to send a .10a


Jan 14, 2010, 7:22 PM
Post #31 of 63 (1753 views)

Registered: Mar 9, 2008
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Re: [adatesman] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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Being a dork, I already have a gear list, complete with boxes for me tick tick each item off as I pack.

My wife laughs at me a lot Frown

But since I wrote this list I've never turned up without anything important!

Things to do:
□ Top up cell phone
□ Charge cell phone
□ Charge both sets of camera batteries
□ Charge iPod
□ Fill chalk bag
□ Check cooker gas level
□ Get cash
□ Cook some sausages

Climbing gear:
□ Rope(s), draws, and anchor
□ Rack
□ Harness, belay device, locking biner
□ Shoes
□ Chalkbag
□ Topo
□ Helmet
□ Any other gear off my other harness
□ Stick clip
□ Spanner
□ First aid kit
□ Bottles
□ Walky talkies and spare batteries
□ Sunscreen
□ Insect repellent
□ Summer hat / winter hat

Camping and clothes:
□ Tent
□ Sleeping mat
□ Sleeping bag
□ Cooker, pots, lighter, spork, cup
□ Heat pads
□ Head torch and spare batteries
□ Jacket / down jacket
□ Polyprops and gloves
□ Massage knob
□ Towel (and togs?)
□ Toiletries (tissues, anti-perspirant, Climb On, chapstick, ear plugs)
□ Contacts, glasses case, contact juice
□ Hipflask, beer?
□ Clothes
□ iPod
□ Book
□ Camera and spare batteries
□ Water?
□ Sandals

Last minute:
□ CDs in car
□ Drink and snacks in car
□ Cell phone in pocket
□ Take off watch and ring
□ Sunnies and hat
□ Toiletries

Hmmm, seems my handy tick boxes convert to "□". Sigh.



Jan 14, 2010, 7:47 PM
Post #32 of 63 (1734 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
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Re: [qtm] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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qtm wrote:
Check the "super" glue, some are toxic. I use "skin glue" for minor cuts and scraps as it has a mild anesthetic (but stings like a b*tch when first applied).

Small pocket knife *without* scissors. That you carry on you. Large safety scissors in the pack, much more useful in case you need to cut through clothing to expose a wound.

CPR mask and gloves.

Maxi pad, sterile and cheap, for wound dressing.

Band-aids (if you have kids). The ol' duct tape and gauze is fine for adults, but kids need the re-assurance of a real band-aid.

Aspirin and Advil (ibuprofen), they have different uses.


Pencil and notepad. Useful for leaving messages on your car for friends arriving late, taking notes of routes, etc.

Jetboil, for hot drinks when it gets a little chilly. Hot cocoa for the kids.y
Okay, yours kind of turned into a family camping list rather then a climbing list, but whatever. re: CPR mask and gloves, big scissors, epipen (unless someone I'm climbing with needs them) and maxipads - nope. If I'm cutting the handle off my toothbrush I'm not going to carry those. I'll put the rubber gloves on but the others kinda have no place in the alpine.
Then again, the "overnight" list may be used for car campers, I guess.


Jan 14, 2010, 7:48 PM
Post #33 of 63 (1731 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
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Re: [bigjonnyc] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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bigjonnyc wrote:
Savlon is an antiseptic, whereas Neosporin is an antibiotic.
That would explain why we can't get it over here. To reduce the mutations of resistant bacteria, antibiotics are available on prescription plans only.

re: SAM splint. Maybe it's just me but first aid has never really included splinting broken arms or anything.

Witch Hazel is an astringent from the witch hazel plant. If you pop a blisters then rub witch hazel in it hurts like a motherf*cker for 5-10 minutes but leathers up so you can hike on with some zinc oxide tape over it.

Okay, yours kind of turned into a family camping list rather then a climbing list, but whatever. re: CPR mask and gloves, big scissors, epipen (unless someone I'm climbing with needs them) and maxipads - nope. If I'm cutting the handle off my toothbrush I'm not going to carry those. I'll put the rubber gloves on but the others kinda have no place in the alpine.
Then again, the "overnight" list may be used for car campers, I guess.

Let's move on - can someone critique my sport/bouldering lists? Did I forget anything other then the weed?


Jan 14, 2010, 7:51 PM
Post #34 of 63 (1728 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2007
Posts: 5079

Re: [sungam] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
qtm wrote:
Check the "super" glue, some are toxic. I use "skin glue" for minor cuts and scraps as it has a mild anesthetic (but stings like a b*tch when first applied).

Small pocket knife *without* scissors. That you carry on you. Large safety scissors in the pack, much more useful in case you need to cut through clothing to expose a wound.

CPR mask and gloves.

Maxi pad, sterile and cheap, for wound dressing.

Band-aids (if you have kids). The ol' duct tape and gauze is fine for adults, but kids need the re-assurance of a real band-aid.

Aspirin and Advil (ibuprofen), they have different uses.


Pencil and notepad. Useful for leaving messages on your car for friends arriving late, taking notes of routes, etc.

Jetboil, for hot drinks when it gets a little chilly. Hot cocoa for the kids.y
Okay, yours kind of turned into a family camping list rather then a climbing list, but whatever. re: CPR mask and gloves, big scissors, epipen (unless someone I'm climbing with needs them) and maxipads - nope. If I'm cutting the handle off my toothbrush I'm not going to carry those. I'll put the rubber gloves on but the others kinda have no place in the alpine.
Then again, the "overnight" list may be used for car campers, I guess.

Well, lets have a car camping section.

A lot of times, I have a tub of stuff that I'll just toss in the car. Cheap stove, extra fuel, car jacket, larger sleeping pad, bag of chips, ect ect.

I hate needing to tear apart my backpack unless I need to. Sooooo much easier just to bring car camping stuff and leave the backpack packed for the morning.

(This post was edited by Lazlo on Jan 14, 2010, 7:52 PM)


Jan 14, 2010, 7:55 PM
Post #35 of 63 (1719 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2007
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Re: [sungam] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
bigjonnyc wrote:
Savlon is an antiseptic, whereas Neosporin is an antibiotic.
That would explain why we can't get it over here. To reduce the mutations of resistant bacteria, antibiotics are available on prescription plans only.

re: SAM splint. Maybe it's just me but first aid has never really included splinting broken arms or anything.

Witch Hazel is an astringent from the witch hazel plant. If you pop a blisters then rub witch hazel in it hurts like a motherf*cker for 5-10 minutes but leathers up so you can hike on with some zinc oxide tape over it.

Okay, yours kind of turned into a family camping list rather then a climbing list, but whatever. re: CPR mask and gloves, big scissors, epipen (unless someone I'm climbing with needs them) and maxipads - nope. If I'm cutting the handle off my toothbrush I'm not going to carry those. I'll put the rubber gloves on but the others kinda have no place in the alpine.
Then again, the "overnight" list may be used for car campers, I guess.

Let's move on - can someone critique my sport/bouldering lists? Did I forget anything other than the weed?


Yeah, I'm bored.


Jan 14, 2010, 7:55 PM
Post #36 of 63 (1719 views)

Registered: Mar 9, 2008
Posts: 581

Re: [hafilax] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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hafilax wrote:
Hmm. Thread idea...different 'packable' fire starter ideas.

wtf is a "fire piston"? and do i want to look at that site while i'm at work?


Jan 14, 2010, 8:04 PM
Post #37 of 63 (1714 views)

Registered: Apr 8, 2004
Posts: 548

Re: [sungam] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
qtm wrote:
Check the "super" glue, some are toxic. I use "skin glue" for minor cuts and scraps as it has a mild anesthetic (but stings like a b*tch when first applied).

Small pocket knife *without* scissors. That you carry on you. Large safety scissors in the pack, much more useful in case you need to cut through clothing to expose a wound.

CPR mask and gloves.

Maxi pad, sterile and cheap, for wound dressing.

Band-aids (if you have kids). The ol' duct tape and gauze is fine for adults, but kids need the re-assurance of a real band-aid.

Aspirin and Advil (ibuprofen), they have different uses.


Pencil and notepad. Useful for leaving messages on your car for friends arriving late, taking notes of routes, etc.

Jetboil, for hot drinks when it gets a little chilly. Hot cocoa for the kids.y
Okay, yours kind of turned into a family camping list rather then a climbing list, but whatever. re: CPR mask and gloves, big scissors, epipen (unless someone I'm climbing with needs them) and maxipads - nope. If I'm cutting the handle off my toothbrush I'm not going to carry those. I'll put the rubber gloves on but the others kinda have no place in the alpine.
Then again, the "overnight" list may be used for car campers, I guess.

Sorry, my mistake, I thought you said
In reply to:
a f*cking huge gear list that has absolutely everything you could possibly need on a climbing trip

Of course when I go ultralight, I don't bring a bunch of crap along. But everything is still on the list, so that I can cross it off the list rather than forget that it might be necessary.

Whatever. If you don't think you'll ever need them, fine, don't put them on *your* list.


Jan 14, 2010, 8:06 PM
Post #38 of 63 (1705 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
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Re: [qtm] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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qtm wrote:
Sorry, my mistake, I thought you said
In reply to:
a f*cking huge gear list that has absolutely everything you could possibly need on a climbing trip

Of course when I go ultralight, I don't bring a bunch of crap along. But everything is still on the list, so that I can cross it off the list rather than forget that it might be necessary.

Whatever. If you don't think you'll ever need them, fine, don't put them on *your* list.
Yeah, for some reason the "first aid" section turned into "alpine first aid" in my head, hence the comment. Car camping section added. :)


Jan 14, 2010, 8:07 PM
Post #39 of 63 (1703 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2007
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Re: [qtm] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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qtm wrote:
sungam wrote:
qtm wrote:
Check the "super" glue, some are toxic. I use "skin glue" for minor cuts and scraps as it has a mild anesthetic (but stings like a b*tch when first applied).

Small pocket knife *without* scissors. That you carry on you. Large safety scissors in the pack, much more useful in case you need to cut through clothing to expose a wound.

CPR mask and gloves.

Maxi pad, sterile and cheap, for wound dressing.

Band-aids (if you have kids). The ol' duct tape and gauze is fine for adults, but kids need the re-assurance of a real band-aid.

Aspirin and Advil (ibuprofen), they have different uses.


Pencil and notepad. Useful for leaving messages on your car for friends arriving late, taking notes of routes, etc.

Jetboil, for hot drinks when it gets a little chilly. Hot cocoa for the kids.y
Okay, yours kind of turned into a family camping list rather then a climbing list, but whatever. re: CPR mask and gloves, big scissors, epipen (unless someone I'm climbing with needs them) and maxipads - nope. If I'm cutting the handle off my toothbrush I'm not going to carry those. I'll put the rubber gloves on but the others kinda have no place in the alpine.
Then again, the "overnight" list may be used for car campers, I guess.

Sorry, my mistake, I thought you said
In reply to:
a f*cking huge gear list that has absolutely everything you could possibly need on a climbing trip

Of course when I go ultralight, I don't bring a bunch of crap along. But everything is still on the list, so that I can cross it off the list rather than forget that it might be necessary.

Whatever. If you don't think you'll ever need them, fine, don't put them on *your* list.

Tee hee.

I think they're good items, but should probably go under something more like family camping or car camping


Jan 14, 2010, 8:08 PM
Post #40 of 63 (1699 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2007
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Re: [Lazlo] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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Lazlo wrote:
qtm wrote:
sungam wrote:
qtm wrote:
Check the "super" glue, some are toxic. I use "skin glue" for minor cuts and scraps as it has a mild anesthetic (but stings like a b*tch when first applied).

Small pocket knife *without* scissors. That you carry on you. Large safety scissors in the pack, much more useful in case you need to cut through clothing to expose a wound.

CPR mask and gloves.

Maxi pad, sterile and cheap, for wound dressing.

Band-aids (if you have kids). The ol' duct tape and gauze is fine for adults, but kids need the re-assurance of a real band-aid.

Aspirin and Advil (ibuprofen), they have different uses.


Pencil and notepad. Useful for leaving messages on your car for friends arriving late, taking notes of routes, etc.

Jetboil, for hot drinks when it gets a little chilly. Hot cocoa for the kids.y
Okay, yours kind of turned into a family camping list rather then a climbing list, but whatever. re: CPR mask and gloves, big scissors, epipen (unless someone I'm climbing with needs them) and maxipads - nope. If I'm cutting the handle off my toothbrush I'm not going to carry those. I'll put the rubber gloves on but the others kinda have no place in the alpine.
Then again, the "overnight" list may be used for car campers, I guess.

Sorry, my mistake, I thought you said
In reply to:
a f*cking huge gear list that has absolutely everything you could possibly need on a climbing trip

Of course when I go ultralight, I don't bring a bunch of crap along. But everything is still on the list, so that I can cross it off the list rather than forget that it might be necessary.

Whatever. If you don't think you'll ever need them, fine, don't put them on *your* list.

Tee hee.

I think they're good items, but should probably go under something more like family camping or car camping

I'm starting to think a car first aid kit is a good idea, but might be beyond the scope of this thread. (?)


Jan 14, 2010, 8:18 PM
Post #41 of 63 (1673 views)

Registered: Dec 12, 2007
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Re: [seatbeltpants] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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seatbeltpants wrote:
hafilax wrote:
Hmm. Thread idea...different 'packable' fire starter ideas.


wtf is a "fire piston"? and do i want to look at that site while i'm at work?
It was the nicest picture of a fire piston I could find. I don't know anything about the rest of the site.

A fire piston basically uses rapidly compressed air to heat some tinder to an ember which can then be used to start a fire. I just think they're a neat old school fire starter.


Jan 14, 2010, 8:21 PM
Post #42 of 63 (1670 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2007
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Re: [hafilax] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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hafilax wrote:
seatbeltpants wrote:
hafilax wrote:
Hmm. Thread idea...different 'packable' fire starter ideas.


wtf is a "fire piston"? and do i want to look at that site while i'm at work?
It was the nicest picture of a fire piston I could find. I don't know anything about the rest of the site.

A fire piston basically uses rapidly compressed air to heat some tinder to an ember which can then be used to start a fire. I just think they're a neat old school fire starter.

Well that does it...I'm starting a thread!Wink


Jan 14, 2010, 8:22 PM
Post #43 of 63 (1667 views)

Registered: Apr 8, 2004
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Re: [Lazlo] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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I've got a first aid kit in the car, but as the car is usually too far to be helpful in most cases, it's not on my list of anything. Of course there are a lot of useful things in my car which would help if I got stranded somewhere, but I don't think it'll be too helpful here. And I think car camping is a little too broad as well, since that could mean anything from taking a rental car to JTree to packing up a Winnebago.

I suggest limiting "camping" to things you would need on a backcountry or alpine climb


Jan 14, 2010, 8:37 PM
Post #44 of 63 (1657 views)

Registered: Mar 9, 2008
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Re: [hafilax] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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hafilax wrote:
seatbeltpants wrote:
hafilax wrote:
Hmm. Thread idea...different 'packable' fire starter ideas.


wtf is a "fire piston"? and do i want to look at that site while i'm at work?
It was the nicest picture of a fire piston I could find. I don't know anything about the rest of the site.

A fire piston basically uses rapidly compressed air to heat some tinder to an ember which can then be used to start a fire. I just think they're a neat old school fire starter.

ha! from that picture i thought it was a vibrator Blush



Jan 14, 2010, 9:14 PM
Post #45 of 63 (1632 views)

Registered: May 24, 2007
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Re: [sungam] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
So I was sitting around in Geometry and Convergance as Leo rambled on about the finer implications (?) of the dot product, and thought "shit, we should make a f*cking huge gear list that has absolutely everything you could possibly need on a climbing trip".
Obviously you won't need everything on the list, but it would be nice to have a full list of things to consider.
Hell you could print it off and just cross out the shit you won't need.

I dunno about other people, but I'm always forgetting something - spare batteries, a rag or piece of carpet when bouldering, (and on one embarrasing occasion - fuel for my stove Unimpressed ), this would be a fun tool to go through, I guess. I figured I'd break it down into sections - bouldering, sport, trad, alpine, day trip, camping, aid, ice, and misc (first aid, beer etc.)
Funny entries not only welcome but necessary.

What happened to 20K and done?
What about the cross product?
What on earth is a stick clip?


Jan 14, 2010, 9:16 PM
Post #46 of 63 (1632 views)

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Jan 14, 2010, 9:21 PM
Post #47 of 63 (1626 views)

Registered: May 24, 2007
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Re: [adatesman] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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adatesman wrote:
hafilax wrote:
seatbeltpants wrote:
hafilax wrote:
Hmm. Thread idea...different 'packable' fire starter ideas.


wtf is a "fire piston"? and do i want to look at that site while i'm at work?
It was the nicest picture of a fire piston I could find. I don't know anything about the rest of the site.

A fire piston basically uses rapidly compressed air to heat some tinder to an ember which can then be used to start a fire. I just think they're a neat old school fire starter.

There's a guy who makes them out of lexan, which is super neat since it allows you to actually see the action. Side note- diesel engines work the same way... reduce the volume of the gas until the temperature reaches flash point. Wicked cool stuff, and making one of these has been on my list a while.
Homemade diesel made from lexan. I'd pay money to see that in action. Laugh


Jan 14, 2010, 9:24 PM
Post #48 of 63 (1621 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
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Re: [adatesman] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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adatesman wrote:
hafilax wrote:
seatbeltpants wrote:
hafilax wrote:
Hmm. Thread idea...different 'packable' fire starter ideas.


wtf is a "fire piston"? and do i want to look at that site while i'm at work?
It was the nicest picture of a fire piston I could find. I don't know anything about the rest of the site.

A fire piston basically uses rapidly compressed air to heat some tinder to an ember which can then be used to start a fire. I just think they're a neat old school fire starter.

There's a guy who makes them out of lexan, which is super neat since it allows you to actually see the action. Side note- diesel engines work the same way... reduce the volume of the gas until the temperature reaches flash point. Wicked cool stuff, and making one of these has been on my list a while.
Wooo! PV=NkT FTW!!!!! My physics finally explains real world occurrences correctly!! (I'm still trying to get over my past attempt to bring SHM/impulse/Hooke/dp/dt together to form a model for dynamic rope catches Crazy)


Jan 14, 2010, 11:11 PM
Post #49 of 63 (1594 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
Posts: 26804

Re: [sungam] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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Okay. Aid and Trad are now up. Critique and add as you will. I left car camping out for now.


Jan 15, 2010, 6:52 PM
Post #50 of 63 (1563 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2007
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Re: [sungam] The ultimate gear list. [In reply to]
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what is a ''22 thread for screws''?

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