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been out there
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Jan 20, 2011, 5:06 AM
Post #1 of 8 (1756 views)

Registered: Jul 22, 2010
Posts: 7

been out there  (North_America: United_States: Oklahoma: Southeast: Buffalo_Mtn_)
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has any one been out to check it out


Jan 20, 2011, 1:47 PM
Post #2 of 8 (1706 views)

Registered: May 20, 2006
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Re: [megcmarisa] been out there [In reply to]
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No...I've been in Jumanji!


Jan 20, 2011, 3:22 PM
Post #3 of 8 (1688 views)

Registered: Jun 16, 2005
Posts: 607

Re: [megcmarisa] been out there [In reply to]
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Been there. It is your standard Oklahoma Sandstone. Similar to robbers cave.

The access is questionable though. The cliff-line is owned by about 4 different people. When I was there I met one of the owners. He uses his piece as a launch point for hang gliders. He bought his piece last year because all the other launch site were on the adjacent land and the owners stopped them from launching there. He was a nice guy and said we cold climb on his land but the cliff on his land is not really worth it. He told us the people next to him lived in Texas and never came up and the next piece of land was part of a conservation group which probably wouldn't care either way. The final piece of the cliff was on very private property and we should not go anywhere near that land.

The road up to the top is a very good gravel / dirt road. Probably one of the best I have been on in that neck of the woods. Another problem is parking. The hang gliding guy was working on a huge parking area but had it blocked off. I do not know if he will allow climbers to park there when he is finished. You could park along the road but I would try not to.

There are no bolts. Everything there has been climbed top rope or trad. The trees and briars are very thick but passable. The view from the top is beautiful.

If you have any other questions just ask.

Where in Oklahoma are you located??



Jan 21, 2011, 3:39 AM
Post #4 of 8 (1647 views)

Registered: Jul 22, 2010
Posts: 7

Re: [kovacs69] been out there [In reply to]
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located in midwest city is the rock worth making the drive?


Jan 21, 2011, 6:23 AM
Post #5 of 8 (1618 views)

Registered: Feb 14, 2008
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Re: [kovacs69] been out there [In reply to]
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kovacs69 wrote:
Been there. It is your standard Oklahoma Sandstone. Similar to robbers cave.

The access is questionable though. The cliff-line is owned by about 4 different people. When I was there I met one of the owners. He uses his piece as a launch point for hang gliders. He bought his piece last year because all the other launch site were on the adjacent land and the owners stopped them from launching there. He was a nice guy and said we cold climb on his land but the cliff on his land is not really worth it. He told us the people next to him lived in Texas and never came up and the next piece of land was part of a conservation group which probably wouldn't care either way. The final piece of the cliff was on very private property and we should not go anywhere near that land.

The road up to the top is a very good gravel / dirt road. Probably one of the best I have been on in that neck of the woods. Another problem is parking. The hang gliding guy was working on a huge parking area but had it blocked off. I do not know if he will allow climbers to park there when he is finished. You could park along the road but I would try not to.

There are no bolts. Everything there has been climbed top rope or trad. The trees and briars are very thick but passable. The view from the top is beautiful.

If you have any other questions just ask.

Where in Oklahoma are you located??


"Well this guy on the internet told me that some guy told him that THIS land is managed by some conservation group that PROBABLY doesn't care if we climb here. Oh, and THAT land owner lives in another state so we can DEFINITELY climb there!"

... just sayin...


Jan 21, 2011, 1:35 PM
Post #6 of 8 (1603 views)

Registered: Jun 16, 2005
Posts: 607

Re: [rtwilli4] been out there [In reply to]
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rtwilli4 wrote:
kovacs69 wrote:
Been there. It is your standard Oklahoma Sandstone. Similar to robbers cave.

The access is questionable though. The cliff-line is owned by about 4 different people. When I was there I met one of the owners. He uses his piece as a launch point for hang gliders. He bought his piece last year because all the other launch site were on the adjacent land and the owners stopped them from launching there. He was a nice guy and said we cold climb on his land but the cliff on his land is not really worth it. He told us the people next to him lived in Texas and never came up and the next piece of land was part of a conservation group which probably wouldn't care either way. The final piece of the cliff was on very private property and we should not go anywhere near that land.

The road up to the top is a very good gravel / dirt road. Probably one of the best I have been on in that neck of the woods. Another problem is parking. The hang gliding guy was working on a huge parking area but had it blocked off. I do not know if he will allow climbers to park there when he is finished. You could park along the road but I would try not to.

There are no bolts. Everything there has been climbed top rope or trad. The trees and briars are very thick but passable. The view from the top is beautiful.

If you have any other questions just ask.

Where in Oklahoma are you located??


"Well this guy on the internet told me that some guy told him that THIS land is managed by some conservation group that PROBABLY doesn't care if we climb here. Oh, and THAT land owner lives in another state so we can DEFINITELY climb there!"

... just sayin...

Ok...I'll bite.

If you weren't wasting your time being an idiot you would see that the first sentence says "The access is questionable." Basically meaning climb at your own risk. But any idiot would know that. Also, I NEVER said "we can DEFINITELY climb there!". I would never say such a thing unless I was sure of the access. Basically that paragraph was just letting the OP know the state of the land owners.

But just to clear things up if anyone out there is enough of a idiot not to understand. Climb at your own risk, get permission to access the cliff first.


(This post was edited by kovacs69 on Jan 21, 2011, 2:03 PM)


Jan 21, 2011, 2:09 PM
Post #7 of 8 (1590 views)

Registered: Jun 16, 2005
Posts: 607

Re: [megcmarisa] been out there [In reply to]
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megcmarisa wrote:
located in midwest city is the rock worth making the drive?

Have you been to Robbers Cave yet? It is closer to you with for sure legal access. I don't think it is any better than Robbers.


Feb 21, 2011, 3:14 PM
Post #8 of 8 (1474 views)

Registered: May 5, 2009
Posts: 3

Re: [megcmarisa] been out there [In reply to]
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I have climbed there for about 10-15 year never had any one to tell me I can't be there most of the climbs were put up by and a few guys I know, but if your down there its a kool place

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