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5.10 Suck
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Feb 10, 2011, 3:48 AM
Post #26 of 38 (2211 views)

Registered: Jun 17, 2003
Posts: 727

Re: [jbro_135] 5.10 Suck [In reply to]
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jbro_135 wrote:
wallwombat wrote:
Mike, I can't really argue with your last post, except in regards to the cost of living in Australia vs US and Europe. I think you're making a sweeping generalization there. Live in Sydney for a few years and tell me the same thing - it is one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in.

It seems that the OP bought these from a shop rather than online, so why didn't he notice the defects?

I generally buy locally unless I can't get what I want locally or the difference in price is huge. This is often the case - 5.10 make 36 different models of climbing shoe but only a handful reach our shores. Try to buy a pair of 5.10 Arrowheads or Hornets in Australia. I bet you cant.

My advice to the OP is, send them to Big John or Dr Phil and get em fixed for $20 or less. You will still get out of it cheaply.

And Mike, sorry if I sounded a bit harsh. No offence intended.

are the arrowheads and hornets even out yet? i don't think they're available here in canada yet either so that's kind of a moot point...

OK, OK ....maybe it wasn't the best example. I just pulled those two out of my arse but you can't buy moccasyms here in Australia and they have been around for ever. That's a better example.

And Arrowheads are currently available in the UK so maybe 5.10 have a thing against you Canadians ; )


Feb 10, 2011, 4:08 AM
Post #27 of 38 (2206 views)

Registered: Nov 15, 2009
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Re: [wallwombat] 5.10 Suck [In reply to]
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wallwombat wrote:
jbro_135 wrote:
wallwombat wrote:
Mike, I can't really argue with your last post, except in regards to the cost of living in Australia vs US and Europe. I think you're making a sweeping generalization there. Live in Sydney for a few years and tell me the same thing - it is one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in.

It seems that the OP bought these from a shop rather than online, so why didn't he notice the defects?

I generally buy locally unless I can't get what I want locally or the difference in price is huge. This is often the case - 5.10 make 36 different models of climbing shoe but only a handful reach our shores. Try to buy a pair of 5.10 Arrowheads or Hornets in Australia. I bet you cant.

My advice to the OP is, send them to Big John or Dr Phil and get em fixed for $20 or less. You will still get out of it cheaply.

And Mike, sorry if I sounded a bit harsh. No offence intended.

are the arrowheads and hornets even out yet? i don't think they're available here in canada yet either so that's kind of a moot point...

OK, OK ....maybe it wasn't the best example. I just pulled those two out of my arse but you can't buy moccasyms here in Australia and they have been around for ever. That's a better example.

And Arrowheads are currently available in the UK so maybe 5.10 have a thing against you Canadians ; )

time for my 5.10 sucks thread...

I think it's just because it's winter here and MEC is basically the only place with a good selection of climbing gear, I'll snag my supermoccs when their spring catalogue is out

weird that you can't get moccasyms, but i guess not that unusual, my local shop doesn't stock them either. they have spires, coyotes, anasazi lace and vcs, and galileos.


Feb 10, 2011, 1:06 PM
Post #28 of 38 (2187 views)

Registered: Dec 2, 2006
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Re: [gmggg] 5.10 Suck [In reply to]
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gmggg wrote:
Adk wrote:
rsmillbern wrote:
In reply to:
.... having dealt with Evolv, Lasportiva and Mad Rock before, all who have great CS departments ...

Get a lot of defective shoes doe we???


In all honesty, not every company has great customer service every day. Sometimes it takes some patients.

Come now. There's no need to shoot the place up!

That is what I get when I cross work with play.Cool
Sweet ........Patience that is!!!! LOL


Feb 10, 2011, 1:43 PM
Post #29 of 38 (2182 views)

Registered: Mar 22, 2005
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Re: [Adk] 5.10 Suck [In reply to]
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The problem in Australia is simply pathetic importer/wholesalers.

It's as simple as that.

The shops do not get magnificent margins.
Fact is, I can buy online and land goods here cheaper than retailers can source through importers.

So who's the devil in this situation?

The gear market is dying in Australia because of the current setup.
Local shops need access directly to the manufacturers and skip the evil profiteering middle man.

We don't get a range of models, we don't get a full range of sizes as it is too expensive for retailers to stock them, or they are simply not available.
I feel sorry for local businesses, but it is stupid for me to support the current stupid prices.

If we stop buying then maybe the evil importers might get the message.
It's not like they are doing anything more than rubber stamping the product as it goes through their greedy little hands.

I say good on ya to anyone that stands up and gives the finger to the current rip offs.

I do feel sorry for the retailer that is stuck in the middle though.

But it has to change and somebody is going to hurt during the process.
With any luck all the retailers will just tell the importer to go get stuffed, it's not worth it.


Feb 10, 2011, 4:43 PM
Post #30 of 38 (2163 views)

Registered: Mar 22, 2010
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Re: [mikebee] 5.10 Suck [In reply to]
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mikebee wrote:
WW, all good. I wasn't offended, and I'm sure my point of view has been affected by working in a gear shop for a few years, and being on the other side of people shopping online (or worse, people getting the spiel, info and sizing from us for an hour or so, and then going online).

I wasn't suggesting that our cost of living is better than the US or Europe, just saying that living in Australia, a place that has such a low population density has its benefits (less crowding), but has its downsides, narrower range and higher costs of imports.

You have a valid point about purchasing some models of shoe on the internet as they simply aren't available in Australia. Spelean with 5.10 is a particularly good example of this. The whole 5.10 range is offered to stores for forward order, but Spelean only carry stock of a few key models (Anasazi, Coyote, Siren, etc). The new ones like Team and Jet7 aren't widely offered yet. Of course, until Spelean see better sales of them, they won't stock them. But until they stock them, they won't see many retailers forward ordering them, so they won't be able to see better sales of them.

I too wonder how the OP didn't notice flaws on the shoes he (presumably) tried on in the store.

New shoes like the Jet7? The Jet7 is not new. In fact, its so old its now been discontinued...


Feb 11, 2011, 1:41 AM
Post #31 of 38 (2142 views)

Registered: Jun 17, 2003
Posts: 727

Re: [Jooler] 5.10 Suck [In reply to]
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Jooler wrote:
mikebee wrote:
WW, all good. I wasn't offended, and I'm sure my point of view has been affected by working in a gear shop for a few years, and being on the other side of people shopping online (or worse, people getting the spiel, info and sizing from us for an hour or so, and then going online).

I wasn't suggesting that our cost of living is better than the US or Europe, just saying that living in Australia, a place that has such a low population density has its benefits (less crowding), but has its downsides, narrower range and higher costs of imports.

You have a valid point about purchasing some models of shoe on the internet as they simply aren't available in Australia. Spelean with 5.10 is a particularly good example of this. The whole 5.10 range is offered to stores for forward order, but Spelean only carry stock of a few key models (Anasazi, Coyote, Siren, etc). The new ones like Team and Jet7 aren't widely offered yet. Of course, until Spelean see better sales of them, they won't stock them. But until they stock them, they won't see many retailers forward ordering them, so they won't be able to see better sales of them.

I too wonder how the OP didn't notice flaws on the shoes he (presumably) tried on in the store.

New shoes like the Jet7? The Jet7 is not new. In fact, its so old its now been discontinued...

That was one of the points I was trying to make - we don't get much of a range to choose from here in Australia, so someone can hardly be blamed for buying shoes from overseas or from online retailers in the USA or elsewhere.

Problem with this is, you aren't guaranteed a perfect fit when shopping online. The OP seems to have bought the shoes while overseas, so presumably tried them on. Why he didn't notice the defect is anyones guess.


Feb 11, 2011, 4:18 AM
Post #32 of 38 (2125 views)

Registered: Oct 6, 2009
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Re: [jollydet] 5.10 Suck [In reply to]
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Here, this will help...


Oh, look at me, I have a nick in my 5.10s...


Feb 12, 2011, 5:51 PM
Post #33 of 38 (2087 views)

Registered: Aug 1, 2010
Posts: 7

Re: [dugl33] 5.10 Suck [In reply to]
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Firstly thanks for all the replies,

The shoes where actually purchased by the missus hence the defects not being picked up in the shop, i have never had issue with any other brands of shoe i have used only positive reports, for what its worth the shoes where purchased at cotsworld outdoors and Ellis Brigham. the reason i emailed 5.10 was being on the other side of the world i thought it best to deal with the people who made the shoes,

someone pointed out the location the photos where taken, not my house but a friends, the pool is outdoors,the floor is sandstone, i am but a student.

someone also mentioned where i stated i have dealt with other climbing shoe cs departments as if i was someone who looks to pick fault in every system, most of those were either questions i had regarding shipping and retailers in my country or simply to chat to them about how impressed i was with the build quality of their shoes after using them deep water soloing 5 times a week for 3 months in Thailand, specifically Evolv and La Sportiva.

To purchase anasazi vcs and verde in Perth in my size is almost impossible,and would be $550 of shoes vs 240 i love supporting local suppliers when possible but i am not insane, as i am a student that is a good saving, and as someone said finding a compleate range of climbing shoes in Australia is difficult at best, i have bought thousands of dollars of gear at overinflated prices from local suppliers so trying a save a few hundred this on a few pairs of shoes surely isnt a warcrime, I'm not exactly crying or upset. i was just disappointed with the lack of correspondence from 5.10, i was never looking for a something for nothing.

in finishing,

after posting this thread i immediately received a reply from 5.10 saying they have given the go ahead to replace both sets, which is beyond what i could expect, they stated the lack of reply was a backlog in the system, i will also add i was dealing with the Europe CS dept and not the North American guys, as they have now emailed me back i will report back on the outcome, replaced or not i would have been happy with a return email.

please excuse any typos

cheers guys

(This post was edited by jollydet on Feb 12, 2011, 6:34 PM)


Mar 4, 2011, 2:44 AM
Post #34 of 38 (2030 views)

Registered: Feb 9, 2010
Posts: 9

Re: [jollydet] 5.10 Suck [In reply to]
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Isnt that basically the exchange rate? I havent been to Australia in a few years, but last I was there the Aussie dollar was worth .51 USD. 235AUS for some shoes is about what we pay in the states too ( 120 USD)


Mar 4, 2011, 4:53 AM
Post #35 of 38 (2013 views)

Registered: Sep 16, 2006
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Re: [thawild1] 5.10 Suck [In reply to]
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Check the current exchange rate, you'll find it's slightly different these days.


Mar 20, 2011, 12:49 PM
Post #36 of 38 (1904 views)

Registered: Sep 20, 2010
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Re: [jollydet] 5.10 Suck [In reply to]
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jollydet wrote:

i have emailed 5.10 over 5 times over a period of 2-3 weeks to which they replied once stating they couldn't find my initial email, and since failed to reply period, having dealt with Evolv, Lasportiva and Mad Rock before, all who have great CS departments
5.10 customer service and quality control would have to be some of the worst of the worst.

lol. sounds like its you dude.


Mar 20, 2011, 2:34 PM
Post #37 of 38 (1887 views)

Registered: Aug 1, 2005
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Re: [jollydet] 5.10 Suck [In reply to]
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jollydet wrote:
Firstly thanks for all the replies,

The shoes where actually purchased by the missus hence the defects not being picked up in the shop, i have never had issue with any other brands of shoe i have used only positive reports, for what its worth the shoes where purchased at cotsworld outdoors and Ellis Brigham. the reason i emailed 5.10 was being on the other side of the world i thought it best to deal with the people who made the shoes,

someone pointed out the location the photos where taken, not my house but a friends, the pool is outdoors,the floor is sandstone, i am but a student.

someone also mentioned where i stated i have dealt with other climbing shoe cs departments as if i was someone who looks to pick fault in every system, most of those were either questions i had regarding shipping and retailers in my country or simply to chat to them about how impressed i was with the build quality of their shoes after using them deep water soloing 5 times a week for 3 months in Thailand, specifically Evolv and La Sportiva.

To purchase anasazi vcs and verde in Perth in my size is almost impossible,and would be $550 of shoes vs 240 i love supporting local suppliers when possible but i am not insane, as i am a student that is a good saving, and as someone said finding a compleate range of climbing shoes in Australia is difficult at best, i have bought thousands of dollars of gear at overinflated prices from local suppliers so trying a save a few hundred this on a few pairs of shoes surely isnt a warcrime, I'm not exactly crying or upset. i was just disappointed with the lack of correspondence from 5.10, i was never looking for a something for nothing.

in finishing,

after posting this thread i immediately received a reply from 5.10 saying they have given the go ahead to replace both sets, which is beyond what i could expect, they stated the lack of reply was a backlog in the system, i will also add i was dealing with the Europe CS dept and not the North American guys, as they have now emailed me back i will report back on the outcome, replaced or not i would have been happy with a return email.

please excuse any typos

cheers guys

I looked at the photos you posted. Your shoes are not defective.


Mar 20, 2011, 3:13 PM
Post #38 of 38 (1876 views)

Registered: Jun 30, 2002
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Re: [marc801] 5.10 Suck [In reply to]
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marc801 wrote:
I looked at the photos you posted. Your shoes are not defective.

Yeah, I don't get it either.

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