
Dec 31, 2002, 12:52 AM
Post #1 of 2
Registered: Dec 27, 2002
Posts: 90
This is an area that I am hesitant in saying that I found because they are so obvious. As you are going to Payson if you are a climber you cant help but see them. These are not the Butter Milks or Groom Creek but they are cool none the less. I stopped out of curiosity and have been going back at least once a week. There is some cleaning required on some problems, None that are established. It is easy to find and problems are easy to spot. If Only, and Finger This Out have yet to be sent so there raiting is deffinatly subjet to scrutiny.And I welcome all to get on them. The area is still in its infancy so please be cool and use good ethics if you climb and develop here. Thanks. If you have Questions or Coments just Post'em. Aaron [ This Message was edited by: ldsclimber on 2002-12-30 16:53 ] [ This Message was edited by: ldsclimber on 2002-12-30 16:55 ] [ This Message was edited by: ldsclimber on 2002-12-30 16:58 ]

Jan 1, 2003, 2:48 AM
Post #2 of 2
Registered: Dec 27, 2002
Posts: 90
I just got back from the four peaks boulders and man I can't wait to get back out there tomorrow. I almost have Finger This Out. That problem is going to haunt my dreams till I send it. I has some of the best foot work I've done on rock, save The Draw. Aaron [ This Message was edited by: ldsclimber on 2002-12-31 18:49 ]