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seeking climbing coach
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Aug 9, 2012, 7:04 AM
Post #1 of 1 (627 views)

Registered: May 21, 2012
Posts: 2

seeking climbing coach  (Europe: Turkey: Antalya: Olympos)
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Merhaba! I am making my way to the olympos region around 12.8.12. I plan to stay for 2-3 weeks then make my way to geyikbayiri. I would love to find some experienced climbers to learn from. I'm currently a top-roper, can easily climb 5.9 (yosemite). I am hoping to become a bomber lead climber. I would like to find someone to get me there--I would also like to compensate you ($/food/lodging costs?) for your knowledge and equipment use. I have shoes and a harness. Interested? Get in touch!


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