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Ithaca climbing
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May 20, 2013, 1:33 AM
Post #1 of 3 (1617 views)

Registered: May 20, 2013
Posts: 2

Ithaca climbing  (North_America: United_States: New_York: Central)
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Hello- I'll be spending the summer in Ithaca, and I was wondering if anybody knows of any outdoor climbing areas within a reasonable drive (<2hrs?)

I've done a little research and I'm scared that no such areas exist, so I wanted to ask around and see if that's the case.

What's the climbing situation in central NY in general?

Thanks a bunch!


May 20, 2013, 3:39 AM
Post #2 of 3 (1598 views)

Registered: Jan 12, 2013
Posts: 4

Re: [nick18954] Ithaca climbing [In reply to]
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Hello. Blue Run Rocks is a great place to climb and it has pretty low traffic. I am there every weekend that I am not in the Adirondacks, and I also go on Thursdays as well. If you want to meet up and head down there some day, let me know. We also like to camp there on the weekends because there are plenty of problems to work on, and more that need cleaning and ascents. Cheers! I hope to see you out.


May 21, 2013, 12:00 AM
Post #3 of 3 (1537 views)

Registered: May 20, 2013
Posts: 2

Re: [Sacredmonkeyman] Ithaca climbing [In reply to]
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Thanks a lot! I'm super psyched to know that there's at least some climbing nearby, and looking into Blue Run Rocks got me looking at the entire area also, with Sunfish Pond and all. Super cool, and I'm super excited to try them! I mostly boulder, but I'd absolutely love to get into outdoor trad or toprope... If I ever get a chance to head down, I'll let you know!

Thanks again!

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