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Dec 24, 2013, 7:34 PM
Post #101701 of 105309 (4367 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [lena_chita] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
Well, we went up to teh gnu crag. Kinda a long, grulling approch but teh climbing was steller. Long roots on super fresh rock. I was so impressed that I left my pretty gnu 70 meter rope there so I dun't has to hump it back up. I wood have gone back up there on sunday, cept I cood barely walk teh next day.

Climbed with Lena, Jeff and snoppy in teh park on sunday, kinda cold in teh shade but we had fun. Ate pizza afterwards, while we waited fer snoppy to sort owt sum car problems.

Jtree report. Got to nomads just after 9, jack had already headed into the park. parked the car, grabbed lena & jeff, and packed everything into my car. went to start the car ... and the ignition was locked. wouldn't turn at all. steering column seemed locked also, so figured maybe it was that ... but would sort it out when we got back from climbing.

started on the Physical Graffiti ... that is a cool rowt, or at least I thought it was. some of the more reach-challenged folks perhaps did not agree. but for josh, definitely a 4-star rowt. while everybody was TRing the rowt, I went up teh mushroom carck and got jak to follow me ... shockingly, nobody else seemed overly interested in a grainy josh flared hand carck to offwidth. I scraped myself up a bit, showered jak with ball bearings, and zent.

next was the way of life. between physical graffiti and teh way uv life, Lena wasn't a huge fan of my traversing rowt choices. did not zend, my fat ass hung all over it. I think I need to spend enough time there to take a draw hang run and a redpoint run at some point.

walked from there over to teh big moe. the bolt anchor is back, swete. also, all agreed that it was a grate rowt. did some of the easy bouldering around there, called it a day. No C&J, oh well.

Back into town, jak tried the car, couldn't get it to work. Was going to have it towed via AAA to a lot, and have steph come out with my newer key, since that was jak's diagnosis. the tow truck guy did the same jiggling of the steering wheel, brake, and key and got it to turn on. swete! At that point, there was no way I was turning my car off until I got home, so I hopped in, parked in front of pie for the people with the car running, said bye real quick, and drove home. had a slight need to take a piss, but it never got worse, and I had a nalgene in the car if necessary. seems like the right move, because when I got home I parked with the wheels straight, the steering column not locked up, and the key wouldn't turn at all. with my other key (nearly unused), ignition turns just fine. hate to admit it, but jak seems to have been right.

Good times. Physical Graffiti is one of the better routes in josh, and certainly a good call on a cold day. Way of Life is a sprint, I think having the draws up would be a key to sending that thing. I opted to pass on the Mushroom Crack. If you want more heinous grain over there, check out Master and Servant.

I have to deal with the locked up steering wheel thing all the time because I park on a hill. Usually cranking hard on the wheel and stomping the brake does the trick. Never heard of the key thing, that is weird.

I'll have to defer to Josh connoisseurs about Physical Grafitti. I thought it was reachy crumbly crap. I really appreciated Jacks beta about how I should pick a spot where I want to put my foot, and then wiggle the toe and grind things down until they aren't crumbling anymore, and then put my foot there. It is good to know, for sure. But, I mean, if I want to make new footholds for myself on every step, I'll just go ice climbing.

Way of life wasn't my way, either. The first 3 bolts were fun though... But Big Moe was super-fun, and the first route of the day that wasn't all crumbly. I am learning to really appreciate the rock that is not crumbling.

Found a bunch of really solid rock while bouldering today. Played around on Caveman, but only sent the V3 finish. Then played around on Pigpen -- OMG, what a fun problem! Didn't do the whole thing, but the finish crack was fun. Then we went back to Gunsmoke, and tried the High Noon. It was fun, too, but the topout is scary and we didn't do it.

Met a really nice guy there, and stuck together for the rest of the day. Tried Streetcar Named Desire, and the Chube. Got sick and tired of scary topouts, did some fun no-star V0-V2s around the same area, then went back to Gunsmoke and killed ourselves doing laps. Then the guy said he lived just outside the park, and invited us over for dinner, but at that point Heffe was completely tapped out and his introvert bubble shrunk to nothing. So we had to decline, bummer.

Tomorrow is the last day for Heffe. And my fingers better recover before Banz shows up.

That's awl.

Ha ha!! This is also great. Yes, Josh is an acquired taste I suppose. When people talk about Josh grain, josh oatmeal, or josh cruft, now you know what they mean! Grain showers for all.

it is worth pointing out that Way of Life and PG are rather new by josh standards and haven't been paddled up a 1000 times yet.

I wasn't there, but I bet the josh routes of the 80s had a lot more grain on them back in the early days. There is a good story by Randy on the Coarse and Buggy in mp, and that thing is now bullet.

I think I just sort of enjoy shitty routes now too. I think it's just that routes that aren't absolutely soaked in spray are just more interesting.


Dec 24, 2013, 7:34 PM
Post #101702 of 105309 (4366 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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Dec 24, 2013, 7:34 PM
Post #101703 of 105309 (4365 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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Dec 24, 2013, 7:35 PM
Post #101704 of 105309 (4364 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
Oh, and spupe was super-nice to us all day, despite having to worry about his non-starting car all day. I owe him a wedding present, or something.

Jack was nice, too, and climbed Way of Life twice, to finish and to clean it, after I bailed on it. But I don't know what I owe him. If I offer a wedding present, he might change his mind about being nice to me, and kill me?

I actually forgot about teh car until we were over by Big Moe. No need to worry about it when I can't do anything.

And I got to climb fun rowts, including the mega-classic Mushroom Carck, so you don't owe me anything.

Well if you list some herb/rope trimmers on your registry, you can count on getting those from us.


Dec 24, 2013, 11:04 PM
Post #101705 of 105309 (4337 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
Well, we went up to teh gnu crag. Kinda a long, grulling approch but teh climbing was steller. Long roots on super fresh rock. I was so impressed that I left my pretty gnu 70 meter rope there so I dun't has to hump it back up. I wood have gone back up there on sunday, cept I cood barely walk teh next day.

Climbed with Lena, Jeff and snoppy in teh park on sunday, kinda cold in teh shade but we had fun. Ate pizza afterwards, while we waited fer snoppy to sort owt sum car problems.

Jtree report. Got to nomads just after 9, jack had already headed into the park. parked the car, grabbed lena & jeff, and packed everything into my car. went to start the car ... and the ignition was locked. wouldn't turn at all. steering column seemed locked also, so figured maybe it was that ... but would sort it out when we got back from climbing.

started on the Physical Graffiti ... that is a cool rowt, or at least I thought it was. some of the more reach-challenged folks perhaps did not agree. but for josh, definitely a 4-star rowt. while everybody was TRing the rowt, I went up teh mushroom carck and got jak to follow me ... shockingly, nobody else seemed overly interested in a grainy josh flared hand carck to offwidth. I scraped myself up a bit, showered jak with ball bearings, and zent.

next was the way of life. between physical graffiti and teh way uv life, Lena wasn't a huge fan of my traversing rowt choices. did not zend, my fat ass hung all over it. I think I need to spend enough time there to take a draw hang run and a redpoint run at some point.

walked from there over to teh big moe. the bolt anchor is back, swete. also, all agreed that it was a grate rowt. did some of the easy bouldering around there, called it a day. No C&J, oh well.

Back into town, jak tried the car, couldn't get it to work. Was going to have it towed via AAA to a lot, and have steph come out with my newer key, since that was jak's diagnosis. the tow truck guy did the same jiggling of the steering wheel, brake, and key and got it to turn on. swete! At that point, there was no way I was turning my car off until I got home, so I hopped in, parked in front of pie for the people with the car running, said bye real quick, and drove home. had a slight need to take a piss, but it never got worse, and I had a nalgene in the car if necessary. seems like the right move, because when I got home I parked with the wheels straight, the steering column not locked up, and the key wouldn't turn at all. with my other key (nearly unused), ignition turns just fine. hate to admit it, but jak seems to have been right.

Good times. Physical Graffiti is one of the better routes in josh, and certainly a good call on a cold day. Way of Life is a sprint, I think having the draws up would be a key to sending that thing. I opted to pass on the Mushroom Crack. If you want more heinous grain over there, check out Master and Servant.

I have to deal with the locked up steering wheel thing all the time because I park on a hill. Usually cranking hard on the wheel and stomping the brake does the trick. Never heard of the key thing, that is weird.

I'll have to defer to Josh connoisseurs about Physical Grafitti. I thought it was reachy crumbly crap. I really appreciated Jacks beta about how I should pick a spot where I want to put my foot, and then wiggle the toe and grind things down until they aren't crumbling anymore, and then put my foot there. It is good to know, for sure. But, I mean, if I want to make new footholds for myself on every step, I'll just go ice climbing.

Way of life wasn't my way, either. The first 3 bolts were fun though... But Big Moe was super-fun, and the first route of the day that wasn't all crumbly. I am learning to really appreciate the rock that is not crumbling.

Found a bunch of really solid rock while bouldering today. Played around on Caveman, but only sent the V3 finish. Then played around on Pigpen -- OMG, what a fun problem! Didn't do the whole thing, but the finish crack was fun. Then we went back to Gunsmoke, and tried the High Noon. It was fun, too, but the topout is scary and we didn't do it.

Met a really nice guy there, and stuck together for the rest of the day. Tried Streetcar Named Desire, and the Chube. Got sick and tired of scary topouts, did some fun no-star V0-V2s around the same area, then went back to Gunsmoke and killed ourselves doing laps. Then the guy said he lived just outside the park, and invited us over for dinner, but at that point Heffe was completely tapped out and his introvert bubble shrunk to nothing. So we had to decline, bummer.

Tomorrow is the last day for Heffe. And my fingers better recover before Banz shows up.

That's awl.

Ha ha!! This is also great. Yes, Josh is an acquired taste I suppose. When people talk about Josh grain, josh oatmeal, or josh cruft, now you know what they mean! Grain showers for all.

it is worth pointing out that Way of Life and PG are rather new by josh standards and haven't been paddled up a 1000 times yet.

I wasn't there, but I bet the josh routes of the 80s had a lot more grain on them back in the early days. There is a good story by Randy on the Coarse and Buggy in mp, and that thing is now bullet.

I think I just sort of enjoy shitty routes now too. I think it's just that routes that aren't absolutely soaked in spray are just more interesting.

Well, that awl sounds pretty gud in theory....

but how iz that actually gunna werk? With yore balls in teh loyerette's purse fer safe keeping and the choke collar sinched up tight while she drags ewe around on a 3 foot leach?


Dec 24, 2013, 11:12 PM
Post #101706 of 105309 (4336 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: tyme to practice whut ewe preach [In reply to]
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Sumtymes climbing iz awl about disapoynting yore loved wons....

Temps are gunna be great, so I littered the base ov the tree with presents, ordered a Christmas roast to be delivered and heading owt before dawn fer teh hole. Maybe there will be sum food left when I gets home after dark.

Merry Christmas to awl in teh BET


Dec 24, 2013, 11:33 PM
Post #101707 of 105309 (4326 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
CI, there are now TWO! (2!) mentions of DTSA rowtz in this thread.

Ha ha!! This is great!! Two on the list!

Table rock probably is the worst rock most people will ever climb.

I've obviously climbed on some pretty terrible rock, and teh DTSA is definitely the worst I've ever climbed on. Not the worst climbing, but definitely the worst rock.

I actually should have put spankterfied, I enjoyed that more than teh DC. Probibly because I was on TR and less in fear for my life.

Partner camhead

Dec 25, 2013, 2:40 PM
Post #101708 of 105309 (4312 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
Posts: 20939

Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
camhead wrote:
Yeah, won of my keys is more worn down than the other; sometimes I have to do the jiggly stompy thang. Still, it has never hosed me as bad as snoppy.

Knot to worry....

Sum day it will hose ewe, probibly when ewe are owt on sum dirt road in teh middle ov knowwhere.

shrugs much like teh fly in teh eye and teh lespaul, ewe get what ewe deserve.

Naw, I just make the bad key the one I don't use. Speaking of the LisPaul, we were talking about Les Pauls (the guitars) at werk the other day, and another dude yelled across the room, "I think we could all use a little less Paul around here." Ewe awl would have been proud.

Partner camhead

Dec 25, 2013, 2:41 PM
Post #101709 of 105309 (4309 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
Posts: 20939

Re: [tripperjm] tyme to practice whut ewe preach [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
Sumtymes climbing iz awl about disapoynting yore loved wons....

Temps are gunna be great, so I littered the base ov the tree with presents, ordered a Christmas roast to be delivered and heading owt before dawn fer teh hole. Maybe there will be sum food left when I gets home after dark.

Merry Christmas to awl in teh BET

Werd. Fulfilled all the family obligashuns, and I'm just sitting around waiting for the temps to get above 20 so that I and the one other climber in town can get out. Psyched!


Dec 25, 2013, 7:24 PM
Post #101710 of 105309 (4296 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
Posts: 6087

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
Oh, and spupe was super-nice to us all day, despite having to worry about his non-starting car all day. I owe him a wedding present, or something.

Jack was nice, too, and climbed Way of Life twice, to finish and to clean it, after I bailed on it. But I don't know what I owe him. If I offer a wedding present, he might change his mind about being nice to me, and kill me?

I actually forgot about teh car until we were over by Big Moe. No need to worry about it when I can't do anything.

And I got to climb fun rowts, including the mega-classic Mushroom Carck, so you don't owe me anything.

Well if you list some herb/rope trimmers on your registry, you can count on getting those from us.

Yeah, that reminds me, I never got to cutz the ropez on this trip, when I had a chance.


Dec 26, 2013, 4:00 AM
Post #101711 of 105309 (4276 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
CI, there are now TWO! (2!) mentions of DTSA rowtz in this thread.

Ha ha!! This is great!! Two on the list!

Table rock probably is the worst rock most people will ever climb.

I've obviously climbed on some pretty terrible rock, and teh DTSA is definitely the worst I've ever climbed on. Not the worst climbing, but definitely the worst rock.

I actually should have put spankterfied, I enjoyed that more than teh DC. Probibly because I was on TR and less in fear for my life.

Well if you make it back up the Sauvignon Choss is probably just as good.

I should try Spankterfied again to try to gauge the difficulty.


Dec 26, 2013, 4:04 AM
Post #101712 of 105309 (4275 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
Well, we went up to teh gnu crag. Kinda a long, grulling approch but teh climbing was steller. Long roots on super fresh rock. I was so impressed that I left my pretty gnu 70 meter rope there so I dun't has to hump it back up. I wood have gone back up there on sunday, cept I cood barely walk teh next day.

Climbed with Lena, Jeff and snoppy in teh park on sunday, kinda cold in teh shade but we had fun. Ate pizza afterwards, while we waited fer snoppy to sort owt sum car problems.

Jtree report. Got to nomads just after 9, jack had already headed into the park. parked the car, grabbed lena & jeff, and packed everything into my car. went to start the car ... and the ignition was locked. wouldn't turn at all. steering column seemed locked also, so figured maybe it was that ... but would sort it out when we got back from climbing.

started on the Physical Graffiti ... that is a cool rowt, or at least I thought it was. some of the more reach-challenged folks perhaps did not agree. but for josh, definitely a 4-star rowt. while everybody was TRing the rowt, I went up teh mushroom carck and got jak to follow me ... shockingly, nobody else seemed overly interested in a grainy josh flared hand carck to offwidth. I scraped myself up a bit, showered jak with ball bearings, and zent.

next was the way of life. between physical graffiti and teh way uv life, Lena wasn't a huge fan of my traversing rowt choices. did not zend, my fat ass hung all over it. I think I need to spend enough time there to take a draw hang run and a redpoint run at some point.

walked from there over to teh big moe. the bolt anchor is back, swete. also, all agreed that it was a grate rowt. did some of the easy bouldering around there, called it a day. No C&J, oh well.

Back into town, jak tried the car, couldn't get it to work. Was going to have it towed via AAA to a lot, and have steph come out with my newer key, since that was jak's diagnosis. the tow truck guy did the same jiggling of the steering wheel, brake, and key and got it to turn on. swete! At that point, there was no way I was turning my car off until I got home, so I hopped in, parked in front of pie for the people with the car running, said bye real quick, and drove home. had a slight need to take a piss, but it never got worse, and I had a nalgene in the car if necessary. seems like the right move, because when I got home I parked with the wheels straight, the steering column not locked up, and the key wouldn't turn at all. with my other key (nearly unused), ignition turns just fine. hate to admit it, but jak seems to have been right.

Good times. Physical Graffiti is one of the better routes in josh, and certainly a good call on a cold day. Way of Life is a sprint, I think having the draws up would be a key to sending that thing. I opted to pass on the Mushroom Crack. If you want more heinous grain over there, check out Master and Servant.

I have to deal with the locked up steering wheel thing all the time because I park on a hill. Usually cranking hard on the wheel and stomping the brake does the trick. Never heard of the key thing, that is weird.

I'll have to defer to Josh connoisseurs about Physical Grafitti. I thought it was reachy crumbly crap. I really appreciated Jacks beta about how I should pick a spot where I want to put my foot, and then wiggle the toe and grind things down until they aren't crumbling anymore, and then put my foot there. It is good to know, for sure. But, I mean, if I want to make new footholds for myself on every step, I'll just go ice climbing.

Way of life wasn't my way, either. The first 3 bolts were fun though... But Big Moe was super-fun, and the first route of the day that wasn't all crumbly. I am learning to really appreciate the rock that is not crumbling.

Found a bunch of really solid rock while bouldering today. Played around on Caveman, but only sent the V3 finish. Then played around on Pigpen -- OMG, what a fun problem! Didn't do the whole thing, but the finish crack was fun. Then we went back to Gunsmoke, and tried the High Noon. It was fun, too, but the topout is scary and we didn't do it.

Met a really nice guy there, and stuck together for the rest of the day. Tried Streetcar Named Desire, and the Chube. Got sick and tired of scary topouts, did some fun no-star V0-V2s around the same area, then went back to Gunsmoke and killed ourselves doing laps. Then the guy said he lived just outside the park, and invited us over for dinner, but at that point Heffe was completely tapped out and his introvert bubble shrunk to nothing. So we had to decline, bummer.

Tomorrow is the last day for Heffe. And my fingers better recover before Banz shows up.

That's awl.

Ha ha!! This is also great. Yes, Josh is an acquired taste I suppose. When people talk about Josh grain, josh oatmeal, or josh cruft, now you know what they mean! Grain showers for all.

it is worth pointing out that Way of Life and PG are rather new by josh standards and haven't been paddled up a 1000 times yet.

I wasn't there, but I bet the josh routes of the 80s had a lot more grain on them back in the early days. There is a good story by Randy on the Coarse and Buggy in mp, and that thing is now bullet.

I think I just sort of enjoy shitty routes now too. I think it's just that routes that aren't absolutely soaked in spray are just more interesting.

Well, that awl sounds pretty gud in theory....

but how iz that actually gunna werk? With yore balls in teh loyerette's purse fer safe keeping and the choke collar sinched up tight while she drags ewe around on a 3 foot leach?

I've actually got a nice little Friday planned up at the gee dub

Haven't climbed a lock in 3 weeks. I pulled something near the top of my calf during that cold snap while gym bouldering. Always the gym bouldering. Hopefully I haven't lost too much fitness.

Snupe what are you working on there these days? I'm thinking pres day or mortal Kombat, or whatever is open.


Dec 26, 2013, 5:00 AM
Post #101713 of 105309 (4263 views)

Registered: Apr 22, 2010
Posts: 2459

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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rapping in.

i miss you gheys. i got a jorb, starts in Jan. worked in a month of funemployment in between cryptobootcamp and realjobbing by putting my start date in the new year.

new overlords, huh?

merry christmas.


Dec 26, 2013, 5:51 AM
Post #101714 of 105309 (4255 views)

Registered: Apr 22, 2010
Posts: 2459

Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
drivel wrote:
camhead wrote:
drivel wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
gonna be a weke end of blorting owt. heading to the stone beer fest on saturday, then sticking around SD to watch the mets-padres game on sunday. teh ABz will be there.

The Bastards! Well say hello from me and ask if I can borrow his drum set.

Drumming kin involve exersize...

might be best to ask if ewe kin borrow his backgammon bord?

Man, I am getting a ton of excercise these days, but the problem is so little of it involves actual rock. I have been doing a ton of
water skiing
gym climbing
flag boying

ugh. Not going to make it this weekend either.

You know, it's not that hard to go climbing.

That is true, but the loyerette has arranged a fine Brunch on Sunday. kind of spikes the weekend for climbing.

Ewe noes.... it wood be gud ifs we had sum sort ov rule that covered this kind ov situation....

Wait a minute....


well, it's more like a guideline but still.

Sumtymes climbing iz awl about disapoynting yore loved wons.

Try to pay attention?

She is very klever. She has befriended all my climbing partners, and they like her better than me. Plus she sent her email out early in the week. I like to organize my climbing on like late Thursday.

shakes hed....

yore like a total waste....

and what does teh girl being klever or making plans have anything to due with ewe screaming #16 as teh door slams behind ewe?

My advice, try to retive yore manhood from teh girls purse as soon as possible... though it's probibly way too late for ewe awlready.

as I reread CI's disgraceful post, I'm wondering ... are awl of his climber friends going to these brunches? If so, what teh fuk kind of climber friends does he have?

Yes, this iz korrect.... CI's post iz very confusing

It is tru. Loyerette has befirenderd teh gf/wife of my two main partners... and my two main partners. She is single handedly destroying all I hav bilt... with fine brunches.

This will knot end well...

Nau that ewe has caved, she noes, she has ewe on teh ropes. Teh ultamatum, quit climbing, gets married, has teh kids, iz next.

And we awl noes how well that werked owt fer AB... nau that he is saddled with teh twins.... his life iz over.

rip ab.

So as much as this mite sound harsh...

and possibly cause ewe sum heartache.

I recumend,

RUN!!!1 Run fast and run far. Due it nau, before it's two late fer ewe. Though I suspect, sadly, that ewe don't has teh courage to stand up to her or to run.

Still, that's my best advice.

i'm sure he can get divorced and go back to living in his van and climb all the time if he wanted.

Naw, that takes commitment. He'll NEEEEVER do it!

i was gonna reply to the one about wives that quit climbing with a quip about getting divorced and moving to the land of milk and honey and getting back into it. except I haven't actually gotten back into it yet. I'll get back to y'all on it wonce my boots get here.

Still sadened....

Course, when you do get back into it, you'll have to come visit us in the hole.

clawing my way back to having a life lately. maybe i'll even rock climb again.


Dec 26, 2013, 6:56 AM
Post #101715 of 105309 (4247 views)

Registered: Apr 22, 2010
Posts: 2459

Re: [granite_grrl] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
camhead wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
Then I had a half-brick-sized rock land right next to me, knocked out by a guy from the top of one of Kaymoor classics. That was the closest I ever came to not walking out of the crag. Kinda shaken by it, still.

half-brick is not a size of falling rock.

nevertheless, whatever size this rock actually was, gud thing it didn't land on ewe. did the guy who knocked it off yell anything?

Needs appliance conversion. How big is a half-brick? A very, very, very small microwave?


coffee grinder?


Dec 26, 2013, 6:56 AM
Post #101716 of 105309 (4246 views)

Registered: Apr 22, 2010
Posts: 2459

Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
above "whoo" not an endorsement of peg-boarding


What's the deal with pegboarding, anyway?

Our gym built a SUPER-sweet new training area, moved all hangboards, systems wall, campus board, crack wall, etc. in one place. Really sweet setup that allows you to put up 16 hangboards and easily subtract weight, if needed.

Anyway, super-sweet.

And then they went and put peg holes all the way around the hangboard support boards. And now every single gumby in the gym goes there and attempts to pegboard their way all the way around the entire structure, in the most retarded manner possible. What's the appeal of traversing by sticking pegs into every-2-inch evenly spaced holes and hanging from them, I am not sure, but it's like the star attraction of the gym at the moment.

it took me a while to realize that this involved actual pegs, and that not all uv teh gumbys were bringing in their ice toolz.

Sometimes, when you don't know the answer....

It's best to just sit there and smile.

Would it make the pegging any less retarded? (my apologies to everyone who likes it)

uhmmm.... peg boreding and pegging are knot exactly teh same thing.

I thought ewe gnu? ....go ask dribble.

whoo! that's me!


Dec 26, 2013, 6:58 AM
Post #101717 of 105309 (4245 views)

Registered: Apr 22, 2010
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Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
camhead wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
Then I had a half-brick-sized rock land right next to me, knocked out by a guy from the top of one of Kaymoor classics. That was the closest I ever came to not walking out of the crag. Kinda shaken by it, still.

half-brick is not a size of falling rock.

nevertheless, whatever size this rock actually was, gud thing it didn't land on ewe. did the guy who knocked it off yell anything?

Needs appliance conversion. How big is a half-brick? A very, very, very small microwave?


Immersion blender without the wand attached. Bam!

I was there. and I say that it was half-brick. And I mean, literally. It was nicely-even with parallel sides, and all.

I think it must have been one of those loose rocks that is held in a slot, and wiggles there kinda securely, without going anywhere-- except when it finally does go.

And no, the guy didn't yell anything, and didn't even say, "gosh, I am so glad nobody got hurt" when he was lowered off. he was just pissed that he didn't send. And no, the brick had nothing to do with it. He fell before the brick episode.

while I don't understand your "brick" language, based on your descriptions it seems to be maybe a small cheese grater size, or maybe one of those magic bullet things?

those are way smaller. ask jak to explain it.


Dec 26, 2013, 9:53 AM
Post #101718 of 105309 (4230 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
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Re: [drivel] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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drivel wrote:
rapping in.

i miss you gheys. i got a jorb, starts in Jan. worked in a month of funemployment in between cryptobootcamp and realjobbing by putting my start date in the new year.

new overlords, huh?

merry christmas.

It's a Christmas miracle

Much like teh dog who returniths to it's own vomit,

teh drivel has cum back home to teh BET....

and this makes me very happy.


Dec 26, 2013, 10:13 AM
Post #101719 of 105309 (4224 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [drivel] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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drivel wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
drivel wrote:
camhead wrote:
drivel wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
gonna be a weke end of blorting owt. heading to the stone beer fest on saturday, then sticking around SD to watch the mets-padres game on sunday. teh ABz will be there.

The Bastards! Well say hello from me and ask if I can borrow his drum set.

Drumming kin involve exersize...

might be best to ask if ewe kin borrow his backgammon bord?

Man, I am getting a ton of excercise these days, but the problem is so little of it involves actual rock. I have been doing a ton of
water skiing
gym climbing
flag boying

ugh. Not going to make it this weekend either.

You know, it's not that hard to go climbing.

That is true, but the loyerette has arranged a fine Brunch on Sunday. kind of spikes the weekend for climbing.

Ewe noes.... it wood be gud ifs we had sum sort ov rule that covered this kind ov situation....

Wait a minute....


well, it's more like a guideline but still.

Sumtymes climbing iz awl about disapoynting yore loved wons.

Try to pay attention?

She is very klever. She has befriended all my climbing partners, and they like her better than me. Plus she sent her email out early in the week. I like to organize my climbing on like late Thursday.

shakes hed....

yore like a total waste....

and what does teh girl being klever or making plans have anything to due with ewe screaming #16 as teh door slams behind ewe?

My advice, try to retive yore manhood from teh girls purse as soon as possible... though it's probibly way too late for ewe awlready.

as I reread CI's disgraceful post, I'm wondering ... are awl of his climber friends going to these brunches? If so, what teh fuk kind of climber friends does he have?

Yes, this iz korrect.... CI's post iz very confusing

It is tru. Loyerette has befirenderd teh gf/wife of my two main partners... and my two main partners. She is single handedly destroying all I hav bilt... with fine brunches.

This will knot end well...

Nau that ewe has caved, she noes, she has ewe on teh ropes. Teh ultamatum, quit climbing, gets married, has teh kids, iz next.

And we awl noes how well that werked owt fer AB... nau that he is saddled with teh twins.... his life iz over.

rip ab.

So as much as this mite sound harsh...

and possibly cause ewe sum heartache.

I recumend,

RUN!!!1 Run fast and run far. Due it nau, before it's two late fer ewe. Though I suspect, sadly, that ewe don't has teh courage to stand up to her or to run.

Still, that's my best advice.

i'm sure he can get divorced and go back to living in his van and climb all the time if he wanted.

Naw, that takes commitment. He'll NEEEEVER do it!

i was gonna reply to the one about wives that quit climbing with a quip about getting divorced and moving to the land of milk and honey and getting back into it. except I haven't actually gotten back into it yet. I'll get back to y'all on it wonce my boots get here.

Still sadened....

Course, when you do get back into it, you'll have to come visit us in the hole.

clawing my way back to having a life lately. maybe i'll even rock climb again.

Plenty ov roots and gud wether hear in sokat, cum visit. And ov course, wether permiting we will be up at teh GW every so often this winter and ewe are welcum to join us.


Dec 26, 2013, 10:16 AM
Post #101720 of 105309 (4224 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [drivel] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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drivel wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
camhead wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
Then I had a half-brick-sized rock land right next to me, knocked out by a guy from the top of one of Kaymoor classics. That was the closest I ever came to not walking out of the crag. Kinda shaken by it, still.

half-brick is not a size of falling rock.

nevertheless, whatever size this rock actually was, gud thing it didn't land on ewe. did the guy who knocked it off yell anything?

Needs appliance conversion. How big is a half-brick? A very, very, very small microwave?


Immersion blender without the wand attached. Bam!

I was there. and I say that it was half-brick. And I mean, literally. It was nicely-even with parallel sides, and all.

I think it must have been one of those loose rocks that is held in a slot, and wiggles there kinda securely, without going anywhere-- except when it finally does go.

And no, the guy didn't yell anything, and didn't even say, "gosh, I am so glad nobody got hurt" when he was lowered off. he was just pissed that he didn't send. And no, the brick had nothing to do with it. He fell before the brick episode.

while I don't understand your "brick" language, based on your descriptions it seems to be maybe a small cheese grater size, or maybe one of those magic bullet things?

those are way smaller. ask jak to explain it.

heh... touche'


Dec 26, 2013, 10:22 AM
Post #101721 of 105309 (4224 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
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Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
camhead wrote:
Yeah, won of my keys is more worn down than the other; sometimes I have to do the jiggly stompy thang. Still, it has never hosed me as bad as snoppy.

Knot to worry....

Sum day it will hose ewe, probibly when ewe are owt on sum dirt road in teh middle ov knowwhere.

shrugs much like teh fly in teh eye and teh lespaul, ewe get what ewe deserve.

Naw, I just make the bad key the one I don't use. Speaking of the LisPaul, we were talking about Les Pauls (the guitars) at werk the other day, and another dude yelled across the room, "I think we could all use a little less Paul around here." Ewe awl would have been proud.

thinking to self... gud plan, were owt yore gud key and use teh won that has awlready failed as yore back up

Yea, yore probibly rite,

I probibly dun't has a clue.

Just remind me to poynt and laugh,

when it happens to ewe.


Dec 26, 2013, 10:40 AM
Post #101722 of 105309 (4215 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
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Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
Well, we went up to teh gnu crag. Kinda a long, grulling approch but teh climbing was steller. Long roots on super fresh rock. I was so impressed that I left my pretty gnu 70 meter rope there so I dun't has to hump it back up. I wood have gone back up there on sunday, cept I cood barely walk teh next day.

Climbed with Lena, Jeff and snoppy in teh park on sunday, kinda cold in teh shade but we had fun. Ate pizza afterwards, while we waited fer snoppy to sort owt sum car problems.

Jtree report. Got to nomads just after 9, jack had already headed into the park. parked the car, grabbed lena & jeff, and packed everything into my car. went to start the car ... and the ignition was locked. wouldn't turn at all. steering column seemed locked also, so figured maybe it was that ... but would sort it out when we got back from climbing.

started on the Physical Graffiti ... that is a cool rowt, or at least I thought it was. some of the more reach-challenged folks perhaps did not agree. but for josh, definitely a 4-star rowt. while everybody was TRing the rowt, I went up teh mushroom carck and got jak to follow me ... shockingly, nobody else seemed overly interested in a grainy josh flared hand carck to offwidth. I scraped myself up a bit, showered jak with ball bearings, and zent.

next was the way of life. between physical graffiti and teh way uv life, Lena wasn't a huge fan of my traversing rowt choices. did not zend, my fat ass hung all over it. I think I need to spend enough time there to take a draw hang run and a redpoint run at some point.

walked from there over to teh big moe. the bolt anchor is back, swete. also, all agreed that it was a grate rowt. did some of the easy bouldering around there, called it a day. No C&J, oh well.

Back into town, jak tried the car, couldn't get it to work. Was going to have it towed via AAA to a lot, and have steph come out with my newer key, since that was jak's diagnosis. the tow truck guy did the same jiggling of the steering wheel, brake, and key and got it to turn on. swete! At that point, there was no way I was turning my car off until I got home, so I hopped in, parked in front of pie for the people with the car running, said bye real quick, and drove home. had a slight need to take a piss, but it never got worse, and I had a nalgene in the car if necessary. seems like the right move, because when I got home I parked with the wheels straight, the steering column not locked up, and the key wouldn't turn at all. with my other key (nearly unused), ignition turns just fine. hate to admit it, but jak seems to have been right.

Good times. Physical Graffiti is one of the better routes in josh, and certainly a good call on a cold day. Way of Life is a sprint, I think having the draws up would be a key to sending that thing. I opted to pass on the Mushroom Crack. If you want more heinous grain over there, check out Master and Servant.

I have to deal with the locked up steering wheel thing all the time because I park on a hill. Usually cranking hard on the wheel and stomping the brake does the trick. Never heard of the key thing, that is weird.

I'll have to defer to Josh connoisseurs about Physical Grafitti. I thought it was reachy crumbly crap. I really appreciated Jacks beta about how I should pick a spot where I want to put my foot, and then wiggle the toe and grind things down until they aren't crumbling anymore, and then put my foot there. It is good to know, for sure. But, I mean, if I want to make new footholds for myself on every step, I'll just go ice climbing.

Way of life wasn't my way, either. The first 3 bolts were fun though... But Big Moe was super-fun, and the first route of the day that wasn't all crumbly. I am learning to really appreciate the rock that is not crumbling.

Found a bunch of really solid rock while bouldering today. Played around on Caveman, but only sent the V3 finish. Then played around on Pigpen -- OMG, what a fun problem! Didn't do the whole thing, but the finish crack was fun. Then we went back to Gunsmoke, and tried the High Noon. It was fun, too, but the topout is scary and we didn't do it.

Met a really nice guy there, and stuck together for the rest of the day. Tried Streetcar Named Desire, and the Chube. Got sick and tired of scary topouts, did some fun no-star V0-V2s around the same area, then went back to Gunsmoke and killed ourselves doing laps. Then the guy said he lived just outside the park, and invited us over for dinner, but at that point Heffe was completely tapped out and his introvert bubble shrunk to nothing. So we had to decline, bummer.

Tomorrow is the last day for Heffe. And my fingers better recover before Banz shows up.

That's awl.

Ha ha!! This is also great. Yes, Josh is an acquired taste I suppose. When people talk about Josh grain, josh oatmeal, or josh cruft, now you know what they mean! Grain showers for all.

it is worth pointing out that Way of Life and PG are rather new by josh standards and haven't been paddled up a 1000 times yet.

I wasn't there, but I bet the josh routes of the 80s had a lot more grain on them back in the early days. There is a good story by Randy on the Coarse and Buggy in mp, and that thing is now bullet.

I think I just sort of enjoy shitty routes now too. I think it's just that routes that aren't absolutely soaked in spray are just more interesting.

Well, that awl sounds pretty gud in theory....

but how iz that actually gunna werk? With yore balls in teh loyerette's purse fer safe keeping and the choke collar sinched up tight while she drags ewe around on a 3 foot leach?

I've actually got a nice little Friday planned up at the gee dub

Haven't climbed a lock in 3 weeks. I pulled something near the top of my calf during that cold snap while gym bouldering. Always the gym bouldering. Hopefully I haven't lost too much fitness.

Snupe what are you working on there these days? I'm thinking pres day or mortal Kombat, or whatever is open.

Noice... this friday?

Kinda short notice, but if ewe make teh entire weekend we'll cum up.


Dec 26, 2013, 4:10 PM
Post #101723 of 105309 (4200 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
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Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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Hmm, interesting!

I should be able to make Saturday. I have to pick up my new overlord at the airport. I think she arrives late so I can do the whole day.

Sunday I am scheduled to drive to Josh. Going to be there for a week. Need to figure out a day for a hole shot, overhanging slab, or NJC.


Dec 26, 2013, 4:59 PM
Post #101724 of 105309 (4190 views)

Registered: Apr 22, 2010
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Re: [camhead] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
I just booked my hotel for Bozemen. Lewis and Clack. Doc, Nathan is all stressed about trying to get all the gear we need into two bags and out there and keeps talking about driving out. We're going to talk about it this weekend but I may shoot you an email about borrowing stuff if we are both flying out.

I also called to reserve a room for Quebec in two weeks. My fench is really slipping, and I have no idea if I actually managed to reserve a room. I just sent them an email with the help of google translate to confirm.

Yeah feel free to send a PM. Like I said, you can mail stuff if you want, or we may be able to lend some stuff(snowshoes, other.) I have a spare pack as well. We have camping and cooking stuff for a few people, but not enough to outfit four for winter stuff.

When you figure out logistical stuff get in touch.

Be careful mailing stuff. The clamhats (rip) got fucked over mailing a tard rack to squishmash.



Dec 26, 2013, 5:02 PM
Post #101725 of 105309 (4188 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
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Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
CI, there are now TWO! (2!) mentions of DTSA rowtz in this thread.

Ha ha!! This is great!! Two on the list!

Table rock probably is the worst rock most people will ever climb.

I've obviously climbed on some pretty terrible rock, and teh DTSA is definitely the worst I've ever climbed on. Not the worst climbing, but definitely the worst rock.

I actually should have put spankterfied, I enjoyed that more than teh DC. Probibly because I was on TR and less in fear for my life.

Well if you make it back up the Sauvignon Choss is probably just as good.

I should try Spankterfied again to try to gauge the difficulty.

definitely, make sure to tear up that shoulder.

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