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tahquitz, climbable in the winter?
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Jan 25, 2003, 7:02 PM
Post #1 of 7 (2253 views)

Registered: Nov 25, 2002
Posts: 2028

tahquitz, climbable in the winter?  (North_America: United_States: California: Riverside_County: Tahquitz_Rock)
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It's beautiful down here in So Cal this year, not too many storms and it's been HOT. Anyways, does anyone know if Tahquitz is climbable right now? I want to go up there soon while the weather is good. Is it covered in snow? Any info will help!!!



Jan 27, 2003, 4:52 AM
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tahquitz, climbable in the winter? [In reply to]
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Well, I went up there today and it was one of the nicest days up there that I've seen! There were a few snow patches, but the rock is for the most part it is dry and the temperature is about 65-70 degrees. I did Fingertrip and Dave's Deviation (first pitch). Finger trip was all dry and Dave's had some snow at the base but not much. The top is all dry due to the amount of snow it is getting. Until the next storm rolls through, head up there or Suicide and play!!! It was so clear today that it was possible to see the ocean, the sun's reflection was beautiful!!!



Jan 27, 2003, 5:42 AM
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Registered: May 26, 2002
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tahquitz, climbable in the winter? [In reply to]
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That's good to know, thanks for the beta. I was wondering about the conditions there myself. Were there any other climbers out there? hmmm, maybe I can get out there sooner than I thought. Just as long as there isn't ice or snow on the routes...



Jan 27, 2003, 6:10 AM
Post #4 of 7 (2253 views)

Registered: Jul 15, 2002
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tahquitz, climbable in the winter? [In reply to]
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FWIW, the rock can be finger numbing cold. You might consider routes on the south, say from Open Book on. You'll get a bit more sun, and you are only looking at 3 or 4 pitches if the weather turns on you.

Have fun,


Jan 28, 2003, 5:43 PM
Post #5 of 7 (2253 views)

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tahquitz, climbable in the winter? [In reply to]
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I saw two other people up there. They passed above us on finger tip traverse (we were on fingertrip). The rock was definitely not too cold! We were in the shade when we started and it was perfect. I was in a t-shirt the whole day, and my girlfriend whose hands are always cold was fine. Granted the weather might change, but at least last sunday it was PERFECT!!!


Jan 28, 2003, 6:11 PM
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Registered: Jul 15, 2002
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tahquitz, climbable in the winter? [In reply to]
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Josh, you're killing me. I had to work last weekend!

My only point was that, in winter, mileage may vary. I've been caught in a snowstorm there in April. The day started sunny and shorts.



Jan 28, 2003, 6:54 PM
Post #7 of 7 (2253 views)


tahquitz, climbable in the winter? [In reply to]
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What are you doing to yourself Josh????
You're supposed to me nursing your injured finger, not go off doing multi pitch trad!!!!! It'll never heal properly if you keep doing that.
But anyways glad to know that we can start heading up there again so that I can do some stuff there too as opposed to J-tree.

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