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Feb 2, 2003, 4:14 PM
Post #26 of 46 (3160 views)

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Lox, I can't help but wonder, does anyone actually find the site you posted funny?

I'm not much of one for political correctness, but I can't help but wonder why anyone, and I mean anyone, would consistantly invest the precious seconds of their life poking purile fun at folks with some of the biggest uphill battles in life?

There is a boy in my daughter's class who has had a two year battle with Cancer. A 13 year old who loves to skateboard is now looking at an amputation up to the hip. Imagine looking at massive, dangerous surgery, which will immediately take away some of what you enjoy most in life, all to take your chances of survival from 0% to marginal.

Now, after reading your link, I would not be surprised to find a parady site for Make-a-Wish...

Sort of makes me wonder what the exact definition for "pathetic morons" should be.



Feb 2, 2003, 5:32 PM
Post #27 of 46 (3160 views)

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Amazingly enough, there is a rather large segemnt of thepopylation who can and do find humor in EVERYTHING, even the most irreverent, childish and crude.

In this particular case, there is a Sped teacher with a sense of humor and the ability to see how some people might find amusing the wierd and terrible stuff she has to deal with on a daily basis.

It works out: she gets to make me laugh AND not have to go thorugh the experience alone.

It sucks to hear about the kid losing his leg. I only hope that leg is not where he keeps his sense of humor... cuz the only thing more sad and challenged in this world than someone with a physical or mental disability is some who is "normal" and lacks a sense of humor.


Feb 2, 2003, 6:40 PM
Post #28 of 46 (3160 views)

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i agree with lox. the best medicine is humour. i didnt see the site. i tend not to click any links posted by lox for fear of losing my job . but its one thing to point at people and laugh cruelly at a disibility. its something of a different nature to recognize the humour in some of the struggles these disibilities create. and being able to laugh about something makes it alot harder to be miserable and forlorn because of it.


Feb 3, 2003, 1:47 AM
Post #29 of 46 (3160 views)

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If you read one thing on the site, read teh last archive entry...

Safe for work.

You'll laugh more at the "normal" guy...

Now... whether this thread is an appropriate place to post such a link...

That's different entirely.


Feb 3, 2003, 2:03 AM
Post #30 of 46 (3160 views)

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There were two blind guys who used to top-rope at a gym I climb at. Bloody interesting to watch one of them belaying by tension and sounds (never saw a bad belay from either of these guys) while the other climbed the wall... quite often ignoring the easy holds while he searched for something harder...


Feb 3, 2003, 3:43 AM
Post #31 of 46 (3160 views)

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I completely believe it. Large numbers also believe in astrology, alien adbudctions, and the theraputic benefits of coffee enemas. I'll still base my own opinion regarding such matters on reason, not a vote...

I don't see anything wrong in finding humor in the human condition. Although I'm not laughing, even the irony of the young skateboarder losing his leg does not escape me.

What I found pointless about the site is that it pokes fun at a fiction. Clearly, the "speced" (sic), is a fake. Even someone peripheraly involved with special education would at least pick up the real lingo used.

If the site owners are going to invest time each week creating fiction about a subject they know nothing about, I personally think they would be better off writing letters to Penthouse Forum (sorry to burst your bubble on that one as well). Some form of sexual release (aside from playing with themselves gloomily) might help with the self esteem problem that I suspect is at the root of their "tard" obsession.



Feb 3, 2003, 4:33 AM
Post #32 of 46 (3160 views)

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Anybody who goes up El Capitan is only a few steps ahead of those guys in white suits carrying big butterfly nets.


Feb 3, 2003, 8:19 AM
Post #33 of 46 (3160 views)

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Fitz... WTF are you talking about.

It's not a vote whether or not people find it funny... it's a fact. Some people do.

Just like the FACT that I find the occasional coffee enema rather eye-opening and refreshing.

Some people have different sense of humor than you... and while I appreciate how you could think the site is fiction, I suggest you ask the authors to find out for sure.

Real or not, I find the site entertaining... but not half as entertaining as watching you muddle through this thing called life without a trace of a funny bone.



Feb 3, 2003, 8:26 AM
Post #34 of 46 (3160 views)

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Then again.. why should we fight ?


Feb 4, 2003, 3:10 AM
Post #35 of 46 (3160 views)

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Believe it or not, I had not read the pre-pubescent type sexual bravado in your personal description before I wrote my previous post. Clearly it struck a nerve.

I can't say I'm particularly sorry. You're failure to see the wry humor in my post demonstrates an old adage, "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Humor is when you fall through a man hole cover and die."

If laughing at made up stories about an inaccurate and stereotypical view of mentally handicapped people makes you laugh (and presumably feel better about your own existance). Go for it.

And, if others having a little laugh at your expense gets you all worked up. So much the better. The chest thumbing redneck thing just makes it funnier.



Feb 4, 2003, 3:22 AM
Post #36 of 46 (3160 views)

Registered: Jan 24, 2003
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This not exactly what your talking about but interesting none the less. At the gym I climb at there is a group from a nearby hospital that runs a program for handicapped children (NOT NECCESSARILY SLOW) most of whom can barley walk with ought leg braces or a child walker. However somehow they manage to get these kids to climb and apparently it has helped some to become more adept at using their legs on flat ground.

If anyone from the program reads this please correct my inaccuracies


Feb 4, 2003, 4:03 AM
Post #37 of 46 (3160 views)

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Ahh... your humor is so wry that it inspires not laughter. At what point does it cease to be funny ?

I suppose,though... if you laugh, that is what is important.

I find your complete dismissal of this blog as shameful. You are basing your opinion by prejudging the piece itself on YOUR OWN experience with the jargon.

Clearly, this girl is a little flawed, an interesting person and has excellent character. She is not perfect and doesn't like having to do what she does. But she puts up with it and it's doubtful she's faking the photos which pepper the site.

I think it's either real or really well done, and I'm willing to go with the former based on the "fact is stranger than fiction" addage which is so often true.

I don't just "laugh at people's disability," but rather... I find humor in certain human situations.

If you think that is tantamount to juvenile "better than you" chest-beating which further bolsters my obvious juvenile egotism... you have written me off as easily as you have written off the validity of the tardblog.

And you are less well-off for doing so.


Feb 4, 2003, 4:05 AM
Post #38 of 46 (3160 views)

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And as if it mattered to you in the slightest... I rather enjoyed my time working with both the physical and mentally disabled while managing a climbing gym.

Watching people overcome so much to be successful at climbing is amazing.



Feb 4, 2003, 4:07 AM
Post #39 of 46 (3160 views)

Registered: Sep 19, 2002
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thats a great story, reborne. Thanks for the relevant post.

This thread made me realize some more great things about climbing - the inspiration it can give to challenged folks for one. And for anyone who has posted in this thread and thinks that team sports are not for them, think again. Team sports teach you to bond with others, to rely on your teamates for help and to earn the respect of your teamates so that they can count on you for the same. I say there is no greater team sport than climbing. Whether it is a group of boulderers with arms outstretched, ready to break the fall of their bro, a group of middle aged women on an alpine expedition, or a handicapped person climbing on top rope, or taking the responsibility of belaying another, climbing is actually the peak of the team concept!!


Feb 4, 2003, 5:04 PM
Post #40 of 46 (3160 views)

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i disagree with the "team concept". using a so-called "team" is a necessary means to a selfish end.

football, baseball, soccer, hockey, whatever, they all have one common goal, to beat the other team. score more points, more hits, and more pain than the other guys do. so you worked together to get there.

with the exception of big wall and alpine assaults, i would say that climbing is a very selfish sport. i really hate belaying my g/f on an easy 5.8. why do i do it? so that when shes done, she wont mind standing around for an hour to belay me on my project. i dont really care if she sends or not. im merely biding my time, waiting for my turn. sure, im happy to see her send, cause it makes her happy, and makes for a nicer evening. but her accomplishments and goals are entirely independant of mine. no mutual goals, except to be outside climbing.

its really a symbiotic relationship, where one persons selfishness causes them to be helpful to another individual. classic case of false altruism...

[edited for clarity; somethings %@#$ed up, i hate to repost this thing 2 times...]

[ This Message was edited by: boulderingmadman on 2003-02-04 09:07 ]

[ This Message was edited by: boulderingmadman on 2003-02-04 09:13 ]


Feb 4, 2003, 5:30 PM
Post #41 of 46 (3160 views)

Registered: Mar 21, 2002
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so much irrellivant crap so little time. I have worked with the special oylmpics for many years. I belive the "draw" to climbing for disabled people is the ability to achive success. Whether the route be easy or hard making it to the top is a personal triumph. So many sports veiw success as winning the medal or cup, getting the sponsership etc. I triumphed because I made it and did die in the process. When we (or physically or mentally challanged people) beat our own fears and doubts than there is always success. When I work at the special olymipcs I see the person comming in last place so damd happy that they actually made it and did not give up that even though they "lost" in our taditional sence of the word the "won" anyways by mearly not giving up.

My $0.02


Feb 4, 2003, 5:46 PM
Post #42 of 46 (3160 views)

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well said, vertcaillaw.

its all about accomplishing a personal goal that you set for yourself. whether that goal is to climb a 5.4 slab, or send a v16 boulder problem...its all success when it somes down to making it to the top...


Feb 4, 2003, 6:20 PM
Post #43 of 46 (3160 views)

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I'm such a disaster. I don't have any glasses in my house cause I break them all. I have unbreakable glasses, and I have even managed to break one of those.

Last night, I sprained my ankle, not taking a 40 foot whipper and hitting a ledge, but rather walking my tiny 2-year old terrier around the block.

If I can't even hold a glass in my hand, are you going to trust me to belay?

But when climbing my buddies always say what good balance I have, how solid I am, etc. I can place and remove gear without dropping it and am completely confident while climbing.

Just keep my water in a camelbak, you can't spill that


Feb 4, 2003, 7:19 PM
Post #44 of 46 (3160 views)

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The beauty of our sport lies in the fact, as has been so ably pointed out, that one measures one's success or progress around very personal goals; one person's ascent of a 5.3 move is as significant to them as someone sending a V11 move onsight! And one's goals can change due to age, circumstance, or any condition that affects the individual climber. How cool is that??


Feb 4, 2003, 7:59 PM
Post #45 of 46 (3160 views)

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I don't think that the fact that climbing is a "slow" sport. it involves more calculations and more thinking than other sports. i do enjoy a wide variety of sports, although none competitively. I don't think i am slow in any way. Climbing requires just as much practice to get really good as any sport. there is no difference in my opinion!!!! grrr


Feb 5, 2003, 3:04 AM
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Quote:Fitz - Large numbers also believe in astrology, alien adbudctions, and...



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