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Jan 10, 2002, 10:35 AM
Post #1 of 9 (3045 views)

Registered: Mar 26, 2001
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New Climbing sites and route descriptions  (Africa: South_Africa)
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All SA members that have any new crag and route info should please submit is so that we can built on the already expanding South Africa section.

Camelman, Airscape, and Nayjay are so far our most active members. We need crag and route input to get the climbing junkees from overseas interested. Let them spend their pounds and dollars in our country man.
Please if you have any info, feel free to update or add new crag information.

Get stuck in people...

breathe stone


Jan 14, 2002, 11:30 AM
Post #2 of 9 (3045 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2001
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Hey Apeman! (or do you prefer baboon?)

You will note that the East London submittions have been going a tad slower but have been taking pictures of the crags and climbers which I plan to submit. Got my hands on a GPS and will start entering the crag coordinates soon. To all you other guys - hey lets try knock Rocmonkey's rating...


[ This Message was edited by: camelman on 2002-01-14 03:32 ]


Jan 15, 2002, 2:15 PM
Post #3 of 9 (3045 views)

Registered: Jan 14, 2002
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Howdy Dudes

I went out to dinner in Lonehill in Jo'burg the othernight and saw a huge boulder on top of a hill. It was dark so could not get a good look but it looks like it is in what looks to be a kind of nature reserve. I want to go and check it out even if I have to break in. Hopefully do it this weekend and i will let you guys know next week.

Rock on


Jan 17, 2002, 10:28 PM
Post #4 of 9 (3045 views)

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Hey Rockrabbit, "Lonehill Kopi" Is usuaally open on the w/e, otherwise if u walk on the fence on the left there is a hold in the fence, I think it's legal to enter, just No Littering. I was there a while ago, there could be some potential for boldering .... a lot of dasie crap though.


Jan 18, 2002, 6:12 AM
Post #5 of 9 (3045 views)

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Hey Gonzo.

Thanks for the info man. I'll shoot through this weekend and see what I can do to that boulder, or what it will do to me.

Rock On


Jan 18, 2002, 9:45 AM
Post #6 of 9 (3045 views)

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Hey rockrabbit

Don't forget to take a broom to sweep all the dassie crap of the rock. Why not submit the boulder as a area on after your visit.

To all you other SA folk, hey guys I want to come climb in your backyards sometime so PLEASE update/submit areas/routes/sections for the SA section of so we all know where to go. What shocks me is that East London is this arb speck on the climbing map of South Africa compared to the rest of the country yet our section is oozing information on our crags. Come on guys!



Jan 18, 2002, 1:41 PM
Post #7 of 9 (3045 views)

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Hey Camelman.

For sure I will added the boulder, we need to get SA on the map, and one of the ways we can do that is letting the world know what we've got. As for the dassie crap, it makes for good obstacles on the climb. Haa, haa.

Rock on


Jan 22, 2002, 6:13 AM
Post #8 of 9 (3045 views)

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Howdy Dudes

Went to the Lonehill Koppie over the weekend. Could not find the hole in the fence so I decided to jump the fence, one problem there was barbwire on it. I took the rubber car mat and slung it over the gate where it looks as though some people have done it before. Anyway jumped over and gashed a hole into my shorts and my butt. Glad I always keep a first aid kit when climbing. Patched myself up but I could not climb because my harness kept on catching the wound. I took a look around anyway and there are a few nice short little crags, but the boulder on the top is what I am interested on tackling. So it was a bit of a disappointment for me but at least I could scout it out.

Rock on


Feb 5, 2002, 8:27 AM
Post #9 of 9 (3045 views)

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Add the kopi and boulder as a crag and section...then get some info in there as to where is is and how to get there. You can always add the technical route info later when your butt has healed...

Did you smear some dassie crap on the wound. I always hear the bushmen used funny s--- (excuse the pun) to heal wounds...

breathe stone

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