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Jan 29, 2002, 4:51 AM
Post #1 of 1 (2911 views)

Registered: Jan 26, 2002
Posts: 220

Bouldering  (North_America: United_States: Virginia: Central: Moormans_Boulders)
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  This is a bouldering area. Top roping is rather unnecessary. There are a few routes on the front wall, and some scattered along the path. Climbing is ok untill you reach the main area, which is about 200 to 300 yards from the main road, along the well beaten path.
The bouldering on the main wall is superb, lots of tough, overhanging problems, as well as some easier, balance problems. Most of the crux moves on the overhang are close to the ground or within a reasonable falling area, it is realatively easy once you have pulled the overhanging areas. A good area for beggining climbers and seasoned vertrans alike.

[ This Message was edited by: orngave on 2002-02-03 09:12 ]

Forums : Climbing Information : Regional Discussions


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