
Feb 6, 2004, 12:37 AM
Post #1 of 2
Registered: Oct 22, 2003
Posts: 173
Figured I'd post this, since there wasn't a specific post for it yet. The new ICC (Indoor Climbing Center) opened on January 28th and it's huge! Here's some more specific info by the company that designed it: http://www.epusa.com/.docs/pg/311 So far it's been great! A little crowded right now because of the requirement that everyone take a "skills test and orientation" before climbing (even bouldering). Reason for this is that it's a brand-new center, much taller (42ft high) and is directly under the eye of RecSports at OSU (the old ICC was a bit more autonomous). Also, their using ATC's for belay devices now instead of 8's. Cost: free if you're a student; $5 if you're a "community member" or non-student (like me). Or, $70 per term, which comes out to a helluva lot cheaper than $5 per climb. I've got all the info for "community members" so PM me if interested. If you're in Corvallis and need to climb, I highly recommend checking it out!