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Feb 11, 2004, 5:59 PM
Post #1 of 1 (1034 views)

Registered: Apr 30, 2003
Posts: 2

Martinswand  (Europe: Austria: Tirol__inkl__Osttirol_: Martinswand)
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The Martinswand is actually a more than 200m high limestone rock face 10km west of Innsbruck with several nice multi-pitch sports climbs. Climbers often use the term Martinswand to sum up various crags in the area like the main face mentioned above and others like the famous Dschungelbuch, the OEAV Klettergarten (see picture), Supermarkt, Gallerie and others. The area has probably at least 300-400 routes (Dschungelbuch alone has appr. 200) ranging from very easy to 8c(+?).

Forums : Climbing Information : Regional Discussions


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