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Thoughts on life and climbing in Michigan
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Feb 19, 2004, 9:14 PM
Post #1 of 16 (4948 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
Posts: 395

Thoughts on life and climbing in Michigan  (North_America: United_States: Washington: I-5_Corridor-North: Exit_38: Run_Away_Train)
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My job here in Colorado ends this summer, and I've been offered a 2-3 year position in Ann Arbor, MI. Needless to say, the thought of moving to Michigan has me a tad uneasy to say the least. Kinda makes me a bit nauseus.

(Excuse me a second...... deep breaths... deep breaths...)

I've been a near-obsessive climber for the past 8 years and have been skiing my whole life, and do both at a high level. Since this isn't a permanent position, I'm seriously considering the offer. I can survive without skiing every weekend for a few years, but I'll need to still do a lot of climbing to retain my sanity.

So what is the climbing scene like up there? Hows the gym? Are there any decent climbing areas up there besides scrappy TR-outcrops? What about within a 3 hour radius... anything? How far are the big time areas like the RRG or NRG? Any smaller areas of note in the upper midwest that are easily reachable from Ann Arbor?

(...deep breaths....deep breaths....)


Feb 19, 2004, 9:26 PM
Post #2 of 16 (4948 views)

Registered: Feb 12, 2004
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Re: Thoughts on life and climbing in Michigan [In reply to]
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Well....I lived in Ann Arbor most of my life. I recently moved to Memphis TN and have been enjoying the new found access to climbing.

This statement alone should describe the climbing in MI.

The gym in A2 (Plant Rock) is very good, best gym I've ever been to.
That being said, the only outdoor climbing in the lower peninsula is Grand Ledge, the epitome of "scrappy TR-outcrops". The Ledge should actually be described as mud and sand climbing rather than rock climbing, however it's all you got.

The Red is about 6hrs, not sure about NRG (farther). I never went up to Ontarrio and the Escarpment but I heard it was alright (~4hrs?)

Truthfully, you'll have a better chance to ski every weekend in the winter than climb ever weekend in the summer.

All that said, I think Ann Arbor is a great town, just not great for the outdoors!


Feb 19, 2004, 9:30 PM
Post #3 of 16 (4948 views)

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Feb 20, 2004, 4:51 PM
Post #4 of 16 (4948 views)

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Re: Thoughts on life and climbing in Michigan [In reply to]
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Thoughts from any other midwesterners or MI people out there?


Feb 20, 2004, 6:01 PM
Post #5 of 16 (4948 views)

Registered: May 27, 2003
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Re: Thoughts on life and climbing in Michigan [In reply to]
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I grew up in MI, lived there for 18yrs. I was stuck back there for a few months a few years back and it was torturous, as I was coming from Utah of 3 years and a 3 month west coast climbing trip. The climbing gym in Ann Arbor offers a lot, but will never replace the rock or atmosphere of being outside. I heard you can go up to Canada on the coast, and I think there is minimally ice in the Upper Peninsula as there is an ice festival there. My solid advice…. Go west and live for yourself, not for some company, I did and I found good work.


Mar 4, 2004, 5:48 PM
Post #6 of 16 (4948 views)

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Re: Thoughts on life and climbing in Michigan [In reply to]
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You'll survive. But that's about it.

Of course, the addage "attitude is everyting" certainly pertains here as well. Besides, would the move here be an investment in your future goals, etc?

There are those who criticize what we have here, and it's nothing compared to colorado, but it's plenty for the climber with the right attitude. You'll meet cool climbing folks, and make lots of good memories. Besides, weened road trips to the Red are some of my absolute most favorite memories. There's nothing like a good old classis american road trip with a few buddies!


Mar 4, 2004, 6:05 PM
Post #7 of 16 (4948 views)

Registered: Jan 29, 2003
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Re: Thoughts on life and climbing in Michigan [In reply to]
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Picture Oklahoma and its climbing scene. :lol:

I moved to Oklahoma from Michigan and a big part of it was the amount of climbing, sure school was a part of the decision, but minimally so :roll: . Michigan is hell, there is even a town there named Hell, MI. My best advice is to stay away from that dump. I grew up there and after 18 long years I finally made my jailbreak. The ledges blow, gyms are too expensive to justify using them and the nearest quality climbing is at least a 4 hour drive away.


Mar 4, 2004, 7:11 PM
Post #8 of 16 (4948 views)

Registered: Feb 5, 2003
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Re: Thoughts on life and climbing in Michigan [In reply to]
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I grew up (until 18) just north of Ann Arbor. There is some a few ski areas within an hour drive. The skiing in the midwest is pretty sad. Most of the areas were landfills and gravel pits before anyone skiied on them. If your on a snowboard, your chances of having a good time are much better since the runs are so short. A four hour drive north will take you to some decent- bigger ski joints, though nothing in comparison to colorado. The spring skiing up there is the best thing going, but most reffer to it as beer skiing.
As far as the climbing goes- non existant- If you refer to gym climbing as climbing- you may be able to entertain yourself. Though, then your not really a rock climber, right>? (I don't want to start any arguments, gyms are to train)
My whole family lives there. I have a solid well paying job and a difinate future there, though one major thing- No climbing- No mountains for a solid 6-7 hour drive. Not my idea of fun. They say ,"take trips like we do". Unfortunately for them, they are non-climbers. They don't understand how the -I HAVE to climb- thing works.
Climbing is one of those things I'm not willing to give up any time soon for anything. My opinion- hold out for a better location


Mar 4, 2004, 7:35 PM
Post #9 of 16 (4948 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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Re: Thoughts on life and climbing in Michigan [In reply to]
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Dude you have got to be fucking out of your mind!

You LIVE in Colorado. It ain't living you'll be doing in Michigan. Dying. You'll be dying in Michigan.

If you really meant what you said about your climbing (skiing is climbing too my friend), then you are better off collecting dole or taking a big pay cut than you are moving away.

You seriously need to come to your senses. Life is too short and one day you're gonna wake up dead. Don't let that happen in fucking Michigan.

Michigan? You might as well move to Florida, at least you'll be warm.


Am I getting through to you????

You're Uncle Dingus knows... no job is worth your soul.






Mar 4, 2004, 7:51 PM
Post #10 of 16 (4948 views)

Registered: Sep 6, 2002
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Re: Thoughts on life and climbing in Michigan [In reply to]
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:shock: I can't believe you'd even consider wanting to come to Michigan. No job is worth the hell Michigan offers it's climbers. I lived in New Mexico most my life...go there, or Colo., Nevada, Cali. All these states offer a healthier outdoor lifestyle than MI. One thing about MI....the cost ($) of living is low but the price is high. Seems like everyone here is fat. I'm out of here as soon as my wife graduates and gets a job that supports my climbing habit. :( I'm doomed!


Mar 5, 2004, 6:07 AM
Post #11 of 16 (4948 views)


Re: Thoughts on life and climbing in Michigan [In reply to]
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Chill out all!!! Michigan is a great state for outdoors, just not for climbing. We have no mountains to climb, what do you expect. There are tons of states that you can't climb in. Try taking up some watersports or something. That is what Michigan is known for. It's not a dump and the obesity rate is low compared to other states. It's a great state, just NOT FOR CLIMBING!!!!!!!


Mar 5, 2004, 6:28 AM
Post #12 of 16 (4948 views)

Registered: Jun 17, 2002
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Re: Thoughts on life and climbing in Michigan [In reply to]
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I'm grew up in Ohio and stayed there about a decade too long. There's no way in hell you could ever get me to move back to the midwest, let alone Michigan. I'd rather skewer my left nut with a rusty nail and let it fester into a debilitating infection. I'm not sure what kind of work you do, but a job is a job. Colorado, and many parts of the west coast/southwest is a lifestyle. Is this job worth trading your current lifestyle for a few dollars and 3 of the most vibrant years of your life?



Mar 5, 2004, 7:59 AM
Post #13 of 16 (4948 views)


Re: Thoughts on life and climbing in Michigan [In reply to]
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Oddly enough, I recently applied for a job in Ann Arbor at the Ford Pres. Library. I hope we don't work in the same field! They might not have given me the denial yet!

I like the midwest, even if much of it is far too flat. Ann Arbor also has a social/intellectual environment that I would enjoy (I can think of one on this post who would disagree though). U of M, even with the $600,000 given to basketball players like Weber by boosters, must have a climbing wall. Take the job and get strong in the gym, using your vacation time to go to the real stuff. Three years is less than you spent in elementary school, and how quick did that go?

Wait, what am I saying? I'm a Notre Dame football fan:

"Hail to those mother F ers,
Hail to those Coc s--kers
Hail, Hail to Michagan,
The az holes of the world!"

Sorry for the break into football, but we Domer fans are very insecure right now, have you seen us play?


Mar 6, 2004, 6:08 AM
Post #14 of 16 (4948 views)

Registered: Feb 5, 2003
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Re: Thoughts on life and climbing in Michigan [In reply to]
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my guess- g, you don't climb very much. The gym sounds like a good place for you to work on your bouldering skills and football conversations.
Three years of climbing in colorado is like a lifetime if it's steady and consistant. If climbing is truley your gig, you could go from 5.8's to leading 5.12's in 3 yrs. In an area like Boulder, for example, you have access to the finest alpine, ice, trad, and sport climbing on excellent rock within a 15 min to hour drive. I couldn't fathem trading that for some stimulating intillectual conversation in the bookstore next to the climbing wall at the university of mich. You must be joking. Were trying to help out a fellow climber here-


Mar 24, 2004, 9:33 PM
Post #15 of 16 (4948 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: Thoughts on life and climbing in Michigan [In reply to]
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I haven't checked this thread for a while.

Just for a quick update, I declined the job offer in Michigan. I had gotten all psyched to suck it up and live with X-country skiing and dedicated weekend trips to RRG and Lion's Head, but in the end, my girlfriend (who is a CO native) and I decided that it wasn't an option. It turns out that my boss here can pay me off his grant for one more year. A temporary fix, but it'll do. I just wish there were more college towns in the west.

Thanks for everyone's insights!


Mar 24, 2004, 9:56 PM
Post #16 of 16 (4948 views)

Registered: Aug 18, 2003
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Re: Thoughts on life and climbing in Michigan [In reply to]
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I have family in Ann Arbor and climb at Planet Rock when I visit. It is a very nice looking gym, but the route setting is less than stellar and the bouldering downright sucks. Maybe you can go there and make a difference. They have potetial for decent bouldering, they just need some route setting skills and need to get a wider variety of big g=feature type holds!

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