
Mar 29, 2002, 10:00 PM
Post #1 of 3
Registered: Dec 23, 2001
Posts: 396
With 135 routes, you can stay busy for a long time here. Toprope, sport or trad. With ratings between 5-6 to 5-12 its got something for every climber. In fact, oregons 1st 5-12 Close to the edge is located here. I have been climbing here for a number of years, and have had tons of climbing fun here. If you live in the portland area, and have not climbed at Rocky Butte, your missing out on some kickass routes. There has been a problem with trash in the past, but volanteers with Solve and the Portland Rock Gym have made a huge differance. Yeah baby! I love this place! Rocky Butte kicks booty!!!

Mar 29, 2002, 10:55 PM
Post #2 of 3
Registered: Nov 15, 2001
Posts: 18
Hello Rocky Butte: Yes, there is some good stuff to do there. It is just too bad it is such a dirty place. I found a transmission there one time, and all the glass is terrible. Another time I was climbing blackberry jam and scraped my arm and it got infected- don't want to think what was so dirty there. By the way, watch out for broken glass, it's tough on ropes and shoes, my buddy was bouldering there and cut his shoes when he peeled off a bouldering problem. Enjoy it though.

Mar 29, 2002, 11:16 PM
Post #3 of 3
Registered: Dec 23, 2001
Posts: 396
Like I said, Its been cleaned up a lot. Also, I have been climbing there for 7 years and I have yet to cut my shoes, ropes, or get an infection from anything I wish people would quit trying to give the Butte such a bad rap. If it was so bad, I doubt very seriously that so many old school climbers with 20+ years experiance would climb there every year. Most of the people who give it a bad rap are people who havent even seen 1/4th of the routes available there(like I said,135) There are other great places to climb in the area as well I know(I love Beacon Rock as well), But for being as close as it is, how can you beat routes like...Birds of Paradise 10-d...White Rabbit 10-b...Emotional rescue 10-b...Blue Berry Jam 5-9...etc...etc But I digress, just go to the Rocky Butte page, on the Oregon listing and check it out. Jim