Forums: Climbing Information: Regional Discussions:
Incomplete directions
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Mar 16, 2004, 12:23 AM
Post #1 of 2 (674 views)

Registered: Jul 5, 2002
Posts: 24

Incomplete directions  (North_America: Mexico: Estado_de_M_xico: Perros)
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I had problem when the directions to Perros cuts off by saying to enter the town and then that's it doesn't give any more directions as to where the place actually is so if ximiana or who ever put the directions the could complete them that would be great Thanks :D


Sep 13, 2008, 2:16 AM
Post #2 of 2 (532 views)

Registered: Jun 28, 2008
Posts: 3

Re: [icecap] Incomplete directions [In reply to]
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After the left turn yuo DONT get into the town really, you pass it in that left turn, and about 1.2 km or 1.5 km you turn right into an unpaved road, 200m ahead you stop in the white house, ask for Jesus, the wall & the boulders are in his "backyard" (here starts a 250 or 300m hike to the routes) Jesus may ask for 10 mx pesos ( 1 usd) each.

Some hangers are just unbelieveably old and rusty, but some chemicals nearby!

(This post was edited by AL_SAHMUD on Sep 13, 2008, 2:18 AM)

Forums : Climbing Information : Regional Discussions


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