
Apr 29, 2002, 11:31 AM
Post #1 of 8
Registered: Jun 14, 2001
Posts: 531
I was wondering how many climbing areas are now banned due to restrictions. Just a generaly inquiry. Also, why are they banned. Public Liability, environmental. After September 11, insurance premiums have skyrocketed. Has this had anything to do with it?

May 2, 2002, 9:10 AM
Post #2 of 8
Registered: Dec 3, 2001
Posts: 609
hanging rock...... but i gues every one knows that.... lol joe

May 2, 2002, 10:04 AM
Post #3 of 8
Registered: Apr 19, 2002
Posts: 31
Can't help but wonder how anything that happened on september 11th would have much impact on climbing? Unless you're buildering in the city it shouldn't have any impact on where you're climbing at all. Even then, it was always off limits and illegal: putting insurance premiums up is hardly going to make it more illegal. Unless I'm missing something obscure. Dougie [ This Message was edited by: dougiec on 2002-05-02 03:07 ]

May 5, 2002, 2:49 AM
Post #4 of 8
Registered: Dec 3, 2001
Posts: 609
i think e is refering to the fact that hanging rock is off limits because they want any 1 who climbs there to have liabillity insurance, and insurence premiums have sky rocketed since s11, hence i think he was wondering if any other areas may use the excusses of hanging rock. there fore no 1 could climb there as the insurance is so damn un affordable. damn i even confuse myself sometimes joe

Jul 27, 2002, 3:12 AM
Post #5 of 8
Registered: Dec 3, 2001
Posts: 609
werribee gorge: Please note: Access has recently changed. The VCC says: "The new landowner has concerns about insurance liability and has also ploughed the entire paddock to sow crops. It is important that anyone wishing to climb should use this new access route. Cross the railway track and head east for approximately 300m along the service road, cross the fence and follow the strip of land between the ploughed land and the fence to eventually join the track down to the cliff at the second stile". quote from chockstone.org joe

Jul 27, 2002, 3:38 AM
Post #6 of 8
Registered: May 25, 2001
Posts: 3669
Quote:insurance premiums have skyrocketed. Has this had anything to do with it? Insurance companies take the money that is payed into them by say a climbing guide company and use this cash to play the stock market. This is where insurance companies make all their money. Since the stock market is currently taking huge dives the insurance companies are losing money. Since the insurance companies are losing money then they are inflating their rates. This year and next will most likely see huge increases in fees for highrisk and outdoor activities such as river rafting, sky diving and possibly climbing services so that these guides can cover their insurance costs. [ This Message was edited by: fiend on 2002-07-26 20:39 ]

Aug 7, 2002, 2:31 AM
Post #7 of 8
Registered: Dec 3, 2001
Posts: 609
true prices have skyrocketed several companies are already shutting down / have already shut down....... it marks a sad day indeed. joe

Aug 17, 2002, 12:27 PM
Post #8 of 8
Registered: Jun 14, 2001
Posts: 531
The gym i climb at was in danger of shutting down because it couldn't find an insurance company that would provide cover, let alone whether the price was too high.