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Jul 6, 2004, 9:47 PM
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Your Preferred Climbing Style/Your Pesronality
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What do you think your preferred climbing style says about your personality?

While belaying my partner yesterday, I was about 400' off the deck when I began thinking about how much I was enjoying the solitude of the day. I looked out behind me and all I saw were peaks and clouds. I looked below me and all I saw was snow, water and land. Above me, clouds had formed and little droplets of snow landed on my face. A bird flew by and the only audible sound was the sound of his wings slicing the air. I knew that at the summit, there would be oodles of people up there who drove up in their cars. My partner was there and there was also another party on the route beside us but still, I felt alone. I can't even express how much that feeling means to me. As a single mom, professional, friend and climber I don't feel like I get much time to myself. I love my life but sometimes it can be exhausting!!! I value those moments when I'm climbing something high. When all I can hear is the sound of my heart or the sound of my breath or the sounds of nature. One of the reasons why I'm a JR. Alpinist in Training, hehe (I say this tongue and cheek but it is somewhat true) is because I appreciate the remoteness and solitude that the adventure has to offer. I also accept and appreciate the challenge but more than anything, climbing mountains makes me feel connected to the earth. In a way, alpine climbing is like my gas station of life. The week drags me through the mud and sometimes leaves me feeling overwhelmed and drained. But get me out in the mountains for a bit and I'm refueled and replenished, even though I'm doing things that are overwhelming and draining. I have several friends and am constantly surrounded by people but I think one of the reasons why I like alpine so much is because I'm a bit of a lone wolf (or sheep) at heart.

So what do you think your climbing style says about your personality? Or does it say anything at all?


Jul 6, 2004, 9:54 PM
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I think I probably have Attention Deficit Disorder--and that explains why I boulder primarily. :lol:



Jul 6, 2004, 10:17 PM
Post #3 of 37 (3923 views)

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Re: Your Preferred Climbing Style/Your Pesronality [In reply to]
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i have a really hard time picking a favorite style. i am a total climb whore.

i think that pretty much says it all.


Jul 6, 2004, 10:33 PM
Post #4 of 37 (3923 views)

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Re: Your Preferred Climbing Style/Your Pesronality [In reply to]
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You nailed it once again! You never cease to surprise me with your analytical skills.

Mother Sheep,

I had many of the same thoughts as you, as I was floating along in the lower Grand Canyon this weekend. Listening to birds, flowing water and a one huge rockfall off of the Redwall (my own personal 4th of July 'firework').
BTW, you might enjoy reading Jack London's The Sea Wolf.

I like all sorts of climbing. I know that I'm a generalist but the common theme is a love of the outdoors and the elements.

Here is a toast to 'extreme' environments.



Jul 6, 2004, 10:34 PM
Post #5 of 37 (3923 views)

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Re: Your Preferred Climbing Style/Your Pesronality [In reply to]
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Thats a pretty tough question. We don't have every style of climbing up here in the Blue Mountains but I enjoy doing pretty much everything we have got. Trying to describe my personality is even harder, fu#$ed if I know, most of the time pretty relaxed, patient, sometimes a bit anal. That said it is bouldering and sport climbing that seem to suit my physique and climbing style. I tend to like the process of working a hard climb or problem to the point where you know every little nubbin and pull off the send in perfect style. Other times I enjoy the flailing up a hard onsight, getting everything wrong but fighting to stay on. It is hard to beat a nice long rock route that gets you high above the trees though. So in the end, buggered if I know, depends on the day I guess.


Jul 6, 2004, 10:36 PM
Post #6 of 37 (3923 views)

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Re: Your Preferred Climbing Style/Your Pesronality [In reply to]
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What do you think your preferred climbing style says about your personality?

Good question, Mother_Sheep, and one worthy of some introspection.

As you well know, I'm a moderate, steady, methodical climber. I'm not big on pushing numbers, nor do I do this for the glory (what glory?) For me, the moderate pace of my climbing reflects on my approach to life. Part of the reason I got into emergency medicine was a desire to help, but also because I know I have the ability to be calm, methodical, and steady of pace in any situation.

I do love the solitude, even if that's only in my mind. I like the oneness (is that a word?) with the climb. Me, the climb, and my thoughts. Perhaps that indicates my own personal comfort with being alone (which is far different than being lonely...)?

Being able to share a moment with a friend. That singular moment, when my friend and climbing partner are both thinking the same thing, and we both know it, yet not a word need be said. I once read that "It is a sign of true friendship when silence between two people is comfortable." I have enjoyed many such comfortable moments, and I like to think my partner at the time enjoyed those moments as well.

So, my climbing style: Methodical, steady, and moderate, alone with true friends. Kinda like how I live my life.

Thanks for the great thread. Can't wait to rope up with you again. Soon, I hope.

Partner climbinginchico

Jul 6, 2004, 10:36 PM
Post #7 of 37 (3923 views)

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Re: Your Preferred Climbing Style/Your Pesronality [In reply to]
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I just like climbing. I even pull plastic, out of necessity.


Jul 6, 2004, 10:41 PM
Post #8 of 37 (3923 views)

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Re: Your Preferred Climbing Style/Your Pesronality [In reply to]
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Hmmm. Maybe split personality? When I feel like hearing some music and breathing some chalk dust and being social, the gym's good. When I feel aggressive, some sport climbing outdoors. When I feel contemplative, a nice multi-pitch trad route.

Lately, I've been loving trad. Slower than sport, with longer pauses to enjoy the sounds of the birds and watch the spiders and smell the leaves. Heaven, really.


Jul 7, 2004, 12:01 AM
Post #9 of 37 (3923 views)

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Re: Your Preferred Climbing Style/Your Pesronality [In reply to]
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I really prefer something multi pitch or at least with a hanging belay. For some reason I get more out of the entire experience when I am dangling off of an anchor gazing out at the expanse around me. Having nothing but my belaying duties to keep my mind occupied, I seem to gain a better perspective. I am purely a mountain person who simply enjoys "getting out there", regardless of the activity. Climbing is just another reason to play in the mountains..:D


Jul 7, 2004, 12:48 AM
Post #10 of 37 (3923 views)

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Re: Your Preferred Climbing Style/Your Pesronality [In reply to]
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What do you think your preferred climbing style says about your personality?


I knew that at the summit, there would be oodles of people up there who drove up in their cars.

Sounds like you were on Mt. Evans?

Your description of what you get from the solitude is perfect. More than the peace though, I find that I can think clearer when I'm out there, not encumbered by the clutter of civilization. I find that the world is more real to me out there, and "normal" life seems somewhat artificial. I make all my big decisions on summits. I'm climbing Rainier this weekend, and am anxious to find out what the clarity of mind will reveal to me.

I am also a risk taker, so I gravitate toward trad and glaciers.


Jul 7, 2004, 12:54 AM
Post #11 of 37 (3923 views)

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Re: Your Preferred Climbing Style/Your Pesronality [In reply to]
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Solo slogs up long alpine approaches and the less travelled ascent to peaks less travelled. Not big like reno said into numbers, just being. Realizing that im the only one in the position to make the decision of go on, or go back. And that deafening roar of silence is the warm blanket of solitude that i envelop myself inside of as i step up and methodically continue along the journey.......


Jul 7, 2004, 1:18 AM
Post #12 of 37 (3923 views)

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Re: Your Preferred Climbing Style/Your Pesronality [In reply to]
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Great question. When I broke in, you had to do everything or you were considered a lightweight. However when I recall what I got off on most of all it was always getting on something long, preferably new and all free, and really going till the whole McGilla was done. It couldn´t be too hard or you´d have to stop and dick around and I liked just blasting most of all.

I guess I have a big appetite and like to gorge.



Jul 7, 2004, 1:33 AM
Post #13 of 37 (3923 views)

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Re: Your Preferred Climbing Style/Your Pesronality [In reply to]
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I'll pretty much eat anything once.

Think about that...


Partner coylec

Jul 7, 2004, 1:42 AM
Post #14 of 37 (3923 views)

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Re: Your Preferred Climbing Style/Your Pesronality [In reply to]
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I think I probably have Attention Deficit Disorder--and that explains why I boulder primarily. :lol:


You should read an article "Dealing with ADHD in the World and in the Wilderness" by Hilary Lauer, WEMT.

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People with ADHD are often labeled as problem people, but they also can have important abilities that make them excellent trip leaders and emergency personnel. Their ability to take in information with all their senses, balance the data, and "multi-task" while responding to lots of input (e.g. in an emergency room) can help them excel in these areas.

I think ADHD is fairly common among climbers. I love it when I'm climbing or hiking (attempting to engage in low-level peak-bagging) -- I can let my adhd go wild! I think its part of the reason I talk to myself when rigging anchors, raps, et al ... make sure i'm concentrating.



Jul 7, 2004, 3:04 AM
Post #15 of 37 (3923 views)

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Re: Your Preferred Climbing Style/Your Pesronality [In reply to]
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What do you think your preferred climbing style says about your personality?


I knew that at the summit, there would be oodles of people up there who drove up in their cars.

Sounds like you were on Mt. Evans?

Your description of what you get from the solitude is perfect. More than the peace though, I find that I can think clearer when I'm out there, not encumbered by the clutter of civilization. I find that the world is more real to me out there, and "normal" life seems somewhat artificial. I make all my big decisions on summits. I'm climbing Rainier this weekend, and am anxious to find out what the clarity of mind will reveal to me.

I am also a risk taker, so I gravitate toward trad and glaciers.

I was on Evans. Good luck to you on Rainier!


Jul 7, 2004, 3:15 AM
Post #16 of 37 (3923 views)

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Re: Your Preferred Climbing Style/Your Pesronality [In reply to]
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Good thought Mother Sheep

Most of the climbers I have climbed with are borderline ADHD including myself. Climbing is the only medative activity that I've found to make forces me to focus, concentrate, and make the channels in my head stop switching. With that in mind, I tend to be a generalist, I go on binges each season until I get bored then I switch styles. Trad in Spring & summer, bouldering in the fall, then a bit of sport or ice in the winter months.



Jul 7, 2004, 4:02 AM
Post #17 of 37 (3923 views)

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Climbing is the only medative activity that I've found to make forces me to focus, concentrate, and make the channels in my head stop switching.

For those with borderline ADHD like me, the problem is when the switching shaggy talks about happens involuntarily. Neurofeedback can actually put that under your control. A little pricey, but it works like magic on those rapid cycling channel surfing binges -- if you know what I mean . . .



Jul 7, 2004, 4:07 AM
Post #18 of 37 (3923 views)

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Re: Your Preferred Climbing Style/Your Pesronality [In reply to]
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If you are 25 don't necessarily conclude that you will feel the same way about climbing when you are 65 (assuming you reach that age). I'm not saying that all climbers change - there are several older climbers I know who retain an unaltered youthful enthusiasm for the sport, doing the same sort of climbing they did when young. But I experienced several changes along the way. At one time I was infatuated with what I then considered the end game of rock climbing: what would today be called exploratory free soloing. Then I was content with the challenges of bouldering. Now, as a climber of advancing years, I retain some measure of enthusiasm for easy soloing, relishing the continuity of motion and absence of apprehension. What does this say of my personality? Only that change may occur as one ages. My goodness, look at the admirable vivalargo, who now admits a fondness of sport climbing! 8^)

Partner angry

Jul 8, 2004, 1:44 AM
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Re: Your Preferred Climbing Style/Your Pesronality [In reply to]
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I climb trad, I like it wide.

I'm an asshole.


Jul 8, 2004, 2:13 AM
Post #20 of 37 (3923 views)

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Re: Your Preferred Climbing Style/Your Pesronality [In reply to]
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Ironic to see this thread. I was talking about this topic with my climbing partner after we were forced to bail off our 4th pitch at Sundance. I've realized that as much as completing a climb is exhilarating for the accomplishment, I have just as much enjoyment with the simple act of climbing itself. For me, climbing is all about losing yourself in the moment and letting everything else fade away. All I can see is the next move, and enjoy the act of taking each step. Maybe climbing is my own form of meditation. But for someone like me who tends to think WAY too much, climbing makes me revert to a focused state where I am conscious of even the act of breathing. It brings its own sense of peace.


Jul 8, 2004, 2:53 AM
Post #21 of 37 (3923 views)

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I suspect the honorable John Gill is right. You keep finding different ways to entertain and enchant yourself through the climbing game. I can´t go at things as I once did when I had atomic energy, boundless drive, crazy courage and no injuries. But I still like moving over the rock as much ¡f not more than ever. Actually I just like moving over terrain. Even peak bagging is fun to me now.

But in the end it´s the friends I made and still make along the way that gives the game its heart and soul. I´ve seen some incredible things and been to remarkable places through 30 years of climbing, and to that I count myself blessed.



Jul 8, 2004, 11:11 AM
Post #22 of 37 (3923 views)

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Re: Your Preferred Climbing Style/Your Pesronality [In reply to]
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Yes! The constant changing of channels, that's what my brain is like. Never heard it described like that before, but it is perfect. Also explains my tv watching habits, but that's a whole other discussion.

I don't really have a set style of climbing, I will climb any way I can. It all depends on my mood, sometimes I need a hard, requires total concentration, climb, and other times I just need to flail around on rock. I do love the feeling of being the only person in the world I get sometimes when I climb.

As for how that might describe my personality, I have no idea. Twitchy? Neurotic? I'm too busy chasing the next thought to give too much consideration to the last one that's zoomed through my mind.


Jul 8, 2004, 12:12 PM
Post #23 of 37 (3923 views)

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Re: Your Preferred Climbing Style/Your Pesronality [In reply to]
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Wow. Climbing works best me to focus and concentrate too. I’ve never heard anyone confirm as strongly as what I feel before. I love climbing – anything. I can concentrate when it interests me, perhaps because I am only borderline ADD my preferred style is long trad. I like the commitment, relatively long term goals, and chess game mentality of using everything I have at my disposal. I’m an east coaster, and I am sure that I would love mountaineering and walls if they were accessible to me. I like long days of hard physical work which produces total exhaustion. That too produces a relaxed feeling I enjoy all to little.


Jul 8, 2004, 1:41 PM
Post #24 of 37 (3923 views)

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Re: Your Preferred Climbing Style/Your Pesronality [In reply to]
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Hey I climb to actually stay out of trouble and it has worked. I found now that I actually get cranky if I haven't climbed for a while.I love the outdoors but I love the feeling of drinking a beer with my mates after a hard day of climbing.

Drinking beer in the outdoors is great anyway!


Jul 8, 2004, 1:50 PM
Post #25 of 37 (3923 views)

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Re: Your Preferred Climbing Style/Your Pesronality [In reply to]
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I don't know how to answer your question about how my climbing style and personality relate...But I'll think about it (like I don't think enough already :lol: )

I can say that I identify with much of what you wrote, particularly:

"As a single mom, professional, friend and climber I don't feel like I get much time to myself. I love my life but sometimes it can be exhausting!!! I value those moments when I'm climbing something high. When all I can hear is the sound of my heart or the sound of my breath or the sounds of nature. "

When an eagle soars by, I remember I AM FREE.

When I am tied in, climbing and feel fear, I am reminded I AM SAFE.

When I am choosing what to climb next, I am reminded that I AM IN CONTROL.

When I bring myself to something I so enjoy, something that is good for me I remember I LOVE MYSELF!!!


Climbing is such a positive experience all around....

Hmmm, good question though....

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