Aug 19, 2004, 12:50 AM
Post #1 of 1
Registered: Apr 27, 2004
Posts: 13
Since this area is still being developed, nearby landowners are still picky about noise and parking, so be reasonable, and please, keep this area clean. LNT! Other than that, go there, have a great time! Its one of my favorite spots in the 'dacks. The first time i showed up just like a noob- with the guide in my hands and my jaw on the ground. Turns out there were some regulars there with a ton of energy who didn't mind showing my friends and I around. With the larger crew we had a few pads and were able to work some high problems with sketchy landings. Every trip since, I try to be of the same mindset as those regulars I met, and each trip has brought new friends and new admiration for the area.