
Aug 19, 2004, 5:33 AM
Post #1 of 11
Registered: Jun 19, 2004
Posts: 10
Me and a mate are loking into climbing Mt Kilimanjaro early next year. At the moment we know very little about it, anyone done it before? How much did it cost you? etc. etc. We live in Sydney, Australia and finish school in Decemebr this year. It sounds like something fun to do so any info people have would be great. Thanks

Aug 19, 2004, 6:20 AM
Post #2 of 11
Registered: Apr 8, 2004
Posts: 7
Did it a couple of years ago....there is easy hiking routes to the top and other more serious routes. It is great fun and a awesome adventure in the heart of Africa! If you do the easy routes you might share it with other people..... Only iceclimbing on some routes but no rockclimbing as far as i know. Cost me 500$ in 1997 for the whole deal...porters, guide, food, cook. 5895m Asl....!!!!! Probably the easiest high altitude mountain around. Mount Kenya is also in your reach there and much more of a climbers mountain......great trad routes and ice routes!!!!! Around 5400m i think.

Aug 19, 2004, 8:25 AM
Post #3 of 11
Registered: Jun 4, 2004
Posts: 340
It is not the most difficult climb around.I heard from a couple of mates who did it that said it was an awesome experience. I think Mt. Kenya is tougher.

Aug 19, 2004, 12:41 PM
Post #4 of 11
Registered: Apr 14, 2003
Posts: 9120
edge moved this thread from General to Regional Discussions.

Aug 19, 2004, 12:51 PM
Post #5 of 11
Registered: Dec 14, 2001
Posts: 7129
Someone moved Mt Kilimanjaro? Mohammed?

Aug 19, 2004, 1:03 PM
Post #6 of 11
Registered: Jun 17, 2003
Posts: 260
Herman, do you have any contact info on the company you hired the guide and porters from? That sounds like a great price!! (I'm thinking of doing it in 2006 with a half dozen friends, and we were thinking it would cost about $4,000 each with airfare from the States.)

Aug 20, 2004, 2:35 AM
Post #7 of 11
Registered: Aug 14, 2004
Posts: 51
Killi does not involve any ice work ( depending on wat route u take) 2 of my friends summited last year they were 15 and 12 years old, so it's definately within reach. also you can hire porters to take up your gear ( if yoyu want to..) Mt Kenya i think depending on which peak you climb is harder, to go all the way i think involves some ice work. that's about all i know i can give u the username of the guy who climbed it he user is : Sparticus . hope that helps

Aug 22, 2004, 9:12 AM
Post #8 of 11
Registered: Jun 19, 2004
Posts: 10
hey guys, thanks for the help.....should be fun if we actually get there! See ya

Aug 22, 2004, 10:19 AM
Post #9 of 11
Registered: Jan 9, 2003
Posts: 35
I had that same climb all planned for last year and the trip fell through. :cry: I had a lot of different prices for the porters and setting up the camp ahead of time and them doing the cooking. It sounded great. I never had one that cheap though. For the guys who did the climb for 500ish dollars how many days did you guys do it in? I was kinda concerned with altitude sickness and choose the longer one so maybe that was my price difference. My prices were around ($1500.) (just for the climb) Did you guys have any problems with altitude sickness??? Just curious. I still want to do that climb.... hey post when any of you are going and maybe I can go too!! :wink: I couldn't encourage any of my friends to do it and was going solo. If you guys need any of the contacts I had for the climb let me know and I can send them. His price was definately cheaper.... But you have to make sure you have people who are gonna be safe too and there were a lot of different options. Laura

Aug 22, 2004, 2:44 PM
Post #10 of 11
Registered: Sep 4, 2002
Posts: 238
I will give you a very strong recommendation to not go up the standard Marangu route. I did the Umbwe route with a friend a few years ago and saw no one until the last day........unfortunately the last day does merge with the Marangu route (get in line with a bunch of 70+ year old Europeans to reach the summit - impressive , but still slow - fortunately it was dark!). You can book ahead with a reputable company or save a few hundred by just flying their then sorting it out once your in TZ (if you book in Moshi versus Dar you save even more)....but you might need an extra day to book. Also be warned, I was just in TZ for work and shocked at hotel prices in Dar es Salaam (comprable, if not more expensive than the US) I hope that helps.

Aug 22, 2004, 3:42 PM
Post #11 of 11
Registered: Apr 4, 2002
Posts: 37
www.alpineascents.com is a very reputable, reliable and safe company that goes to mt. kili ...