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10 Tips to Being a Better Husband
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Sep 15, 2004, 5:53 PM
Post #1 of 32 (1613 views)

Registered: Oct 13, 2003
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10 Tips to Being a Better Husband
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Can't Post's on I think it's pretty good stuff!
Husbands unite!


I am the best husband in the world.

If my wife were to read this, she'd fall to the floor, convulsed in laughter, and then gasp something about my "dazzling lack of self-knowledge." But no matter. I wear her ignorance of my excellence as a badge of honor. The best performers inhabit their roles-you never catch them acting.

I wasn't always a paragon. In my early years, I was a journeyman at best. In '88, I treated a precious marital secret as though it were the score of a Bulls game. And back in '96, there was a New Year's Eve kiss with our neighbor that probably should have been more perfunctory, less probing. But over the past decade, inch by inch, I've mastered the gig, and for the past few years, I've been locked in. I can see the seams on every chance to love, honor, and cherish.

I don't know how I got so good at this. As a kid, I had a front-row seat on my father's version of husband, which, at least according to my mother, was a star turn. And as a grown man, I've watched my father-in-law dazzle his sidekick of 53 years. But I have no formal credentials, and the only marriage counseling I ever got, from the rabbi the day before my wedding, amounted to, "A Catholic and a Jew? Don't bother. Cancel the wedding and save on the divorce." My only qualification? I've been a husband for a long time-24 years according to the state of Pennsylvania, over 30 by common-law count-and, fortunately for you, I've made many, many mistakes from which you are about to learn.

Will you ever be as great a husband as I am? Not likely. By now, I'm the gold standard. But you can do better, my brother. (And that's true for you unmarried guys, too: If you're with her, you can learn to be with her better.) I've condensed my wisdom into some guiding thoughts and tricks of the togetherness trade. Think of them as batting tips from Barry Bonds. Stash them in a part of your brain that guides your behavior, and two good things will happen: She'll get the partner she deserves, and you'll get the satisfaction and, oh yeah, the sex of which you dream.

No. 1 - Kill never and always

When you and Lucy argue, don't use either of these two words. First of all, they're not technically accurate. It's not true that she never wears the cheerleader skirt; you got some boolah-boolah on your birthday. But, more important, they're gas-on-the-fire words. Instead of these indicting adverbs, use ameliorative words and phrases, like sometimes or I feel or I wish.

Darn right they're soft, but guess what? The best husbands actually are a skosh more sensitive to their wives' feelings than your average brute of a mate is. By the way, the words never and always are great when you're complimenting her, as in, "You never fail to amaze me" or "I always enjoy reaching under your blouse."

No. 2 - Work the reunions

You come though the door tired, maybe distracted about something at work. You riffle though the mail, ask her a routine how-was-your-day question, and give her a pro forma kiss. But let's face it, you don't really focus on her, do you? She gets only a sliver of your attention. Not good enough.

Don't panic. I'm not about to suggest in-the-moment mindfulness. Men can't be "in" every moment. The secret is to "husband" your limited supply of attention, save it for deployment at pivotal times. Think like John McEnroe, who would occasionally tank a forsaken fourth set, saving his strength for the pivotal fifth. Your key moments are the reunions. Take a few seconds and resolve to be fully tuned-in during each come-together moment. You can do it. Trust me, if I can, you can.

Here's the plain truth: For all the habituation of marriage, all the erosions that come with familiarity, a link between a man and a woman is also instantly renewable in a momentary locked-on gaze. For just a beat, maybe two, claim her with your eyeballs. Look at her in a way that says, "I'm glad to be home, back in our powerful secret." This kind of subtle but daily maintenance keeps the engine thrumming.

No. 3 - Laugh at her

Among the most affirming things one person can do for another is to laugh at the other's attempts at humor. Lots of husbands, over time, forget this salute. What's that you say? Your wife isn't funny? So what? Neither is your dolt of a boss, but you laugh at his lame attempts. Why? Because you're trying to prove you respect him. Bingo!

One of the biggest dangers mature marriages face is that Homer and Marge stop trying to demonstrate their respect for each other. Laughter is tonic for a woman's woes. Keep it on display.

No. 4 Make the lion's roar

Describing his important role during World War II, Winston Churchill once remarked that though he was no lion, it had fallen to him to make the lion's roar. Every now and then, husbands have to get fierce, defiant on behalf of their team.

It won't happen often, but when you are in a confrontational situation, where reason and soft words have failed-a dispute with a teacher, a vendor, a bill collector, your neighbor, your mother-be prepared to bark in unambiguous defense of your family. Don't shrink from this obligation. Your wife's regard for you will shrink if you do.

No. 5 - Be a little lamblike, too

Yes, this contradicts the carnivorous idea above, but a husband is versatile: He can hammer the tee ball and feather the wedge. Softness and kindness and tenderness and all those traits that ain't much use in the marketplace are pure gold when it comes to being a husband.

A good husband relies on his wife, values her counsel, trusts her to love him even though he's not in command. We're most human when we're wounded or lost. Fred Rogers once said that the best gift you can give somebody is to gracefully receive his or her help. That enriches everybody, giver and getter alike. Now and then, wrap your arms around your wife and whisper that you're a mite confused. Let her help you find your way.

No. 6 - She needs closeness to feel sexual; you need sex to feel close

( So true!!! )

This is the fundamental impenetrable puzzle of love. I have no idea what to do about this. But great husbands have this reality in mind at all times.

No. 7 - Be touchy

Apparently, we touch our wives too infrequently-except, of course, when we are taxiing for takeoff. It pains me to cede any ground, but we're guilty as charged. I know one husband who when he's feeling conjugal actually touches his wife as though he cherishes her character. But in fact, he's hoping to cherish her caboose in a kitchen quickie. She sees through me every time. Did I say me? I meant him.

Nonsexual touch is a potent, underused endorsement of another soul. As you're heading out the door, give her upper arm a quick, affectionate double squeeze. As you're walking into a party or to your table, put a guiding hand, lightly but surely, on her lower back. Some nothing-special Tuesday night while she's standing at the sink doing the dishes, come up behind her and give her a kiss on the back of her head. It should be more than a peck-make it last 1.4 seconds.

Throw in a little grunt of gratitude; its message is only this: "I'm a lucky man." Don't linger behind her. No arms. No hint of pelvic urge. She'll get cranky if she suspects you're cruising for dessert while she's scraping chicken gunk off a baking dish. Just drop the husband kiss on her noggin and get out of there. She'll feel valued.


No. 8 - See the coffee cup

The perfect husband understands that women often get confused by stuff that doesn't matter, as in the unwashed coffee cup that's been sitting in the sink for days. Few wives understand that it isn't that we see the coffee cup and elect not to rinse it, but rather that the neural link between our eyeballs and brains actually keeps us from seeing the cup. The gender biology of why we don't see the cup comes down to this: We have a lot of more important things on our minds. Will the Bills cover? Any chance of sex today? WIll I send that 12c today? I think my biceps really are getting bigger, I need a new Our minds are cauldrons of profound thoughts. Any wonder we occasionally overlook some stray dishware?


Charge: We don't help enough around the house. We're guilty. But here's the fix: Do more. Not a lot more-just a little more. One of the best things about women is that they really appreciate the smallest sign that you're trying. They're effort oriented.

Try walking into a room with a woman's mind. Imagine that your brain has space in it for trivialities like unwashed cups. Ask yourself, If I were a psycho neat freak, what would bother me in here? The coffee cup-which sometimes takes the form of the kids' sneakers under the table or the metro section crumpled on the couch-will suddenly reveal itself to you.

No. 9 - She ain't broke, so don't fix her

People rarely change unless they feel accepted as they are. Once folks feel they're not required to change, growth happens.

No. 10 - Play to win

You know the athletic wisdom that warns against playing not to lose, that argues you have to be loose to let your skills flow and maximize your game? Same goes for marriage. Oh, sure, you can have a perfectly fine little partnership by taking the cautious route. He & She Inc. may even hum along nicely if you companionably sidestep the briar patches. But that's no way to be a great husband. She's entitled to more, the full monty, the whole experience of being affiliated with, no, make that loved by, a man.

People often settle for accommodating coupledom because they're afraid some explosive issues will blow up the marriage. They fear ending their days alone, living under the bridge behind the high school. Set yourself free to play bravely by taking the big risk, divorce, off the table. Decide that you meant what you said at the wedding, that this woman, come what may, is your partner for life.

Older couples often report that once they've gone past the point where they might leave each other, their partnership gets an invigorating second wind. No longer afraid of being alone, they talk things through. In pursuit of something richer than mere amity, they explore regrets, grievances. Sure, it can be difficult, but it's full and human and adrenal and-hallelujah!-not dull. And it can lead to a more spacious marriage, a connection that is full hearted and well tempered instead of taped together.


Sep 15, 2004, 5:59 PM
Post #2 of 32 (1613 views)

Registered: May 27, 2003
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rock on... My wife and I have had our issues and a list similar to the above has gone along way to "making it all better". That said... she has a list of her own :)

My wife rocks... and is better than yours :D


Sep 15, 2004, 6:01 PM
Post #3 of 32 (1613 views)

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Re: 10 Tips to Being a Better Husband [In reply to]
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My wife could lead 12b when I met her. Now she could not dare less.
But I still love her.

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rock on... My wife and I have had our issues and a list similar to the above has gone along way to "making it all better". That said... she has a list of her own :)

My wife rocks... and is better than yours :D


Sep 15, 2004, 9:34 PM
Post #4 of 32 (1613 views)


Re: 10 Tips to Being a Better Husband [In reply to]
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one word tip to become the bestest wife in the world:



Sep 15, 2004, 10:03 PM
Post #5 of 32 (1613 views)

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That's an art. :)

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one word tip to become the bestest wife in the world:


Partner holdplease2

Sep 15, 2004, 10:32 PM
Post #6 of 32 (1613 views)

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Re: 10 Tips to Being a Better Husband [In reply to]
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Want Oral?


"Some nothing-special Tuesday night while she's standing at the sink doing the dishes, come up behind her and give her a kiss on the back of her head. It should be more than a peck-make it last 1.4 seconds.

Throw in a little grunt of gratitude; its message is only this: "I'm a lucky man." Don't linger behind her. No arms. No hint of pelvic urge. She'll get cranky if she suspects you're cruising for dessert while she's scraping chicken gunk off a baking dish. Just drop the husband kiss on her noggin and get out of there. She'll feel valued."


"Some nothing-special Tuesday night while she's standing at the sink doing the dishes, come up behind her and give her a kiss on the back of her head. Then push her out of the way and do the dishes yourself. But not until pouring her a glass of wine and suggesting that she put her feet up and relax.

Throw in a little grunt of gratitude; its message is only this: "I'm a lucky man." Don't turn on the game to distract yourself. Hint that maybe you'll give those tired feet of hers a rubby-rub when you're done with your dish duty. She'll smile to herself if she suspects you're cruising for dessert while you're scraping chicken gunk off a baking dish. Your reward may well be more oral than you can stand. Its a gamble boys, but it might be worth it."



Sep 15, 2004, 10:41 PM
Post #7 of 32 (1613 views)

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Re: 10 Tips to Being a Better Husband [In reply to]
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And after you've done dishes, cleaned windows, prepared the snack for the kids school next day AND massaged her feet finally give that look...and get a little closer while she goes", I'm tired, turning the tv on on "Judging Amy".

So you go upstairs turn the pc on and write some crap on a climbing website...while she changes her mind and surprises you opening your office door and rubbing herself naked agains your back

"Come to the bedroom...there's something that needs to be fixed"

Partner tgreene

Sep 15, 2004, 10:52 PM
Post #8 of 32 (1613 views)

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And after you've done dishes, cleaned windows, prepared the snack for the kids school next day AND massaged her feet finally give that look...and get a little closer while she goes", I'm tired, turning the tv on on "Judging Amy".

So you go upstairs turn the pc on and surf a couple of really hot porn sites...when she changes her mind and surprises you opening your office door initially intending to rub herself naked against your back, until she discovers your private activities and picks up something sharp and heavy, then throws it at your head!

"Come to the bedroom...there's something that needs to be fixed", at which point she pulls all your shit out of the closet and tosses it in the hallway, along with your pillow!


Sep 15, 2004, 10:57 PM
Post #9 of 32 (1613 views)

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More realistically..she finds you playing doom3 and smoking your well earned joint at the end of a hard day of work and goes..."ahhh yuk you smell now..I'm not going to kiss you". Goodnight.

So you get up brush your teeth, listerine yourself, wash your hands, wash your face, and jump in bed....

Partner tgreene

Sep 15, 2004, 11:03 PM
Post #10 of 32 (1613 views)

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Not me man... I'm gonna rub one out on her toothbrush, cause that's as close to oral as I'll ever see that night! :mrgreen:


Sep 15, 2004, 11:35 PM
Post #11 of 32 (1613 views)

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:lol: :lol:

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Not me man... I'm gonna rub one out on her toothbrush, cause that's as close to oral as I'll ever see that night! :mrgreen:

Partner honeyhiker

Sep 16, 2004, 12:29 AM
Post #12 of 32 (1613 views)

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No. 6 - She needs closeness to feel sexual; you need sex to feel close

I always seem to forget about this one and how true it is. Lately I've been wanting some "quality time", ie not wire brushing or bush whacking, but maybe a day climbing together with dinner out and a hotel room (rather than a tent and a campfire). Sounds so high maintanence though because I prefer roughing it but once in awhile some pampering would be appreciated. :D I think I'm just whining at having to skip going to the New this month. Sobbs...



Sep 16, 2004, 12:46 AM
Post #13 of 32 (1613 views)

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No. 6 - She needs closeness to feel sexual; you need sex to feel close

I always seem to forget about this one and how true it is.
....I don't neccessarily agree this is true... I'm not married but have had some long, serious relationships where feeling close didn't mean having to have sex.... with effective communication and a mutual understanding, closeness can come as a result of just being in each others company.... closeness can even flourish with written and spoken communication across 10000 miles.... you don't always need contact to feel close or to feel arroused....
...but you're right about 'quality time' being important, even for a highly active, dirt lovin', back-of-the-car-sleepin' couple... life must be spiced up sometimes at very irregular times, and not just when you feel you need it, rather to satisfy your need for pampering before life takes a turn into boring street....

Partner honeyhiker

Sep 16, 2004, 12:58 AM
Post #14 of 32 (1613 views)

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Actually that's what I meant, that it seems like we aren't spending enough time together lately and when we do its rushed. I was so looking forward to summer ending and more time opening for us with the kids going back to school but its gotten worse, more hectic. Now I have all this free time and he's busy and the couple women I've climbed with aren't available either. Its so frustrating. Guess I could mow the lawn...


Sep 16, 2004, 2:05 AM
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Actually that's what I meant, that it seems like we aren't spending enough time together lately and when we do its rushed. I was so looking forward to summer ending and more time opening for us with the kids going back to school but its gotten worse, more hectic. Now I have all this free time and he's busy and the couple women I've climbed with aren't available either. Its so frustrating. Guess I could mow the lawn...
...understood.... hope your awkward situation improves a little... good luck... I'm sure if you have an understanding relationship, he will help you both make 'something' happen... every couple needs 'important' time together... and I suppose this thread compliments the discussion about independence... both are needed to stay healthy...


Sep 16, 2004, 2:32 AM
Post #16 of 32 (1613 views)

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Guess I could mow the lawn...

That'll turn him on ;)


Sep 16, 2004, 2:34 AM
Post #17 of 32 (1613 views)

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Guess I could mow the lawn...

That'll turn him on ;)
YES....yes it would! I agree....


Sep 16, 2004, 3:19 AM
Post #18 of 32 (1613 views)

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I'm not married but...

Then you don't understand... turn around and walk away


Sep 16, 2004, 3:20 AM
Post #19 of 32 (1613 views)

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I'm not married but...

Then you don't understand... turn around and walk away

Just do it Kachoong, and nobody will get hurt.


Sep 16, 2004, 3:26 AM
Post #20 of 32 (1613 views)

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I'm not married but...

Then you don't understand... turn around and walk away
....what makes you say that?... just because i haven't married, makes me not understand about relationships.... how does a freakin' paper change things?


Sep 16, 2004, 3:27 AM
Post #21 of 32 (1613 views)

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I'm not married but...

Then you don't understand... turn around and walk away
....what makes you say that?... just because i haven't married, makes me not understand about relationships.... how does a freakin' paper change things?

I said... oh nevermind. You are welcome to stay or to go. We all love you! (And I agree with ya by the way)


Sep 16, 2004, 5:54 AM
Post #22 of 32 (1613 views)

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Then push her out of the way and do the dishes yourself. But not until pouring her a glass of wine and suggesting that she put her feet up and relax.

This is funny to me, since I'm the dish washer in our house.

Partner holdplease2

Sep 16, 2004, 6:36 AM
Post #23 of 32 (1613 views)

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Re: 10 Tips to Being a Better Husband [In reply to]
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Mowing the lawn is yet another way to improve your chances for oral.

Doesn't really matter which one.

Both would be best.



Sep 16, 2004, 6:54 AM
Post #24 of 32 (1613 views)

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Mowing the lawn is yet another way to improve your chances for oral.

Doesn't really matter which one.

Both would be best.


Ahem, did that too. Ha ha ha! I watered the lawn as well. No, not what you are thinking. Sheesh.

Partner tradman

Sep 16, 2004, 8:10 AM
Post #25 of 32 (1613 views)

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Re: 10 Tips to Being a Better Husband [In reply to]
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What's really interesting about this is that we all know that there does not and will never, ever exist a companion list called "10 Tips to Being a Better Wife".

Not in a million years.

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