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Eardley escarpement guidebook, any updates?
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Oct 4, 2004, 5:43 PM
Post #1 of 9 (3352 views)

Registered: Sep 30, 2002
Posts: 57

Eardley escarpement guidebook, any updates?  (North_America: Canada: Quebec: Outaouais: Eardley_Escarpment)
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Hi guys,

Though I'm refered to as Yeti on this website, in real life my name is Yann Troutet. Those of you who climb on the Eardley escarpment may have used the guidebook I wrote for the area in 2001. I have been living away from the Ottawa region for nearly three years and have been quite removed from the local climbing scene. None the less, I plan to start compiling updates/corrections for a possible second edition of the guidebook. I will be needing help though. I was hoping this thread could serve as a starting point in the process. Please feel free to reply with any info you feel should be taken into consideration for a future guidebook (new developments, access issues, errors in the guide, grade revisions, whatever). Also, this site would be a great place to post photos that could eventually be included in the book.

Please pass the word around.



Oct 4, 2004, 6:20 PM
Post #2 of 9 (3352 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2003
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Re: Eardley escarpement guidebook, any updates? [In reply to]
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That's good to hear, Yann! Your book is much valued and an update is a great idea. I'll collect all my notes and post them here soon. What sort of pictures are you looking for?



Oct 4, 2004, 7:01 PM
Post #3 of 9 (3352 views)

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Re: Eardley escarpement guidebook, any updates? [In reply to]
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I just send out an e-mail to all my friends who might have done some new climbs. I also broadcasted this out to

Are you thinking of putting in an extended section for ice and bouldering. there have also been some developments in that area too.

Also you should get a hold of Peter from VR he has been adding new anchors to some climbs and there is roomer of a new sport climbing area he is putting up.


Oct 4, 2004, 7:11 PM
Post #4 of 9 (3352 views)

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Re: Eardley escarpement guidebook, any updates? [In reply to]
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The pics I'm looking for would have one or more of the following attributes:

1. they give a good idea of the nature of a given climb or wall.
2. they are technically good (correct exposure and contrast, aesthetic composition)
3. they have historical significance (old days pics, first ascent pics, pics of prominent local climbers, etc.)
4. they are a sweet action pic

Ideally, I'd have at least one good pic for every area, with a good representation of various types of climbing (trad, sport, aid, bouldering, ice and mixed).


Oct 4, 2004, 7:28 PM
Post #5 of 9 (3352 views)

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Re: Eardley escarpement guidebook, any updates? [In reply to]
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Yes, extended bouldering and ice sections would be warranted.

I know there have been efforts to map the boulder problems at the Shrine. I also have an old reference to some problems around the Western Cwm. I'm sure more remains to compile though.

Appart for Erlkoenig I'm not aware of any new ice climbs.

Thanks for posting on GatineauClimbing. Is there any way I can access the group?

I've noticed some of the new anchors. If the re-edition is really worth it, I would of course be doing some ground work too, like touching base with Peter to try and obtain the full picture.


Oct 4, 2004, 7:53 PM
Post #6 of 9 (3352 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2003
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Re: Eardley escarpement guidebook, any updates? [In reply to]
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Thanks for posting on GatineauClimbing. Is there any way I can access the group?

Send an email to GatineauClimbing-owner at yahoogroups com asking to be added to the mailing list.




Oct 4, 2004, 7:59 PM
Post #7 of 9 (3352 views)

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Re: Eardley escarpement guidebook, any updates? [In reply to]
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The only new Ice I can think of is some new mixed climbs in Edelweiss valley and some climbs on The Throne that the ACC did a few years ago (I don't know if they have come back in yet).

as for GatineauClimbing. you can join by subscribing to the yahoo group just go to and join up.


Jun 30, 2007, 2:09 AM
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Re: [yeti] Eardley escarpement guidebook, any updates? [In reply to]
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Hi Yann - I'm wondering if there is a date that the second edition of Climbing on the Eardley Escarpment will be released? Thanks!


Aug 29, 2007, 1:26 AM
Post #9 of 9 (1935 views)

Registered: Sep 30, 2002
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Re: [trappermar] Eardley escarpement guidebook, any updates? [In reply to]
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No active work now, I hear Christiaan is working on a new offering. Maybe he and I should pool efforts. I'll write him.

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