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DIRECTIONS: We ask that if the parking lot off of HWY 62 has more than 5 or 6 vehicles in it that you relocate to the huge parking lot off of Archery Club Rd. and take the approach trail from the top of the cliff.
From Dawson Springs, Kentucky, head West on HWY 62. About 2 miles outside Dawson Springs you will come to a steep hill. As you drop down this hill there will be a one lane gravel road on your left (Archery Club Rd.). Drive down this road for about a mile and you will see a huge open parking lot on your right, marked by a Jones-Kenney sign. Take the trail from there, it will lead you to the main overlook on top of Hunter's Bluff and this is probably where we will be camping (Friday and Saturday). From the overlook, you can head right along the trail and it will take you down to the base of the cliff after a few meanders. If you opt to rappel down, look to the left of the main overlook and you should see a rope hanging from the anchors of "Hob Knob".