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Freycinet Australia: trip info
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Partner baja_java

Nov 29, 2004, 2:09 AM
Post #1 of 7 (3004 views)

Registered: Oct 8, 2003
Posts: 680

Freycinet Australia: trip info  (Australasia: Australia: Tasmania: East_Coast: Freycinet_National_Park)
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looking to get on some moderate trad lines on the gorgeous sea cliffs sometime within the year. can use some info for trip planning. flying in from west coast US. most likely an extended weekend trip, climbing for 2-3 days:

good trad routes 18 (5.9) and under that are must do's?
mostly single pitches, or multi pitches too?
best guidebook to get?
kind of rock, and best choice of gear?
any special care for the gear being so close to the ocean?
which airport to fly into?
best to rent a car?
campgrounds inside or near the park? motels?
park fees? campground amenities?
good places to eat?
what are the towns of Launceston and Hobart like?

many thanks


Partner baja_java

Nov 29, 2004, 3:35 PM
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Registered: Oct 8, 2003
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Re: Freycinet Australia: trip info [In reply to]
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hello? anyone? :?

what time is it over there?

Partner baja_java

Nov 30, 2004, 12:24 AM
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Registered: Oct 8, 2003
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Re: Freycinet Australia: trip info [In reply to]
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hey, did i mention i'll be there meeting up with Samantha Cornish? said she's bringing this girl Kelli she surfs with, and that they'd be up for "anything" ;) . i'm sure Sam's friend is hot too. so yeah, any inputs would be great, and you'd be welcome to join

Partner philbox

Nov 30, 2004, 12:50 AM
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Registered: Jun 27, 2002
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Re: Freycinet Australia: trip info [In reply to]
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You`ll love Coles Bay on the Frecinet Peninsular.

good trad routes 18 (5.9) and under that are must do's?
mostly single pitches, or multi pitches too?

Definitely do Apline and yes most climbs are single pitch, the climbs on the wall below are multi pitch.

best guidebook to get?

I think there is a generic guidebook called the select climbs of Tasmania. Just pick that up at one of the outdoor shops like Mountain Designs at Launceston.

kind of rock, and best choice of gear?

Granite, trad gear.

any special care for the gear being so close to the ocean?

Just give it a wash when you get back to civilisation with mild pure soap flakes and warm water.

which airport to fly into?

Either Launceston or Hobart. Hobart would be a little closer but it isn`t a large state.

best to rent a car?

Definitely get a small to mid size 4wd so that you can get all the way in to the climbers campground at Coles Bay.

campgrounds inside or near the park?

Choose the campground inside the park, 100metre walk to the sea cliffs :righton:


Meh, go the camping aproach.

park fees?

Dirtbag it and dodge the fees otherwise they are quite cheap for a park pass.

campground amenities?

What amenities, this is a dirtbagging 3 day climbing trip, go wash off in the Southern Ocean. Brrrrrrr.

good places to eat?

There is a take away in Coles Bay and a pub if memory serves me correctly. Just stock up on food from the supermarket in the town nearest to the airport you come in on.

what are the towns of Launceston and Hobart like?

Launceston is a large country town and Hobart is a small city.

Launceston has some pretty speccy climbing right in the middle of town at the gorge, mostly trad cracks.

Hobart has an enormous climbing area on Mt. Wellington, there are multi pitch splitter cracks up there. Again trad gear.

many thanks

Phil Box soloing Apline at Coles Bay, Frecinet Peninsular, Tasmania.Pic by Neil Monteith (orangeoverhang).

Partner baja_java

Nov 30, 2004, 1:46 AM
Post #5 of 7 (3004 views)

Registered: Oct 8, 2003
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Re: Freycinet Australia: trip info [In reply to]
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thanks mate!

roughing it sounds perfect. dirtbag climber here, though there're others out there who continue to refuse me that status. i mean, c'mon, i sleep in my car now rather than in the comfort of a tent!

man, i've stared mesmerized at that photo so many times

Partner philbox

Nov 30, 2004, 2:19 AM
Post #6 of 7 (3004 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2002
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Re: Freycinet Australia: trip info [In reply to]
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This pic was taken near the above pic. The location would be somewhere in the background of the Apline pic.

Here are more pics of that trip. here

Oh yeah there are lots of awesome easy lines at Coles Bay too.


Dec 4, 2004, 9:53 PM
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Registered: Nov 10, 2004
Posts: 15

Re: Freycinet Australia: trip info [In reply to]
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Freycinet is absolutely gorgeous!!! You are going to love it I'm sure. It's my dream to climb the Totem Pole. When I was abroad last semester in Australia I spent my fall break in Tassie. We didn't do any climbing, just some walks. Hobart was a very nice little city. Check out the market on Saturday mornings. A great place to stay is the Pickled Frog. I wasn't too impressed with Launceston, but then again there was absolutely nothing wrong with it. It just didn't do it for me, if you know what I mean. Although we stayed above this little Irish Pub and had a very fun night there. I hope you have a wonderful time! I am so jealous! I want to go back and climb in Tassie!
- Jess :wink:

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