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Clark Hill WMA

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About Clark Hill WMA:

Winter has made quite a difference at this area. When I first saw this area back in August it was so overgrown it was hard to tell just what existed under all the vegetation. Now it's obvious that some decent boulders exist here. The area is a rock cliff of what looks to be both quartzite and sandstone. It's real blocky and still needs alot of cleaning. However, developement has begun and several problems are now clean. As of 12/5/04 the gate was open which allows you to drive to within 100 yards of the rock. With developement this place could be pretty good. The rock here is completely different from nearby areas like Shaking Rock and Oconee, in that in many places it is overhanging and pocketed. I would encourage any climber near this place to go check it out, there's alot of potential here.
Nearest town or city: Augusta
Directions: This area is located on the Clark Hill WMA. The main entrance is located off Hwy. 78 about 6 or so miles north of I-20, and about 60 miles east of Athens, or 30 miles west of Augusta. There is big rock sign near the gravel road entrance. Travel down this road about 2 miles. You'll T-bone into the Ranger Station. Stop here and pick up a map. Then take a right and continue down this forest service road until you reach a gate. Park here, and continue to walk down this road toward the lake. When the road forks, take the right onto "Rock Cliff road". Walk about a mile down this forest road. You walk though a field, over a creek and you'll begin to see a clear cut in front of you. When you're about one hundred yards from the clear cut, look into the woods to your left, you'll see some boulders. walk to these boulders and the cliff line becomes obvious!
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Yes
When to Climb: Winter
Quantity of Climbs: Week

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No route specified No route specified No route specified Three thick and low
Slap a cheek

Forum Discussions (4 posts)

  Subject Author Replies Last Post
With Replies Area active? cougar797 4 Jan 26 2017, 3:58 PM
No Replies clarks hill wma alexsullivan 0 Aug 17 2011, 9:03 PM
With Replies lets DEVELOP!!! sway-reincarnate 15 Oct 13 2010, 10:40 PM
With Replies Camping gasouthernclimber 2 Apr 03 2007, 7:09 PM