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Secret Boulders

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About Secret Boulders:

This area hosts some of the hardest and most asthetic boulder problems i've seen in this part of the state. The whole boulder field has most likely never been climbed, tons of projects with first ascents to be had. However, a couple people feel this place has "sensitive" access issues, even though it is located on public state game lands; so i will not divulge the area's location quite yet. Check out the pictures and you will see it is deffinatly worth a visit. Be aware: there is deffinatly alot of rattlesnakes here, watch where you step or bring someone who idolizes Steve Irwin.
Nearest town or city: Dunbar, PA
Directions: Not a secret anymore! These boulders actually sit under the cliffline of Coll's Cove in Dunbar. To get there, follow directions to Lost Crag from Dunbar, But instead of making a right at the yellow game commision building, keep going straight. After a few miles, you will see a sight for "Camp Carmel", turn left onto that road. From there you will see the cliffline of Coll's on the hill to your left. Go up the road about a mile and park near the entrance of the gas-line road. Be careful not to block any gates. If lot is full, pull off the road accross from the gasline entrance. Then you just continue about 1/2 mile down the government-maintained trail. To your left there will be a cairn, the trail will lead you to Colls. There are no established trails for the boulders below, so you'll have to do some exploring. Beware of rattlesnakes, its not a joke to scare you away, there really is ALOT of them.
Latitude, Longitude: 39.93182, -79.54510
Access Issues: Do not park in front of any gates.
Camping: No
When to Climb: Summer
Quantity of Climbs: Month

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Forum Discussions (4 posts)

  Subject Author Replies Last Post
No Replies Need a bouldering partner for Secret Boulders in Dunbar, PA iclimbandski 0 Apr 17 2013, 1:31 AM
With Replies whose climbing madmike 1 Apr 02 2012, 1:43 PM
With Replies Exploratory and FA Ventures KoreyMatthew 19 Aug 03 2009, 4:18 PM
With Replies Access to Secret Boulders? CrazyPetie 3 Jun 19 2009, 9:39 PM