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Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark.
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Feb 18, 2009, 7:36 PM
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Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark.
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A good friend of mine rapped of the end of his rope yesterday, due to being in a rush and not taking the time to triple check things. He (luckily) was at new frontier so only fell about 30 feet, had it been elsewhere the fall would have been much, much worse. He has an expected broken ankle and wrist.
He explained that he was rushing, he set up an anchor of a BFT, clipped to the middle mark, threw the rope, started rapping and suddenly found himself falling/tumbling.

Make sure you know your rope's markings, people. I hate to hear people getting injured so carelessly.
(P.s. - ironing that he got injured on his way to go soloing?)

Partner angry

Feb 18, 2009, 7:44 PM
Post #2 of 127 (15008 views)

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Re: [sungam] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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He mistook the end mark for the middle?

God what a hazard those marks have turned out to be.


Feb 18, 2009, 7:45 PM
Post #3 of 127 (15006 views)

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Re: [sungam] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Yet another example of why rope manufacturers need to get rid of any mark that is not a middle mark.

I hope your friend heals quickly.


Feb 18, 2009, 8:02 PM
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Re: [sungam] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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I don't care whether it's ultimately human error or if a minority of climbers find those markings to be in some way marginally useful. End marks are fucking up more climbers than any other gear feature.

Can anyone else think of another piece of gear or gear feature that is combining with operator error and causing accidents as frequently as those end marks? I can't.

Standardization damn it!!!!

Partner angry

Feb 18, 2009, 8:08 PM
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Re: [notapplicable] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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notapplicable wrote:
I don't care whether it's ultimately human error or if a minority of climbers find those markings to be in some way marginally useful. End marks are fucking up more climbers than any other gear feature.

Can anyone else think of another piece of gear or gear feature that is combining with operator error and causing accidents as frequently as those end marks? I can't.

Standardization damn it!!!!

It's truly sickening to think that at least one person has died because of these things.

We're not talking about contributing factors. Someone lost his life to a little black mark. Now another is badly injured.

It wouldn't be too far to go to issue an industry wide recall on all ropes with end marks. They're not safe at any speed.

Partner j_ung

Feb 18, 2009, 8:08 PM
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Re: [notapplicable] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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I prefer no middle marks. That way I'm forced to find the middle.

I have to admit, when this last came up, I remember not being so against these marks. User error, responsibility and all that. But I'm starting to come around.


Feb 18, 2009, 8:21 PM
Post #7 of 127 (14947 views)

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Re: [sungam] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Damn, same thing happened to my climbing partner. Hope he has a quick recovery.

As you said, some things just can't be rushed.


Feb 18, 2009, 8:49 PM
Post #8 of 127 (14905 views)

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Re: [angry] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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i hope your friend is truly going to heal up good and get back into climbing, however we cant go blaming the rope markings. if he took his time and knew his gear and most of all his life line,,,( the rope) then this would have not been an issue at all. thats what happpens when people put markings on rope and try to make more short cuts for the lazier people.........rope marking are there for a reason......even though i think just the middle should be marked for convience

Partner angry

Feb 18, 2009, 8:54 PM
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Re: [Skidemon27] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Skidemon27 wrote:
i hope your friend is truly going to heal up good and get back into climbing, however we cant go blaming the rope markings. if he took his time and knew his gear and most of all his life line,,,( the rope) then this would have not been an issue at all. thats what happpens when people put markings on rope and try to make more short cuts for the lazier people.........rope marking are there for a reason......even though i think just the middle should be marked for convience

I disagree. The end marks are a hazard. Without them, this guy wouldn't have a broken wrist and ankle. Without them, some kids in South Dakota would still have their grandpa.

If ever I've seen a hazard, potentially even an actionable hazard in climbing gear, this is it.

A blanket industry wide recall won't bring someone back but it's the right step to move forward.


Feb 18, 2009, 9:01 PM
Post #10 of 127 (14885 views)

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Re: [angry] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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I agree with Angry on this. There were several fatalities last year involving very experienced climbers who accidentally used the end mark as the middle and fell from the end of the line. These markings should be all removed.


Feb 18, 2009, 9:04 PM
Post #11 of 127 (14879 views)

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Re: [angry] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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angry wrote:
It wouldn't be too far to go to issue an industry wide recall on all ropes with end marks. They're not safe at any speed.

On this I'm a bit ambivalent simply because they aren't, in any real sense, a defective product. I just can't believe the manufacturers haven't halted production of their own free will. I'm not a big advocate of regulatory intervention but in this case I think it's needed since the industry won't do it on their own.

Whats strange is that as much of a no brainer as this seems to be, the population of the Knob is split right down the middle on the issue of stopping production despite more than 2/5 of them saying that the marks are dangerous.

Poll: Should rope manufacturers stop selling ropes with end markings?

Yes 41 / 35%
Not sure, but leaning toward "yes" 10 / 8%
Completely undecided 14 / 12%
Not sure, but leaning toward "no" 10 / 8%
No 43 / 36%

Poll: Marking on ropes, is it safe or unsafe

Safe 11 / 61%
Unsafe 7 / 39%

(This post was edited by notapplicable on Feb 18, 2009, 9:32 PM)


Feb 18, 2009, 9:10 PM
Post #12 of 127 (14870 views)

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Re: [majid_sabet] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Shouldn't you tie a figure eight or other stopper knot into each end of your rope before you rappel anyway so that you don't rappel off of the end of your rope if it doesn't touch the ground? Also, shouldn't you check to make sure you're in the middle of your rope anyway? Even if I have a middle mark, I'm going to do a visual check to make sure that I have about the same amount of rope on either side of the mark just to be sure.

I don't think the end marks are to blame. I think that they're definitely part of the problem, and that removing them is a step in the right direction. However, I actually think that the middle marks are contributing to the problem as well. I think that it's a significant possibility that the existence of middle marks is causing climbers to become lazy and not double check to make sure that the middle mark of a rope is actually in the middle of the rope. I mean, just because there's a middle mark doesn't mean that it's actually at the middle of the rope-- what if I buy a rope with a middle mark and for some reason (say, damage to part of the rope due to abrasion or something) have to cut part of one end off, making the middle mark no longer centered. If you assumed that it was in the middle, you could have a serious problem not caused by end marks, but by the middle marks giving climbers a false sense of security.


Feb 18, 2009, 9:33 PM
Post #13 of 127 (14844 views)

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Re: [d0nk3yk0n9] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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d0nk3yk0n9 wrote:
Shouldn't you tie a figure eight or other stopper knot into each end of your rope before you rappel anyway so that you don't rappel off of the end of your rope if it doesn't touch the ground? Also, shouldn't you check to make sure you're in the middle of your rope anyway? Even if I have a middle mark, I'm going to do a visual check to make sure that I have about the same amount of rope on either side of the mark just to be sure.

I don't think the end marks are to blame. I think that they're definitely part of the problem, and that removing them is a step in the right direction. However, I actually think that the middle marks are contributing to the problem as well. I think that it's a significant possibility that the existence of middle marks is causing climbers to become lazy and not double check to make sure that the middle mark of a rope is actually in the middle of the rope. I mean, just because there's a middle mark doesn't mean that it's actually at the middle of the rope-- what if I buy a rope with a middle mark and for some reason (say, damage to part of the rope due to abrasion or something) have to cut part of one end off, making the middle mark no longer centered. If you assumed that it was in the middle, you could have a serious problem not caused by end marks, but by the middle marks giving climbers a false sense of security.

Knots aren't always ideal. In windy places with a lot of chickenheads - Red Rocks, for instance - tying knots is more of a burden than anything because the rope can get snagged several yards away from where you're rapping, and it isn't always easy to simply pull the rope off the obstacle. I'm not sure about whether this is the case on ice, too.

But I tend to agree with flaking out the rope. I made the mistake of not knowing the length of one of two ropes I was rapping on (and wasn't looking down when rapping). The short rope...


Feb 18, 2009, 9:46 PM
Post #14 of 127 (14824 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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I don't like end marks, I whip some nylon thread around the middle of my rope that way i can see and feel it, and even with that i always find the middle if possible and safe, knots if safe(almost always). I once made the mistake of rushing and thought the rope was fine, ended up 25 feet up, had end knots, but it wasn't fun having to even out the ends, and had my rope been through some slings rapping instead of biners it would have really been a problem (ascend and pray).


Feb 18, 2009, 9:50 PM
Post #15 of 127 (14816 views)

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Re: [notapplicable] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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notapplicable wrote:
Can anyone else think of another piece of gear or gear feature that is combining with operator error and causing accidents as frequently as those end marks? I can't.


Partner angry

Feb 18, 2009, 9:56 PM
Post #16 of 127 (14805 views)

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Re: [acorneau] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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acorneau wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
Can anyone else think of another piece of gear or gear feature that is combining with operator error and causing accidents as frequently as those end marks? I can't.


With the grigri you have to do two things wrong. Load it wrong and let go of the belay hand.

With the rope, you only have to do one thing wrong, and in the dark or over a ledge, it's pretty tough to even double check.

I agree with knots but when you've got a 60m rope and you are rapping like 70ft, you're probably not going to tie knots. Same goes with the fatality in the Needles.


Feb 18, 2009, 10:32 PM
Post #17 of 127 (14769 views)

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Re: [d0nk3yk0n9] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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d0nk3yk0n9 wrote:
Shouldn't you tie a figure eight or other stopper knot into each end of your rope before you rappel anyway so that you don't rappel off of the end of your rope if it doesn't touch the ground? Also, shouldn't you check to make sure you're in the middle of your rope anyway? Even if I have a middle mark, I'm going to do a visual check to make sure that I have about the same amount of rope on either side of the mark just to be sure.

I don't think the end marks are to blame. I think that they're definitely part of the problem, and that removing them is a step in the right direction. However, I actually think that the middle marks are contributing to the problem as well. I think that it's a significant possibility that the existence of middle marks is causing climbers to become lazy and not double check to make sure that the middle mark of a rope is actually in the middle of the rope. I mean, just because there's a middle mark doesn't mean that it's actually at the middle of the rope-- what if I buy a rope with a middle mark and for some reason (say, damage to part of the rope due to abrasion or something) have to cut part of one end off, making the middle mark no longer centered. If you assumed that it was in the middle, you could have a serious problem not caused by end marks, but by the middle marks giving climbers a false sense of security.

He only fell 30ft, and mistook the 15ft mark for the middle. which I take to mean it was only a 45ft rap.
I rarely tie stopper knots on a rappel that short. And as for checking if it is actually the middle, its not so easy to do on some rappels. I can easily see how this accident came about. End marks are just a bad idea all together.


Feb 18, 2009, 10:40 PM
Post #18 of 127 (14755 views)

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Re: [sungam] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Glad to hear your friend wasn't hurt worse than he was and I hope he heals quickly.

Even without any marks on a rope, it seems that rappeling accounts for more injuries than most other parts of our hobby. Double check yourselves and your partner.

I'm a little ambivalent about middle marks. I like them if there the only mark on the rope, like some of my ropes are, and yes I've checked each one out. None of my ropes have end markings. I'd agree to some extent that markings provide dangerous shortcuts. I've always kind of thought that if someone took the time for a mental note to find the middle of the rope, then one would make a mental note to look down the rope ahead of them while their rapping to make a visual verification on were the ends of their ropes are. Guess this becoming less and less of the case.

Every one be mindful out there, lets make this a better year than last year was.


Feb 18, 2009, 11:09 PM
Post #19 of 127 (14708 views)

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Re: [acorneau] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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acorneau wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
Can anyone else think of another piece of gear or gear feature that is combining with operator error and causing accidents as frequently as those end marks? I can't.


Hmmm good point. Just about every climbing accident is the result of human error so thats probably not the most helpful filter to use. Perhaps a better way to look at it is from the perspective of utility vs. likelihood of being the primary contributing factor in an accident.

Edit: disregaurd this paragraph, I'm retarded - To everyone who thinks end marks should be kept in use, please riddle me this. The justification for end marks is that they warn you that you are nearing the end of your rope. Well in every case where a person rapped off the end of their rope, they cruised right on past the "warning" mark and decked. So not only did the end mark lead them to rap on an uneven rope but it failed to fulfill its only conceivable purpose by preventing them from rapping of the end of that uneven rope.

Their intended to prevent accidents but their causing them instead. Thats pretty damning if you ask me.

(This post was edited by notapplicable on Feb 19, 2009, 1:08 AM)


Feb 18, 2009, 11:22 PM
Post #20 of 127 (14692 views)

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Re: [notapplicable] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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notapplicable wrote:
The justification for end marks is that they warn you that you are nearing the end of your rope. Well in every case where a person rapped off the end of their rope, they cruised right on past the "warning" mark and decked. So not only did the end mark lead them to rap on an uneven rope but it failed to fulfill its only conceivable purpose by preventing them from rapping of the end of that uneven rope.

Their intended to prevent accidents but their causing them instead. Thats pretty damning if you ask me.

I agree that the "warning" marks have become more of a danger than an aid and I would support an effort to reduce their use by rope manufacturers.

However your above statement it does not make sense because you fail to consider how many people may have been "saved" by the warning marks. You probably would never hear about the people who actually benefitted from these marks in the news or on

(This post was edited by snowey on Feb 18, 2009, 11:24 PM)


Feb 18, 2009, 11:26 PM
Post #21 of 127 (14684 views)

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Re: [snowey] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Snowey, I can't be bothered to search just now, but if memory serves Sterling Jim was curious about just that issue not too long ago and put up a poll.

Granted, not everybody uses the knob and even fewer respond to surveys, but the results didn't look too favorably upon the end marks. He (if I'm remembering correctly) asked how man people found themselves in a situation where the end-mark directly resulted/aided in preventing an accident from occurring.

You can go look it up, but there were few if any cases....


Feb 18, 2009, 11:31 PM
Post #22 of 127 (14671 views)

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Re: [altelis] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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altelis wrote:
Snowey, I can't be bothered to search just now, but if memory serves Sterling Jim was curious about just that issue not too long ago and put up a poll.

Granted, not everybody uses the knob and even fewer respond to surveys, but the results didn't look too favorably upon the end marks. He (if I'm remembering correctly) asked how man people found themselves in a situation where the end-mark directly resulted/aided in preventing an accident from occurring.

You can go look it up, but there were few if any cases....

I agree with you and am not surprised by Sterling Jim's poll results, I was mostly just being critical of notapplicable's logic.

(This post was edited by snowey on Feb 18, 2009, 11:32 PM)


Feb 18, 2009, 11:35 PM
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Re: [altelis] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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It still boggles my mind that people can mistake an end mark for a middle mark but the accident reports have spoken and the markings have got to go.


Feb 18, 2009, 11:48 PM
Post #24 of 127 (14655 views)

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Re: [hafilax] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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hafilax wrote:
It still boggles my mind that people can mistake an end mark for a middle mark but the accident reports have spoken and the markings have got to go.

That pretty much exactly summarizes how I feel about the situation. 100%.


Feb 19, 2009, 12:33 AM
Post #25 of 127 (14630 views)

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Re: [notapplicable] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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notapplicable wrote:
acorneau wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
Can anyone else think of another piece of gear or gear feature that is combining with operator error and causing accidents as frequently as those end marks? I can't.


Hmmm good point. Just about every climbing accident is the result of human error so thats probably not the most helpful filter to use. Perhaps a better way to look at it is from the perspective of utility vs. likelihood of being the primary contributing factor in an accident.

To everyone who thinks end marks should be kept in use, please riddle me this. The justification for end marks is that they warn you that you are nearing the end of your rope. Well in every case where a person rapped off the end of their rope, they cruised right on past the "warning" mark and decked. So not only did the end mark lead them to rap on an uneven rope but it failed to fulfill its only conceivable purpose by preventing them from rapping of the end of that uneven rope.

Their intended to prevent accidents but their causing them instead. Thats pretty damning if you ask me.

The problem is that they didn't "cruse right past the warning mark" because that mark was at the anchor. Your going to go off the short end of the rope long before you pass any other marking, if you've put the end mark at the anchor.

I have to admit that I was a fan of the end marks initially (although I never owned a rope with them) but as these reports continue I'm fading through ambivalence into not liking them.

Also, I don't buy the argument that it is tough to find the middle of a rope at the belay. I can't really think of more than one situation where you could not flake the rope before rapping.


Feb 19, 2009, 12:34 AM
Post #26 of 127 (8207 views)

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Re: [sungam] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Very sorry to hear about the fallen climber. Hope he heals well and fast.



Feb 19, 2009, 12:40 AM
Post #27 of 127 (8205 views)

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Re: [sungam] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Why mark the end of a rope, seriously? Take a second, move it a foot or two, and if the rope stops, it is most likely the end.

Middle marks are very convenient, but only if manufacturers and consumers are on the same page.

For the most part, a 15 foot mark tells the belayer that he has two 1/2 body lengths to find an adequate belay, tie off with whatever is left, and be safe. A good belayer will give a much more advanced warning, and a skilled leader will seldom need one.

I hope your friend heals quickly; I mean no disrespect to him in any way.

(This post was edited by edge on Feb 19, 2009, 12:41 AM)


Feb 19, 2009, 12:51 AM
Post #28 of 127 (8200 views)

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Re: [kennoyce] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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kennoyce wrote:
Yet another example of why rope manufacturers need to get rid of any mark that is not a middle mark.

I hope your friend heals quickly.
Yet another example of why rope USERS should watch their ends. Stupidity fault, not manufacturer. I personaly love my 10 meter marks


Feb 19, 2009, 12:58 AM
Post #29 of 127 (8190 views)

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Re: [avalon420] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Agreed, watch the effin ends guys come one!

This is so easy people. There aren't excuses for failing to find the middle, or verifying you will get down all the way, or watching below you to be sure a rope won't run through your belay device while rappelling.

I am sorry for those who have been injured or killed and my condolences to their families, but this is totally avoidable and user error.

Climbing is about as safe as we make it. Why aren't we being more safe and taking responsibility for our actions. I can't see how putting it on rope manufacturers changes anything


Feb 19, 2009, 1:01 AM
Post #30 of 127 (8188 views)

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Re: [bennydh] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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This thread has gone off topic. I bumped Sterling Jim's end mark thread if anyone is interested.;page=unread#unread


(This post was edited by boymeetsrock on Feb 19, 2009, 1:04 AM)


Feb 19, 2009, 1:05 AM
Post #31 of 127 (8183 views)

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Re: [boymeetsrock] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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boymeetsrock wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
acorneau wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
Can anyone else think of another piece of gear or gear feature that is combining with operator error and causing accidents as frequently as those end marks? I can't.


Hmmm good point. Just about every climbing accident is the result of human error so thats probably not the most helpful filter to use. Perhaps a better way to look at it is from the perspective of utility vs. likelihood of being the primary contributing factor in an accident.

To everyone who thinks end marks should be kept in use, please riddle me this. The justification for end marks is that they warn you that you are nearing the end of your rope. Well in every case where a person rapped off the end of their rope, they cruised right on past the "warning" mark and decked. So not only did the end mark lead them to rap on an uneven rope but it failed to fulfill its only conceivable purpose by preventing them from rapping of the end of that uneven rope.

Their intended to prevent accidents but their causing them instead. Thats pretty damning if you ask me.

The problem is that they didn't "cruse right past the warning mark" because that mark was at the anchor. Your going to go off the short end of the rope long before you pass any other marking, if you've put the end mark at the anchor.

Oh, damn good point! I don't know how I over looked that but it cuts the legs right out from under my argument don't it.Blush

I'm not gonna go back and edit but I officially retract the, clearly very flawed, query.Crazy


Feb 19, 2009, 1:25 AM
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Re: [notapplicable] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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I mistook the end mark on a Mammut rope once. All it took though is flaking the rop to throw and realized it was the end marker.
Just a little attention to detail.

its a shame your friend was in such a rush.


Feb 19, 2009, 1:35 AM
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Re: [anykineclimb] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Newest word is he thinks he's out for the seasonCrazy
I was super surprised when I heard he fell. He's generally a methodical climber and usually pays attention to detail.
It looks like he may have some help covering his medical bills (he's kinda a dirtbag climber) and might actually go get an x-ray.
Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, but that's how it goes, right?
Had I finished work on time I would have been with him and we probably wouldn't have rapped in... meh.


Feb 19, 2009, 3:35 PM
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Re: [avalon420] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Yet another example of why rope USERS should watch their ends. Stupidity fault, not manufacturer. I personally love my 10 meter marks

You my friend are in the minority on this one I think. I am not saying that this is the manufacturers fault, obviously it is user error, but when there have been multiple deaths dealing with the misinterpretation of these marks, they should be taken off the market. I know that some people like the marks, but they are too easy to be mistaken especially if you are using a rope that is not your own. These marks are especially dangerous anytime that you are in a hurry, tired, trying to beat the weather, or any other extraneous circumstance.


Feb 19, 2009, 3:39 PM
Post #35 of 127 (8112 views)

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Re: [sungam] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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All the best to your friend. Speedy recovery.

Partner robdotcalm

Feb 19, 2009, 4:09 PM
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Re: [durangoclimber] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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From an old post;#1030642

«"Knowing the location of the middle of the rope is important in rappelling. An accident in Washington state last year [2004] drove this home. Two experienced climbers were rappelling from a site they had rappelled from previously. Their rope was plenty long enough. They visually checked that both ends were on the ground. [after resting a few minutes] the first guy started rappelling and soon one end of the rope went through his belay device. He fell and died. Conclusions: a high wind had whipped their rope after they lowered it and moved one end off the ground; if they had the middle marked this would not have happened. After reading about this, I became more aware than ever about carefully marking the middle of the rope.

Two weeks ago in Eldorado Canyon (CO) my partner and I reached a tree, equipped with slings and rappel ring, to rappel down at about 3:30 PM. Another party was there setting up their rappel. I don’t know what brand rope they had. It was a light gray, almost an off white. The middle was marked by 2, maybe 4 inch wide black bands (manufactured into the rope) a couple of inches apart. As the four of us watched, they set up their rappel with the rope going through the anchor in the space between the markings. As the first guy was getting ready to rappel, my partner shouted out that the middle mark was about 30’ down the cliff. We looked and saw it; then looked back at the anchor point also saw it there.

What had happened? The sun coming through the trees had created two black shadows about 4 inches in length and a few inches apart. They looked exactly like the manufactured supplied middle markings. Even after we were aware that the shadows had created the illusion, it still looked real.

Moral of the story: if it can go wrong, it will go wrong. Taping the middle of the rope or a bi-colored rope would avoid this possible source of error. I’ve been climbing for over 30 years and this is the first time I’ve seen anything like this or heard about it. Is something so rare worth worrying about?"»

These incidents gave me the excuse I needed to finally spend the extra bucks and buy a bi-patterened rope. And I suppose a bit of tape around the middle would provide extra awareness in low light conditions of the location of the middle of the rope.

The incidents provided in this and other threads clearly indicates that ropes should no longer be manufactured with end marks (are there still any new ropes out there with end marks?)


Partner j_ung

Feb 19, 2009, 4:17 PM
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Re: [robdotcalm] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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I don't think you can realistically call this anything but the climber's fault.

That said, occasionally there are certain aspects of climbing gear that, while well intentioned, actually play to inherent weaknesses in the human mind and in some cases can contribute to accidents. We see these things pop up when the same failure mode happens again and again, take for example people forgetting to clip into autobelays in gyms. This appears to be one of those.


Feb 19, 2009, 4:42 PM
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Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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I don’t think it is a bad idea. You always have the choice weather to buy marked or unmarked lines and you should check anything you do not mark yourself for accuracy. The manufacturers can always :Color code them, red for the ends, black or green for the center (whatever). Or my personal preference, buy rope that is not marked and do as you please with it. I just mark the center.

My buddy some lines that are end marked, when the rope reaches those marks in the ATC handling becomes very stiff , and is stop and go until you pass the markings. This was designed as a warning signal to alert you to the end of the rope by vision and the change in handling.


Feb 19, 2009, 4:56 PM
Post #39 of 127 (8071 views)

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Re: [notapplicable] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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notapplicable wrote:
I don't care whether it's ultimately human error or if a minority of climbers find those markings to be in some way marginally useful. End marks are fucking up more climbers than any other gear feature.

Can anyone else think of another piece of gear or gear feature that is combining with operator error and causing accidents as frequently as those end marks? I can't.

Standardization damn it!!!!



Feb 19, 2009, 5:16 PM
Post #40 of 127 (8053 views)

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Re: [bandycoot] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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bandycoot wrote:

Ummm... read post #15.


Feb 19, 2009, 5:37 PM
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Re: [acorneau] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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I'm with j_ungs first post. My ropes (bluewater) have no marks at all. I use my arm span (both arms ) to find the middle, 17.5 for me. You can do this in the dark when you forget your headlamp. Then all you have to do is watch the ends. After all, what else do really need to be looking at.



Feb 19, 2009, 6:00 PM
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Re: [acorneau] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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acorneau wrote:
bandycoot wrote:

Ummm... read post #15.

Nice. My bad! Smile


Feb 19, 2009, 6:28 PM
Post #43 of 127 (8002 views)

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Re: [bandycoot] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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how about climbers start tying knots in the end of their ropes when rappeling?


Feb 19, 2009, 6:29 PM
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Re: [bandycoot] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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bandycoot wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
I don't care whether it's ultimately human error or if a minority of climbers find those markings to be in some way marginally useful. End marks are fucking up more climbers than any other gear feature.

Can anyone else think of another piece of gear or gear feature that is combining with operator error and causing accidents as frequently as those end marks? I can't.

Standardization damn it!!!!


Agreed but the grigri is of pretty significant utility to many climbers. Some people would argue that the end marks have saved a number of people from rapping off their ropes but I don't see how that can be demonstrated. They are usually far enough from the ends that your not in any danger when you see them so I don't see how anyone can definitively say "I would have gone right off the end if it weren't for the end marks".


Feb 19, 2009, 8:05 PM
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Re: [krusher4] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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krusher4 wrote:
how about climbers start tying knots in the end of their ropes when rappelling?

Because many of us choose to climb in situations where that is not an option. This can range from high wind, to featured rock prone to snags, to pure speed. Instead of choosing to tie knots, I've learned over the years from endless threads such as this, one that trumps the hell out of knots is awareness. As I clip into a rope, I'm always aware. I stay aware of the rope ends, and if they aren't equal or reaching my intended destination I have the experience, ability, and gear with me to deal with that situation. Since I feel some of the people I climb with don't have this awareness, I often offer to rappel first, or comment, "watch the rope ends!" Awareness is something that is very difficult to teach. Learn, if you're reading this thread, there is no reason for any of you to EVER rap off your rope ends.



Feb 19, 2009, 9:11 PM
Post #46 of 127 (7956 views)

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Re: [bandycoot] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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All the accidents shifted my initial estimation of endmarks (similar to j_ung) from seeing the benefits as to seeing it as Yet Another Thing you can F up with.

However, I dont think endmarks should be banned; they make sense on half ropes which are generally used in a more adventurous terrain:
Longer Rappels,
Longer Pitches (readying for Simul Climbing)
Communication with leader

The big negative point mistaking the end mark for a middle mark is imho not an issue on half ropes. I Marked my Halfropes with a rope
marker (beal or sth).

So what do you think of this
-No end marks on single ropes.
-End marks on halfropes.

All the Best and a quick recovery!


Feb 19, 2009, 11:56 PM
Post #47 of 127 (7919 views)

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Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark [In reply to]
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Hey all. I am the guy that decked. My name is Pierce. Thanks to all of you for wishing well on the recovery. Get this... I am going to work in the morning and probably climbing sometime next week. I only sprained my ankle, and that wasn't even a bad sprain. So thanks for all the well wishes. It is much appreciated.
To those of you blaming the end marks on the rope; don't. It is not the factory's fault that I didn't check my ends, it was mine. I was rapping into the New Funtier to get in some solo laps after work, was in a haste, and rapped off the short end. I'll tell you, that rope whizzing through made one hell of a snapping sounds, and sudden'y I was rocketing down. I tried catching myself to no avail, my crampons caught a ledge about ten feet off the deck, momentum flipped me over backwards, fast. Thought I was about to break my neck or back. Totally thought I was dead, done for. Smacked onto the ground, scared the living shit out of some poor sap. I layed still tomake sure there was no head, neck, back injuries. It was only when found out people were talking to 911, that I stood up and waved them off. I climbed out some easy gully on toprope, then hobbled back to the park entrance where a friend of mine was coming to work turning on the taps. He hooked up a ride home to town, and that was the day. Close call, for sure, the closest I have been.
To those self described professionals , don't blame the factory markings. I still think they are great, usefull and a good idea. just don't be a dumbass, check your shit, and don't get yourself killed. Thanks again to those of you wishing me well, I really appreciate it.


Feb 20, 2009, 1:05 AM
Post #48 of 127 (7896 views)

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Re: [originalpmac] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark [In reply to]
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Hey Pierce,
Glad to hear you're alright. Must have been a hell of a scare. Good job getting yourself out of there.

All that said, I think Pierce's comments are right on.
You have to pay attention all the time.
You have to know your gear.
You have to practice with your gear.
You have to be responsible.

End marks on a rope are incredibly usefull for someone who knw they are there and is paying attention.

End marks on a rope can be deadly for someone who isn't paying attention.

People rap off the ends of their ropes all the tie in Ouray. They just can't believe that a doubled 70 meter rope won't reach the bottom. I was there last weekend and was, once again, appalled how people treat the area as if they were at a sport climbing area or a gym. They climb right under you. They set up a rope 5 feet away from one that is already there and lower in. They climb right over you. They think that by simply of yelling "ICE!!!" there is a deflector shield over anyone within range of the ice bombs they knock off.

I was TRing a route in the central gorge last Sunday. There was a party next to us which had a rope on the panel around the corner to the left. Our routes were separate from each other and any ice knocked off of one wouldn't ricochet over to the other. Nice safe setup until the climber on the adjacent route decided to traverse below me to the right and climb up right underneath me. I looked down just as I was heading up the final chandeliered pillar and, there he was, 40' down and right in my line of fire. I yelled take and lowered off. As I went by him I said sternly but nicely, "Dude. You shouldn't be climbing right underneath another climber." "Sorry", he said. "No Apologies I replied, You'd be the dead one". As I lowered he continued to climb up and I had to yell at him to stop and wait so he wouldn't knock anything off on me. I got to the bottom and scrampled off to the side. His very next swing knocked off a 50 lb bomb that would have put me in the hospital.

He didn't have a clue. He was a beginner. It was his buddies who had had him climb there. At the bottom they told be I shouldn't be so harsh. "Go easy on him. He's a beginner" they said.

Whatever... Sorry for the rant. I just HATE how cavalier people are in the park.

Be careful out there.


Feb 20, 2009, 1:21 AM
Post #49 of 127 (7887 views)

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Re: [originalpmac] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark [In reply to]
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originalpmac wrote:
To those self described professionals, don't blame the factory markings. I still think they are great, useful and a good idea. just don't be a dumbass, check your shit, and don't get yourself killed. Thanks again to those of you wishing me well, I really appreciate it.

In the climbing community we value personal responsibility. So I think most of the posters you are responding to would agree with you that accidents of this sort are caused by preventable mistakes on the part of the climber.

That being said, we should acknowledge that you would not have decked if it weren't for the end marks. If you were a exceptional case then we could write this off as a fluke. But we've seen a number of accidents and near misses from people making exactly the same mistake you did.

So even if we don't blame the end marks for causing the accidents, we can look at your story and the other stories and ask the question, "Do end marked ropes increase the chance that climbers using them will make a potentially fatal mistake?"

If so, maybe they just aren't the best choice for climbing.


Feb 20, 2009, 1:29 AM
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Re: [originalpmac] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark [In reply to]
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Pierce, glad to hear you're better, not too badly hurt. That flip sounds scary as hell, could have been very bad.
Thanks again for the post and the reminder this is a serious business we are in, and care should always be taken. Hopefully we will all take your write up to heart.
Now Mals' story is another piece of work. I don't know what to say, except live and learn.
Be safe people.


Feb 20, 2009, 2:25 PM
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Re: [donald949] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark [In reply to]
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I'm find this reliance on gear and middle marks beguiling. Welcome to rock climbing, please check brain at the gate.....


Feb 20, 2009, 3:35 PM
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Re: [maldaly] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark [In reply to]
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"Go easy on him. He's a beginner"

All the more reason to be hard on him when he is doing something stupid.


Feb 20, 2009, 4:01 PM
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Re: [raingod] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark [In reply to]
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What's scary is the frequency of these kinds of accidents. What's even more interesting is that we now have been graced with a "Accident and Incident Analysis" forum so we can do an "in depth analysis" of what went wrong.Crazy

(This post was edited by socalclimber on Feb 20, 2009, 4:06 PM)

Partner neuroshock

Feb 20, 2009, 5:16 PM
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Re: [maldaly] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark [In reply to]
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Sorry to hear that Mal. Unfortunately it's not limited to just the Ice Park.

Last year I was at Starved Rock SP in Illinois. Tonti was in decent shape, though fragile on the left due to trickling/dripping water, making the available climbing a little narrower. This is a formation that can be accessed from above to set up topropes. There were already 2 ropes set for TR on the formation, which is all that could safely fit, and people were actively climbing them.

A third party decides to set up a line right between the existing two and while people are still climbing they decide to rap in. Since we were below, we had no idea that they were doing so until they threw a rope down. The morons then ignore calls to stop and then don't even rap in slowly and "walk down the face" but rather take large pushes off while zinging down the line 10' at a time. When their crampons hit the face of the formation it showers climbers and belayers alike with medium-sized chunks of ice.

They didn't want to wait until the other parties got done climbing first. It wasn't until I and a couple of others got more rude to them that they halted (all but 1 of their party had rapped in by then) and they eventually left.


(This post was edited by neuroshock on Feb 20, 2009, 5:18 PM)


Feb 20, 2009, 6:11 PM
Post #55 of 127 (9265 views)

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Re: [j_ung] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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TIE A FUCKING KNOT IN THE ENDS! Problem solved. Do it EVERY time you can't see the bottom. What is so hard about using a system and sticking to it. Having and sticking with a system is THE MOST EFFECTIVE way to make sure you climb safe. Be open to new ideas, but don't change a system on the fly, break it in slowly and in a controlled environment.

(This post was edited by bkalaska on Feb 20, 2009, 6:16 PM)


Feb 20, 2009, 6:43 PM
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Re: [bkalaska] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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bkalaska wrote:
TIE A FUCKING KNOT IN THE ENDS! Problem solved. Do it EVERY time you can't see the bottom. What is so hard about using a system and sticking to it. Having and sticking with a system is THE MOST EFFECTIVE way to make sure you climb safe. Be open to new ideas, but don't change a system on the fly, break it in slowly and in a controlled environment.

Have you not seen the reasons noted above for why you wouldn't tie knots? I'm not saying he shouldn't have in this circumstance, but there are circumstances when you wouldn't.

Partner cracklover

Feb 20, 2009, 7:12 PM
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Re: [socalclimber] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark [In reply to]
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All of us have assumptions we make about our gear. It's part of climbing. Both Pierce and the several people who have died made a false assumption - one which was, apparently, based on the belief that the rope markings meant what they had always thought they meant. Could you not make such an error? I know I could! Maybe not that exact error, since I know about these ropes (I actually own one) but perhaps I could make an error like it.

For example, I know there used to be on the market a screw-gate biner that screwed the other way - rather than going up over the nose, it went down over the bend on the other side. If I were climbing with someone else's rack and didn't know any better, could I mistakenly unlock a biner when I thought I was locking it? There's certain a chance I wouldn't notice!

My point is - whether or not you, yourself, could have made this particular error, I hope you see that we're all conditioned by the experiences we've had. What I mean is that we must operate under the assumptions of what we've come to know. And if something changes without our noticing it, it'll bite you, or me, in the ass, and that's a fact.

This is not about thinking versus not thinking. That is an overly simplistic way of describing the situation. In reality, this is about making the assumption that the gear we're using will perform as we expect it to perform. No different than you or I do every day we go climbing.

Sure, in most cases, I have methods that will keep me safe even if one or two things go awry. But not always. Sometimes the margin of safety is pretty thin. And at those times, if I go and do something stupid, it could ABSOLUTELY be me that gets the chop next time. And if at just that moment, someone gives me a tool that looks like a tool I know, but is subtley but radically different - like this rope was for these climbers, that could make the difference between life and death.

So, yeah, knowledge and thinking is power. But to think that you couldn't be fooled by a tool that looks like one you know, is just hubris.

Part of the reason why I mourn for those climbers who mistook the end mark for the middle mark is that I know they made a mistake not too different from one I could have made. Definitely one of those "ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee" moments.

And that sadness for the fallen climbers is what makes me so adamant that these end marks need to go.




Feb 20, 2009, 7:22 PM
Post #58 of 127 (9239 views)

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Re: [cracklover] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark [In reply to]
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Snicker..... This wouldn't be directed at me would it???? Wink


Feb 20, 2009, 8:17 PM
Post #59 of 127 (9230 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
I'm not saying he shouldn't have in this circumstance, but there are circumstances when you wouldn't.

How about: "Always tie knots in the end of your rope and if you think they might get stuck, don't throw them, carry them down with you."

Is there a circumstance when there would be a problem carrying your ropes?


Feb 20, 2009, 8:57 PM
Post #60 of 127 (9222 views)

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Re: [acorneau] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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acorneau wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
I'm not saying he shouldn't have in this circumstance, but there are circumstances when you wouldn't.

How about: "Always tie knots in the end of your rope and if you think they might get stuck, don't throw them, carry them down with you."

Is there a circumstance when there would be a problem carrying your ropes?

I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I'm sure a scenario could come up where you'd need your hands to rap and negotiate the terrain.

I don't disagree that this would be an excellent approach, though.


Feb 20, 2009, 9:02 PM
Post #61 of 127 (9220 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I'm sure a scenario could come up where you'd need your hands to rap and negotiate the terrain.

By "carry" I mean butterfly the rope and put it in a basket-hitched sling on the side of your harness. Both hands are free to do whatever you normally do.

I use this technique more often than I throw the rope. I'm an autoblock kind of guy, too.


Feb 20, 2009, 9:11 PM
Post #62 of 127 (9212 views)

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Re: [acorneau] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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acorneau wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I'm sure a scenario could come up where you'd need your hands to rap and negotiate the terrain.

By "carry" I mean butterfly the rope and put it in a basket-hitched sling on the side of your harness. Both hands are free to do whatever you normally do.

I use this technique more often than I throw the rope. I'm an autoblock kind of guy, too.

I'm not familiar with this technique, but one of my main partners told me recently that she wanted to practice more of this sort of thing this summer.

I'm more of a visual person, so if you have pics of what you mean then that would be appreciated.


Feb 20, 2009, 9:27 PM
Post #63 of 127 (9208 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
I'm more of a visual person, so if you have pics of what you mean then that would be appreciated.

These are the best pix I can come up with at the moment.

The basket hitched rope:

Ropes on a rappeller (not me):

You can also flake your rope into a bag and let that hang below you while you rap. If flaked well it should come right out with no problem.

Good info in this Climbing mag Tech Tip:

(This post was edited by acorneau on Feb 20, 2009, 9:30 PM)


Feb 20, 2009, 9:28 PM
Post #64 of 127 (9204 views)

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Re: [acorneau] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Thanks, that's pretty clear.


Feb 20, 2009, 9:33 PM
Post #65 of 127 (9198 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
Thanks, that's pretty clear.

You're quite welcome. Glad I can be helpful every once in a while!

Partner cracklover

Feb 20, 2009, 9:51 PM
Post #66 of 127 (9187 views)

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Re: [acorneau] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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acorneau wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I'm sure a scenario could come up where you'd need your hands to rap and negotiate the terrain.

By "carry" I mean butterfly the rope and put it in a basket-hitched sling on the side of your harness. Both hands are free to do whatever you normally do.

I use this technique more often than I throw the rope. I'm an autoblock kind of guy, too.

I often use the rope-basket when it's windy and/or the rock looks likely to be a rope-eater. But it's slower. Using an autoblock when you're rapping is also slower. Doing two things all the time that both slow you down may someday bite you in the ass (say you have 10 raps to do, and fading light).

Just saying, there are always tradeoffs. One set of techniques is not always right.



Feb 20, 2009, 9:51 PM
Post #67 of 127 (9185 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Another approach is to flake the rope into a backpack if you're carrying one, and the ropes fit in it (I appreciate that this may well not be the case). Stopper knots recomended in this case.

Good luck to the guy that hit the ground, sounds like the injuries were less serious than they could have been, glad to hear that.

Talking about what you are conditioned to do, when I started climbing (sport climbing, still what I mostly do) I was taught to belay with a grigri. After quite a few months, a friend decided I should be trained in the use of an atcxp, clipped it to my harness and set off up the wall.

As he neared the first clip I caught myself sliding my brake hand up the rope to hold the atc, so it would not "catch". No problems ensued (the rope wasn't even clipped anyway), but I still scared myself (and have observed the 1rst rule of belaying with tube style devices religiously since).

A case of something stupid and in other circumstances dangerous being done following instincts that were sound when using a different set up.

No one ever saw this. I have confessed Laugh

Partner cracklover

Feb 20, 2009, 9:57 PM
Post #68 of 127 (9182 views)

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Re: [originalpmac] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark [In reply to]
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originalpmac wrote:
Hey all. I am the guy that decked. My name is Pierce.

Hey, glad you're okay. That's first and foremost. Everything else is just hot air.

By the way, why do you like the end-marks on ropes. I don't know many folks who like 'em (hell, I've got a rope with them, and I still hate 'em). Mind saying what you like so much about 'em?




Feb 20, 2009, 10:24 PM
Post #69 of 127 (9174 views)

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Re: [acorneau] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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acorneau wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
I'm more of a visual person, so if you have pics of what you mean then that would be appreciated.

These are the best pix I can come up with at the moment.

The basket hitched rope:

Ropes on a rappeller (not me):

You can also flake your rope into a bag and let that hang below you while you rap. If flaked well it should come right out with no problem.

Good info in this Climbing mag Tech Tip:

Allen, thanks for the idea and pics. How do you find rapping with the ropes being on both sides of you? Otherwise would it be advisable to put both ropes on one side, flaked together?

(This post was edited by donald949 on Feb 20, 2009, 10:24 PM)

Partner angry

Feb 20, 2009, 10:29 PM
Post #70 of 127 (9167 views)

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Re: [donald949] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
acorneau wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
I'm more of a visual person, so if you have pics of what you mean then that would be appreciated.

These are the best pix I can come up with at the moment.

The basket hitched rope:

Ropes on a rappeller (not me):

You can also flake your rope into a bag and let that hang below you while you rap. If flaked well it should come right out with no problem.

Good info in this Climbing mag Tech Tip:

Allen, thanks for the idea and pics. How do you find rapping with the ropes being on both sides of you? Otherwise would it be advisable to put both ropes on one side, flaked together?

Holy half hour rappel Batman!!

Eff that!


Feb 20, 2009, 10:32 PM
Post #71 of 127 (9164 views)

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Re: [angry] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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angry wrote:
donald949 wrote:
acorneau wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
I'm more of a visual person, so if you have pics of what you mean then that would be appreciated.

These are the best pix I can come up with at the moment.

The basket hitched rope:

Ropes on a rappeller (not me):

You can also flake your rope into a bag and let that hang below you while you rap. If flaked well it should come right out with no problem.

Good info in this Climbing mag Tech Tip:

Allen, thanks for the idea and pics. How do you find rapping with the ropes being on both sides of you? Otherwise would it be advisable to put both ropes on one side, flaked together?

Holy half hour rappel Batman!!

Eff that!

Yea, I wouldn't want to do it on a regular basis, but in certain locations it might be a good tool to have.


Feb 20, 2009, 10:37 PM
Post #72 of 127 (9161 views)

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Re: [donald949] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
Allen, thanks for the idea and pics. How do you find rapping with the ropes being on both sides of you? Otherwise would it be advisable to put both ropes on one side, flaked together?

The picture was just one I found on the web to show the basic idea.

I would normally put both ropes on my right side (since I'm right handed) and flake each on their own. You could flake both of them together, but they could get out of whack and make things messy.


Feb 20, 2009, 11:24 PM
Post #73 of 127 (9142 views)

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Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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I like the end marks, because it gives me a perfect idea of how much rope is left, which comes in handy when you are out on an uncertain multi-pitch climbs and your friend is getting out of hearing distance. I can tell for the most part how much is left without them, but I think it is useful.
Not personally a big fan of always tying knots in my rope. I AM a big fan of checking the endsWink I almost always use an aoutoblock on my leg loop, but not this time.
About the stuff you see in the ice park: I see a lot of stuff like that, all the time. We saw some people climbing without a helmet the other day. A friend of mine with some authority there told them to go to the shop and buy one. they left theirs in Boulder. They complained about the traffic. In Ouray. I saw a guy get dropped ten feet while being lowered, while the party right next to him was having a HARD time communicating about being lowered. apparently they don't know how to communicate through ropes tugs. There is a ton of goobers out their, and unfortunately I just added my name to the listWink
Cheers from a guy that decked


Feb 20, 2009, 11:37 PM
Post #74 of 127 (9138 views)

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Re: [acorneau] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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acorneau wrote:
donald949 wrote:
Allen, thanks for the idea and pics. How do you find rapping with the ropes being on both sides of you? Otherwise would it be advisable to put both ropes on one side, flaked together?

The picture was just one I found on the web to show the basic idea.

I would normally put both ropes on my right side (since I'm right handed) and flake each on their own. You could flake both of them together, but they could get out of whack and make things messy.
Cool. What size runner do you use? 1 foot or 2 foot?


Feb 21, 2009, 2:11 AM
Post #75 of 127 (9123 views)

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Re: [donald949] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
What size runner do you use? 1 foot or 2 foot?

1 foot, 2 foot, Red foot, blue foot. No, just kidding.

2 foot sling is just fine for me. I could see a 1 foot sling being a little too tight around the bundle to let it pay out smoothly.


Feb 21, 2009, 3:35 AM
Post #76 of 127 (6374 views)

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Re: [sungam] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Howzabout just all rope manufacturers make bi-color ropes. then end markings would be fine. Or.. just find the center of your rope.


Feb 21, 2009, 4:11 AM
Post #77 of 127 (6366 views)

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Re: [acorneau] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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acorneau wrote:
Is there a circumstance when there would be a problem carrying your ropes?
I've done it. I'll probably do it again. But here goes ...

Worst case is if the rap is not backed up and there's a snarl. Maybe the snarl happened while I was looking for the next rap anchor.

Now I can't do a leg wrap because the snarl somehow got up very close to the belay device. My brake hand is getting tired and there's not enough room to trade off brake hands. And my brake hand has loaded the snarl such that I can't release it with the other hand.

I need to attach a prusik with one hand. Can I do it in time before I lose control of my brake hand?

So I worry about snarls and that is a distraction. So, stack the rope very very carefully like in the illustration. And back up the rap. Hmmm, lots to keep track of and do right. Personally, I'd rather lower a person first (edit: assuming that's an option) than stack the rope on my hips, especially for a double rope rap.

Bill L

(This post was edited by billl7 on Feb 21, 2009, 4:12 AM)


Feb 22, 2009, 9:05 PM
Post #78 of 127 (6341 views)

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Re: [billl7] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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billl7 wrote:
Personally, I'd rather lower a person first (edit: assuming that's an option) than stack the rope on my hips, especially for a double rope rap.

Bill L

Yeah, two 60m ropes is a lot to have hanging from your side. Especially if you already have a rack, slings, water bottle, etc. handing from your body.

Not saying it can't be done but I'm gonna avoid it if possible.


Feb 22, 2009, 9:17 PM
Post #79 of 127 (6336 views)

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Re: [originalpmac] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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originalpmac wrote:
I like the end marks, because it gives me a perfect idea of how much rope is left, which comes in handy when you are out on an uncertain multi-pitch climbs and your friend is getting out of hearing distance. I can tell for the most part how much is left without them, but I think it is useful.

Is that minor convenience worth the increased risk of a partner (new or old) who is unfamiliar with the rope rigging an uneven rappel? It's easy enough to look at your coil and estimate within 1 or 2 meters how much rope is left.


Feb 27, 2009, 4:44 PM
Post #80 of 127 (6284 views)

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Re: [angry] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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angry wrote:
Skidemon27 wrote:
i hope your friend is truly going to heal up good and get back into climbing, however we cant go blaming the rope markings. if he took his time and knew his gear and most of all his life line,,,( the rope) then this would have not been an issue at all. thats what happpens when people put markings on rope and try to make more short cuts for the lazier people.........rope marking are there for a reason......even though i think just the middle should be marked for convience

I disagree. The end marks are a hazard. Without them, this guy wouldn't have a broken wrist and ankle. Without them, some kids in South Dakota would still have their grandpa.

If ever I've seen a hazard, potentially even an actionable hazard in climbing gear, this is it.

A blanket industry wide recall won't bring someone back but it's the right step to move forward.

As much as I hate lawsuits, I think rope manufacturers who continue to put end markings on their ropes should be held liable for any accidents caused by them. By now all rope manufacturers are aware that these things contribute to accidents--and not removing them from their product makes them negligent. They are knowingly making their products less safe.


(This post was edited by curt on Feb 27, 2009, 4:45 PM)


Feb 27, 2009, 5:01 PM
Post #81 of 127 (6272 views)

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Re: [curt] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
As much as I hate lawsuits, I think rope manufacturers who continue to put end markings on their ropes should be held liable for any accidents caused by them.

No way it would stick. It's completely operator error.


Feb 27, 2009, 5:44 PM
Post #82 of 127 (6257 views)

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Re: [acorneau] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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I agree. It would never stick… I choose not to buy marked lines in preference to marking them myself. There are many who choose to buy marked lines. That is their choice.(choice/choose being the operative words) No matter what kind of rope you choose to buy, marked or unmarked the line should be checked for defects and accuracy like the manufacturer states in the warranty paperwork accompanying the rope. This way it is under full warranty and can be sent back for a replacement if a manufacturer defect is found. They all have a …No-Hassle Policy… the companies do not want to sell products that will hurt you. that’s bad for business. These are Life lines and you have your own responsibility to check your gear for errors constantly, as well as knowing where the markings are if applicable. (trust but verify)

Partner j_ung

Feb 27, 2009, 6:23 PM
Post #83 of 127 (6242 views)

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Re: [curt] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
angry wrote:
Skidemon27 wrote:
i hope your friend is truly going to heal up good and get back into climbing, however we cant go blaming the rope markings. if he took his time and knew his gear and most of all his life line,,,( the rope) then this would have not been an issue at all. thats what happpens when people put markings on rope and try to make more short cuts for the lazier people.........rope marking are there for a reason......even though i think just the middle should be marked for convience

I disagree. The end marks are a hazard. Without them, this guy wouldn't have a broken wrist and ankle. Without them, some kids in South Dakota would still have their grandpa.

If ever I've seen a hazard, potentially even an actionable hazard in climbing gear, this is it.

A blanket industry wide recall won't bring someone back but it's the right step to move forward.

As much as I hate lawsuits, I think rope manufacturers who continue to put end markings on their ropes should be held liable for any accidents caused by them. By now all rope manufacturers are aware that these things contribute to accidents--and not removing them from their product makes them negligent. They are knowingly making their products less safe.


How many lives have end marks saved? Without knowing that number relative to the accidents they've contributed to, I don't think I can agree with your statement. I don't believe for a second that any of those companies simply doesn't care enough to make the switch back.

(This post was edited by j_ung on Feb 27, 2009, 6:26 PM)


Feb 27, 2009, 6:25 PM
Post #84 of 127 (6238 views)

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Re: [curt] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Just for my own clarification:

Are these "end marks" on ropes the same size/color as the commonly accepted "middle marks"?

I climbed with a guy who used a rope marker, and ten feet from the end of his rope, he drew a single line, perhaps a half-inch wide. Twenty feet, he drew two lines, both half-inch wide, and half-inch apart. Thirty feet, he did three lines.

His middle mark, however, was a long, large mark. Perhaps eight or ten inches long. There was no way to confuse the "end" and the "middle" marks, as they looked very different.

Partner cracklover

Feb 27, 2009, 7:17 PM
Post #85 of 127 (6220 views)

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Re: [reno] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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reno wrote:
Just for my own clarification:

Are these "end marks" on ropes the same size/color as the commonly accepted "middle marks"?

Some of them are, yes. Two marks, about 8 inches apart from each other, each about 4 inches wide. One set in the middle, and one set about 6 meters from each end.

Other ropes have one type of marking for the middle, and another for the end.

Certainly the ropes that use the same middle and end marks are the worst, but I think all the end marks should go.

The trouble is - the people who are mistaking the end for middle marks are, I believe, not the owners of the ropes. So they may never have come across such a thing as an end mark before, they didn't read the manual, and they're totally familiar with middle-marks. I mean, hell, if you see something that looks exactly like you think it is, wouldn't you treat it that way?

To my mind, it's definitely user error on the part of the person who raps off the end of the rope, but it's an accident with a major contributing factor - a misleading mark on the rope.

The misleading marks should go.



Feb 27, 2009, 7:33 PM
Post #86 of 127 (6215 views)

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Re: [cracklover] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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    I thought in the accident that started this thread, he was going climbing without a partner so I assume it was his own rope.
And if you are using gear you are unfamiliar with you should inspect it. Who knows whats wrong with it. Maybe it had a middle mark but the end has been trimmed...
In my opinion 100% User error.


Feb 27, 2009, 8:37 PM
Post #87 of 127 (6205 views)

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Re: [j_ung] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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j_ung wrote:
curt wrote:
angry wrote:
Skidemon27 wrote:
i hope your friend is truly going to heal up good and get back into climbing, however we cant go blaming the rope markings. if he took his time and knew his gear and most of all his life line,,,( the rope) then this would have not been an issue at all. thats what happpens when people put markings on rope and try to make more short cuts for the lazier people.........rope marking are there for a reason......even though i think just the middle should be marked for convience

I disagree. The end marks are a hazard. Without them, this guy wouldn't have a broken wrist and ankle. Without them, some kids in South Dakota would still have their grandpa.

If ever I've seen a hazard, potentially even an actionable hazard in climbing gear, this is it.

A blanket industry wide recall won't bring someone back but it's the right step to move forward.

As much as I hate lawsuits, I think rope manufacturers who continue to put end markings on their ropes should be held liable for any accidents caused by them. By now all rope manufacturers are aware that these things contribute to accidents--and not removing them from their product makes them negligent. They are knowingly making their products less safe.


How many lives have end marks saved? Without knowing that number relative to the accidents they've contributed to, I don't think I can agree with your statement. I don't believe for a second that any of those companies simply doesn't care enough to make the switch back.

Please cite one documented case where these added lines have "saved" someone. Absent that evidence (because there is none) and because there is clear evidence that they have actually caused accidents, removing these lines is an absolute no-brainer.



Feb 27, 2009, 8:41 PM
Post #88 of 127 (6201 views)

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Re: [acorneau] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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acorneau wrote:
curt wrote:
As much as I hate lawsuits, I think rope manufacturers who continue to put end markings on their ropes should be held liable for any accidents caused by them.

No way it would stick. It's completely operator error.


jaablink wrote:
I agree. It would never stick…

Neither of you have the slightest idea what you're talking about.



Feb 27, 2009, 9:02 PM
Post #89 of 127 (6191 views)

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Re: [curt] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
Neither of you have the slightest idea what you're talking about.

Please enlighten us.


Feb 27, 2009, 9:07 PM
Post #90 of 127 (6189 views)

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Re: [curt] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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The reason you never hear about the good is because only the bad is reported….. Anyone with an ounce of common sense would understand that.

What’s the matter sweetheart? Having a bad day? Do you need a hug? Or is it that you just like to argue with people. You seem to have left out the parts where said was that one has a choice to buy marked or unmarked lines, also the part that said you should always check your gear . And the (trust but verify part) did you even bother to read the rest of the post? here is a hug >:D<, sorry you are having a bad day. Keep in mind you are not the only one who has bad days. The kid that fell had a bad day too. Thankfully he will be ok.


Feb 27, 2009, 9:15 PM
Post #91 of 127 (6184 views)

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Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark [In reply to]
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originalpmac wrote:
Hey all. I am the guy that decked. My name is Pierce. Thanks to all of you for wishing well on the recovery. Get this... I am going to work in the morning and probably climbing sometime next week. I only sprained my ankle, and that wasn't even a bad sprain. So thanks for all the well wishes. It is much appreciated.
To those of you blaming the end marks on the rope; don't. It is not the factory's fault that I didn't check my ends, it was mine. I was rapping into the New Funtier to get in some solo laps after work, was in a haste, and rapped off the short end. I'll tell you, that rope whizzing through made one hell of a snapping sounds, and sudden'y I was rocketing down. I tried catching myself to no avail, my crampons caught a ledge about ten feet off the deck, momentum flipped me over backwards, fast. Thought I was about to break my neck or back. Totally thought I was dead, done for. Smacked onto the ground, scared the living shit out of some poor sap. I layed still tomake sure there was no head, neck, back injuries. It was only when found out people were talking to 911, that I stood up and waved them off. I climbed out some easy gully on toprope, then hobbled back to the park entrance where a friend of mine was coming to work turning on the taps. He hooked up a ride home to town, and that was the day. Close call, for sure, the closest I have been.
To those self described professionals , don't blame the factory markings. I still think they are great, usefull and a good idea. just don't be a dumbass, check your shit, and don't get yourself killed. Thanks again to those of you wishing me well, I really appreciate it.


Feb 27, 2009, 9:24 PM
Post #92 of 127 (6177 views)

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Re: [jaablink] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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jaablink wrote:
The reason you never hear about the good is because only the bad is reported….. Anyone with an ounce of common sense would understand that.

What’s the matter sweetheart? Having a bad day? Do you need a hug? Or is it that you just like to argue with people...

It's really that I just don't have any interest in the opinions of ignorant people. Sure, one has the right to buy a rope with or without end marks. However, people occasionally climb on other people's ropes--with which they are unfamiliar. Further, and to your "legal" comment about liability not being applicable to the rope manufacturers, you obviously have no knowledge whatsoever of contributory negligence or proximate cause. Go hug yourself, jackass.



Feb 27, 2009, 9:34 PM
Post #93 of 127 (6167 views)

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Re: [raingod] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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raingod wrote:
I thought in the accident that started this thread, he was going climbing without a partner so I assume it was his own rope.
And if you are using gear you are unfamiliar with you should inspect it. Who knows whats wrong with it. Maybe it had a middle mark but the end has been trimmed...
In my opinion 100% User error.

At lest Pierce has the balls to take responsibility for his own actions and admit his own errors. He used one of his 9 lives that day. He learned from the error and made the lesson count. Unlike you Curt trying to put the blame on someone else.
or you are a troll

Partner angry

Feb 27, 2009, 10:02 PM
Post #94 of 127 (6138 views)

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Re: [jaablink] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Curt is definitely a troll. He does not exist, he's just some anonymous fat woman in a smokey basement.

I agree with "her" though.

Any half assed lawyer would have no trouble whatsoever bringing a case against a rope manufacturer considering recent cases.

Good for Pierce for owning up to his own actions. It's what I'd do, you'd do, Curt would do. It's what we do. That's why this hasn't his the courts.

Considering the lifespan of ropes (2-5 years), all new non-middle marks need to be stopped, now. If not, maybe next time (and there will be a next time sadly), it might be someone who's not so willing to take responsibility for their actions.


Feb 27, 2009, 11:29 PM
Post #95 of 127 (6129 views)

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Re: [angry] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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I buy unmarked lines myself, and I go through 2 or 3 sets a year . I just picked up a set of the 70m pz dragonflies, they are the first factory marked lines I own . I have a friend at West Point who uses these marked lines. I have shared lines with him in the past and the first thing I noticed was that when a marked section of line went through the ATC, I would stall/slow down (he explained it to be a warning system) . The marks warn you by changing the handling of the line and visually. As I stated, I like to add my own marks, only center and you really need to look for them. In fact I modify my gear all the time. I recently added teeth to top of my cascade picks so I can match on them without the pick sliding to the point. (they work great)

We are climbers, we adapt to new environments all the time, I would think that is one of the things that draws us to this activity (the challenge). We meet the challenges that are in front of us , we fit our gear to adapt to the situations awarded to us. We improvise all the time. We think on our feet and calculate possible problems before and as they arise…

I choose one thing , someone choose another. I like BD cams others like WC friends… I like the fact that I have a choice…

You are probably right about some shyster lawyer trying to make a buck. That would be bad for everyone. Instead of that money going to development of quality products and employment of competent people it would go to defense. Raise the cost of products, hurt the reputation of the manufacturer, and may even cause them a slow death. Many would loose their jobs. That could bring us past the 10% mark…sorry but that does not sound ethical to me.


Feb 27, 2009, 11:33 PM
Post #96 of 127 (6127 views)

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Re: [jaablink] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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jaablink wrote:
raingod wrote:
I thought in the accident that started this thread, he was going climbing without a partner so I assume it was his own rope.
And if you are using gear you are unfamiliar with you should inspect it. Who knows whats wrong with it. Maybe it had a middle mark but the end has been trimmed...
In my opinion 100% User error.

At lest Pierce has the balls to take responsibility for his own actions and admit his own errors. He used one of his 9 lives that day. He learned from the error and made the lesson count. Unlike you Curt trying to put the blame on someone else.
or you are a troll

I'm also glad that Pierce took responsibility for his own actions--and I'm also very glad that he will be OK. I still believe, however, that this accident probably would not have happened at all--if Pierce did not mistake one of these useless end marks for the rope's middle-mark. And that, of course, would be impossible if they weren't there. I'm sorry this is so terribly difficult for you to understand.



Feb 27, 2009, 11:56 PM
Post #97 of 127 (6119 views)

Registered: Nov 27, 2001
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Re: [jaablink] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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jaablink wrote:
raingod wrote:
I thought in the accident that started this thread, he was going climbing without a partner so I assume it was his own rope.
And if you are using gear you are unfamiliar with you should inspect it. Who knows whats wrong with it. Maybe it had a middle mark but the end has been trimmed...
In my opinion 100% User error.

At lest Pierce has the balls to take responsibility for his own actions and admit his own errors. He used one of his 9 lives that day. He learned from the error and made the lesson count. Unlike you Curt trying to put the blame on someone else.
or you are a troll

Before you start accusing people of laying blame on everyone else or being a troll, maybe you should find out who it is your talking to in the future. It's clear you don't.

And, I happen to agree with Curt to some extent on this one. While I still don't know why people seem to be having so much trouble these days determining the length of their ropes or where the ends are, the facts are becoming very clear to me that this design is flawed. Therefore it's a really bad idea and should be yanked.

(This post was edited by socalclimber on Feb 27, 2009, 11:57 PM)


Feb 28, 2009, 12:05 AM
Post #98 of 127 (6108 views)

Registered: Dec 13, 2002
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Re: [curt] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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All it takes one fuc*up to start a disaster all these end marks have done nothing but killing climbers. Three lost their lives last year and at least two got injured this year due to accidentally using them as mid mark.

These fuc*ing end marks must be removed, either voluntarily or by force in conjunctions with group of fat asshole* who have a law degree.

(This post was edited by majid_sabet on Feb 28, 2009, 12:07 AM)


Feb 28, 2009, 12:11 AM
Post #99 of 127 (6105 views)

Registered: Apr 1, 2004
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Re: [socalclimber] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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socalclimber wrote:
jaablink wrote:
raingod wrote:
I thought in the accident that started this thread, he was going climbing without a partner so I assume it was his own rope.
And if you are using gear you are unfamiliar with you should inspect it. Who knows whats wrong with it. Maybe it had a middle mark but the end has been trimmed...
In my opinion 100% User error.
At lest Pierce has the balls to take responsibility for his own actions and admit his own errors. He used one of his 9 lives that day. He learned from the error and made the lesson count. Unlike you Curt trying to put the blame on someone else.
or you are a troll

Before you start accusing people of laying blame on everyone else or being a troll, maybe you should find out who it is your talking to in the future. It's clear you don't.

And, I happen to agree with Curt to some extent on this one. While I still don't know why people seem to be having so much trouble these days determining the length of their ropes or where the ends are, the facts are becoming very clear to me that this design is flawed. Therefore it's a really bad idea and should be yanked.
I know exactly who he is , Angry ”some fat lady in a smoke filled basement” lol
He and I have shared similar views on touchy subjects in the past . We have also disagreed on things in the past. I respect him and his opinion, and more so his ethic. Just as I do Angry. As we have similar views. Curt is a grown man, I don’t think he needs you to come and save him form a conversation with me.

(This post was edited by jaablink on Feb 28, 2009, 12:16 AM)


Feb 28, 2009, 2:43 AM
Post #100 of 127 (6087 views)

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Re: [jaablink] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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jaablink wrote:
socalclimber wrote:
jaablink wrote:
raingod wrote:
I thought in the accident that started this thread, he was going climbing without a partner so I assume it was his own rope.
And if you are using gear you are unfamiliar with you should inspect it. Who knows whats wrong with it. Maybe it had a middle mark but the end has been trimmed...
In my opinion 100% User error.
At lest Pierce has the balls to take responsibility for his own actions and admit his own errors. He used one of his 9 lives that day. He learned from the error and made the lesson count. Unlike you Curt trying to put the blame on someone else.
or you are a troll

Before you start accusing people of laying blame on everyone else or being a troll, maybe you should find out who it is your talking to in the future. It's clear you don't.

And, I happen to agree with Curt to some extent on this one. While I still don't know why people seem to be having so much trouble these days determining the length of their ropes or where the ends are, the facts are becoming very clear to me that this design is flawed. Therefore it's a really bad idea and should be yanked.
I know exactly who he is , Angry ”some fat lady in a smoke filled basement” lol
He and I have shared similar views on touchy subjects in the past . We have also disagreed on things in the past. I respect him and his opinion, and more so his ethic. Just as I do Angry. As we have similar views. Curt is a grown man, I don’t think he needs you to come and save him form a conversation with me.

That was never my intention.


Feb 28, 2009, 3:43 AM
Post #101 of 127 (5784 views)

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Re: [jaablink] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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jaablink wrote:
socalclimber wrote:
jaablink wrote:
raingod wrote:
I thought in the accident that started this thread, he was going climbing without a partner so I assume it was his own rope.
And if you are using gear you are unfamiliar with you should inspect it. Who knows whats wrong with it. Maybe it had a middle mark but the end has been trimmed...
In my opinion 100% User error.
At lest Pierce has the balls to take responsibility for his own actions and admit his own errors. He used one of his 9 lives that day. He learned from the error and made the lesson count. Unlike you Curt trying to put the blame on someone else.
or you are a troll

Before you start accusing people of laying blame on everyone else or being a troll, maybe you should find out who it is your talking to in the future. It's clear you don't.

And, I happen to agree with Curt to some extent on this one. While I still don't know why people seem to be having so much trouble these days determining the length of their ropes or where the ends are, the facts are becoming very clear to me that this design is flawed. Therefore it's a really bad idea and should be yanked.
I know exactly who he is , Angry ”some fat lady in a smoke filled basement” lol
He and I have shared similar views on touchy subjects in the past . We have also disagreed on things in the past. I respect him and his opinion, and more so his ethic. Just as I do Angry. As we have similar views. Curt is a grown man, I don’t think he needs you to come and save him form a conversation with me.

Let me try another simple analogy here. Suppose (for whatever reason) some manufacturer of camming devices decided to make the carabiner clip-in point and the trigger release point of their cams look extremely similar. It would still, of course, be the ultimate responsibility of the climber placing these cams to clip into the proper point and not into the trigger release mechanism, but confusion could easily arise from such a design--with potentially bad outcomes resulting.

I am not claiming that personal responsibility does not play the main role in climbing safety--because I believe it does. What I am saying is that these rope end marks (no matter how well intentioned) are indeed design flaws and should be eliminated before any more climbers are misled by them and suffer the consequences.



Feb 28, 2009, 4:51 AM
Post #102 of 127 (5770 views)

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Re: [acorneau] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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acorneau wrote:
curt wrote:
As much as I hate lawsuits, I think rope manufacturers who continue to put end markings on their ropes should be held liable for any accidents caused by them.

No way it would stick. It's completely operator error.

It doesn't really have to stick to make a difference. Nothing like a few near misses in a courtroom to make a company take a second look at how they're doing business.


Feb 28, 2009, 5:35 AM
Post #103 of 127 (5765 views)

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Re: [curt] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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I'm with Curt, and as I said in the SPCI, I believe that climbing gear should be designed in such a way that reduces the potential fatal-ness of a brain fart, which is all that it was with pierce. In a rush, didn't pay enough attention, and the gear was designed in such a way that it greatly increased the danger compared to if that design point (the end markings) had been omitted.


Feb 28, 2009, 5:50 AM
Post #104 of 127 (5762 views)

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Re: [j_ung] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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j_ung wrote:
curt wrote:
angry wrote:
Skidemon27 wrote:
i hope your friend is truly going to heal up good and get back into climbing, however we cant go blaming the rope markings. if he took his time and knew his gear and most of all his life line,,,( the rope) then this would have not been an issue at all. thats what happpens when people put markings on rope and try to make more short cuts for the lazier people.........rope marking are there for a reason......even though i think just the middle should be marked for convience

I disagree. The end marks are a hazard. Without them, this guy wouldn't have a broken wrist and ankle. Without them, some kids in South Dakota would still have their grandpa.

If ever I've seen a hazard, potentially even an actionable hazard in climbing gear, this is it.

A blanket industry wide recall won't bring someone back but it's the right step to move forward.

As much as I hate lawsuits, I think rope manufacturers who continue to put end markings on their ropes should be held liable for any accidents caused by them. By now all rope manufacturers are aware that these things contribute to accidents--and not removing them from their product makes them negligent. They are knowingly making their products less safe.


How many lives have end marks saved? Without knowing that number relative to the accidents they've contributed to, I don't think I can agree with your statement. I don't believe for a second that any of those companies simply doesn't care enough to make the switch back.

I'm not sure that can even be a real consideration. I own one rope that came with colorful thread sewn in to the rope for an end mark. I cut them flush when I bought it but if you look close you can still see them and I just measured their distance from the end of the rope. On this 60 meter rope (I believe it's a Monster) they are 10 meters from the end. If I remember correctly, other manufacturers have them even farther from the end at 12 or 15 meters.

A person would have to be rapping at an incredible speed for a mark 30+ feet from the end of the rope to save their life. Certainly fast enough that you wouldn't be able to stop without gloves. At best they offer a reminder to look for your ends but with that much rope left, there is no way to tell if they effected the out come.

Maybe they have saved lives and prevented injury, perhaps even more than they have caused. Even so, verifying the middle, watching for the ends and tying knots are all proven ways to prevent rapping off the ends and don't increase the chances of a person rigging an uneven line. If we can't verify their utility and I don't think we can, then I say we are better of without.

Beyond serving as "warning" marks, the only other use for them is to know how much rope is left during a belay. No one will ever convince me that small convenience (it's really not that hard to estimate accurately) is worth the death and injury they are causing. They need to go.

Partner j_ung

Feb 28, 2009, 3:00 PM
Post #105 of 127 (5740 views)

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Re: [notapplicable] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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notapplicable wrote:
j_ung wrote:
curt wrote:
angry wrote:
Skidemon27 wrote:
i hope your friend is truly going to heal up good and get back into climbing, however we cant go blaming the rope markings. if he took his time and knew his gear and most of all his life line,,,( the rope) then this would have not been an issue at all. thats what happpens when people put markings on rope and try to make more short cuts for the lazier people.........rope marking are there for a reason......even though i think just the middle should be marked for convience

I disagree. The end marks are a hazard. Without them, this guy wouldn't have a broken wrist and ankle. Without them, some kids in South Dakota would still have their grandpa.

If ever I've seen a hazard, potentially even an actionable hazard in climbing gear, this is it.

A blanket industry wide recall won't bring someone back but it's the right step to move forward.

As much as I hate lawsuits, I think rope manufacturers who continue to put end markings on their ropes should be held liable for any accidents caused by them. By now all rope manufacturers are aware that these things contribute to accidents--and not removing them from their product makes them negligent. They are knowingly making their products less safe.


How many lives have end marks saved? Without knowing that number relative to the accidents they've contributed to, I don't think I can agree with your statement. I don't believe for a second that any of those companies simply doesn't care enough to make the switch back.

I'm not sure that can even be a real consideration. I own one rope that came with colorful thread sewn in to the rope for an end mark. I cut them flush when I bought it but if you look close you can still see them and I just measured their distance from the end of the rope. On this 60 meter rope (I believe it's a Monster) they are 10 meters from the end. If I remember correctly, other manufacturers have them even farther from the end at 12 or 15 meters.

A person would have to be rapping at an incredible speed for a mark 30+ feet from the end of the rope to save their life. Certainly fast enough that you wouldn't be able to stop without gloves. At best they offer a reminder to look for your ends but with that much rope left, there is no way to tell if they effected the out come.

Maybe they have saved lives and prevented injury, perhaps even more than they have caused. Even so, verifying the middle, watching for the ends and tying knots are all proven ways to prevent rapping off the ends and don't increase the chances of a person rigging an uneven line. If we can't verify their utility and I don't think we can, then I say we are better of without.

Beyond serving as "warning" marks, the only other use for them is to know how much rope is left during a belay. No one will ever convince me that small convenience (it's really not that hard to estimate accurately) is worth the death and injury they are causing. They need to go.

If I were making ropes, I wouldn't mark them at all. None of my ropes have them, and that suits me just fine. And, ultimately, I agree that end marks would seem to be a better idea on paper than in practice. My point was more to refute that gear makers don't care enough to remove them from the process. Maybe it's naive, but I prefer to think they have some logic at play here, and my post was a guess as to what their thinking might be. Whether it's faulty or not, I can't say.


Feb 28, 2009, 6:56 PM
Post #106 of 127 (5725 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
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Re: [j_ung] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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j_ung wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
j_ung wrote:
curt wrote:
angry wrote:
Skidemon27 wrote:
i hope your friend is truly going to heal up good and get back into climbing, however we cant go blaming the rope markings. if he took his time and knew his gear and most of all his life line,,,( the rope) then this would have not been an issue at all. thats what happpens when people put markings on rope and try to make more short cuts for the lazier people.........rope marking are there for a reason......even though i think just the middle should be marked for convience

I disagree. The end marks are a hazard. Without them, this guy wouldn't have a broken wrist and ankle. Without them, some kids in South Dakota would still have their grandpa.

If ever I've seen a hazard, potentially even an actionable hazard in climbing gear, this is it.

A blanket industry wide recall won't bring someone back but it's the right step to move forward.

As much as I hate lawsuits, I think rope manufacturers who continue to put end markings on their ropes should be held liable for any accidents caused by them. By now all rope manufacturers are aware that these things contribute to accidents--and not removing them from their product makes them negligent. They are knowingly making their products less safe.


How many lives have end marks saved? Without knowing that number relative to the accidents they've contributed to, I don't think I can agree with your statement. I don't believe for a second that any of those companies simply doesn't care enough to make the switch back.

I'm not sure that can even be a real consideration. I own one rope that came with colorful thread sewn in to the rope for an end mark. I cut them flush when I bought it but if you look close you can still see them and I just measured their distance from the end of the rope. On this 60 meter rope (I believe it's a Monster) they are 10 meters from the end. If I remember correctly, other manufacturers have them even farther from the end at 12 or 15 meters.

A person would have to be rapping at an incredible speed for a mark 30+ feet from the end of the rope to save their life. Certainly fast enough that you wouldn't be able to stop without gloves. At best they offer a reminder to look for your ends but with that much rope left, there is no way to tell if they effected the out come.

Maybe they have saved lives and prevented injury, perhaps even more than they have caused. Even so, verifying the middle, watching for the ends and tying knots are all proven ways to prevent rapping off the ends and don't increase the chances of a person rigging an uneven line. If we can't verify their utility and I don't think we can, then I say we are better of without.

Beyond serving as "warning" marks, the only other use for them is to know how much rope is left during a belay. No one will ever convince me that small convenience (it's really not that hard to estimate accurately) is worth the death and injury they are causing. They need to go.

If I were making ropes, I wouldn't mark them at all. None of my ropes have them, and that suits me just fine. And, ultimately, I agree that end marks would seem to be a better idea on paper than in practice. My point was more to refute that gear makers don't care enough to remove them from the process. Maybe it's naive, but I prefer to think they have some logic at play here, and my post was a guess as to what their thinking might be. Whether it's faulty or not, I can't say.

You have a valid point and I too would like to think they are in possession of some research or testing data that validates endmarks as a safety feature. Perhaps they are saving lives.

Or perhaps, much like the Metolius range finder, they were designed to save lives but turned out not to be as useful as originally thought and are now essentially a marketing gimmick.

Perhaps it's a combination of verified utility and sales numbers. What would be nice is to hear from some manufacturers on why they still use them.


Feb 28, 2009, 6:59 PM
Post #107 of 127 (5722 views)

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Re: [notapplicable] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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WRT the range finder. Two more reds and a yellow at the end of the range would make it a fine resource. I plan to get some paints and and those marks. Wouldn't want a gumby friend to fix one.


Feb 28, 2009, 7:46 PM
Post #108 of 127 (5718 views)

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Re: [sungam] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
WRT the range finder. Two more reds and a yellow at the end of the range would make it a fine resource. I plan to get some paints and and those marks. Wouldn't want a gumby friend to fix one.

I don't mean to give the impression I dislike the range finder, I just think it's more useful in theory than in practice. IMO it's the perfect marketing gimmick. It attracts new customers but is a purely cosmetic change so people like myself who love the cams will continue to buy them.

End marks OTOH...


Feb 28, 2009, 8:11 PM
Post #109 of 127 (5714 views)

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Re: [sungam] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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I read two post and have come to the conclusion that anyone who fucks up and dies because of an endmark being mistaked for the middle of the rope is a dumb mother fucker. These are the people who think red lights are green lights, and smash into me at intersections. That is all.


Feb 28, 2009, 8:26 PM
Post #110 of 127 (5709 views)

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Re: [kane_schutzman] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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kane_schutzman wrote:
I read two post and have come to the conclusion that anyone who fucks up and dies because of an endmark being mistaked for the middle of the rope is a dumb mother fucker. These are the people who think red lights are green lights, and smash into me at intersections. That is all.
No, it would be like someone who ran a "red" light and crashed, if the "red" light was dark green, and the go light was light green.


Feb 28, 2009, 11:13 PM
Post #111 of 127 (5695 views)

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Re: [sungam] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
I believe that climbing gear should be designed in such a way that reduces the potential fatal-ness of a brain fart

Well said. This should not be too much to ask of any product in any discipline if the design feature is not necessary to the function of that product.


Mar 1, 2009, 1:56 AM
Post #112 of 127 (5687 views)

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Re: [htotsu] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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I climbed ice today, and did two raps to get down. For the first, I used a single rope and fed it through until the middle was at the anchor. For the second, I tied my single rope to a thin train line and did a double rope rap.

I wonder how I managed to live through this. I suppose it could be because I actually fed the rope through the anchor properly, measuring to the middle by feeding rope equally from the ends.

Or it could have been something else.


Mar 1, 2009, 6:44 PM
Post #113 of 127 (5665 views)

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Re: [curt] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
jaablink wrote:
socalclimber wrote:
jaablink wrote:
raingod wrote:
I thought in the accident that started this thread, he was going climbing without a partner so I assume it was his own rope.
And if you are using gear you are unfamiliar with you should inspect it. Who knows whats wrong with it. Maybe it had a middle mark but the end has been trimmed...
In my opinion 100% User error.
At lest Pierce has the balls to take responsibility for his own actions and admit his own errors. He used one of his 9 lives that day. He learned from the error and made the lesson count. Unlike you Curt trying to put the blame on someone else.
or you are a troll

Before you start accusing people of laying blame on everyone else or being a troll, maybe you should find out who it is your talking to in the future. It's clear you don't.

And, I happen to agree with Curt to some extent on this one. While I still don't know why people seem to be having so much trouble these days determining the length of their ropes or where the ends are, the facts are becoming very clear to me that this design is flawed. Therefore it's a really bad idea and should be yanked.
I know exactly who he is , Angry ”some fat lady in a smoke filled basement” lol
He and I have shared similar views on touchy subjects in the past . We have also disagreed on things in the past. I respect him and his opinion, and more so his ethic. Just as I do Angry. As we have similar views. Curt is a grown man, I don’t think he needs you to come and save him form a conversation with me.

Let me try another simple analogy here. Suppose (for whatever reason) some manufacturer of camming devices decided to make the carabiner clip-in point and the trigger release point of their cams look extremely similar. It would still, of course, be the ultimate responsibility of the climber placing these cams to clip into the proper point and not into the trigger release mechanism, but confusion could easily arise from such a design--with potentially bad outcomes resulting.

I am not claiming that personal responsibility does not play the main role in climbing safety--because I believe it does. What I am saying is that these rope end marks (no matter how well intentioned) are indeed design flaws and should be eliminated before any more climbers are misled by them and suffer the consequences.

To me that all seems like the lack of willingness to adapt to something new. This activity demands maximum adaptation of physical and mental ability. I will give you that a bad design is a bad design. Even cams with a similar trigger can be color coded to compensate, or florescent features so you don’t become confused in low light. (we are not stupid nor are the companies who design the gear). A flaw like that would cost the company money and would be corrected fast or discontinued (in fact regulatory bodies like the CE and UIAA would warn the manufacturer that design flaw, and most of us do not buy gear that is not rated by one of those regulatory bodies).
Like stated above in another post . Cams with a range finder , some people like them some don’t. Some people buy locking carabineers that show red marks for an unlocked gate (pz attaché ). I use both some are marked some not and usually make my partners use the marked ones. The convenience is from a distance I can see red and correct the error before it becomes an accident.
I buy the accident report every year to keep up on what happened to who and why. I remember reading about a climber using a friends rack that had some offset cams. Believing one to be a regular cam he used it , fell , the cam popped, and he got hurt… In some places an offset cam or nut is KEY to a good protective placement. Is this a design flaw as well? . Or is it user error because he was never informed about the offsets or DID NOT ask…
I did 8 months of volunteer work a few years ago in AK back country. When we were learning about our tools and PPE we were told to double check as some tool models had different features worked different than others (upgrades). When we were in charge of our groups, we also had to act as safety officers. We were responsible for the safety of ourselves and our team, and the team was responsible for themselves and for us, the rest of the team. We worked together to keep each other safe. That also meant inspecting and maintaining our equipment daily, and making sure everyone understood if there was something different about a tool, or PPE. The point I am getting at is that you have an obligation to yourself and others check and know you gear and be able to explain special futures to others.


Mar 1, 2009, 10:24 PM
Post #114 of 127 (5653 views)

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Re: [notapplicable] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Just read this thread - wasn't the original intent behind the end marks to warn against lowering sport climbers off the end of the rope? Many such accidents have occurred, although they are usually not fatal, typically involving falls of less than 30 feet.

While useful for this, that problem can also be handled by the knot in the end technique, which will not cost extra time, or cause hangups until it is pulled up out of reach. In which case it costs just time, not injury. In fact, the middle mark should be quite effective!

The other uses suggested (end of rope warning while rapping, accurate end of pitch measurements) seem like bonuses at best, not reasons.


Mar 1, 2009, 11:26 PM
Post #115 of 127 (5639 views)

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Re: [jaablink] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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I think it's interesting that the debate we're having here would be pretty similar to the arguments that would be made if there were a lawsuit.

This is a question of a design defect, so there's generally a negligence standard for finding liability (unlike a manufacturing defect, where there's a strict liability standard - all the plaintiff generally has to prove is that there was a manufacturing defect, and that the defect is what caused the injury). A negligence standard means, basically, that in order to win, the injured climber needs to prove that it was unreasonable for the rope company to add the end marks.

And the determination about whether it was reasonable to add end marks essentially comes down to the very points we're arguing about now:

Is it foreseeable that these marks can be a contributing factor to accidents? It may not have been foreseeable when the ropes were first made, but it's looking more and likely that a jury could find it was foreseeable after all these accidents keep happening.

If it is foreseeable that these marks create a risk, is that risk outweighed by the benefits created by having the end marks? The rope company would probably try to come up with evidence of accidents averted by the end marks, and the injured climber would probably argue that people have been rapping for decades on ropes without end marks, and perhaps the rate of accidents wasn't higher without the end marks. I don't know how that debate would end up, but it's pretty much the same as the one we've been having in this thread.

There's also the tricky question of causation: obviously, without the end mark, this particular accident wouldn't have happened. This is enough to establish one sense of causation. But there was also operator error. Does the fact that error is required for this kind of injury mean that climber error is a supervening cause of the accident, absolving the rope company? Or did the end mark increase the risk of operator error enough that we can say that the mark itself was a cause of the injury?

I don't know the answer to these questions, and I won't speculate on how a court would rule on them, or if there are more questions that I should be asking.

I do want to point out that they're close questions - the fact that we've had probably 10 threads going to hundreds of posts having this very debate is evidence of that.

And if I were a rope company, I would not a put a product on the market where an injury lawsuit could turn on questions that are this close.

It's truly wonderful that climbers on the whole shun litigation and prefer to accept all the many risks of this sport. I don't think we would have all the great companies out there who are willing to innovate and design new products that make climbing safer if people sued more often over injuries. And I don't think we would have access to the great climbing areas of the world if climbers sued more. But I do think that in this narrow case, the sport would be better off if rope companies took a hard look at the accident reports, and threads like this, and asked themselves if they want to be the ones having this debate in front of jury.

Partner robdotcalm

Mar 2, 2009, 12:14 AM
Post #116 of 127 (5623 views)

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Re: [nkane] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Thanks for the lucid discussion.


Partner cracklover

Mar 2, 2009, 1:09 AM
Post #117 of 127 (5609 views)

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Re: [nkane] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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Nkane, thanks for the post from a legal perspective. It definitely helps crystallize the key points!

socal - I'm amazed to see you've come around on this one! What was it I, or someone else, said that made you change your mind?

One final point - I've noticed that all the accidents seem to have happened in the US, and all the ropes with these marks seem to be made by European companies.

Is it possible there's a cultural component? By that I mean - perhaps Europeans and Americans are using different enough techniques, such that the marks are a problem here, but one that the European manufacturers would have a difficult time understanding/anticipating.



Mar 2, 2009, 4:46 AM
Post #118 of 127 (5584 views)

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Re: [majid_sabet] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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majid_sabet wrote:
All it takes one fuc*up to start a disaster all these end marks have done nothing but killing climbers. Three lost their lives last year and at least two got injured this year due to accidentally using them as mid mark.

These fuc*ing end marks must be removed, either voluntarily or by force in conjunctions with group of fat asshole* who have a law degree.

This doesn't particularly contribute to the discussion, but I just love that you chose to star out, of all things, the final s in "assholes". Laugh


Mar 2, 2009, 6:58 AM
Post #119 of 127 (5570 views)

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Re: [kane_schutzman] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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kane_schutzman wrote:
I read two post and have come to the conclusion that anyone who fucks up and dies because of an endmark being mistaked for the middle of the rope is a dumb mother fucker. These are the people who think red lights are green lights, and smash into me at intersections. That is all.

No, you are the dumb mother fucker. (on another note, it's "mistook" maybe you should try reading more often)

Moving on: I think end marks are a terrible idea. I have a mammut with them and I hate them. I believe they are identical to the middle mark, and have caught myself more than once starting to make a lap coil thinking it was the middle.

To the people whose solution is "pay attention:" With all of the things to think about while climbing, it is worth it to have gear that eliminates the possibility of stupid mistakes. I think middle marks are a brilliant idea, so are the idiot proof buckles on many harnesses now. There are times when paying attention becomes a difficult task, and a well practiced autopilot is what will save your ass. At the end of a 20 hour day, when you are shivering, your blood sugar is low and you are suffering from a lack of water. This kind of situation is good reason to have gear that simplifes processes and eliminates tedious steps for you (like middle marks).

I also see no reason not to tie knots in the end of the rope all of the time (even when you know the ropes will reach, because it's good to have a well ingrained autopilot, to save your ass when you're bonking). In my 15 years of climbing trad, sport, ice and alpine I have not once had a knotted end blow away and get irretrievably stuck. The one time we were concerned about this, we stacked the rope in a pack. Situations where this is necessary are rare, as when the wind is too strong to throw a rope, the wind is also to strong to lead a climb (for my head at least).

To those who think tying knots, carrying your rope on rap and backing up your rap create a dangerous/unweidly waste of time: Doing this (unless it's your first time) will only take another 2 or 3 minutes per pitch, max. Even on a ten pitch rap that's only another 30 min. And if 30 minutes will make the difference between rapping in the dark or not, then you should have a good headlamp anyway. And let's face it, if you're in a situation where you can't throw your ropes (a raging storm) it's best to be methodical, and back things up to make sure you get to the ground alive.

(This post was edited by landongw on Mar 2, 2009, 6:59 AM)


Mar 2, 2009, 7:32 AM
Post #120 of 127 (5565 views)

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Re: [cracklover] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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cracklover wrote:
One final point - I've noticed that all the accidents seem to have happened in the US, and all the ropes with these marks seem to be made by European companies.

Is it possible there's a cultural component? By that I mean - perhaps Europeans and Americans are using different enough techniques, such that the marks are a problem here, but one that the European manufacturers would have a difficult time understanding/anticipating.

I don't think so. You have to remember that the majority of climbing in Europe happens in other languages than English: Spanish, French, Italian, Croatian, Polish etc etc. This means that most accidents, especially if not fatal, will never end up in English-speaking media. So while this is just speculation, I wouldn't be surprised if similar accidents were just as common in Europe.


Mar 2, 2009, 3:39 PM
Post #121 of 127 (5523 views)

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Re: [nkane] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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nkane wrote:
I think it's interesting that the debate we're having here would be pretty similar to the arguments that would be made if there were a lawsuit.

This is a question of a design defect, so there's generally a negligence standard for finding liability (unlike a manufacturing defect, where there's a strict liability standard - all the plaintiff generally has to prove is that there was a manufacturing defect, and that the defect is what caused the injury). A negligence standard means, basically, that in order to win, the injured climber needs to prove that it was unreasonable for the rope company to add the end marks.

And the determination about whether it was reasonable to add end marks essentially comes down to the very points we're arguing about now:

Is it foreseeable that these marks can be a contributing factor to accidents? It may not have been foreseeable when the ropes were first made, but it's looking more and likely that a jury could find it was foreseeable after all these accidents keep happening.

If it is foreseeable that these marks create a risk, is that risk outweighed by the benefits created by having the end marks? The rope company would probably try to come up with evidence of accidents averted by the end marks, and the injured climber would probably argue that people have been rapping for decades on ropes without end marks, and perhaps the rate of accidents wasn't higher without the end marks. I don't know how that debate would end up, but it's pretty much the same as the one we've been having in this thread.

There's also the tricky question of causation: obviously, without the end mark, this particular accident wouldn't have happened. This is enough to establish one sense of causation. But there was also operator error. Does the fact that error is required for this kind of injury mean that climber error is a supervening cause of the accident, absolving the rope company? Or did the end mark increase the risk of operator error enough that we can say that the mark itself was a cause of the injury?

I don't know the answer to these questions, and I won't speculate on how a court would rule on them, or if there are more questions that I should be asking.

I do want to point out that they're close questions - the fact that we've had probably 10 threads going to hundreds of posts having this very debate is evidence of that.

And if I were a rope company, I would not a put a product on the market where an injury lawsuit could turn on questions that are this close.

It's truly wonderful that climbers on the whole shun litigation and prefer to accept all the many risks of this sport. I don't think we would have all the great companies out there who are willing to innovate and design new products that make climbing safer if people sued more often over injuries. And I don't think we would have access to the great climbing areas of the world if climbers sued more. But I do think that in this narrow case, the sport would be better off if rope companies took a hard look at the accident reports, and threads like this, and asked themselves if they want to be the ones having this debate in front of jury.

First: that was a very well written post. Thanks for taking the time to write it. It does not take a definitive position in the discussion. For the most part it seems to me as it just states that it can go either way…

I looked through my accident reports ( book) “accidents in north American mountaineering 2007” ,there were reported 247 rappel failure/ errors from 1951 to 2005 (table 3 p.72) . Many were rappel failures. One incident in this issue was attributed to not knotting the ends of the lines When descending over an overhang and the rope ends were not visible ,rappelled off the end (also noted the lines WERE MARKED). Another was in Yosemite where the rope was NOT MARKED and no knot again. ( rapped of the end of the line in daylight) 10’ short of the ledge (the climber suffered head injuries but lived) . In many reports , I see anchor failures. In another, someone lost control of the line on rappel , NO KNOT…rappelled off the end.
It seems as like the main cause of these accidents is the lacking of a simple knot at the end of your line. It also seems that whether the line is marked or not doesn’t matter much if you are not paying attention. The addition of factory center mark are fairly new. According to the data there has been a steady decrees in the amount of total accidents in the USA and CAN the past 2 decades, from 377 persons in 1987 to 277 persons in 2006. Those numbers are all the reported accidents , and only some are attributed to rappel off the ends the majority are rappel failure. reported injuries from 1951-05...
Falling rock holds the record, at 3407, climbing unroped takes second 987, falling ice or snow third 971 Take into consideration as well that in there are many thousands more climbers now than there were in 1951. Where rappel accidents due to uneven lines with no markings an the lack on knots in the ends.
If you take the reported numbers into consideration and the boom of new climbers out there, the accidents are still becoming fewer and fewer as education and advancements are being made.

This is a link to a limited preview in google books of , accidents in north American mountaineering 2001. I used the data from the 07 book. Tables towards the end of the publication.,M1

It seems in Europe much of the climbing is sport. A notable advantage of marked line is, the belay can alert the climber to the center if applicable. Unless your center is marked in that situation you may get in some trouble. A good example is when we were in Greece, the guide book we had was new, but since its printing - hundreds of new routs were added. We brought 60m lines , some of the new climbs required 70m. I had marked my own lines so I was happy to know if something I thought looked like a fun line would be to long for the equipment I brought with me.
Most of the time my friends and I train at the local crags using single crag lines (mostly unmarked). When we go away to play on multi-pitch routs , we always use double lines or tag one for rappel. The center is at the knot…I just bought my first set of marked lines,70, pz dragonflies. We used them in the ADK last weekend, no complaints here… There are many foreseeable advantages to having a marked line. Rappelling off two lines you can get down faster and if the light is failing,a speedy decent will help keep you safe. If you get to the 6 m end marks you know you have 20’ left , its time to build and thread through an anchor . When leading you know 20’ from the end exactly how much line you have left. You can gauge distance to the anchor point or thread one there.
Thank God this we have choices. We can buy marked lines . We can buy unmarked lines.
We can tie knots at the ends of our lines , or not…

The reported numbers do still show that even with the increase of the amount of climbers, rappel accidents are on the decline and have been doing so since the 50’s.


Mar 2, 2009, 4:13 PM
Post #122 of 127 (5515 views)

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Re: [jaablink] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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I have some things to do so I am out of time for now. There are some errors, Please excuse grammar and spelling errors in my last post ,and (Falling rock 3407) should read , fall or slip on rock,,, … Also to add, discussions like these make people more aware. Being aware will help to keep you alive.

Partner j_ung

Mar 2, 2009, 4:32 PM
Post #123 of 127 (5508 views)

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Re: [jaablink] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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jaablink wrote:
Also to add, discussions like these make people more aware. Being aware will help to keep you alive.

That's a really good point. I've discussed this with a couple climbers who don't spend time online and both initial reactions were along the lines of: "Wow. Huh. Yeah, I see how that could happen." Neither of them had ever really considered it before.


Mar 2, 2009, 11:22 PM
Post #124 of 127 (5476 views)

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Re: [j_ung] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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I should also point out that rappelling at the end of the day is the number one most dangerous time during the day.

You've climbed 7 or 8 pitches. Your body is at its limits. Often time you're incredibly cold because the sun has gone down and you were sweaty. If you're going to screw up, this is probably when you're going to do it.

I triple check EVERYTHING I do when rappelling after a long day like this and then check everything again. I go at things like I'm drunk and doing it for the first time because really, at that level of exhaustion and being cold, you are just as good as drunk.

I can easily see how at the end of the day this kind of mistake can happen where you mistake the markings on your rope. It's dark. It's cold. You're tired. You make mistakes.


Mar 3, 2009, 11:06 AM
Post #125 of 127 (5451 views)

Registered: Feb 4, 2009
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Re: [sungam] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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I don't think anyone has mentioned the bi-colored ropes, This seems like genius to me (i'm a n00b for what it's worth). What do you guys think, wouldn't this be more solid than just a mark?


Mar 3, 2009, 1:43 PM
Post #126 of 127 (1595 views)

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Re: [climbingam] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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I can recall hearing of one accident using a new set of bi-colored ropes . The halves were not equal, the climber rappelled off the end, and if I am not mistaken he did not live. This was clearly the fault of the manufacturer. If the climber knotted the ends….. There would have been a different outcome. .. You should always check your gear. Especially new gear. Trust but verify…


Mar 3, 2009, 1:46 PM
Post #127 of 127 (1593 views)

Registered: Jan 22, 2009
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Re: [jaablink] Rappeling accident - Ouray ice park. Mistook 15' mark for middle mark. [In reply to]
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jaablink wrote:
I can recall hearing of one accident using a new set of bi-colored ropes . The halves were not equal, the climber rappelled off the end, and if I am not mistaken he did not live. This was clearly the fault of the manufacturer. If the climber knotted the ends….. There would have been a different outcome. .. You should always check your gear. Especially new gear. Trust but verify…

I disagree that this is the manufacturer's fault until more information is provided. What if, just to give one possibility, the ends had originally been even but that one end of the rope was damaged during use and shortened by the climber, who then did not shorten the other end to keep the halves even?

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