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Mar 16, 2011, 8:29 PM
Post #101 of 144 (2570 views)

Registered: Mar 15, 2011
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Re: [shoo] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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This is what I have been trying to figure out all along..... Obviously posting a forum about it on is not the best way to do that but I am curious how would one go about finding that out with some degree of accuracy?


Mar 16, 2011, 8:38 PM
Post #102 of 144 (2558 views)

Registered: Mar 15, 2011
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Re: [jt512] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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A null hypothesis, as in null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis is a statement to be tested, which has no change, no effect, or no difference. The null hypothesis is assumed true until evidence indicates otherwise. The alternative hypothesis is a statement that I can find evidence to support. The idea is I will compare one to the other. This survey has been an experiement in configuring a null hypothesis. The alternative hypothesis will be determined after collecting sufficent evidence to support it.

So go ahead, pick it apart..... I know that is what you will do but I took that right out of my textbook so that you cannot critisize me, it is from the text.


Mar 16, 2011, 8:46 PM
Post #103 of 144 (2552 views)

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Re: [dscow1980] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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dscow1980 wrote:
A null hypothesis, as in null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis is a statement to be tested, which has no change, no effect, or no difference. The null hypothesis is assumed true until evidence indicates otherwise. The alternative hypothesis is a statement that I can find evidence to support. The idea is I will compare one to the other. This survey has been an experiement in configuring a null hypothesis. The alternative hypothesis will be determined after collecting sufficent evidence to support it.

So go ahead, pick it apart..... I know that is what you will do but I took that right out of my textbook so that you cannot critisize me, it is from the text.
That's great and all, but you weren't asked to explain what a null hypothesis is.


Mar 16, 2011, 8:49 PM
Post #104 of 144 (2549 views)

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Re: [dscow1980] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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dscow1980 wrote:
So now that you know my life story, maybe you could help me write my book........ Its called "Get a Life".....

Well, the typical formula for an autobiography would be to give some background information on your youth; perhaps with some entertaining anecdote about how your dad signed you up for Girlscouts because you couldn't cut it in T-ball, or something like that. Lay a foundation for your inevitable demise. Then comes the meat of your book, where you build the story. Discuss in-depth whatever path it was that lead you to failure. A figure of speech, lead you to failure, for in this case it was topropping, or a lack of leading, that lead you to ruin. Then you hit the climax - again a figure of speech, for this is actually the low-point in your life. You gotta really lay this on thick and allow the audience to feel the pain. Get into the details, more than just what happened. Explain what was going through your head. Discuss the insecurities that drove you to posting surveys on the internet so you could measure up your climbing schlong with that of complete strangers through a digital medium. And finally, resolution - I would keep it short and sweet, maybe even a one liner: And I never posted to again.


Mar 16, 2011, 8:54 PM
Post #105 of 144 (2532 views)

Registered: Mar 15, 2011
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Re: [Arrogant_Bastard] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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That is by far the most creative and well thought out come back I have ever heard.... I give you some major credit for putting the effort and time into that. I did explain what a null hyphotesis is though, since you were dying to know.


Mar 16, 2011, 8:55 PM
Post #106 of 144 (2523 views)

Registered: Mar 15, 2011
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Re: [spikeddem] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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And I was actually asked by AB, of course......


Mar 16, 2011, 8:59 PM
Post #107 of 144 (2519 views)

Registered: Mar 15, 2011
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Re: [Arrogant_Bastard] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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And since you have sooooo much time on your hands and since you are a self proclaimed geniuous why don't we switch from being enemies to partners. Maybe you can offer some sort of suggestion as to how I could come up with an alternative hypothesis that woudl give me an accurate number of the percentage of climbers who have been climbing more than two years that have successfully lead a 5.12.


Mar 16, 2011, 9:01 PM
Post #108 of 144 (2513 views)

Registered: Sep 8, 2004
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Re: [dscow1980] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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dscow1980 wrote:
That is by far the most creative and well thought out come back I have ever heard.... I give you some major credit for putting the effort and time into that. I did explain what a null hyphotesis is though, since you were dying to know.

we bloody know what a null hypothesis is. But how does this thread help you to form one?

Maybe you are a phd student reseaching intercactions and social norms in special interest websites? Then this thread would be prime research material, although you would need to include a lenghty and boring part on how to your posts influenced the reponses...


Mar 16, 2011, 9:01 PM
Post #109 of 144 (2512 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2001
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Re: [dscow1980] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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dscow1980 wrote:
This survey has been an experiement in configuring a null hypothesis.

That's essentially what you said the first time. I still don't understand what it means to configure a null hypothesis, and how this survey helps you "configure" one.

In reply to:
The alternative hypothesis will be determined after collecting sufficent evidence to support it.

That statement makes no sense at all, but I actually think I've guessed what you're trying to say. You're thinking about using this survey to develop a hypothesis about the percentage of climbers that have led a 5.12, which you can test in a more rigorous study. Is that about right?


(This post was edited by jt512 on Mar 16, 2011, 9:07 PM)


Mar 16, 2011, 9:03 PM
Post #110 of 144 (2505 views)

Registered: Mar 29, 2006
Posts: 1497

Re: [Arrogant_Bastard] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
dscow1980 wrote:
So now that you know my life story, maybe you could help me write my book........ Its called "Get a Life".....

Well, the typical formula for an autobiography would be to give some background information on your youth; perhaps with some entertaining anecdote about how your dad signed you up for Girlscouts because you couldn't cut it in T-ball, or something like that. Lay a foundation for your inevitable demise. Then comes the meat of your book, where you build the story. Discuss in-depth whatever path it was that lead you to failure. A figure of speech, lead you to failure, for in this case it was topropping, or a lack of leading, that lead you to ruin. Then you hit the climax - again a figure of speech, for this is actually the low-point in your life. You gotta really lay this on thick and allow the audience to feel the pain. Get into the details, more than just what happened. Explain what was going through your head. Discuss the insecurities that drove you to posting surveys on the internet so you could measure up your climbing schlong with that of complete strangers through a digital medium. And finally, resolution - I would keep it short and sweet, maybe even a one liner: And I never posted to again.

Jeez, for an arrogant bastard, you're smart! Sly And cool, too! Cool

I think it's good to tell stories about failure, but I don't like it when folks predict failure. I always hope these new writers learn, and move on. But then, I'm an idealist.


Mar 16, 2011, 9:06 PM
Post #111 of 144 (2495 views)

Registered: Mar 15, 2011
Posts: 31

Re: [iknowfear] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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Well you may know what a null hypothesis is but the person that asked me what I meant by that obviously didn't. I have taken a sample now from my population to get an idea about the population and make a general statement. This is the null hypothesis...

I am seriously done explaining this to everyone.....

How do you delete a forum on, this is a waste of my time.

To those that were helpful and just answered the questions, thank you. To everyone else who felt like they needed to give their unwanted opinions and advise, you were not helpful at all and I wish you would just find something better to do with your time.


Mar 16, 2011, 9:10 PM
Post #112 of 144 (2485 views)

Registered: Sep 12, 2008
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Re: [dscow1980] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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dscow1980 wrote:
Well you may know what a null hypothesis is but the person that asked me what I meant by that obviously didn't. I have taken a sample now from my population to get an idea about the population and make a general statement. This is the null hypothesis...

I am seriously done explaining this to everyone.....

How do you delete a forum on, this is a waste of my time.

To those that were helpful and just answered the questions, thank you. To everyone else who felt like they needed to give their unwanted opinions and advise, you were not helpful at all and I wish you would just find something better to do with your time.

Go and climb something, when your spirit is more centered please come back. You will see the results you desire, if not in the format you expect.

Partner camhead

Mar 16, 2011, 9:10 PM
Post #113 of 144 (2485 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
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Re: [dscow1980] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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dscow1980 wrote:
That is by far the most creative and well thought out come back I have ever heard.... I give you some major credit for putting the effort and time into that. I did explain what a null hyphotesis is though, since you were dying to know.

dan2see wrote:

Jeez, for an arrogant bastard, you're smart! Sly And cool, too! Cool

Hey, why don't you guys just start swapping spit with AB, if you like him so much? I can tell you, I have it on good authority that he likes a reacharound while you call him "Susan."


Mar 16, 2011, 9:10 PM
Post #114 of 144 (2484 views)

Registered: Mar 15, 2011
Posts: 31

Re: [jt512] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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Just as I thought, you would pick apart word for word what I said and destroy it somehow.

All I know is in this class I have an A, and for that matter I have got an A in every class I have ever taken so I must understand something.

And BTW, this was straight out of my textbook so if you have a problem then take it up with the textbook, not me.


Mar 16, 2011, 9:10 PM
Post #115 of 144 (2481 views)

Registered: Oct 31, 2007
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Re: [dscow1980] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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dscow1980 wrote:
That is by far the most creative and well thought out come back I have ever heard.... I give you some major credit for putting the effort and time into that. I did explain what a null hyphotesis is though, since you were dying to know.

No, that was JT that was asking. But he's kind of a jerk too, so I'll overlook the mixup.


Mar 16, 2011, 9:11 PM
Post #116 of 144 (2480 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
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Re: [dscow1980] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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dscow1980 wrote:
Well you may know what a null hypothesis is but the person that asked me what I meant by that obviously didn't. I have taken a sample now from my population to get an idea about the population and make a general statement. This is the null hypothesis...

I am seriously done explaining this to everyone.....

No, the person who asked you, DOES know what a null hypothesis is better than you do. And that's exactly WHY he asked.

dscow1980 wrote:
How do you delete a forum on, this is a waste of my time.

You can't delete a forum. Luckily...

Partner camhead

Mar 16, 2011, 9:14 PM
Post #117 of 144 (2472 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
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Re: [lena_chita] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
dscow1980 wrote:
How do you delete a forum on, this is a waste of my time.

You can't delete a forum. Luckily...

Stealing his intellectual property? Not two weeks on the job and you're already wearing the jackboots nicely, FACIST!


Mar 16, 2011, 9:18 PM
Post #118 of 144 (2461 views)

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Re: [lena_chita] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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Oh I see so he only asked me so that he could be an asshole and correct me. Sounds like a great guy, or possibly a guy who has some insecurities and feels it is neccassary to come online and give people shit. My guess is none of you would have the balls to say any of this to my face, but then again isn't that why people like you hang out in places like this.

This is the last post you will see from me, I'm getting back to living my life to fullest.


Mar 16, 2011, 9:20 PM
Post #119 of 144 (2456 views)

Registered: Jul 29, 2004
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Re: [dscow1980] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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dscow1980 wrote:
Just as I thought, you would pick apart word for word what I said and destroy it somehow.

All I know is in this class I have an A, and for that matter I have got an A in every class I have ever taken so I must understand something.

And BTW, this was straight out of my textbook so if you have a problem then take it up with the textbook, not me.

all this proves is that our educational system is a joke. I've been in polymer research for over 15 years and have forgotten more than you'll ever know about statistical analysis. It's obvious that you don't have an even rudimentary grasp of what you're doing. Tell me why you picked n=100, Mr. All A's?

(This post was edited by dynosore on Mar 16, 2011, 9:21 PM)


Mar 16, 2011, 9:21 PM
Post #120 of 144 (2454 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2001
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Re: [dscow1980] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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dscow1980 wrote:
Just as I thought, you would pick apart word for word what I said and destroy it somehow.

All I know is in this class I have an A, and for that matter I have got an A in every class I have ever taken so I must understand something.

And BTW, this was straight out of my textbook so if you have a problem then take it up with the textbook, not me.

Yeah, unfortunately these days they give A's for copying definitions out of books, rather than requiring a deep understanding of the material.



Mar 16, 2011, 9:22 PM
Post #121 of 144 (2449 views)

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Re: [dscow1980] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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dscow1980 wrote:
Oh I see so he only asked me so that he could be an asshole and correct me. Sounds like a great guy, or possibly a guy who has some insecurities and feels it is neccassary to come online and give people shit. My guess is none of you would have the balls to say any of this to my face, but then again isn't that why people like you hang out in places like this.

You don't think I could criticize your research methodology to your face? Are you kidding? I do that for a living.



Mar 16, 2011, 9:24 PM
Post #122 of 144 (2438 views)

Registered: Apr 17, 2007
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Re: [dscow1980] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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dscow1980 wrote:
Oh I see so he only asked me so that he could be an asshole and correct me. Sounds like a great guy, or possibly a guy who has some insecurities and feels it is neccassary to come online and give people shit. My guess is none of you would have the balls to say any of this to my face, but then again isn't that why people like you hang out in places like this.

This is the last post you will see from me, I'm getting back to living my life to fullest.

I believe it's about time for this:

(This post was edited by sp115 on Mar 16, 2011, 9:25 PM)


Mar 16, 2011, 9:25 PM
Post #123 of 144 (2432 views)

Registered: Jun 25, 2009
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Re: [dscow1980] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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dscow1980 wrote:
Well you may know what a null hypothesis is but the person that asked me what I meant by that obviously didn't. I have taken a sample now from my population to get an idea about the population and make a general statement. This is the null hypothesis...

I am seriously done explaining this to everyone.....

How do you delete a forum on, this is a waste of my time.

To those that were helpful and just answered the questions, thank you. To everyone else who felt like they needed to give their unwanted opinions and advise, you were not helpful at all and I wish you would just find something better to do with your time.

I, and many others, both gave you unwanted advise[sic] and answered the questions. Where does that leave us?

And you still haven't answered my question. How is it that you are both a veteran and 14 years old?


Mar 16, 2011, 9:26 PM
Post #124 of 144 (2429 views)

Registered: Jun 25, 2009
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Re: [dscow1980] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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dscow1980 wrote:
Oh I see so he only asked me so that he could be an asshole and correct me. Sounds like a great guy, or possibly a guy who has some insecurities and feels it is neccassary to come online and give people shit. My guess is none of you would have the balls to say any of this to my face, but then again isn't that why people like you hang out in places like this.

This is the last post you will see from me, I'm getting back to living my life to fullest.

Anyone taking bets? I've got $20.

Partner camhead

Mar 16, 2011, 9:27 PM
Post #125 of 144 (2427 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
Posts: 20939

Re: [dscow1980] Have you climbed a 5.12 on Lead? [In reply to]
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dscow1980 wrote:
Oh I see so he only asked me so that he could be an asshole and correct me. Sounds like a great guy, or possibly a guy who has some insecurities and feels it is neccassary to come online and give people shit.

Ok, you're kind of starting to get it...

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