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question for the girls, question for the boys
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Jan 28, 2003, 6:09 PM
Post #1 of 59 (6281 views)

Registered: Nov 27, 2002
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question for the girls, question for the boys
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I know that a lot of guys peak into the Ladies Room. I was just wondering two things.

To the girls - how do you feel knowing that guys are reading your girly posts?

To the boys - what brings you into this room and are you affected by what you read here?


Jan 28, 2003, 6:24 PM
Post #2 of 59 (6281 views)

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question for the girls, question for the boys [In reply to]
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I like it that the guys are interested and open minded enough to read and post here. The wider the mix of ideas, the better to synthesize and learn from those ideas. And if the guys get some new insight into girlie stuff, great!

IMO climber guys are some of the most open minded, egalitarian folks out there. We may not all agree on some things, but when it comes right down to it, I don't think I've met a group of men elsewhere who are nearly as supportive of women doing what they want to and being happy.




Jan 28, 2003, 7:56 PM
Post #3 of 59 (6281 views)

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question for the girls, question for the boys [In reply to]
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I will admit to lurking in the Ladies Room occasionally. Usually it is out of boredom and there is nothing else exciting to read on the site. I have found that the ladies room has a great deal of information available. I have learned a great deal about subjects that I have even considered before. There was one topic on acne that was quite informative and there was another one about the respectful way to address a woman that opened my eyes as well. I also find that the density of useful information is much higher in the Ladies Room than any other forum.


Jan 28, 2003, 8:24 PM
Post #4 of 59 (6281 views)

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question for the girls, question for the boys [In reply to]
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Now this Q made me go huaa ??? Quite strange Q.
Anyway I don’t think that the moderator would like to limit access by gender and quite frankly I don’t understand the reason for the “ladies room” when there is no “man’s room”…
Anyway base on the topics here it could fit very well to community forum and generally I enter this room for the Giggles the general posting topics are ridiculous to say the least. so you all giving me a good smile and a proof of how different man from woman can be…even when they got extra privileges
Generally I like the effect that it is a step above total dumbness u find in the community post (i.e. the biggest fattest turd, GOOD NIGHT MY LOVE etc) so I’m here for the amusement since this is a completely mindless forum

Don’t get me wrong I’m the biggest believer in equal opportunity and it means equal opportunity!!! no more no less.
Toward every single human being with no deferens for gender and race
I believe in the pure concept of EQUALITY

[ This Message was edited by: punk on 2003-01-28 12:49 ]


Jan 28, 2003, 8:35 PM
Post #5 of 59 (6281 views)

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question for the girls, question for the boys [In reply to]
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I hope no one gets the impression that by posting this question I was implying that men should be excluded from the forum. Many of the guys' posts have been great.


Jan 28, 2003, 8:46 PM
Post #6 of 59 (6281 views)

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question for the girls, question for the boys [In reply to]
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I read all the forums from the top to the bottom (but trad, aid, slackblablahand the ones for mods). So you come just after the pics forum, and I read this. I find interesting topics, I'm sometimes a bit confused and don't read the whole topic (the ones on breast surgery made me feel like I wasn't in the good place) but usually the discussions are neutral, just seen from a woman point of view maybe.


Jan 28, 2003, 9:20 PM
Post #7 of 59 (6281 views)

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question for the girls, question for the boys [In reply to]
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I don't think it's a problem if guys lurk around in here. I think that being that it is called "The Ladies Room," we can talk about uh..girly things... and have less problems. Guys who enter this forum know what they are getting themselves into and by entering they make the choice to read whatever. It seems that most of the posts made by men are of a mature nature. If we just talked about these things in the Community Forum, I think we'd be more likely to have really assinine comments made by guys who haven't quite reached that level of maturity yet. So, I think a ladies room is definitely needed. I know you guys think you should have a men's room too, but if you're posting in the ladies' room, than it's not like you guys are excluded. Besides what you guys talk about? Your balls? It's not like you guys have too many problems that can't be discussed in mixed company. Guys just don't want to hear about periods and stuff like that, so we're just trying to be respectful by taking somewhere else. OK, I don't want to start a war with folks about it, so please don't think I'm trying to flame anyone. I just think that the idea of a men's room is a little silly.


Jan 28, 2003, 9:29 PM
Post #8 of 59 (6281 views)

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question for the girls, question for the boys [In reply to]
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The way I see it
If some of the users will go beyond the 5 years old intellect…we will have a normal forum
The way I see it, it should read “Now seriously” and should be heavily moderated like it is now but with no gender intending …this way we can bypass the question of this topic

"This you must always bear in mind, what is the nature of the whole, and what is my nature, and how this is related to that, and what kind of a part it is of what kind of a whole; and that there is no-one who hinders you from always doing and saying the things which are according to the nature of which you are a part." Marcus Aurelius

[ This Message was edited by: punk on 2003-01-28 13:43 ]


Jan 28, 2003, 9:31 PM
Post #9 of 59 (6281 views)

Registered: Jan 2, 2003
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question for the girls, question for the boys [In reply to]
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I think its greeat that there are guys interested in the issues that concern us as women. Typically I really value their input. Sometimes it might be more appropriate for some of them to auto-sensor though.

For example, I'm not going to go post on the ice climbing forum about stuff that I think should be right because I've watched others ice climb and have read about it in the magazines because I've never ice climbed! Likewise when a woman asks other women how they feel about body issues or something that is going to be uniquely a womans experience, I think it might be best for the guys to contribute by just reading. Of course, it varies with every question and every contribution.


Jan 28, 2003, 10:07 PM
Post #10 of 59 (6281 views)

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question for the girls, question for the boys [In reply to]
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For example, I'm not going to go post on the ice climbing forum about stuff that I think should be right because I've watched others ice climb and have read about it in the magazines because I've never ice climbed! Likewise when a woman asks other women how they feel about body issues or something that is going to be uniquely a womans experience, I think it might be best for the guys to contributors.php">contribute by just reading. Of course, it varies with every question and every contribution.

I understand your point and for a body matter I have no clue except for the same parts we share, that is why I don’t post on an issue I don’t know
However do you really like to wash your laundry out in the open and get an advice from faceless handle name when coming to such a privet issue of body and physic?
From what I saw the general post was not that committing and reveling to that level even the Brest thing…it is such a open and discussed area nowadays that it got degraded in the privacy issue…
I believe that if u will have some issue of matter and so happen that u value some RC member opinion on the subject it seems to me that you will reserve for PMing the member rather then putting it out to the open
Correct me if I’m wrong

Partner missedyno

Jan 28, 2003, 11:44 PM
Post #11 of 59 (6281 views)

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question for the girls, question for the boys [In reply to]
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i post in this forum more often than any other... i don't care about the gender thing, guys are welcome in here and though many topics are geared towards getting a female point of view, the men can contribute as well.

i think this forum is a great opportunity for guys - any guys - to listen in on a girls conversation... to get more insight about how women speak and feel about certain topics.

some men have posted here, i.e. the "dad with climbing daughters" just to get a female opinion. and we're willing to help.


Jan 28, 2003, 11:50 PM
Post #12 of 59 (6281 views)

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question for the girls, question for the boys [In reply to]
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The thread started by the dad was an example of what I meant by men contributing in a positive way to this forum.

(I have no idea why the word 'contribute' showed up in red on my post? I didn't mean to give it any special emphasis, but I don't know how to undo it either.)


Jan 29, 2003, 12:08 AM
Post #13 of 59 (6281 views)

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question for the girls, question for the boys [In reply to]
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I have four sisters and no brothers. I have two daughters and no sons. Golly!!! What a blessed life surrounded by women. Grew up with five females and now I am getting old with three. Yeah, I check out the Ladies’ Room on occasion. I have learned things that I hope will make my be a better father and husband. Besides, all dudes are voyeurs at heart.


Jan 29, 2003, 7:34 AM
Post #14 of 59 (6281 views)

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question for the girls, question for the boys [In reply to]
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Personally I come here both for the far less MACHO point of view that women have. And since I climb with several women it is interesting to know what goes on in the wierd and wonderful mind of a women.

But I came here the first time b/c my mom asked me how women take care of their business on a big wall and I did not know so I figured this would be the best place to learn.



Jan 29, 2003, 5:32 PM
Post #15 of 59 (6281 views)

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question for the girls, question for the boys [In reply to]
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I come here because, in spite of the name, this place does not belong to women in the sense that they have a right to exclude men. This forum is the place to discuss issues where gender and climbing meet. It doesn’t matter that it says “ladies†on it. All the title does is promote a greater level of care and respect in the discussions than you find in community. You can see this if you look up a thread started by bitterlotus in Community called “Men: get out of the ladies room†- it’s more argumentative and less informative than this one.

Normally I prefer to call a spade a spade, and that would lead me to argue this forum should be renamed “gender issues†or some other equally neutral (and bland) title. But in this case, I think “ladies†works because it reminds men that this space doesn’t belong to them while at the same time giving women an excuse to feel a little more at ease, more at home. I would prefer that men remember that none of the space on belongs to them and that women remember they don’t need an excuse to be at ease anywhere, but that’s not my call to make. The current title is a fair compromise that seems to be getting the job done.

The day this forum acts up to its title and excludes me on the basis of my gender will also be the day I actively discriminate against ladies room members in all other threads. I don’t think it will happen, myself. Do you?

As an aside, a men’s room is a silly idea. What’s the point of creating a second forum to discuss gender issues? All that would do is encourage people to think that the two forums are exclusive and that the genders should not mix when they discuss gender issues. That would be contrary to the express desires of the “founders†of this forum and the purpose of


edit: wording

[ This Message was edited by: maiorlive on 2003-01-29 09:34 ]

[ This Message was edited by: maiorlive on 2003-01-30 08:28 ]


Jan 29, 2003, 6:28 PM
Post #16 of 59 (6281 views)

Registered: Jun 17, 2002
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question for the girls, question for the boys [In reply to]
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I live in the house of estrogen (wife of 10 years, daughter who's 9, male dog that doesn't listen to me ) and climb with a handful of women who are part of the nomadic roadshow. I think this forum provides an outlet and access for women to see that even though it's a male dominated sport (even though women are better climbers), it is opening up for women more and more (that's been the emphasis of the climbing vids and sponsorships I've been doing all these years). Personally I stop by because I have a couple friends who post here, and once in a while I have a question that only you ladies/chicas/girls can answer. That and because i.Karen, Kcrag, and Superd are extremely cute


Jan 29, 2003, 9:19 PM
Post #17 of 59 (6281 views)

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question for the girls, question for the boys [In reply to]
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I like the idea of this forum. Not because it discludes anyone, but on the basis that it celebrates diversity. I post here for the same reason that I have girl friends... there is some element of understanding and bonding between females. I am a feminist, but not a separtist so I hope that males continue to participate in a open minded and mature fashion.


Jan 29, 2003, 10:27 PM
Post #18 of 59 (6281 views)

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question for the girls, question for the boys [In reply to]
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i lurk around in here caus you guys talk about breast inhancment and going topless and wether or not your boobs get in the way when you climb (J/K) and i think its funny that women think its ok to say rude things that they would flip out at men for, like what are you guys going to talk about in the mens room your balls (laughed out loud when i read that one) we probubly wouldnt just caus guys dont wanna hear about other guys balls.

and just for the record why would guys sitting around talking about there balls sweaty hairy itchy or otherwise be considered imature while women can talk about there personal hygen issues to no end and its some sort of sisterhood perhaps women dont respect or understand brotherhood enough and just dismiss it as imaturity

anyway it was probubly a mistake to post this but what the hell i'll survive


Jan 29, 2003, 11:58 PM
Post #19 of 59 (6281 views)

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Welcome to the guys!

Please read and become enlightened. A smart man will come here to gain a better understanding of women... specifically climber women.

Learn from us... don't flame or attack us in our own home. This is the Ladies Room after all --


Jan 30, 2003, 4:14 AM
Post #20 of 59 (6281 views)

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just curious. maybe to know what is important to you all and what your attitudes towards certain things are. what you like, what are your fears and concerns. not entirely sure...


PS: good topic


Jan 30, 2003, 10:25 PM
Post #21 of 59 (6281 views)

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In my opinion you girls rock!

P.S. if any of you ladies are going to the Nelson Rocks/Seneca March 8 - 15, 2003 gathering I'll be the quiet guy at the fire pit with my mug-o-rum&coke


Feb 4, 2003, 1:05 AM
Post #22 of 59 (6281 views)

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guys in the ladies' room [In reply to]
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I browse here on occasion because I find the topics and replies to be very educational about the way women view climbing. In that their take is often different from the macho attitude many men have, it is good to heed the fact that there are different views out there (plus it minimizes the CLOD factor when climbing in mixed groups) .


Feb 6, 2003, 1:11 AM
Post #23 of 59 (6281 views)

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another welcome to the guys...i don't just seems like the questions in this forum are more seriously answered than in, say, community...i like the guys opinions on stuff but i like the idea that there are probably more females on this forum than guys..makes one feel a little easier about making their problems, esp. female ones, known.

Partner cracklover

Feb 7, 2003, 7:27 PM
Post #24 of 59 (6281 views)

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I visit on occasion because it's cool to see the different perspective and different issues that women can have around climbing.

I contribute because sometimes a man's perspective on women's issue can be helpful.

And the same goes the other way around, sometimes I've learned about the woman's perspective on guys issues in here, too (like the thread by the guy spotting a woman a while ago.)

Glad the women's forum is here - Cheers to all you ladies out there!

[edited to remove that stupid "contribute" link]

[ This Message was edited by: cracklover on 2003-02-07 11:28 ]


Mar 30, 2003, 7:29 PM
Post #25 of 59 (6281 views)

Registered: Mar 29, 2003
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question for the girls, question for the boys [In reply to]
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It's interesting to see that you girls worry about stuff like make up and breast enhancement/reduction as related to climbing. Guys tend to worry about their gear looking too new and other stuff that they wouldn't talk about even in a men's room.

I'm sort of suprised that there is not more discussion of technique in this forum, since a lot of women climb differently from men. THey get up the same routes but they do it in a different way sometimes.

I look in here cause women are interesting. I wish there were more about climbing in the ladies room, cause I've sure seen some great female climbers that I bet could share a lot about technique.

How come nobody in any forums talks about meeting people of the opposite sex and climbing with them? Is it some great taboo that you can't show interest in someone at a crag? I mean, I'd really rather meet another climber in a dating sense than a non-climber, wouldn't you?

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