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why are there no 14d cracks
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Feb 14, 2005, 8:20 PM
Post #26 of 47 (5713 views)

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Re: why are there no 14d cracks [In reply to]
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I find the pseudo-maunufactured argument more interesting than the finger size / play to your strengths argument, not because I believe one or the other more, but becuase it's essentially true that many hard crack climbs that ascend old pin scars are not ethically different than drilled-out pockets on the sport climbs that so many "trad hardmen" love to rail against.

So, why are there no .14d cracks to being climbed? Because a generation ago people bashed the hell out of them so that they could be aided, resulting in the creation of holds the size they would need to be for free climbing. Hypocrisy is a mother, eh?

Partner camhead

Feb 14, 2005, 8:22 PM
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Also, not to take anything away from Lynn Hill, but it is pretty well-established that her small finger size was key to freeing the Great Roof, as well as key to the pitch's lack of repeats. Just because she has small fingers does not mean that it is 5.14d, especially considering that she has not climbed anything else harder than 5.14a.

This is so offensive to me that it makes me shudder. Guys have many strength advantages on us, generally, and tend to be taller so perhaps, Lynn Hill should get to upgrade her burlier strength-orient climbs or maybe her reachiest ascents to keep things even?

If you haven't seen the Great Roof or Scott Burke's fingers, I don't think you can dismiss her send as being all about the small fingers. Contrary to what would seem to be popular belief the Great Roof is not really an incipient KB seem. It still takes Aliens pretty much the whole way across.

Whose hardest send does not play to their strengths?

hehe. you totally missed the point of my statement, but I knew that my comments would make someone jump up and take on this oft-repeated argument.

However, I was responding to slavetogravity, who implied that the Great Roof was a candidate for .14d because of its lack of repeats. This is a faulty way of looking at it, for the reasons that I stated in my comment that "made you shudder" or whatever.

Rockprodigy addressed the same topic in slightly less provocative language:
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There is no way that the Great Roof was 5.14+ for Lynn Hill, if so, it would have taken a lot longer to do it. In crack climbing, you can't just assume a universal rating for everyone. Until someone with big fingers repeats those pitches, they are 13+.


Feb 14, 2005, 8:41 PM
Post #28 of 47 (5713 views)

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Re: why are there no 14d cracks [In reply to]
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#.75 camalot-sized splitter crack through a 150 degree (near horizontal) 10' roof. I know it's possible because it's wide enough, but it's going to be crazy hard!!

are you talking about that crack past the headache? i've wondered when that would go free.

you are kidding yourself if you don't think hand/foot size and ratings for crack climbs go hand in hand.

Partner iclimbtoo

Feb 14, 2005, 9:23 PM
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Re: why are there no 14d cracks [In reply to]
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If I could even DREAM of what it would be like to possibly climb a .14 crack, I would participate in this conversation. But I think people who can are not quite human. I am amazed just reading these posts...I wish I could see it in action...I'd probably wet myself, sh*t my pants, and faint all at the same time.


Feb 14, 2005, 9:35 PM
Post #30 of 47 (5713 views)

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Re: why are there no 14d cracks [In reply to]
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It has more to do with geology than anything else. If you can barely squeeze your fingers into it, it's usually 5.11 -.12+. If it's also steep, that may bring it up to a mid .13. If it's finger sized, steep AND has tricky jams or odd moves or body positions, it may creep into the 5.14 range.

How many cracks like Asteroid Crack, Acid Crack, Grand Illusion, or Fiddler on the Roof do you see at your local crags? These cracks are aberations. Even Sphinx Crack was manufacured with dynamite, and that is THE perfect thin hard crack, sharp AND slippery at the same time. It's sequences are more like a sport climb than a jamfest. Perhaps the strong youth will follow Sonnie Trotter's lead and put away their pads for awhile and get a rack of RP's put that bouldering skill to good use and produce some 5.14 crack climbs.

Marc B.


Feb 14, 2005, 9:51 PM
Post #31 of 47 (5713 views)

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are you talking about that crack past the headache? i've wondered when that would go free.

Yes. It's called "Masterblaster". I hear Captain Grumpy worked on it for awhile, and possibly some others, but that thing will wait until some truly talented lightweight person (like Dave Graham) tries it. And I doubt someone with his abilities would bother. That's the trouble. We'll have to wait until that type of talent is somewhat commonplace before random stuff like that gets done.


Feb 14, 2005, 10:04 PM
Post #32 of 47 (5713 views)

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Feb 14, 2005, 10:16 PM
Post #33 of 47 (5713 views)

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Re: why are there no 14d cracks [In reply to]
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double postcount+++++


Feb 14, 2005, 10:17 PM
Post #34 of 47 (5713 views)

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Re: why are there no 14d cracks [In reply to]
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How many cracks like Asteroid Crack, Acid Crack, Grand Illusion, or Fiddler on the Roof do you see at your local crags?

quite a few, actually. but that's a topic or a different time.

your question is "why are there no 14d cracks?" -- are you assuming there are a bunch of 14c cracks, and folks hacve hit the wall at 14c?

anyway -- there are plenty of established .14 cracks out there, imho. and the potention or many more is there -- my guess is that a perfect, unwavering, inch-and-a-quarter splitter, with no constrictions or wide spots to allow for a rest, through a 20 or 25 foot roof would go well into the .14 range.

another example -- a free climb of the old aid roof above bishop's terrace would be well into the .14 range.

saqsuatch (that new thing on the boulder by the curry) is probably .14. let's see how long it takes for a repeat. it only took 35 years of steady attempts by generations of the world's best crack climbers before someone did it....yeah, it's probably only 13d.

fianlly, there are scads of unrepeated "13+" cracks out there. my guess is if these routes (stingray, no way jose, potters route on the tombstone) ever see a few repeats, they'll get .14 consensus ratings.


Partner angry

Feb 14, 2005, 10:29 PM
Post #35 of 47 (5713 views)

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Re: why are there no 14d cracks [In reply to]
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Because 5.14d has never been climbed!!!!, explanation below.

My theory on crack climbing is one of ratings and subjectivity. The YDS was developed and perfected primarily through crack climbing (or at least on routes that require placing gear), sport climbing has used the 7b, 7b+, etc scale for it's mass development. Sport and trad are barely comparable, just as bouldering is barely comparable to either sport or trad (this is most true as climbs get really hard). Lets use that french system for sport, the YDS for trad, and the V system for bouldering. Yes there would be inherent shades of grey, but overall, I think it would be an improvement.

I know of a roof that is probably 25-30 feet long with a perfect green alien size splitter. No-one has ever even tried it. I think cracks can get much harder.

I get so sick and tired of the hand size arguement. I know so many people who use that as such a crutch. If you climb more than one size it will all even out. When I started climbing long cracks I thought #2 friends to be impossible, now they are locker. If you can't do a size, practice.

A few weeks ago I climbed a thin crack (only a mere 12a, not sick like the 14d being discussed), I didn't get my fingers in the whole way, I crimped the crisp edge and tried not to cry. My friend couldn't follow it and blamed it on his hand size, he couldn't get his fingers in either. Unless you are sending roofcracks at the 13+ and up level, the whole finger size arguement is worthless. Practice you jackasses!!!!


Feb 14, 2005, 10:37 PM
Post #36 of 47 (5713 views)

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Re: why are there no 14d cracks [In reply to]
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All I know is that a 5.14d crack would be sick.
Happy Sending!
Sierra 8^)


Feb 14, 2005, 11:35 PM
Post #37 of 47 (5713 views)

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Re: why are there no 14d cracks [In reply to]
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#.75 camalot-sized splitter crack through a 150 degree (near horizontal) 10' roof. I know it's possible because it's wide enough, but it's going to be crazy hard!!

That'll go. There's a route out at Vedauwoo that needs a repeat that's steeper than that and the same size, its a lowly 11d. .75 camalots are way tight hands and rattly fingers. I've seen worse. Much worse. Like 5 feet of thin finger locks, followed by a 4 foot blank section, then cruiser hands. All overhung by 45 degrees by the way. We're guessing it'll go mid 11 in the hands section, but the start could be a v7/v8 boulder problem by itself. And still, not as bad as Zebree. If you can jam it, its not that bad. That's why we don't see hardly any .14 pure crack lines. Now 5.14 trad lines... that's a whole other story.


Feb 16, 2005, 2:01 AM
Post #38 of 47 (5713 views)

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Re: why are there no 14d cracks [In reply to]
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There's a HUGE difference between coarse Vedauwoo rock (which is probably flaring, no?) and slick Zion rock with no flare at all. This thing is solid 5.14...I promise. A regular sized person will have to basically campus on ringlocks...f'in A dude!


Feb 16, 2005, 3:37 AM
Post #39 of 47 (5713 views)

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Re: why are there no 14d cracks [In reply to]
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I am 5'2" and I don't see why people think a hand size/body size argument is reasonable for cracks. It could be said of anything or any type of climbing. It's like saying I didn't run the mile in 4 minutes because my legs aren't long enough. That isn't the case, the fact is that you aren't fast enough. When I can't climb something I don't say it's because I am not tall enough, it's simply because I am not strong enough. Why is it ok to say I can't climb that crack because my hands are too big, but it isn't ok to say I couldn't do that face climb because I wasn't tall enough to reach that hold. I could say that the 5.10 I climbed was really 5.12 because of those intermediates I had to use, but that woudl be bullshit! That is why we have ratings. A 5.12 is 5.12 and so on and so on. No one can climb everything because we all have different strengths and weaknesses. But it is ridiculous to say that something isn't as hard because of someone's body size, if so then we need to have an infinite number of ratings for each person. "I think we should incorporate body fat percentage into a climbs rating. So climbing a 5.10 with 32% body fat is like climbing a 5.14 with 2%"


Feb 16, 2005, 2:13 PM
Post #40 of 47 (5713 views)

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Re: why are there no 14d cracks [In reply to]
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Does anyone know if there is a crack boulder problem graded in the V-double digit? If there is one, I would imagine that 14d crack is a possibility.


Feb 16, 2005, 4:16 PM
Post #41 of 47 (5714 views)

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Re: why are there no 14d cracks [In reply to]
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Down at Quartz Mtn. Oklahoma

Difficulty: A3
Protection: Aid
Description: Located on the far right of The Headwall, it actually begins to the right of The Headwall, just to the left of The Hobbit. After some mandatory slabbing, you begin up the overhang, come over the lip, and follow the seam up and underneath the roof to some anchors. It goes clean, so do your best not to scar it any further than it already has been... F.A. Duane Raleigh, Chris Rowins (1979)

it has been sugested that is this was to go free it was be a mid 14...


Feb 16, 2005, 4:22 PM
Post #42 of 47 (5714 views)

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Re: why are there no 14d cracks [In reply to]
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There's a HUGE difference between coarse Vedauwoo rock (which is probably flaring, no?) and slick Zion rock with no flare at all. This thing is solid 5.14...I promise. A regular sized person will have to basically campus on ringlocks...f'in A dude!

Actually its one of the more splitter cracks I've seen out there. And the rock out at the Roof Ranch (at least the side this thing is on) has pretty compact crystals. And besides, you can still get tenuous foot jams, even in a Zion .75 camalot splitter. It'll go, just maybe not 5.14.

Partner angry

Feb 16, 2005, 5:02 PM
Post #43 of 47 (5714 views)

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Re: why are there no 14d cracks [In reply to]
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Horizontal .75 camalots. I can't climb them but I can hang the jams and make one move or two. If I can even move, it ain't 14d.

I can't believe I agree with petsfed.


Feb 16, 2005, 5:37 PM
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Well, you two rockstars should go tick it sounds like it would be a warm up for you. I've climbed some hard $hit, and I couldn't do a single move, so have fun.


Feb 17, 2005, 1:18 AM
Post #45 of 47 (5714 views)

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Re: why are there no 14d cracks [In reply to]
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Does anyone know if there is a crack boulder problem graded in the V-double digit? If there is one, I would imagine that 14d crack is a possibility.


plus a few el obscuro cracks at woodson that have probably never seen repeats.


Feb 17, 2005, 2:05 AM
Post #46 of 47 (5714 views)

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Well, you two rockstars should go tick it sounds like it would be a warm up for you. I've climbed some hard $hit, and I couldn't do a single move, so have fun.

Perfect. :righton:


Feb 17, 2005, 3:19 AM
Post #47 of 47 (5714 views)

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Re: why are there no 14d cracks [In reply to]
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sombody asked about the 5.14 crack in quebec. The name is la zebree. Here is a good picture of it.

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