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Girly Girl or Tomboy?
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Jul 15, 2003, 11:09 PM
Post #51 of 111 (9775 views)

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Re: Girly Girl or Tomboy? [In reply to]
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I am both. I love all outdoors stuff and find I'm often alot tougher than alot of the guys I go with. Some guys (and) girls can be super whiney. That being said I can be a real pansy and struggle all the time with fear when snowboarding or climbing. I can be the biggest slob and don't wear makeup everyday or even comb my hair, but when I do get dressed up....I'm a go big or go home kind of girl. I wear full makeup, carnival type eye shadow, dark lipstick, hair done, jewlery everything. I buy makeup like crazy, even though I only wear it a couple times a month, I'm addicted. The crazier the better, all out there colours like bright blue and green and orange. I figure what's the point in wearing it if you can barely see it. I look so diferent when done up that people dont' recognise me. I like dirt alot, and always have dirty hands from climbing or gardening. My skin is always peeling off my hands, I have no nails. I detest real prissy girls who can't leave the house without makeup and can't go on a week trip without showers. That's about it, I am totally both.

Partner missedyno

Jul 16, 2003, 2:44 AM
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darn. i do that too. if we're going out to the club i enjoy the black lipstick/crazy eyeshadow too. but it's getting less and less frequent... can't get used to that made up face in the mirror anymore


Jul 17, 2003, 5:44 PM
Post #53 of 111 (9775 views)

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hmm...definitely a little bit of both.

Tomboy: i guess i'm pretty tough on some outdoors stuff--being called "burly" and "tough" by the boys, i definitely push myself pretty hard when i climb and ski. I don't mind getting dirty and can deal w/ being away from all the amenities for a while. I'm definitely used to having lots of scratches, bruises, and sunburns. It's always wierd to be dressed up for some occassion (like a wedding) with all sorts of climbing scrapes/bruises visible--all the other folks wondering, "what did you do to yourself?"

that said, i still love the feeling of being clean, love dressing up to go out, like wearing my jewelry, occassionally do the makeup (mostly just lipstick), and I seem to put a lot more effort into my hair than anything else. I rarely shave my legs (think i'm just too lazy), never paint my nails, and don't understand things like "exfolliate."

i am almost always perpetually wearing sandals, shorts and a t-shirt. When i lived in mountain towns in NM and CO, the women and men seemed to wear identical clothes (jeans and fleece). Boys in town would do a double-take when i dressed up ("you clean up real nice") cause they were so used to me being in jeans/shorts all the time. Now in San Francisco, it feels nice to dress up a bit more. It's fun to be both a bit of a girly girl and a tomboy--keeps people guessing! and i like feeling free to change around...


Jul 23, 2003, 11:14 AM
Post #54 of 111 (9775 views)

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I too try to clean up well, but I like being dirty. One of the hardest things in my short life thus far was going to the restroom to wash my hands and there was no dirt left in the sink. Since I've started climbing I've fixed that problem!


Jul 30, 2003, 11:14 PM
Post #55 of 111 (9775 views)

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Re: Girly Girl or Tomboy? [In reply to]
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i don't think you have to choose one way or the other; you just balance between the two. i work in a restaurant where i have to wear a teeny little dress all day, i just got a pedicure, and i love to shampoo. but in just a few hours i'll be stuffing my pretty pink toenails into my climbing shoes and getting hot and sweaty at the gym - and i'll be loving it! i suppose, though, that if i had to put a label on it'd be a girly-tomboy. you could probably ask my climbing boyfriend for a better title, though. i'm sure he could tell you a thing or two about this dirt barbie :)


Jul 31, 2003, 5:33 AM
Post #56 of 111 (9775 views)

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Re: Girly Girl or Tomboy? [In reply to]
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Tomboy with a closet girly side. Grew up playing sports with boys yet still had a nice wardrobe for my Barbie doll :wink: .

I had a major Dirt Barbie look at work 2 weeks ago. Drove up to Yos for the weekend. Got all dirty, scraped up, sweaty and even got a case of rope burn on my left hand. Then got up Monday morning and literally left Camp 4 and drove straight back to work in LA (I work at 2:30pm, got on my station's lot at 2:15 :D ). Threw on a fresh top and kept the Prana capris on. No time to get home to shower or anything. Went into the ladies room before my shift to at least wash my face and hands. Strangely enough, no one at my work believed that I'd just rolled into work from 2 1/2 days of dirty, sweaty fun (and it helped that I don't get b.o. and my hair was actually behaving despite sleeping in dirt for 2 days). I guess I do Dirt Barbie well.


Jul 31, 2003, 2:53 PM
Post #57 of 111 (9775 views)

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Tomboy with a closet girly side. Grew up playing sports with boys yet still had a nice wardrobe for my Barbie doll :wink: .

I had a major Dirt Barbie look at work 2 weeks ago. Drove up to Yos for the weekend. Got all dirty, scraped up, sweaty and even got a case of rope burn on my left hand. Then got up Monday morning and literally left Camp 4 and drove straight back to work in LA (I work at 2:30pm, got on my station's lot at 2:15 :D ). Threw on a fresh top and kept the Prana capris on. No time to get home to shower or anything. Went into the ladies room before my shift to at least wash my face and hands. Strangely enough, no one at my work believed that I'd just rolled into work from 2 1/2 days of dirty, sweaty fun (and it helped that I don't get b.o. and my hair was actually behaving despite sleeping in dirt for 2 days). I guess I do Dirt Barbie well.

Wow, I could not get away with that! After a day I'm looking like a "Dirt Barbie" And it doesn't matter how many layers of deodorant go on, after a few days the smell just seeps through.


Jul 31, 2003, 3:22 PM
Post #58 of 111 (9775 views)

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Re: Girly Girl or Tomboy? [In reply to]
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sroehlk Said, "Wow, I could not get away with that! After a day I'm looking like a "Dirt Barbie" And it doesn't matter how many layers of deodorant go on, after a few days the smell just seeps through."

I'm with you Beth...I NEED deodorant!


Aug 1, 2003, 8:37 AM
Post #59 of 111 (9775 views)

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Re: Girly Girl or Tomboy? [In reply to]
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I am, of course, a Dirt Skipper... the old-skool Skipper with no boobs... and I KNOW I get stinky (I got da funk... better have dat funk) after climbing. Sometimes I care, sometimes I don't. But to be honest, it's hard NOT to notice or care when your funk is eminating from polypro or capilene :shock:

Nonetheless, I am neither girly nor tomboy. I, like many who take up climbing, have never fit neatly into any kind of social "category." :P


Aug 2, 2003, 6:06 PM
Post #60 of 111 (9775 views)

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Re: Girly Girl or Tomboy? [In reply to]
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Tomboy with a closet girly side. Grew up playing sports with boys yet still had a nice wardrobe for my Barbie doll.

Me too! I had an extensive Barbie doll collection and loved to play dress-up, yet I went through this long phase where I absolutely HATED the color pink...and if ANYONE told me I threw like a girl or any other "girly" comment, I would take it personally! :lol: I would intimidate the guys so much when I was little...who wouldn't be intimidated by a little 5 year old girl who would wrestle and beat 2nd & 3rd grade boys? ...and the guys are STILL intimidated! :wink:


Aug 5, 2003, 9:32 PM
Post #61 of 111 (9775 views)

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Re: Girly Girl or Tomboy? [In reply to]
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Me, well... I am a total Tomboy!! I think the term Dirt Barbie fits me very well


Aug 5, 2003, 10:20 PM
Post #62 of 111 (9775 views)

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Re: Girly Girl or Tomboy? [In reply to]
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hm. i just got a pedicure...but then one of my guy friends called me a jock the other day when we went climbing...not sure what to think.


Aug 25, 2003, 8:07 PM
Post #63 of 111 (9775 views)

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Re: Girly Girl or Tomboy? [In reply to]
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Definitely more of a tom-boy. It drives my boyfriend's mother crazy.
I never wear jewelery other than a plain watch and a ring my bf gave me...I never wear makeup unless its a special occasion, I avoid skirts (except for my ACTION SKIRT...its all stretchy and stuff and I could probably climb in it no problem). My hair is wash and go. I don't primp much, my elbows are dry and yucky, I don't have any idea whether I have an oily t-zone. My nails are chewed off stubs, with flaking silver nail polish (my one girly weakness, I like nail polish...preferably chipped though.), none of my clothes coordinate, and I hate pink. :)

But, occasionally, I enjoy getting all dolled up and wowing people that my t-shirt and jeans self can actually look girly. I just prefer to be comfy rather than primped most times. And I don't ever want to need more than 15 minutes to get ready in the mornings (post shower). Just seems silly to need that much routine. I mean, who am I trying to impress? I'm fine just the way I am...and the dirt gives me character. :D

wow..that sounds almost exactly like me.


Aug 26, 2003, 3:01 AM
Post #64 of 111 (9775 views)

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I would intimidate the guys so much when I was little...who wouldn't be intimidated by a little 5 year old girl who would wrestle and beat 2nd & 3rd grade boys? ...and the guys are STILL intimidated! :wink:

I did that too!! I grew fast and early. I could arm wrestle boys and win, outrun and outskate them...I was the only girl ever voted onto my school's 5th grade all-star hockey team (grew up in Minnesota). And I played starting center!!

Then around 6th-7th grade the boys started growing taller and stronger. And by then I'd "blossomed" into a definite female. By 7th grade, the boys I'd run track with in grade school would now loiter around the girl's track team practice and make lewd comments about our newfound bustlines while running. Boys can be so cruel sometimes :evil: .


Aug 26, 2003, 6:02 PM
Post #65 of 111 (9775 views)

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Re: Girly Girl or Tomboy? [In reply to]
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I do both Girly Girl and Tomboy.

Like so many of you that posted, I played mostly with the boys while young. I could ran as fast if not faster than them, ride a wheelie as far, make as many touchdowns, climb to the highest branch the fastest, hold my breath the longest and the list goes on.

Then one day we began to change. Instead of catching football passes I was fending off passes or taking them up their passes. I didn't play with barbie and friends until all this started to change.

I love my husband when he says you don't have to wear make up to be beautiful and don't shave your legs for me. What a man. My makeup if you want to call it that takes five minutes. I can get ready for work in 15 minutes.

I love it when I'm camping, hiking, climbing or at summer camp with my church's youth group. No make-up!

But still I love to dress up for special occasions. For our last anniversary I actually bought a whole outfit. I rarely ever do that. Halter top, skirt, shoes, matching fun purse. We went to one of our local steak houses. Our waitress was one of our climbing friends. We had a private booth. She said everybody wanted to know who we were and why the special treatment and what were we doing behind that closed curtain. I was catching passes . . .


Apr 10, 2005, 6:52 AM
Post #66 of 111 (9775 views)

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Re: Girly Girl or Tomboy? [In reply to]
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Ok ok .. I am more of a tomboy ...
but strangly enough always find myself in nurturing proffession where the other women and sometimes men find me odd.
my first profession I was a hairdresser in ohio... they made me wear make up .... I rebelled most of the time
then I moved out west (were I belong) and was a wilderness guide for a while...
put myself through college for the first time ...
now am a RN ( yup real nurse) and am actually going on a trip to france this week to attempt Mt Blanc.... will only be there for a 8 days and my coworkers cannot believe I am not going to Paris,.,...
and are making me promise I will buy some french langerie.... until I found the price tag on this stuffl,,,,,, no way

but I am gettig a custom made mountain bike being made for me ... and the finish is going to be sooo cool a sky blue background with black flames leading into flowers!!!! flames and flowers... tuff but girly!!!

didn't seem to impress the gals at work but my guy friends dig it ...
so the bottom line is no matter how much of a tomboy I am I dont' want to to loose touch with my femine side....
by the way if there are any gals who are looking to go climbig in Oregon southern or central pm me!!


Apr 10, 2005, 7:16 PM
Post #67 of 111 (9775 views)

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Kcrag should get royalties from this thread.


Apr 10, 2005, 11:00 PM
Post #68 of 111 (9775 views)

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Re: Girly Girl or Tomboy? [In reply to]
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I just read through a few pages of this thread - it was so up front about who they are. My non-climber friends are starting to notice that I wear the same pants all the time - I have like seven pairs of Verve black strech pants. I just don't want to waste the time thinking about what to wear in the morning. Now granted they are all in various states of holiness (read holey-ness). But I will say I like wearing mascara - its a habit and I dye my hair blonde. But if I weren't a school teacher in a conservative town it would be pink one month and blue the next. While clothes can be a personal expression of creativity I also wear what I feel like - so sometimes I wear really sexy shirts because I feel really sexy and I am comfortable with my own sexuality - other times I wear all black because I like the visual expression of blackness. I don't think most people get it but when I see other women breaking out and expressing themselves whether its baseball caps or funky hippie clothes - I think it so cool. I don't want to be limited by a stereotype of sporty athletic girl anymore than I want to wear panyhose ever again in my life. I love my heels but I can walk in mine - just as much as I love my tennis shoes and my clogs. In other words I want to be a barbie with purple hair and screwed up toe nails and other days I want to go artsy fartsy second generation hippie all in black.


Apr 11, 2005, 10:25 AM
Post #69 of 111 (9775 views)

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Re: Girly Girl or Tomboy? [In reply to]
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hmmm. I think my climbing friends probably think I'm a bit girly and my non climbing friends think i'm a freak (in the best possible way). does that cover it?


Apr 11, 2005, 6:13 PM
Post #70 of 111 (9775 views)

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Re: Girly Girl or Tomboy? [In reply to]
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What defines a girly girl or tomboy? I played with Barbies as a child--had the big doll house and every thing. I only hung out with girls and thought all boys had the cooties until I reached adolescence. My favorite clothes are dresses. Have more shoes than I know what to do with, and lady at the makeup store knew my name and used to send me birthday cards. Love to get dressed up and go out to clubs (although residence is in Cleveland now, and the clubs here are kinda scary). Really, my favorite bar in LA was the Beauty bar where you get a drink and a manicure for 10 bucks. As my toes were cramping from climbing shoes this weekend, I thought, "may be I should paint my toes shiny silver..."

But I guess I have always been active. I play some sports and love the outdoors. I'm not afraid to get dirty and think showers are overrated especially when camping. Most of the times I prefer free camp grounds without running water (probably because I'm poor/cheap). You would never believe my first paragraph if you met me from climbing 'cause I look like the death itself while climbing.

Never considered myself a tomboy. I would never call myself tomboy 'cause I hate the fake ones. You know, the ones who are just like me, but pretends to be 'one of the boys' just to get close to the boys?

But I admire the real tomboys because they tend to be really cool and great climbers (Not to diss the girly girls). So all the tomboys out there, don't hate us girly girls....we can't help being who we are :D


Apr 11, 2005, 7:46 PM
Post #71 of 111 (9775 views)

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I've always been a tom boy, but it runs in the family!
my mom was one, even my grandma and great aunt were tom boys (played a damn good game of baseball in a skirt!!! - you wouldn't believe it just like 'a league of their own')

So in a LONG line of tough women I have to hold my own! he he :D

I never played with barbies unless you count stealing my big sisters, giving them butch hair cuts and coloring on them with markers.

I would much rather be out collecting bugs and snakes and making mud pies any day . . .
wait come to think of it . . that's exactly what I did this weekend? .......................................


Apr 24, 2005, 3:19 AM
Post #72 of 111 (9775 views)

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Heels and sexy dress on Friday and lycra pant and sport top on Sunday! Love this life...we are the women of the world all women hope to achieve! Best of both worlds you got it! 8^)


Apr 24, 2005, 8:10 AM
Post #73 of 111 (9775 views)

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Re: Girly Girl or Tomboy? [In reply to]
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i was more tomboy when I was little than I am now....i think now I am older there is more call to do something girly. i no way am i a girly girl though. :D I would love to be classified as dirt barbie...i am like... action girl... except with out camoflage gear. What am i talking about again?

Partner bad_lil_kitty

Apr 25, 2005, 2:38 AM
Post #74 of 111 (9775 views)

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Re: Girly Girl or Tomboy? [In reply to]
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Gender: female

Persona type: I've got two older brothers and have realized after many many many years of intro-spection, awareness and aculization, I am a my own epitome living/breathing oxymoron.

I've been told by my guy friends, she's not a girly girl but she's a girl; she's a cool chick but not really a girl; and/or she's not your typical girl *fill in blank comment*

By my girl friends, definitely active - none of my very close friends or even climber chickie girls call me on or the other; usually, across the board, I'm called crazy (I like to call it unique).

That said, I like adventure but certainly set my known limits. I choose quality over quantity and apply it to my life in different forms. I like dressing down and very causual; I like being me. If one day I look like some super hottie, then cool - I can look or act just the same in my ubercool pjs (snoopy bottms and an atari t-shirt) and think about how I want to decorate for my next party (a tea party for my climber friends - thinking a spin of tapas and bevies).

My point. I like getting dressed up at times and down most. I get dirty and stinky; my shit smells awful but I have a super infectious smile (well to myself at least).



Apr 26, 2005, 2:38 AM
Post #75 of 111 (9776 views)

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I think I am definately a half and half mix of both. I still like to dress up, do my hair and what is left of my nails (climbing has taken over my hands). But I always liked to do sports, play in mud, and help my dad around the house, fixing whatever needed to be when I was a kid. I am definately the most tom-boyish of all me and my sisters. Hung out with the boys when I was little and still do for the most part. I'll climb hard but I will still let out a girly yelp on a big fall. :D

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