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Dec 26, 2013, 5:05 PM
Post #101726 of 105309 (4714 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
Well, we went up to teh gnu crag. Kinda a long, grulling approch but teh climbing was steller. Long roots on super fresh rock. I was so impressed that I left my pretty gnu 70 meter rope there so I dun't has to hump it back up. I wood have gone back up there on sunday, cept I cood barely walk teh next day.

Climbed with Lena, Jeff and snoppy in teh park on sunday, kinda cold in teh shade but we had fun. Ate pizza afterwards, while we waited fer snoppy to sort owt sum car problems.

Jtree report. Got to nomads just after 9, jack had already headed into the park. parked the car, grabbed lena & jeff, and packed everything into my car. went to start the car ... and the ignition was locked. wouldn't turn at all. steering column seemed locked also, so figured maybe it was that ... but would sort it out when we got back from climbing.

started on the Physical Graffiti ... that is a cool rowt, or at least I thought it was. some of the more reach-challenged folks perhaps did not agree. but for josh, definitely a 4-star rowt. while everybody was TRing the rowt, I went up teh mushroom carck and got jak to follow me ... shockingly, nobody else seemed overly interested in a grainy josh flared hand carck to offwidth. I scraped myself up a bit, showered jak with ball bearings, and zent.

next was the way of life. between physical graffiti and teh way uv life, Lena wasn't a huge fan of my traversing rowt choices. did not zend, my fat ass hung all over it. I think I need to spend enough time there to take a draw hang run and a redpoint run at some point.

walked from there over to teh big moe. the bolt anchor is back, swete. also, all agreed that it was a grate rowt. did some of the easy bouldering around there, called it a day. No C&J, oh well.

Back into town, jak tried the car, couldn't get it to work. Was going to have it towed via AAA to a lot, and have steph come out with my newer key, since that was jak's diagnosis. the tow truck guy did the same jiggling of the steering wheel, brake, and key and got it to turn on. swete! At that point, there was no way I was turning my car off until I got home, so I hopped in, parked in front of pie for the people with the car running, said bye real quick, and drove home. had a slight need to take a piss, but it never got worse, and I had a nalgene in the car if necessary. seems like the right move, because when I got home I parked with the wheels straight, the steering column not locked up, and the key wouldn't turn at all. with my other key (nearly unused), ignition turns just fine. hate to admit it, but jak seems to have been right.

Good times. Physical Graffiti is one of the better routes in josh, and certainly a good call on a cold day. Way of Life is a sprint, I think having the draws up would be a key to sending that thing. I opted to pass on the Mushroom Crack. If you want more heinous grain over there, check out Master and Servant.

I have to deal with the locked up steering wheel thing all the time because I park on a hill. Usually cranking hard on the wheel and stomping the brake does the trick. Never heard of the key thing, that is weird.

I'll have to defer to Josh connoisseurs about Physical Grafitti. I thought it was reachy crumbly crap. I really appreciated Jacks beta about how I should pick a spot where I want to put my foot, and then wiggle the toe and grind things down until they aren't crumbling anymore, and then put my foot there. It is good to know, for sure. But, I mean, if I want to make new footholds for myself on every step, I'll just go ice climbing.

Way of life wasn't my way, either. The first 3 bolts were fun though... But Big Moe was super-fun, and the first route of the day that wasn't all crumbly. I am learning to really appreciate the rock that is not crumbling.

Found a bunch of really solid rock while bouldering today. Played around on Caveman, but only sent the V3 finish. Then played around on Pigpen -- OMG, what a fun problem! Didn't do the whole thing, but the finish crack was fun. Then we went back to Gunsmoke, and tried the High Noon. It was fun, too, but the topout is scary and we didn't do it.

Met a really nice guy there, and stuck together for the rest of the day. Tried Streetcar Named Desire, and the Chube. Got sick and tired of scary topouts, did some fun no-star V0-V2s around the same area, then went back to Gunsmoke and killed ourselves doing laps. Then the guy said he lived just outside the park, and invited us over for dinner, but at that point Heffe was completely tapped out and his introvert bubble shrunk to nothing. So we had to decline, bummer.

Tomorrow is the last day for Heffe. And my fingers better recover before Banz shows up.

That's awl.

Ha ha!! This is also great. Yes, Josh is an acquired taste I suppose. When people talk about Josh grain, josh oatmeal, or josh cruft, now you know what they mean! Grain showers for all.

it is worth pointing out that Way of Life and PG are rather new by josh standards and haven't been paddled up a 1000 times yet.

I wasn't there, but I bet the josh routes of the 80s had a lot more grain on them back in the early days. There is a good story by Randy on the Coarse and Buggy in mp, and that thing is now bullet.

I think I just sort of enjoy shitty routes now too. I think it's just that routes that aren't absolutely soaked in spray are just more interesting.

Well, that awl sounds pretty gud in theory....

but how iz that actually gunna werk? With yore balls in teh loyerette's purse fer safe keeping and the choke collar sinched up tight while she drags ewe around on a 3 foot leach?

I've actually got a nice little Friday planned up at the gee dub

Haven't climbed a lock in 3 weeks. I pulled something near the top of my calf during that cold snap while gym bouldering. Always the gym bouldering. Hopefully I haven't lost too much fitness.

Snupe what are you working on there these days? I'm thinking pres day or mortal Kombat, or whatever is open.

those would be my projects next time I'm back there. Presidents day is a harder crux, MK is probibly a harder rowt. MK has 40 or 50 ft. of continuous reasonably difficult moves with pretty mediocre rests in the middle of it; Presidents day has a pretty devious crux sequence; luckily Don was there to yell up beta. Both are gud.


Dec 26, 2013, 5:06 PM
Post #101727 of 105309 (4713 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [drivel] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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drivel wrote:
rapping in.

i miss you gheys. i got a jorb, starts in Jan. worked in a month of funemployment in between cryptobootcamp and realjobbing by putting my start date in the new year.

new overlords, huh?

merry christmas.

ewe should hitch a ride to teh gw with CI.


Dec 26, 2013, 5:08 PM
Post #101728 of 105309 (4712 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
Hmm, interesting!

I should be able to make Saturday. I have to pick up my new overlord at the airport. I think she arrives late so I can do the whole day.

Sunday I am scheduled to drive to Josh. Going to be there for a week. Need to figure out a day for a hole shot, overhanging slab, or NJC.

come to teh hole on gnu yearz.


Dec 26, 2013, 6:42 PM
Post #101729 of 105309 (4695 views)

Registered: Apr 22, 2010
Posts: 2459

Re: [curt] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
curt wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
curt wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Oh yes, the Legend got banzed from the taco... Twice!

Could be three times by now.


Joe never cood learn to fold on a bad hand and he cood be a pain in the ass sumtymes.

Still, I like Joe. Traveled and climbed with him a bunch and he did help keep those raging rite wingnut in check.

Roger that, in an appropriate and non-ball-cupping way.


heh.... Woodn't wunt it any other way.

and just fer teh record...

ov teh 99 things I wunt to due with whut's left ov my life, chasing ewe around tring to bust yore balls isn't won ov them.

Course, if teh opportunity ever came up to due a root with Kerwin, ewe and myself, even if it wus sumtin stupid or easy, that wood make my list ov things I wood wunt to due.

Count me in. Or, we could just take clamhead, snoppy and the other kids climbing and make fun of them.


clamhead is dead. camhead is still hear.


Dec 26, 2013, 6:46 PM
Post #101730 of 105309 (4691 views)

Registered: Apr 22, 2010
Posts: 2459

Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
camhead wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
I see teh Champ has scaled back his fasebuk spray to include less numbers.

Yeah, I had to do some research to find out what the didlio on his latest send was. Pretty rad, though!

What is a didlio?

sometimes they are large and black and coated in axe body spray. especially CI's didlio's.

heh, managed to miss some GU by not making a joke about BBDidlios.


Dec 26, 2013, 6:58 PM
Post #101731 of 105309 (4689 views)

Registered: Apr 22, 2010
Posts: 2459

Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
drivel wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
drivel wrote:
camhead wrote:
drivel wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
gonna be a weke end of blorting owt. heading to the stone beer fest on saturday, then sticking around SD to watch the mets-padres game on sunday. teh ABz will be there.

The Bastards! Well say hello from me and ask if I can borrow his drum set.

Drumming kin involve exersize...

might be best to ask if ewe kin borrow his backgammon bord?

Man, I am getting a ton of excercise these days, but the problem is so little of it involves actual rock. I have been doing a ton of
water skiing
gym climbing
flag boying

ugh. Not going to make it this weekend either.

You know, it's not that hard to go climbing.

That is true, but the loyerette has arranged a fine Brunch on Sunday. kind of spikes the weekend for climbing.

Ewe noes.... it wood be gud ifs we had sum sort ov rule that covered this kind ov situation....

Wait a minute....


well, it's more like a guideline but still.

Sumtymes climbing iz awl about disapoynting yore loved wons.

Try to pay attention?

She is very klever. She has befriended all my climbing partners, and they like her better than me. Plus she sent her email out early in the week. I like to organize my climbing on like late Thursday.

shakes hed....

yore like a total waste....

and what does teh girl being klever or making plans have anything to due with ewe screaming #16 as teh door slams behind ewe?

My advice, try to retive yore manhood from teh girls purse as soon as possible... though it's probibly way too late for ewe awlready.

as I reread CI's disgraceful post, I'm wondering ... are awl of his climber friends going to these brunches? If so, what teh fuk kind of climber friends does he have?

Yes, this iz korrect.... CI's post iz very confusing

It is tru. Loyerette has befirenderd teh gf/wife of my two main partners... and my two main partners. She is single handedly destroying all I hav bilt... with fine brunches.

This will knot end well...

Nau that ewe has caved, she noes, she has ewe on teh ropes. Teh ultamatum, quit climbing, gets married, has teh kids, iz next.

And we awl noes how well that werked owt fer AB... nau that he is saddled with teh twins.... his life iz over.

rip ab.

So as much as this mite sound harsh...

and possibly cause ewe sum heartache.

I recumend,

RUN!!!1 Run fast and run far. Due it nau, before it's two late fer ewe. Though I suspect, sadly, that ewe don't has teh courage to stand up to her or to run.

Still, that's my best advice.

i'm sure he can get divorced and go back to living in his van and climb all the time if he wanted.

Naw, that takes commitment. He'll NEEEEVER do it!

i was gonna reply to the one about wives that quit climbing with a quip about getting divorced and moving to the land of milk and honey and getting back into it. except I haven't actually gotten back into it yet. I'll get back to y'all on it wonce my boots get here.

Still sadened....

Course, when you do get back into it, you'll have to come visit us in the hole.

clawing my way back to having a life lately. maybe i'll even rock climb again.

Plenty ov roots and gud wether hear in sokat, cum visit. And ov course, wether permiting we will be up at teh GW every so often this winter and ewe are welcum to join us.

i'll have to see what I can do about my transportation situation. I'm carless in the citeh, and haven't really left it except by airplane. might need a zipcar membership or something.


Dec 26, 2013, 7:01 PM
Post #101732 of 105309 (4686 views)

Registered: Apr 22, 2010
Posts: 2459

Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
drivel wrote:
rapping in.

i miss you gheys. i got a jorb, starts in Jan. worked in a month of funemployment in between cryptobootcamp and realjobbing by putting my start date in the new year.

new overlords, huh?

merry christmas.

ewe should hitch a ride to teh gw with CI.

at present, I'm in fla with the fam*, and won't be back till new years.

wouldn't be christmas with the fam without duck dynasty, discussion/debate about welfare, "some of my best friends [in highschool] were black", "black on white racism", the republican party, "all politicians say stupid things", "no I'm pretty sure no Democrats have made stupid comments about 'legitimate rape'", abortion, abstinence-only sex ed, "teenagers with AA sex ed have higher rates of teen pregnancy, "well I think they should tell teenagers NOT to. it's bad for them." " 'they' do. our government spends millions and millions of dollars on AA sex ed." "No! everyone is like 'do it safely!' " "no. millions and millions of dollars." "CHRISTMAS. IT IS CHRISTMAS we're not doing this. I love you." "Love you too."

^^ multiple family members represented.


Dec 26, 2013, 7:04 PM
Post #101733 of 105309 (4683 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [drivel] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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drivel wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
drivel wrote:
rapping in.

i miss you gheys. i got a jorb, starts in Jan. worked in a month of funemployment in between cryptobootcamp and realjobbing by putting my start date in the new year.

new overlords, huh?

merry christmas.

ewe should hitch a ride to teh gw with CI.

at present, I'm in fla with the fam*, and won't be back till new years.

It'd be a long ride to teh gw.


Dec 26, 2013, 7:11 PM
Post #101734 of 105309 (4675 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [drivel] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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drivel wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
drivel wrote:
rapping in.

i miss you gheys. i got a jorb, starts in Jan. worked in a month of funemployment in between cryptobootcamp and realjobbing by putting my start date in the new year.

new overlords, huh?

merry christmas.

ewe should hitch a ride to teh gw with CI.

at present, I'm in fla with the fam*, and won't be back till new years.

wouldn't be christmas with the fam without duck dynasty, discussion/debate about welfare, "some of my best friends [in highschool] were black", "black on white racism", the republican party, "all politicians say stupid things", "no I'm pretty sure no Democrats have made stupid comments about 'legitimate rape'", abortion, abstinence-only sex ed, "teenagers with AA sex ed have higher rates of teen pregnancy, "well I think they should tell teenagers NOT to. it's bad for them." " 'they' do. our government spends millions and millions of dollars on AA sex ed." "No! everyone is like 'do it safely!' " "no. millions and millions of dollars." "CHRISTMAS. IT IS CHRISTMAS we're not doing this. I love you." "Love you too."

^^ multiple family members represented.

Sounds like great minds are solving the pressing issues of this country.

Someone linked a vid clip from rachel maddow on my fb the other day. It was this Ohio republican being interviewed by al jazeera. He's trying to push a bill to make abortion more restrictive.

The interviewer then asks the guy "Why do you think a woman would want an abortion?"

The guy just sputters for a minute, and then says, "you know, I have never thought about that."


Dec 26, 2013, 7:13 PM
Post #101735 of 105309 (4672 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
Well, we went up to teh gnu crag. Kinda a long, grulling approch but teh climbing was steller. Long roots on super fresh rock. I was so impressed that I left my pretty gnu 70 meter rope there so I dun't has to hump it back up. I wood have gone back up there on sunday, cept I cood barely walk teh next day.

Climbed with Lena, Jeff and snoppy in teh park on sunday, kinda cold in teh shade but we had fun. Ate pizza afterwards, while we waited fer snoppy to sort owt sum car problems.

Jtree report. Got to nomads just after 9, jack had already headed into the park. parked the car, grabbed lena & jeff, and packed everything into my car. went to start the car ... and the ignition was locked. wouldn't turn at all. steering column seemed locked also, so figured maybe it was that ... but would sort it out when we got back from climbing.

started on the Physical Graffiti ... that is a cool rowt, or at least I thought it was. some of the more reach-challenged folks perhaps did not agree. but for josh, definitely a 4-star rowt. while everybody was TRing the rowt, I went up teh mushroom carck and got jak to follow me ... shockingly, nobody else seemed overly interested in a grainy josh flared hand carck to offwidth. I scraped myself up a bit, showered jak with ball bearings, and zent.

next was the way of life. between physical graffiti and teh way uv life, Lena wasn't a huge fan of my traversing rowt choices. did not zend, my fat ass hung all over it. I think I need to spend enough time there to take a draw hang run and a redpoint run at some point.

walked from there over to teh big moe. the bolt anchor is back, swete. also, all agreed that it was a grate rowt. did some of the easy bouldering around there, called it a day. No C&J, oh well.

Back into town, jak tried the car, couldn't get it to work. Was going to have it towed via AAA to a lot, and have steph come out with my newer key, since that was jak's diagnosis. the tow truck guy did the same jiggling of the steering wheel, brake, and key and got it to turn on. swete! At that point, there was no way I was turning my car off until I got home, so I hopped in, parked in front of pie for the people with the car running, said bye real quick, and drove home. had a slight need to take a piss, but it never got worse, and I had a nalgene in the car if necessary. seems like the right move, because when I got home I parked with the wheels straight, the steering column not locked up, and the key wouldn't turn at all. with my other key (nearly unused), ignition turns just fine. hate to admit it, but jak seems to have been right.

Good times. Physical Graffiti is one of the better routes in josh, and certainly a good call on a cold day. Way of Life is a sprint, I think having the draws up would be a key to sending that thing. I opted to pass on the Mushroom Crack. If you want more heinous grain over there, check out Master and Servant.

I have to deal with the locked up steering wheel thing all the time because I park on a hill. Usually cranking hard on the wheel and stomping the brake does the trick. Never heard of the key thing, that is weird.

I'll have to defer to Josh connoisseurs about Physical Grafitti. I thought it was reachy crumbly crap. I really appreciated Jacks beta about how I should pick a spot where I want to put my foot, and then wiggle the toe and grind things down until they aren't crumbling anymore, and then put my foot there. It is good to know, for sure. But, I mean, if I want to make new footholds for myself on every step, I'll just go ice climbing.

Way of life wasn't my way, either. The first 3 bolts were fun though... But Big Moe was super-fun, and the first route of the day that wasn't all crumbly. I am learning to really appreciate the rock that is not crumbling.

Found a bunch of really solid rock while bouldering today. Played around on Caveman, but only sent the V3 finish. Then played around on Pigpen -- OMG, what a fun problem! Didn't do the whole thing, but the finish crack was fun. Then we went back to Gunsmoke, and tried the High Noon. It was fun, too, but the topout is scary and we didn't do it.

Met a really nice guy there, and stuck together for the rest of the day. Tried Streetcar Named Desire, and the Chube. Got sick and tired of scary topouts, did some fun no-star V0-V2s around the same area, then went back to Gunsmoke and killed ourselves doing laps. Then the guy said he lived just outside the park, and invited us over for dinner, but at that point Heffe was completely tapped out and his introvert bubble shrunk to nothing. So we had to decline, bummer.

Tomorrow is the last day for Heffe. And my fingers better recover before Banz shows up.

That's awl.

Ha ha!! This is also great. Yes, Josh is an acquired taste I suppose. When people talk about Josh grain, josh oatmeal, or josh cruft, now you know what they mean! Grain showers for all.

it is worth pointing out that Way of Life and PG are rather new by josh standards and haven't been paddled up a 1000 times yet.

I wasn't there, but I bet the josh routes of the 80s had a lot more grain on them back in the early days. There is a good story by Randy on the Coarse and Buggy in mp, and that thing is now bullet.

I think I just sort of enjoy shitty routes now too. I think it's just that routes that aren't absolutely soaked in spray are just more interesting.

Well, that awl sounds pretty gud in theory....

but how iz that actually gunna werk? With yore balls in teh loyerette's purse fer safe keeping and the choke collar sinched up tight while she drags ewe around on a 3 foot leach?

I've actually got a nice little Friday planned up at the gee dub

Haven't climbed a lock in 3 weeks. I pulled something near the top of my calf during that cold snap while gym bouldering. Always the gym bouldering. Hopefully I haven't lost too much fitness.

Snupe what are you working on there these days? I'm thinking pres day or mortal Kombat, or whatever is open.

those would be my projects next time I'm back there. Presidents day is a harder crux, MK is probibly a harder rowt. MK has 40 or 50 ft. of continuous reasonably difficult moves with pretty mediocre rests in the middle of it; Presidents day has a pretty devious crux sequence; luckily Don was there to yell up beta. Both are gud.

What did you get on last time you were there?

THe biggest problem with press day is that there is always someone else on it.


Dec 26, 2013, 8:15 PM
Post #101736 of 105309 (4653 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
Well, we went up to teh gnu crag. Kinda a long, grulling approch but teh climbing was steller. Long roots on super fresh rock. I was so impressed that I left my pretty gnu 70 meter rope there so I dun't has to hump it back up. I wood have gone back up there on sunday, cept I cood barely walk teh next day.

Climbed with Lena, Jeff and snoppy in teh park on sunday, kinda cold in teh shade but we had fun. Ate pizza afterwards, while we waited fer snoppy to sort owt sum car problems.

Jtree report. Got to nomads just after 9, jack had already headed into the park. parked the car, grabbed lena & jeff, and packed everything into my car. went to start the car ... and the ignition was locked. wouldn't turn at all. steering column seemed locked also, so figured maybe it was that ... but would sort it out when we got back from climbing.

started on the Physical Graffiti ... that is a cool rowt, or at least I thought it was. some of the more reach-challenged folks perhaps did not agree. but for josh, definitely a 4-star rowt. while everybody was TRing the rowt, I went up teh mushroom carck and got jak to follow me ... shockingly, nobody else seemed overly interested in a grainy josh flared hand carck to offwidth. I scraped myself up a bit, showered jak with ball bearings, and zent.

next was the way of life. between physical graffiti and teh way uv life, Lena wasn't a huge fan of my traversing rowt choices. did not zend, my fat ass hung all over it. I think I need to spend enough time there to take a draw hang run and a redpoint run at some point.

walked from there over to teh big moe. the bolt anchor is back, swete. also, all agreed that it was a grate rowt. did some of the easy bouldering around there, called it a day. No C&J, oh well.

Back into town, jak tried the car, couldn't get it to work. Was going to have it towed via AAA to a lot, and have steph come out with my newer key, since that was jak's diagnosis. the tow truck guy did the same jiggling of the steering wheel, brake, and key and got it to turn on. swete! At that point, there was no way I was turning my car off until I got home, so I hopped in, parked in front of pie for the people with the car running, said bye real quick, and drove home. had a slight need to take a piss, but it never got worse, and I had a nalgene in the car if necessary. seems like the right move, because when I got home I parked with the wheels straight, the steering column not locked up, and the key wouldn't turn at all. with my other key (nearly unused), ignition turns just fine. hate to admit it, but jak seems to have been right.

Good times. Physical Graffiti is one of the better routes in josh, and certainly a good call on a cold day. Way of Life is a sprint, I think having the draws up would be a key to sending that thing. I opted to pass on the Mushroom Crack. If you want more heinous grain over there, check out Master and Servant.

I have to deal with the locked up steering wheel thing all the time because I park on a hill. Usually cranking hard on the wheel and stomping the brake does the trick. Never heard of the key thing, that is weird.

I'll have to defer to Josh connoisseurs about Physical Grafitti. I thought it was reachy crumbly crap. I really appreciated Jacks beta about how I should pick a spot where I want to put my foot, and then wiggle the toe and grind things down until they aren't crumbling anymore, and then put my foot there. It is good to know, for sure. But, I mean, if I want to make new footholds for myself on every step, I'll just go ice climbing.

Way of life wasn't my way, either. The first 3 bolts were fun though... But Big Moe was super-fun, and the first route of the day that wasn't all crumbly. I am learning to really appreciate the rock that is not crumbling.

Found a bunch of really solid rock while bouldering today. Played around on Caveman, but only sent the V3 finish. Then played around on Pigpen -- OMG, what a fun problem! Didn't do the whole thing, but the finish crack was fun. Then we went back to Gunsmoke, and tried the High Noon. It was fun, too, but the topout is scary and we didn't do it.

Met a really nice guy there, and stuck together for the rest of the day. Tried Streetcar Named Desire, and the Chube. Got sick and tired of scary topouts, did some fun no-star V0-V2s around the same area, then went back to Gunsmoke and killed ourselves doing laps. Then the guy said he lived just outside the park, and invited us over for dinner, but at that point Heffe was completely tapped out and his introvert bubble shrunk to nothing. So we had to decline, bummer.

Tomorrow is the last day for Heffe. And my fingers better recover before Banz shows up.

That's awl.

Ha ha!! This is also great. Yes, Josh is an acquired taste I suppose. When people talk about Josh grain, josh oatmeal, or josh cruft, now you know what they mean! Grain showers for all.

it is worth pointing out that Way of Life and PG are rather new by josh standards and haven't been paddled up a 1000 times yet.

I wasn't there, but I bet the josh routes of the 80s had a lot more grain on them back in the early days. There is a good story by Randy on the Coarse and Buggy in mp, and that thing is now bullet.

I think I just sort of enjoy shitty routes now too. I think it's just that routes that aren't absolutely soaked in spray are just more interesting.

Well, that awl sounds pretty gud in theory....

but how iz that actually gunna werk? With yore balls in teh loyerette's purse fer safe keeping and the choke collar sinched up tight while she drags ewe around on a 3 foot leach?

I've actually got a nice little Friday planned up at the gee dub

Haven't climbed a lock in 3 weeks. I pulled something near the top of my calf during that cold snap while gym bouldering. Always the gym bouldering. Hopefully I haven't lost too much fitness.

Snupe what are you working on there these days? I'm thinking pres day or mortal Kombat, or whatever is open.

those would be my projects next time I'm back there. Presidents day is a harder crux, MK is probibly a harder rowt. MK has 40 or 50 ft. of continuous reasonably difficult moves with pretty mediocre rests in the middle of it; Presidents day has a pretty devious crux sequence; luckily Don was there to yell up beta. Both are gud.

What did you get on last time you were there?

THe biggest problem with press day is that there is always someone else on it.

luckily, there were never more than 15 people at the entire carg over t-day weke end, so we could get on whatever we wanted.

Day 1, we did gold card, stacked deck, and aurum. I did a half run on MK. didn't think aurum was as good as some of the other 12s, also has a pretty tough crux sequence.

Day 2, Deliverance, Subdivisions, Mortal Kombat, Hidden Treasures. Did HT last, fell off at the last move on the onsight attempt.

Day 3, something between gold card and deliverance, Hidden Treasures, Mortal Kombat (just one last run), Presidents Day. Took a lead and then a TR run on Pres Day, but was thoroughly done by the TR burn in the sun. FYI, stick clip the 2nd bolt on Pres Day, very tenuous moves down low on that thing.


Dec 27, 2013, 2:48 AM
Post #101737 of 105309 (4630 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
Posts: 6087

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
drivel wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
drivel wrote:
rapping in.

i miss you gheys. i got a jorb, starts in Jan. worked in a month of funemployment in between cryptobootcamp and realjobbing by putting my start date in the new year.

new overlords, huh?

merry christmas.

ewe should hitch a ride to teh gw with CI.

at present, I'm in fla with the fam*, and won't be back till new years.

wouldn't be christmas with the fam without duck dynasty, discussion/debate about welfare, "some of my best friends [in highschool] were black", "black on white racism", the republican party, "all politicians say stupid things", "no I'm pretty sure no Democrats have made stupid comments about 'legitimate rape'", abortion, abstinence-only sex ed, "teenagers with AA sex ed have higher rates of teen pregnancy, "well I think they should tell teenagers NOT to. it's bad for them." " 'they' do. our government spends millions and millions of dollars on AA sex ed." "No! everyone is like 'do it safely!' " "no. millions and millions of dollars." "CHRISTMAS. IT IS CHRISTMAS we're not doing this. I love you." "Love you too."

^^ multiple family members represented.

Sounds like great minds are solving the pressing issues of this country.

Someone linked a vid clip from rachel maddow on my fb the other day. It was this Ohio republican being interviewed by al jazeera. He's trying to push a bill to make abortion more restrictive.

The interviewer then asks the guy "Why do you think a woman would want an abortion?"

The guy just sputters for a minute, and then says, "you know, I have never thought about that."

Nice! it is amazing how many people go with the "I never really thought about that" answer. not abortion related, but during the government shutdown, there was a tea-party idiot being interviewed on NPR, who went on saying how "if all those people are non-essential and can go on a leave during government shutdown, we should just fire them outright, and be done with it". The interviewer them mentioned couple of those "non-essential" jobs and got the teabagger to admit that yeah, he does kinda use those services sometimes. And thne he asked him to think how that employee is coping, without a paycheck. And it was the exact same response, after couple seconds of dead silence/ "You know, it never really crossed my mind. But I am sure they are just fine, if they were smart and planned ahead"

And drivel, those family discussions must be entertaining to watch, from an uninvolved observer kind of place. Being part of it... not so fun, in beat-head-against-the-wall kind of way.


Dec 27, 2013, 2:59 AM
Post #101738 of 105309 (4629 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
Posts: 6087

Re: [lena_chita] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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Oh, and the TR update. Made it back to Vegas, successfully exchanged Heffe for Banz. All flights were on time, for a change, everyone made it to their intended destinations. Heffe left in the morning, and Banz arrived in the evening, so I spent the day doing nothing in particular.

Today we headed out to UT. Stopped at VRG on the way. I really wanted to like the place, but didn't really. It was cold, super-windy, and very loud. The belay ledge is a 45degree sloping ramp about 5 feet wide, steepening and plummeting down to a highway about 500 feet below. The highlight of the visit was a little baby bat that was sitting on the rock all by it lonesome self. I took some pics. Dunno if it fell out and was injured, or something. but it didn't seem too upset about anything, just sleeping there, and occasionally wiggling.

After couple routes we decided to say screw it, and drove all the way to St George. spent the afternoon climbing soft red rock. It was sunny, and warm, and nice.


Dec 27, 2013, 3:24 AM
Post #101739 of 105309 (4623 views)

Registered: Apr 22, 2010
Posts: 2459

Re: [lena_chita] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
Oh, and the TR update. Made it back to Vegas, successfully exchanged Heffe for Banz. All flights were on time, for a change, everyone made it to their intended destinations. Heffe left in the morning, and Banz arrived in the evening, so I spent the day doing nothing in particular.

Today we headed out to UT. Stopped at VRG on the way. I really wanted to like the place, but didn't really. It was cold, super-windy, and very loud. The belay ledge is a 45degree sloping ramp about 5 feet wide, steepening and plummeting down to a highway about 500 feet below. The highlight of the visit was a little baby bat that was sitting on the rock all by it lonesome self. I took some pics. Dunno if it fell out and was injured, or something. but it didn't seem too upset about anything, just sleeping there, and occasionally wiggling.

After couple routes we decided to say screw it, and drove all the way to St George. spent the afternoon climbing soft red rock. It was sunny, and warm, and nice.

my GU is a little weke... check group?


Dec 27, 2013, 4:01 AM
Post #101740 of 105309 (4611 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Hmm, interesting!

I should be able to make Saturday. I have to pick up my new overlord at the airport. I think she arrives late so I can do the whole day.

Sunday I am scheduled to drive to Josh. Going to be there for a week. Need to figure out a day for a hole shot, overhanging slab, or NJC.

come to teh hole on gnu yearz.

who iz going to teh hole with ewe?


Dec 27, 2013, 4:44 AM
Post #101741 of 105309 (4604 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

Re: [drivel] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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drivel wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
drivel wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
drivel wrote:
camhead wrote:
drivel wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
gonna be a weke end of blorting owt. heading to the stone beer fest on saturday, then sticking around SD to watch the mets-padres game on sunday. teh ABz will be there.

The Bastards! Well say hello from me and ask if I can borrow his drum set.

Drumming kin involve exersize...

might be best to ask if ewe kin borrow his backgammon bord?

Man, I am getting a ton of excercise these days, but the problem is so little of it involves actual rock. I have been doing a ton of
water skiing
gym climbing
flag boying

ugh. Not going to make it this weekend either.

You know, it's not that hard to go climbing.

That is true, but the loyerette has arranged a fine Brunch on Sunday. kind of spikes the weekend for climbing.

Ewe noes.... it wood be gud ifs we had sum sort ov rule that covered this kind ov situation....

Wait a minute....


well, it's more like a guideline but still.

Sumtymes climbing iz awl about disapoynting yore loved wons.

Try to pay attention?

She is very klever. She has befriended all my climbing partners, and they like her better than me. Plus she sent her email out early in the week. I like to organize my climbing on like late Thursday.

shakes hed....

yore like a total waste....

and what does teh girl being klever or making plans have anything to due with ewe screaming #16 as teh door slams behind ewe?

My advice, try to retive yore manhood from teh girls purse as soon as possible... though it's probibly way too late for ewe awlready.

as I reread CI's disgraceful post, I'm wondering ... are awl of his climber friends going to these brunches? If so, what teh fuk kind of climber friends does he have?

Yes, this iz korrect.... CI's post iz very confusing

It is tru. Loyerette has befirenderd teh gf/wife of my two main partners... and my two main partners. She is single handedly destroying all I hav bilt... with fine brunches.

This will knot end well...

Nau that ewe has caved, she noes, she has ewe on teh ropes. Teh ultamatum, quit climbing, gets married, has teh kids, iz next.

And we awl noes how well that werked owt fer AB... nau that he is saddled with teh twins.... his life iz over.

rip ab.

So as much as this mite sound harsh...

and possibly cause ewe sum heartache.

I recumend,

RUN!!!1 Run fast and run far. Due it nau, before it's two late fer ewe. Though I suspect, sadly, that ewe don't has teh courage to stand up to her or to run.

Still, that's my best advice.

i'm sure he can get divorced and go back to living in his van and climb all the time if he wanted.

Naw, that takes commitment. He'll NEEEEVER do it!

i was gonna reply to the one about wives that quit climbing with a quip about getting divorced and moving to the land of milk and honey and getting back into it. except I haven't actually gotten back into it yet. I'll get back to y'all on it wonce my boots get here.

Still sadened....

Course, when you do get back into it, you'll have to come visit us in the hole.

clawing my way back to having a life lately. maybe i'll even rock climb again.

Plenty ov roots and gud wether hear in sokat, cum visit. And ov course, wether permiting we will be up at teh GW every so often this winter and ewe are welcum to join us.

i'll have to see what I can do about my transportation situation. I'm carless in the citeh, and haven't really left it except by airplane. might need a zipcar membership or something.

Knot sure whut a zipcar iz and teh bhey iz way two far oft my root to teh GW to pick ewe up....

However, ifs ewe wunted to and cood find a cheap flight to Ontario airport C-ya or I cood pick ewe up. C-ya passes rite by it to gets to teh hole and I pass rite by it on my way to NJC, teh Slightly overhang slabby area and Josh. We climb every weekend and on awl holidays.

course, with yore gnu jorb, ewe cood buy a car.


Dec 27, 2013, 1:17 PM
Post #101742 of 105309 (4588 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
Well, we went up to teh gnu crag. Kinda a long, grulling approch but teh climbing was steller. Long roots on super fresh rock. I was so impressed that I left my pretty gnu 70 meter rope there so I dun't has to hump it back up. I wood have gone back up there on sunday, cept I cood barely walk teh next day.

Climbed with Lena, Jeff and snoppy in teh park on sunday, kinda cold in teh shade but we had fun. Ate pizza afterwards, while we waited fer snoppy to sort owt sum car problems.

Jtree report. Got to nomads just after 9, jack had already headed into the park. parked the car, grabbed lena & jeff, and packed everything into my car. went to start the car ... and the ignition was locked. wouldn't turn at all. steering column seemed locked also, so figured maybe it was that ... but would sort it out when we got back from climbing.

started on the Physical Graffiti ... that is a cool rowt, or at least I thought it was. some of the more reach-challenged folks perhaps did not agree. but for josh, definitely a 4-star rowt. while everybody was TRing the rowt, I went up teh mushroom carck and got jak to follow me ... shockingly, nobody else seemed overly interested in a grainy josh flared hand carck to offwidth. I scraped myself up a bit, showered jak with ball bearings, and zent.

next was the way of life. between physical graffiti and teh way uv life, Lena wasn't a huge fan of my traversing rowt choices. did not zend, my fat ass hung all over it. I think I need to spend enough time there to take a draw hang run and a redpoint run at some point.

walked from there over to teh big moe. the bolt anchor is back, swete. also, all agreed that it was a grate rowt. did some of the easy bouldering around there, called it a day. No C&J, oh well.

Back into town, jak tried the car, couldn't get it to work. Was going to have it towed via AAA to a lot, and have steph come out with my newer key, since that was jak's diagnosis. the tow truck guy did the same jiggling of the steering wheel, brake, and key and got it to turn on. swete! At that point, there was no way I was turning my car off until I got home, so I hopped in, parked in front of pie for the people with the car running, said bye real quick, and drove home. had a slight need to take a piss, but it never got worse, and I had a nalgene in the car if necessary. seems like the right move, because when I got home I parked with the wheels straight, the steering column not locked up, and the key wouldn't turn at all. with my other key (nearly unused), ignition turns just fine. hate to admit it, but jak seems to have been right.

That sounds like the problem we had with my old Alero. Would do some key recognition stuff and would periodically lock the car out on me. There was a procedure to clear the issue, but it meant sitting around for 10 min before trying to restart it again.

It's a stupid system. Snoop, you have a Corolla or some such, don't you? I'm surprised Toyota would have the same stupid security system.


Dec 27, 2013, 1:18 PM
Post #101743 of 105309 (4588 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
Got the day off but I'm on call for the works.

Going to head to the beach with the dogs to surf. good times.

You have more than one now?


Dec 27, 2013, 1:37 PM
Post #101744 of 105309 (4583 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

Re: [caughtinside] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
drivel wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
drivel wrote:
rapping in.

i miss you gheys. i got a jorb, starts in Jan. worked in a month of funemployment in between cryptobootcamp and realjobbing by putting my start date in the new year.

new overlords, huh?

merry christmas.

ewe should hitch a ride to teh gw with CI.

at present, I'm in fla with the fam*, and won't be back till new years.

wouldn't be christmas with the fam without duck dynasty, discussion/debate about welfare, "some of my best friends [in highschool] were black", "black on white racism", the republican party, "all politicians say stupid things", "no I'm pretty sure no Democrats have made stupid comments about 'legitimate rape'", abortion, abstinence-only sex ed, "teenagers with AA sex ed have higher rates of teen pregnancy, "well I think they should tell teenagers NOT to. it's bad for them." " 'they' do. our government spends millions and millions of dollars on AA sex ed." "No! everyone is like 'do it safely!' " "no. millions and millions of dollars." "CHRISTMAS. IT IS CHRISTMAS we're not doing this. I love you." "Love you too."

^^ multiple family members represented.

Sounds like great minds are solving the pressing issues of this country.

Someone linked a vid clip from rachel maddow on my fb the other day. It was this Ohio republican being interviewed by al jazeera. He's trying to push a bill to make abortion more restrictive.

The interviewer then asks the guy "Why do you think a woman would want an abortion?"

The guy just sputters for a minute, and then says, "you know, I have never thought about that."

Mind blowing.


Dec 27, 2013, 1:40 PM
Post #101745 of 105309 (4579 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
drivel wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
drivel wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
drivel wrote:
camhead wrote:
drivel wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
gonna be a weke end of blorting owt. heading to the stone beer fest on saturday, then sticking around SD to watch the mets-padres game on sunday. teh ABz will be there.

The Bastards! Well say hello from me and ask if I can borrow his drum set.

Drumming kin involve exersize...

might be best to ask if ewe kin borrow his backgammon bord?

Man, I am getting a ton of excercise these days, but the problem is so little of it involves actual rock. I have been doing a ton of
water skiing
gym climbing
flag boying

ugh. Not going to make it this weekend either.

You know, it's not that hard to go climbing.

That is true, but the loyerette has arranged a fine Brunch on Sunday. kind of spikes the weekend for climbing.

Ewe noes.... it wood be gud ifs we had sum sort ov rule that covered this kind ov situation....

Wait a minute....


well, it's more like a guideline but still.

Sumtymes climbing iz awl about disapoynting yore loved wons.

Try to pay attention?

She is very klever. She has befriended all my climbing partners, and they like her better than me. Plus she sent her email out early in the week. I like to organize my climbing on like late Thursday.

shakes hed....

yore like a total waste....

and what does teh girl being klever or making plans have anything to due with ewe screaming #16 as teh door slams behind ewe?

My advice, try to retive yore manhood from teh girls purse as soon as possible... though it's probibly way too late for ewe awlready.

as I reread CI's disgraceful post, I'm wondering ... are awl of his climber friends going to these brunches? If so, what teh fuk kind of climber friends does he have?

Yes, this iz korrect.... CI's post iz very confusing

It is tru. Loyerette has befirenderd teh gf/wife of my two main partners... and my two main partners. She is single handedly destroying all I hav bilt... with fine brunches.

This will knot end well...

Nau that ewe has caved, she noes, she has ewe on teh ropes. Teh ultamatum, quit climbing, gets married, has teh kids, iz next.

And we awl noes how well that werked owt fer AB... nau that he is saddled with teh twins.... his life iz over.

rip ab.

So as much as this mite sound harsh...

and possibly cause ewe sum heartache.

I recumend,

RUN!!!1 Run fast and run far. Due it nau, before it's two late fer ewe. Though I suspect, sadly, that ewe don't has teh courage to stand up to her or to run.

Still, that's my best advice.

i'm sure he can get divorced and go back to living in his van and climb all the time if he wanted.

Naw, that takes commitment. He'll NEEEEVER do it!

i was gonna reply to the one about wives that quit climbing with a quip about getting divorced and moving to the land of milk and honey and getting back into it. except I haven't actually gotten back into it yet. I'll get back to y'all on it wonce my boots get here.

Still sadened....

Course, when you do get back into it, you'll have to come visit us in the hole.

clawing my way back to having a life lately. maybe i'll even rock climb again.

Plenty ov roots and gud wether hear in sokat, cum visit. And ov course, wether permiting we will be up at teh GW every so often this winter and ewe are welcum to join us.

i'll have to see what I can do about my transportation situation. I'm carless in the citeh, and haven't really left it except by airplane. might need a zipcar membership or something.

Knot sure whut a zipcar iz and teh bhey iz way two far oft my root to teh GW to pick ewe up....

However, ifs ewe wunted to and cood find a cheap flight to Ontario airport C-ya or I cood pick ewe up. C-ya passes rite by it to gets to teh hole and I pass rite by it on my way to NJC, teh Slightly overhang slabby area and Josh. We climb every weekend and on awl holidays.

course, with yore gnu jorb, ewe cood buy a car.

You cali guys still screw me up when you talk about Ontario sometimes.


Dec 27, 2013, 1:42 PM
Post #101746 of 105309 (4577 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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Haven't been doing much posting this December. Bozeman was fun, but it was a lot of work for the climbing we got in. Just got back from Minnesota last night, Nathan has to work today so I'm hoping to get dressed soon and make my way up to the passport office to get mine renewed.


Dec 27, 2013, 5:12 PM
Post #101747 of 105309 (4560 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Hmm, interesting!

I should be able to make Saturday. I have to pick up my new overlord at the airport. I think she arrives late so I can do the whole day.

Sunday I am scheduled to drive to Josh. Going to be there for a week. Need to figure out a day for a hole shot, overhanging slab, or NJC.

come to teh hole on gnu yearz.

who iz going to teh hole with ewe?

I haz no real plans at this point.


Dec 27, 2013, 5:13 PM
Post #101748 of 105309 (4559 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [tripperjm] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Hmm, interesting!

I should be able to make Saturday. I have to pick up my new overlord at the airport. I think she arrives late so I can do the whole day.

Sunday I am scheduled to drive to Josh. Going to be there for a week. Need to figure out a day for a hole shot, overhanging slab, or NJC.

come to teh hole on gnu yearz.

who iz going to teh hole with ewe?

although I am heading there tomorrow with cody.


Dec 27, 2013, 5:14 PM
Post #101749 of 105309 (4555 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2004
Posts: 28992

Re: [granite_grrl] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
drivel wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
drivel wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
drivel wrote:
camhead wrote:
drivel wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
gonna be a weke end of blorting owt. heading to the stone beer fest on saturday, then sticking around SD to watch the mets-padres game on sunday. teh ABz will be there.

The Bastards! Well say hello from me and ask if I can borrow his drum set.

Drumming kin involve exersize...

might be best to ask if ewe kin borrow his backgammon bord?

Man, I am getting a ton of excercise these days, but the problem is so little of it involves actual rock. I have been doing a ton of
water skiing
gym climbing
flag boying

ugh. Not going to make it this weekend either.

You know, it's not that hard to go climbing.

That is true, but the loyerette has arranged a fine Brunch on Sunday. kind of spikes the weekend for climbing.

Ewe noes.... it wood be gud ifs we had sum sort ov rule that covered this kind ov situation....

Wait a minute....


well, it's more like a guideline but still.

Sumtymes climbing iz awl about disapoynting yore loved wons.

Try to pay attention?

She is very klever. She has befriended all my climbing partners, and they like her better than me. Plus she sent her email out early in the week. I like to organize my climbing on like late Thursday.

shakes hed....

yore like a total waste....

and what does teh girl being klever or making plans have anything to due with ewe screaming #16 as teh door slams behind ewe?

My advice, try to retive yore manhood from teh girls purse as soon as possible... though it's probibly way too late for ewe awlready.

as I reread CI's disgraceful post, I'm wondering ... are awl of his climber friends going to these brunches? If so, what teh fuk kind of climber friends does he have?

Yes, this iz korrect.... CI's post iz very confusing

It is tru. Loyerette has befirenderd teh gf/wife of my two main partners... and my two main partners. She is single handedly destroying all I hav bilt... with fine brunches.

This will knot end well...

Nau that ewe has caved, she noes, she has ewe on teh ropes. Teh ultamatum, quit climbing, gets married, has teh kids, iz next.

And we awl noes how well that werked owt fer AB... nau that he is saddled with teh twins.... his life iz over.

rip ab.

So as much as this mite sound harsh...

and possibly cause ewe sum heartache.

I recumend,

RUN!!!1 Run fast and run far. Due it nau, before it's two late fer ewe. Though I suspect, sadly, that ewe don't has teh courage to stand up to her or to run.

Still, that's my best advice.

i'm sure he can get divorced and go back to living in his van and climb all the time if he wanted.

Naw, that takes commitment. He'll NEEEEVER do it!

i was gonna reply to the one about wives that quit climbing with a quip about getting divorced and moving to the land of milk and honey and getting back into it. except I haven't actually gotten back into it yet. I'll get back to y'all on it wonce my boots get here.

Still sadened....

Course, when you do get back into it, you'll have to come visit us in the hole.

clawing my way back to having a life lately. maybe i'll even rock climb again.

Plenty ov roots and gud wether hear in sokat, cum visit. And ov course, wether permiting we will be up at teh GW every so often this winter and ewe are welcum to join us.

i'll have to see what I can do about my transportation situation. I'm carless in the citeh, and haven't really left it except by airplane. might need a zipcar membership or something.

Knot sure whut a zipcar iz and teh bhey iz way two far oft my root to teh GW to pick ewe up....

However, ifs ewe wunted to and cood find a cheap flight to Ontario airport C-ya or I cood pick ewe up. C-ya passes rite by it to gets to teh hole and I pass rite by it on my way to NJC, teh Slightly overhang slabby area and Josh. We climb every weekend and on awl holidays.

course, with yore gnu jorb, ewe cood buy a car.

You cali guys still screw me up when you talk about Ontario sometimes.

It's Ontario, CA.


Dec 27, 2013, 8:31 PM
Post #101750 of 105309 (4539 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

Re: [snoopy138] You are not wanted here. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
drivel wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
drivel wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
drivel wrote:
camhead wrote:
drivel wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
gonna be a weke end of blorting owt. heading to the stone beer fest on saturday, then sticking around SD to watch the mets-padres game on sunday. teh ABz will be there.

The Bastards! Well say hello from me and ask if I can borrow his drum set.

Drumming kin involve exersize...

might be best to ask if ewe kin borrow his backgammon bord?

Man, I am getting a ton of excercise these days, but the problem is so little of it involves actual rock. I have been doing a ton of
water skiing
gym climbing
flag boying

ugh. Not going to make it this weekend either.

You know, it's not that hard to go climbing.

That is true, but the loyerette has arranged a fine Brunch on Sunday. kind of spikes the weekend for climbing.

Ewe noes.... it wood be gud ifs we had sum sort ov rule that covered this kind ov situation....

Wait a minute....


well, it's more like a guideline but still.

Sumtymes climbing iz awl about disapoynting yore loved wons.

Try to pay attention?

She is very klever. She has befriended all my climbing partners, and they like her better than me. Plus she sent her email out early in the week. I like to organize my climbing on like late Thursday.

shakes hed....

yore like a total waste....

and what does teh girl being klever or making plans have anything to due with ewe screaming #16 as teh door slams behind ewe?

My advice, try to retive yore manhood from teh girls purse as soon as possible... though it's probibly way too late for ewe awlready.

as I reread CI's disgraceful post, I'm wondering ... are awl of his climber friends going to these brunches? If so, what teh fuk kind of climber friends does he have?

Yes, this iz korrect.... CI's post iz very confusing

It is tru. Loyerette has befirenderd teh gf/wife of my two main partners... and my two main partners. She is single handedly destroying all I hav bilt... with fine brunches.

This will knot end well...

Nau that ewe has caved, she noes, she has ewe on teh ropes. Teh ultamatum, quit climbing, gets married, has teh kids, iz next.

And we awl noes how well that werked owt fer AB... nau that he is saddled with teh twins.... his life iz over.

rip ab.

So as much as this mite sound harsh...

and possibly cause ewe sum heartache.

I recumend,

RUN!!!1 Run fast and run far. Due it nau, before it's two late fer ewe. Though I suspect, sadly, that ewe don't has teh courage to stand up to her or to run.

Still, that's my best advice.

i'm sure he can get divorced and go back to living in his van and climb all the time if he wanted.

Naw, that takes commitment. He'll NEEEEVER do it!

i was gonna reply to the one about wives that quit climbing with a quip about getting divorced and moving to the land of milk and honey and getting back into it. except I haven't actually gotten back into it yet. I'll get back to y'all on it wonce my boots get here.

Still sadened....

Course, when you do get back into it, you'll have to come visit us in the hole.

clawing my way back to having a life lately. maybe i'll even rock climb again.

Plenty ov roots and gud wether hear in sokat, cum visit. And ov course, wether permiting we will be up at teh GW every so often this winter and ewe are welcum to join us.

i'll have to see what I can do about my transportation situation. I'm carless in the citeh, and haven't really left it except by airplane. might need a zipcar membership or something.

Knot sure whut a zipcar iz and teh bhey iz way two far oft my root to teh GW to pick ewe up....

However, ifs ewe wunted to and cood find a cheap flight to Ontario airport C-ya or I cood pick ewe up. C-ya passes rite by it to gets to teh hole and I pass rite by it on my way to NJC, teh Slightly overhang slabby area and Josh. We climb every weekend and on awl holidays.

course, with yore gnu jorb, ewe cood buy a car.

You cali guys still screw me up when you talk about Ontario sometimes.

It's Ontario, CA.

I fully understand this, you did some lawyer testing there years ago.

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