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Mar 31, 2004, 10:12 PM
Post #26 of 93 (1283 views)


Re: Girlfriends [In reply to]
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Don't even get me started on this topic. The problems with having all male friends (like they realize you won't ever sleep with them & decide to not be your friend anymore)...

I finally have some good female friends, but NOT outdoorsy. I took a couple female friends to Yosemite last year & had to pitch the tent, build the fire, etc- they'd never even camped before. One SLEEPS IN A BRA. Frustrating.

And my closest friend & I drove cross-country & back for 3 weeks last summer & I had to talk her into peeing on the side of the road. She was utterly disgusted. She had never peed outside in her life. She's 42. Unbelievable. I had the time of my life, driving straight through the night, living on coffee, not showering, sleeping at truck stops & stealing campsites... :) But I digress.

I'm in LA too- let's go get dirty! My dream is to someday have a group of girls that I'm close enough with that we can do female-bonding road trips & not have to sleep in a friggin' motel. And ideally, climb.

Partner missedyno

Apr 1, 2004, 1:25 PM
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So yeah, hardcore chicks? We exist. The fact that most of us seem to dismiss other women as girly and shallow on sight probably has a lot to do with the fact that people can't seem to find us. There are definitely more men in the sport than women, and I think to a large degree it's because their gender gives them the edge in most cases. But I've never let that stop me before. ^_^

I think this may be the case... i'm very judgemental of other women, and normally my assumption is that they're "girly". hmmm. perhaps all the other hardcores think the same of me....


May 3, 2004, 6:04 AM
Post #28 of 93 (7629 views)

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i definitely think finding cool climbing girlfriends just takes time. It's hard for me to relate to other girls who get into climbing w/ their b.f. and just kind of tag along. All the girls that i climb with got into climbing on their own, and have done it for a long time. I never had a problem meeting cool climber girls in CO and now in CA, though when i lived in Washington DC, i never had girl climbing partners.

And it still bums me out that the majority of my climbing partners are guys. Sometimes the testoserone gets old and then there are all the additional issues (like attraction to your partner or the guy realizing you won't sleep w/ him or i lose a good climbing partner b/c his wife or girlfriend doesn't climb and there's jealousy of some sort) It's good to have cool women climbers...but I think people need to realize not to judge too quickly. Two of my favorite girl partners were a lot more 'girly' than me--but they were tough and strong in the outdoors, and a lot of fun.


May 3, 2004, 3:29 PM
Post #29 of 93 (7629 views)

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I am in the same boat with no climbing girlfriends... plus throw in being a mom, and the true friend factor decreases three fold. Matt (hubby) and i climb together, and we are slowly expanding our circle. climbing outdoors has helped us to meet common people, mostly guys. it is tough with all the testosterone sometime :wink:
but it is hard trying to find active mid-20 couples (or singles) that understand parenting (or at least needin' a babysitter) and that loud bars and drinking all night is not the way sometimes. i gotta say that mother_sheep and amber_chk have been fortunate in finding one another. but i am still lookin' :)


May 3, 2004, 3:41 PM
Post #30 of 93 (7629 views)

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While hiking the Green mountain trail in the Flatirons we ran into a girl that apparantly needs some partners to climb with. Poor soul has climbing friends who only like to sport climb. The horror! I told her about the site, so perhaps she will join up.


May 3, 2004, 3:57 PM
Post #31 of 93 (7629 views)

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oh wow - you're telling me! i have no girlfriends, really. a few people to chat with at work, but they're work people... just lost a girlfriend, she doesn't climb anymore, and wanted me to come out to parties where everyone gets drunk - not my style...

a few chicks i've met through this site, pretty cool girls, but i'm up here in ontario. sigh!

besides that, any girls i think i may be friends with - they're concentrating on geting married and having babies. something i SO DO NOT RELATE TO!!

and then on top of that, it'd be nice to have a girlfriend i could chill with and burn some green. sigh.

all you have to do Jess is move here :D

that's not so hard.

now is it??




May 3, 2004, 4:31 PM
Post #32 of 93 (7629 views)

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Hey Ladies!

Well...I have a new job in LA, I'm actually getting out into the real world and makin some $$. But! Now that I'm staying in LA I would love to meet some women who climb. Anyone out there? Maybe we can get an LA Women's thread or group going. I was going to try this if I moved to Colorado, but since I'm staying in Cali I thought it would be nice to get some chicks together who can pull down.


May 3, 2004, 7:46 PM
Post #33 of 93 (7629 views)

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Finding friends is hard no matter what your gender or favorite pass time. Just because you share a love of climbing and the outdoors will not make you instant friends. True outdoor enthusiasts are a rare breed and factor in everyones own personality and finding some one you truely click with is even more rare. I know I lose most of my close climbing friends to a relationship, the job, the bills and the couch. Usually in that order. lol I still climb, I still hike and I'm also very single. Try being a guy and finding a girlfriend who shares your passion for climbing and the outdoors. That is even more frustrating. Relationships are tough no matter what, whether it be friends, family or lovers. If some one has it figured out yet please let me know. :D



May 4, 2004, 1:05 AM
Post #34 of 93 (7629 views)

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Yeah, I have lost friends over the last few years to their own lives too...everyone is worried about marriages and babies. I'm not too concerned with anything but climbing and earning a good living (sometimes in that order!!)

Since I've taken up climbing, I've met others but we just chat at the gym..haven't hung out with anyone outside the gym (they are a pretty tight group I think but super nice). I have one good friend who enjoys it as well (he lives 2,000 miles away and is way more experienced than me). But that's it. My other friends don't get it but they respect it. But that means I have no one to call with questions or to talk to about climbing in general. It does make you feel a little isolated from thankful for this site. :)


May 4, 2004, 6:03 PM
Post #35 of 93 (7629 views)

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Try being in the south where a lot of the girls (at least the ones that I tend to run into!) really don't want to sweat! Also working in a place where everyone drives SUVs but only 4wheel on blacktop! I feel ya pain, Sistah, but know that it does get better. Know that there are women out there who share the same passions, and you will eventually meet them no matter your geography. In the meantime, while I do climb with my boyfriend and have several other primarily (sp?) male friends with whom I climb, bike, backpack, etc., I personally have found that my dog is my best girlfriend. She dosen't mind getting dirty, likes swimming in lakes, streams, whatever, listens when I moan and groan, is always there when I need to break down and bawl for whatever reason, will pee anytime anywhere (although she's gotten pretty good at pooping OFF the trails!) and is a good judge of character (ie: if she's funny about a guy, I won't go out with him!) Not suggesting that you go out and get yourself a dog, just offering my take on my life. It DOES get lonely, but knowing your value system and your priorities and your goals helps. Focus on what you enjoy doing, be kind to those you meet, and know that everything always works out! Meanwhile, go play and have fun!



May 19, 2004, 11:36 PM
Post #36 of 93 (7629 views)

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girls always end up back stabbing you.

that's why i like kicking it with the boys.

but ...

if you don't gossip, or talk smack
if you don't care if i can climb a 5.6 or a 5.11a
if you climb to enjoy being alive
if you are NOT A FLAKE
and if you live in LA...

pm me, i would love to climb with some cool chicks who are none of the things above.


May 19, 2004, 11:42 PM
Post #37 of 93 (7629 views)

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girls always end up back stabbing you.

that's why i like kicking it with the boys.

but ...

if you don't gossip, or talk smack
if you don't care if i can climb a 5.6 or a 5.11a
if you climb to enjoy being alive
if you are NOT A FLAKE
and if you live in LA...

pm me, i would love to climb with some cool chicks who are none of the things above.


May 20, 2004, 2:13 AM
Post #38 of 93 (7629 views)

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Since 1997, I have always had male partners, usually boyfriends. Although I know lots of climbers from the south, I haven't really climbed with just women. Up here in the northeast, it seems like mostly men at the crag and gym. Lately, I strongly feel in need of sista-hood. Having just broken off an engagement recently (After Italy, I feel like I just walked away from my best friend :cry: , but...), and having had a puzzle of a relationship with the guy before him, I am now actively seeking a circle of female climbing partners, women who speak the same language and can be a support like only women can be, and can laugh together like only women can. I return to Atlanta in June and there's so much to look forward to.

I am fortunate enough to know of a few good, strong, wise women and will make the commitment to get to know them better. I am also fortunate enough to soon make new female friends, with whom so far I've only corresponded.


May 20, 2004, 3:42 AM
Post #39 of 93 (7629 views)

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I don't know why it's always such a problem that a girl can be a little girly sometimes. A girl I spent a fair bit of time with on my road trip last winter was very girly (she had a lot of pink). But how awesome is it to have someone to spent a dirty sweaty day climbing with that you can also get all dolled up with for a night on the town!

On the note of female partners: I've had a few female partners over the last few years, I wouldn't say they were particularly hard to come by. From the sounds of it I may just have been lucky though.


May 21, 2004, 9:43 PM
Post #40 of 93 (1283 views)


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Just popped back over to this thread & started thinkin'... (LOOK OUT!) Since there is a certain power/attention that comes with being the sole female in the group, I think a lot of chicks get threatened by another female. There's this attitude of "these are MY boys, go find your own." We've probably all had the experience of approaching a group of people to find the men all super-friendly and the one woman there giving you the "look." I just think we guys' girls, tomboys, whatever need to welcome each other w/ open arms.

See, the men, they KNOW about this competitiveness we've got going and they use it against us! They use it to keep us down! Divide & conquer! Let's band together, women! Revolution, girl-style, NOW! Hee, hee. Just kidding.

Anywho, mountainchick82, since you are officially in LA now (which I had not realized), when are we going climbing?


May 22, 2004, 1:29 PM
Post #41 of 93 (7629 views)

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Gipsy and Ginerbiner...

You know it is ON!!!! weeeeeeeeee hooooooooooooo!!! Can't wait till you're back Gina.


May 22, 2004, 4:38 PM
Post #42 of 93 (7629 views)

Registered: May 15, 2004
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well i guess i am really lucky. always heard talk about how you can't find any girls to climb with, but i have never really had a problem. yes, we have always been outnumbered overall, but i have had a good share of trips where the girls outnumber the guys.

actually i had one trip where one of the guys was complaining because he didn't get to shower! said he normally showered twice a day, and was quite serious!!! we were in a state of complete disbelief.

anyways, have definitely also been in the situation with not enough outdoorsy girls. got to spain and was stuck with a bunch of people who had no interest in "roughing-it." but finally i found some other climbers (though most are guys, and the few girls had their boyfriends). not until one other single girl, who happened to be very hard core, showed up did i really start to have a good time with the whole group. and thank goodness because there is so much good rock in spain!!!


May 22, 2004, 6:01 PM
Post #43 of 93 (7629 views)

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girls always end up back stabbing you.

sorry to hear that's been your experience.
don't give up. there are lots of women full of fun and integrity out there!


May 23, 2004, 6:32 AM
Post #44 of 93 (7629 views)

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I think this may be the case... i'm very judgemental of other women, and normally my assumption is that they're "girly". hmmm. perhaps all the other hardcores think the same of me....

Maybe what we all need are T-shirts to identify us- "hard core climber chick" right across our breasts. Cause the reality is that many of us are girls and actually *gasp* look like girls sometimes!!! And I'm sure it is at those moments that no one would assume we're hardcore or anything like that.

I find this thread a little humorous. All of us are posting up, b*tching about not being able to find cool chicks to climb with. I hear that a lot from climber chicks. But then in real life, I'll meet a climber chick and try to be friends or something, but if she has a group of guy friends that she climbs with, she'll get all hostile and territorial, like I'm really trying to get in to her group and steal all the boys away. So, if you want more girls to climb with, a.) don't get all suspicious or jealous of other women at the gym who climb better than you, or look hotter than you and b.) take a closer look why it is really that you have to climb with all the guys sometimes. I know that I use to complain that I had no cool chicks to climb with, but when I really looked at why that was, it was because, I liked the attention of climbing with the guys and I liked having that all to myself. I would say that I wanted chicks to climb with, but if a good looking girl showed up at the gym instead of making friends with her, I would roll my eyes and dismiss her as "girly." It seems to me that a big part of the problem is that we all really like feeling unique. We're special when we are the one cool chick that climbs. If anyone else comes along, it takes away from that uniqueness. We get threatened and then act to preserve "our" turf. yadda, yadda, yadda.

Finding cool girls to climb with is about patience, but its also about effort. If you really want a cool chick to climb with, make an effort. Chat up the girls at the gym, call them all first for a climbing trip before you start calling the guys. I know that I am blessed to have a great female climbing partner and we have had great times climbing together. However, she lives in Colorado and I live on the East Coast, so it takes an effort. We try to get together for a girls-only road trip once a year, so it requires some planning to pick a crag, get a plane ticket, etc. But climbing with her is so worth it.


May 23, 2004, 6:41 AM
Post #45 of 93 (7629 views)

Registered: May 22, 2004
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This could be just coincidence, but most American women seem not to be interested in the outdoors. They especially seem to have a disdain for sweat and dirt. A great many of my female climbing partners are from Canada. Many of the women that I meet climbing, who are not clinging to a boyfriend or husband, are from countries other than the US. I've met many Canadian, European, and Australian women who climb harder, and get sweatier and dirtier, than most American men.

Which brings up another point. I've noticed that the fear of discomfort, sweat, and dirt does not pertain just to the American ladies. I've been around plenty of men who get real pissy when they've been without a shower for a couple of days. Once again, mostly guys from the US. Must have something to do with the "I want to be rich and famous" culture we're currently experiencing. That's the way I see things. Take it as you will.



May 24, 2004, 1:01 AM
Post #46 of 93 (7629 views)

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just spent the whole day at the crag with 4 fabulous women! One of my old friends, a new friend and two I've never met before. We had a GREAT time!!! then we came back to my house for beer and pizza on my deck. perfect!

Persevere ladies.

Ok! What the hell?!!! I just realized that it says "boulderer" under my name!! I'm not a f*(king boulderer!!! :evil: I did not put that there. How do I make it go away?! I do not see a place in my profile to add or delete that. some fabulous MOD or ADMIN help me out here!!!


May 28, 2004, 3:18 PM
Post #47 of 93 (7629 views)

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I just try to be well-rounded. Like right now, I'm craving a weekend of limited personal hygiene and avoidance of ridiculous girl-shoes. I'm all about the outdoorsy kinds of things. But on the other hand, I'm planning my wedding and I like attempting to be girly, though I nevr really do get it quite right b/c girly-girlness just isn't natural to me.

It's been a while since I've done any climbing. I was a notch better than a novice before other interests took over; hopefully I can get my act together and get out again soon.


May 28, 2004, 3:57 PM
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We have a trip to Horseshoe Canyon in Arkansas this Memorial day week-end. There are a 9 of us. Five ladies and four men.

Three of the ladies I have climbed with. One I know very well. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to get to know the other women on this trip.

The thing I love about climbing with women is they are so dad gum encouraging and supportive. Hopefully we'll have some digital pics to post later.

Dirt Debbie


Jun 3, 2004, 5:26 AM
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move to alaska. there are so many hardcore outdoorsy women, its so awesome! pretty much all of my friends are into the outdoors and hiking, etc. good times, eh? :D

ps. i am so stoked for summer!!! it start tomorrow afternoon and 2 pm! cant wait cant wait cant wait....ahhhh i cant wait.


Jun 3, 2004, 11:47 AM
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My climbing partner is a woman, my back up partner is a woman too. I guess I'm lucky, there are tons of women climbers here in MA.

The local climbing gym that my parnter and I go to if we can't get outside has a womens' night twice a month. It's a great way to find even more women to climb with. A few guys will brave it and show up those nights, we love it, more belay slaves!

Check out your local gym and see if they have anything like that. Ask if anyone is interested in climbing outside with you. We did and were overwhelmed with the response. I think a lot are just waiting to be asked.

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