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Aug 1, 2002, 4:48 PM
Post #26 of 55 (2991 views)

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Yes I know how to PM but it serves no purpose if you don't know WHO to ask! It's like sending a kid to the dictionary to look up a word they don't have a clue how to spell.

As for "dishing the dirt" well that is not offensive nor intented to be. I simply want to know all I can, good, bad, indiferent about the person I plan to trust for the next 4 days. If you noticed I WAS 95% sure I would join her to begin with. And as far as who invited who. I believe that was mutual. PM'd Anne with my contact information and asked if she would be interested in joining me. She responded by calling and inviting me to join her. My plans were more flexible so we talked and I planned to be there Sat. I am still considering it and only want the opportunity to find out as much as I can before I committ. I don't see the harm in asking about someone if there is nothing to hide. I know I have nothing to hide, and nothing to loose by asking.

As for an apology, it was built into my intial posting. Come on, do you really think I did this to piss anyone off. I WANT TO GO! Only on an informed basis. So far I feel as uninformed as when I began. I guess the COMMUNITY my friends have always spoke of, the climbers willing to lend a hand, are still stuck somewhere in a closet. They sure aren't on this website.


Aug 1, 2002, 4:53 PM
Post #27 of 55 (2991 views)

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don't even worry about....the way some of these people have replied i wouldn't want to keep their company anyway!!! Chill and come to nelson climb and have a blast. it seems that other folks have forgotten what the whole point is. i commend you on your honestly and think that it would have blown up in your face if you would have been PM'ing all kinds of know next you'd be a deceitful, back stabbing bitch!!!!
damn if you do damned if you don't!!!

you can't please em all!!!


Aug 1, 2002, 5:02 PM
Post #28 of 55 (2991 views)

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Thank you, that makes me feel alot better. Finally someone understands my dilema. Are you going to be there?


Aug 1, 2002, 5:02 PM
Post #29 of 55 (2991 views)

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Howe - that's my last name too Danyelle! Welcome to Rock makes a good point, people get heated up here... don't worry about it! You should be cautious to whose hands your life is in, and not let just anyone hold you up on a wall. There probably is a better way to go about this though, and trusting peoples opinions who you do not know is probably not the right way to do it. You say in your profile: Always looking for a partner. Anyone interested feel free to send me some email. Need to learn to lead and would love the opportunity to work with an experienced climber. If you are looking for a partner, don't go looking for dirt on them before you even meet them, especially if you don't know if there is any to find! I would have felt a little hurt about it, too - I would much rather you have asked me for a 'climbing resume' even a reference or two that HAD climbed with me before- than ask people you don't even know about me. I think you probably have a good head on your shoulders and meeting Anne will calm a lot of your nervousness -- use your own judgement. And if you are still a bit queasy about the idea of climbing with someone you just met - watch her before you climb with her. That way you can be sure!


Aug 1, 2002, 5:23 PM
Post #30 of 55 (2991 views)

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I always was and still am a partner ho…anyway…if you only 95% sure and these annoying 5% will not let you rest till u find out… (being extra cautions that U R)…SO DON’T CLIMB WITH HER…refuse politely the invitation …and offer another in return along the line of …"can we meet at the gym and climb together…after all I would like to put a face to the voice" and presto u have it…
what is rubbing me the wrong way is, doing your dirty laundry in public …also you choice of wording …is to be desire
Anyway, try to answer intellectually and not taking a refuge behind spelling and grammatical mistake that some of us do


Aug 1, 2002, 5:29 PM
Post #31 of 55 (2991 views)

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    god dang....don't you people have work to do???? As for me, I am on my way with the kids to see some friends and hopefully meet some new ones too. I still really don't understand the point of this thread. You could have asked me for references...but this was your choice, I still think as I told you this morning when you called me, it was not the right one. I was hurt especially by the title. So danyelle, i guess we will find out on Saturday whether or not I passed "the test".

again i harbor no ill feelings towards you or your judgement call.

now I'll catch you all in a couple weeks.....woooooohoooooo!!!!!

and mitch...if I'm late picking you know why!!!!



Aug 1, 2002, 5:31 PM
Post #32 of 55 (2991 views)

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i will be there this weekend....not with the anne's group of friends but to visit my boyfriend whom lives there! i am actually a little put off by some of these replies and am wondering who is going to be there and am wondering how they will behave when not being protected by the animity of the computer!!!

i also think it's funny that people took the topic post so wrong...i thought it was supose to be tongue in cheek... ..especially after reading your original post!!! as if you really wanted her deepest darkest secrets revealed.... these people are ready to pounce at any moment!!!
you obviously were not being malicious!!!

look forward to meeting you!!


Aug 1, 2002, 5:41 PM
Post #33 of 55 (2991 views)

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It was supposed to be tongue in cheek...hence the statement to Anne that I hoped not to offend her. I only had the best intentions at heart and I am a very honest person who isn't afraid to be blunt when needed. I did send a few PM's that people may want to check...hint hint!


Aug 1, 2002, 5:48 PM
Post #34 of 55 (2991 views)

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People do seem to be taking this a bit too seriously. I wouldn't worry about it. My assumption is that since you're a climber you're tougher than the other 98 percent of the population and can take care of yourself. I'm sure you'll be fine.

Plus, I think there are some primo lines at Seneca. I haven't been outside in so long that I'd probably climb with the Manson family for a chance to get out there, as long as they knew how to belay.


Aug 1, 2002, 5:51 PM
Post #35 of 55 (2991 views)

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I spent some time with Anne at the SLC gathering. And I climbed four pitches with her at LCC. I enjoyed her company and will climb with her again. And since she did most of the shopping, planning, cooking while I was at SLC, I got to be a lazy bum. If you'd like more details, you can PM me.

To summarize:
- you'll probably survive
- you'll probably have a blast
- you'll probably make a new friend

* * * John


Aug 1, 2002, 5:54 PM
Post #36 of 55 (2991 views)

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I agree with rockwomyn and fiend, when I responded to this thread I took no derogatory meaning from it.

Like others have said climbing is a caculated risk... but you must put all the variables into your caculator... and that is exactly what I saw you doing, calculating all the variables you can.

I do think in your particular wording could've used better judgement, but I really didn't see it as harmful. You did make your apology upfront!

Just as Danyelle seemed to have jumped the gun, so have many of you... and just as Danyelle may owe Annie an apology, many of you owe Danyelle one... In the rush to defend one of our "old friends" we may have offended a "new one"?!?
Many of your attacks on her were overboard! And I am dissappointed.

I just was telling Gawd, how we are a united community who can support it's members when they are down! And then this??? This new kid isn't even down and we treat her like this... does she NEED a tragedy in her life for us to be nice to her? I would hope not!

Danyelle, forget this whole thing as others here will too, soon! Go and have fun!
I like Gawd would gladly take your place!
You will be hanging with some great people (most climbers are!), in a great place!

Enjoy yourself,



Aug 1, 2002, 6:34 PM
Post #37 of 55 (2991 views)

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All right...y'all need to chill the hell out!!

I mean really...give me a freakin' break here. She may be responsible for what SHE does, but hell if I'm going to stick someone I don't know at the other end of my rope and say:

"Hey, don't drop me, k?"

I am with fiend and rockwomyn on this one. She is obviously new to the internet (not to mention THIS SITE!! ) It is completely understandable that you would be a little wary of meeting someone (and trusting your life to them) in person that you met online. For most of the people here, however, they do it so often that they don't even remember the nervousness of that first time and think nothing of it and don't understand the big deal.

Not to mention the fact that the internet does not offer anything as far as body language or tone of voice. I, personally, took that title as a ribbing of Anne as she had talked to her privately and just wanted to some reassurance (by the many posts of support that she expected to receive) about climbing with a complete stranger.

I have seen some underhanded stuff on this site, but I am truly ashamed of some of the responses here today. THIS IS NOT WHAT THE RC.COM COMMUNITY IS ABOUT!!

Danyelle: On behalf of the majority of users on the site, please accept my sincerest apologies for this rude welcoming and I hope that it does not high-tail you away from here. I have learned so much, met so many incredible climbers, and made life long friends here and I have no doubt in my mind that you will do the same.


[ This Message was edited by: climberchic on 2002-08-01 12:12 ]


Aug 1, 2002, 7:12 PM
Post #38 of 55 (2991 views)

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Thanks everyone for the support. This morning was looking really rough! I am sorry if my honesty has been taken wrong by some but I look forward to meeting as many friendly, interesting, talented climbers as possible and it soothes me to know there are some people who understand and are willing to welcome me. Hope to meet you all someday and have a great day on the rocks.


Aug 1, 2002, 7:48 PM
Post #39 of 55 (2991 views)

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WORD, Erica, you just said it all! Some of the responses here have just been mean, patronizing and unneccessary! But take heart in this, Danyelle: the sprayin' and flamin' are much easier to do when you're hiding behind a cute user name. In person, people tend to be much more reasonable.

(Erica knows this little story ) When I met my first user I was also nervous. I told him straight-out how I felt, and he was cool with it. Hey, I was just as likely to be a serial killer as he was, right? We've had some great adventures since then, and now I look forward to climbing with him again [hint]

I believe people, esp. climbers, are basically good, and although I don't know Annie, I am confident that you will have a great time with her and the other users you meet.


Aug 1, 2002, 8:17 PM
Post #40 of 55 (2991 views)

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Of course you were nervous, Hillary. And rightfully so. But you were very lucky to meet up with such a great guy. I'd have to say Chris crackaddictis my favorite person to climb with (next to my bf of course ). So, it turned out for her (and even lacking my testimonial to his greatness ), a friendship was born.

HOWEVER, I have heard from friends on this site of their epics, near disasters, and downright incompetencies they have experience with other users as well. So it IS best to do some background research especially if you don't have enough experience to actually know or recognize when someone is doing something wrong.

When I first started with trad, I had to put my complete trust in the person I was climbing with because I couldn't tell from a rat's nest whether his anchor was set up properly. But I had complete faith in him. And that is how you learn. Climb with people you trust and know.

Good on her for inquiring.


Aug 1, 2002, 8:20 PM
Post #41 of 55 (2991 views)

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How could you ever think about making fun of Anne? She is nice. I find her climbing a lot more then sitting talking online. Blab, blab, blab. Why don't stop sitting here and go climbing like I did?


Aug 1, 2002, 8:25 PM
Post #42 of 55 (2991 views)

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I'm riding down with anne,can anyone tell me how she drives?Shall I trust my life in her hands?

Climb Happy


Aug 1, 2002, 9:27 PM
Post #43 of 55 (2991 views)

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Wow Danyell, way to piss everybody off with a serious lack of tack. I'm impressed. Seriously, I cant blame you for being concerned about your own ass, but GAWD is right its your ass and your responsibiliy. If you don't think that you can cover it then you really shouldn't go. This said, Annie is GOOD PEOPLE, and I'd slap my grandmother to have the chance to climb with her that you have now.
Have Fun


Aug 1, 2002, 10:04 PM
Post #44 of 55 (2991 views)

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Ok, here's a brilliant idea...

Why don't you people actually READ the thread instead of posting blindly?? To recap for the lazy: Danyelle got smacked, she apologized and explained that her post being taken the wrong way, and IT'S OVER!!

Anne gets the point. She's well loved and there are many people that will attest to her character. But after the harassment Danyelle has received from Anne's "friends", I wouldn't want to climb with anyone involved with that group!

Quit rekindling flames that have gone out.


Aug 1, 2002, 10:36 PM
Post #45 of 55 (2991 views)

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Opps, sorry chic. skimmed it a bit too quick.


Aug 2, 2002, 2:24 AM
Post #46 of 55 (2991 views)

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I don't know about you all, but I am taking a gun. Cause annie scares me.

Not really, but she is a really great girl, and the rest of us are pretty good to.



Aug 4, 2002, 1:35 PM
Post #47 of 55 (2991 views)

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i'm sorry....I think I missed any apology what-so-ever...but water under the bridge now. Mitch and I showed up pretty late on Thursday evening...

Mitch found out that I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DRIVE!!!!!!

On the way up the Mtn. to the cabins my truck popped out if gear...and it started to roll back down the mtn. I tried to put the brack on but it just slid down on the gravel..with total fear and thinking about my children I slammed on the emergency brake whick caused the truck to whip up on the side of the mtn. I had the door open because I was trying to see where i was going...thank goodness i had the door open and my seat belt on...the truck ended up on two wheels and the door stopped us from flipping and rolling down the mtn. BUT EVERYONE WAS FINE!!! Cept my nerves, i don't think I've ever shook that much on a lead climb!!! I had a pretty good body man along for the ride and captainprozac had the necessary tools to fix the door 'well enough' for my trip to continue as planned, i.e. the door can open and shut and even be locked!!! Added a little character to the ole girl!!!! But, I will never again drive that last ascent of the mtn..I will honk my horn and bryan or pete will come down and get me fron now on!!!!

We have had some wonderful climbing this rain last night and mitch (mitchal), jessica(crazylikeafawkes), and mark (moonhopper) did the via ferrata IN THE RAIN!!!!!! Orangave and I rested, played some video games with the kids and prepared dinner for the whole crew at oozes house in town.

This morning we are all climbing together again...GREAT group of ppl!!! Laughter has not been spared here. My T-shirt is almost out of room for more signatures!!!

Gabe (orgave - pronounced - Orange Ave) and i will be making a first ascent and dubbing it climinganne on orngave. hehe..and the rock is orange!!! I am truly stoked for this enough of the chit chat and off to the rock as soon as i can pull the ooze and orngave out of the sack!!! Coffee is brewing, should be minutes til they awake..a sunny beautiful day for a first ascent...

I just want to close by saying to all of my friends all over the country..from the bottom of my heart, i know your "sense of humor" and that is one of the reasons we have bonded...THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT...


your friend in climb....anne


Aug 4, 2002, 4:17 PM
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It's amazing isn't it...This community

Life is good



Aug 9, 2002, 8:27 AM
Post #49 of 55 (2991 views)

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Thats the keebler(nikegirl)
Allways full of warm fuzzys.

As far as meeting and climbing with
someone you dont know...
When I met up with nikegirl,
how did I know she wasnt going to
beat me up and take my gear?
I just had to swallow my fear,
and trust her.
And now, she's my regular climbing buddy.


Aug 11, 2002, 4:12 AM
Post #50 of 55 (2991 views)

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what a dumb topic.. of course you can trust anne.. hell i'm taking her to the prom with me..

you can beg all you want but you're not coming ot the prom with me.. and you're not gettin any.. anne on the other hand....


[ This Message was edited by: pawn on 2002-08-10 21:13 ]

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