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Tashed Metabolisim
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Sep 30, 2006, 10:17 PM
Post #26 of 41 (2572 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2002
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Re: Tashed Metabolisim [In reply to]
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My biochemist girlfriend says that staying well hydrated might help.

From personal experience:
Start doing 1 hr of *high intensity* physical activity a day. You'll notice yourself getting hungry frequently--so eat frequently!

Also, make sure to eat a lot of fiber (whole grain breads/cereals), fruits, veggies, and keep the intake of meat and high-fat dairy low. Diet is key to losing weight, but exercise is the lock.


Oct 1, 2006, 1:05 AM
Post #27 of 41 (2572 views)

Registered: Dec 4, 2005
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Re: Tashed Metabolisim [In reply to]
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First, I would wonder how accurate your estimates on caloric intake are.

Then I would inquire as to how much strenuous activity you get per day (and way to play hockey, hockey rocks).

Also, you will not boost your metabolism without eating. You can work out all you want, but your metabolism still needs exposure to higher levels of calories before it adjusts to it.

I would not worry about eating less, and not worry about losing weight, with your bmi. But eat a healthy amount of calories, of a well rounded and healthy diet, with appropriate fats and all, and your metabolism should increase, and if you are working, your body will develop strength and all that.

But most of all, I reiterate that you probably should not be concerned with weight. Just keep up the activity.


Oct 1, 2006, 1:41 AM
Post #28 of 41 (2572 views)

Registered: Jun 5, 2006
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Re: Tashed Metabolisim [In reply to]
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Don't listen to anything anyone here says. I know you want advice, and you've got a lot of well intentioned (and probably in many cases, well informed) opinions. But these are issues that can only be properly addressed by trained medical professionals who have seen you and examined the specifics of your history. I'm sure many things said here are probably good, sound suggestions, but given your past struggles with these issues, you really should see a professional in person.
Sorry to be a downer.

You should, however, listen to anything positive and encouraging that has been said here, since there are clearly a lot of people trying to offer you support. Climbers are sweet like that.


Oct 1, 2006, 1:43 AM
Post #29 of 41 (2572 views)

Registered: Jun 5, 2006
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Re: Tashed Metabolisim [In reply to]
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Don't listen to anything anyone here says. I know you want advice, and you've got a lot of well intentioned (and probably in many cases, well informed) opinions. But these are issues that can only be properly addressed by trained medical professionals who have seen you and examined the specifics of your history. I'm sure many things said here are probably good, sound suggestions, but given your past struggles with these issues, you really should see a professional in person.
Sorry to be a downer.

You should, however, listen to anything positive and encouraging that has been said here, since there are clearly a lot of people trying to offer you support. Climbers are sweet like that.


Oct 1, 2006, 1:44 AM
Post #30 of 41 (2572 views)

Registered: Jun 5, 2006
Posts: 253

Re: Tashed Metabolisim [In reply to]
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Don't listen to anything anyone here says. I know you want advice, and you've got a lot of well intentioned (and probably in many cases, well informed) opinions. But these are issues that can only be properly addressed by trained medical professionals who have seen you and examined the specifics of your history. I'm sure many things said here are probably good, sound suggestions, but given your past struggles with these issues, you really should see a professional in person.
Sorry to be a downer.

You should, however, listen to anything positive and encouraging that has been said here, since there are clearly a lot of people trying to offer you support. Climbers are sweet like that.


Oct 1, 2006, 1:45 AM
Post #31 of 41 (2572 views)

Registered: Jun 5, 2006
Posts: 253

Re: Tashed Metabolisim [In reply to]
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Don't listen to anything anyone here says. I know you want advice, and you've got a lot of well intentioned (and probably in many cases, well informed) opinions. But these are issues that can only be properly addressed by trained medical professionals who have seen you and examined the specifics of your history. I'm sure many things said here are probably good, sound suggestions, but given your past struggles with these issues, you really should see a professional in person.
Sorry to be a downer.

You should, however, listen to anything positive and encouraging that has been said here, since there are clearly a lot of people trying to offer you support. Climbers are sweet like that.


Oct 1, 2006, 1:59 AM
Post #32 of 41 (2572 views)

Registered: May 17, 2006
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Re: Tashed Metabolisim [In reply to]
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Don't listen to anything anyone here says. I know you want advice, and you've got a lot of well intentioned (and probably in many cases, well informed) opinions. But these are issues that can only be properly addressed by trained medical professionals who have seen you and examined the specifics of your history. I'm sure many things said here are probably good, sound suggestions, but given your past struggles with these issues, you really should see a professional in person.
Sorry to be a downer.

You should, however, listen to anything positive and encouraging that has been said here, since there are clearly a lot of people trying to offer you support. Climbers are sweet like that.

What the !@#$? Did you even read what every one wrote? Did you even read what you wrote your self? Damn I wish I was able to rate, never mind I'll come back when I can to fling the stinking pile of poop at your post that it deserves! I'll be nice and try to stay civil for jengurl's sake. Seems to me that almost every other post to this topic suggested her getting professional help (nasty name edited prior to posting)


Oct 1, 2006, 2:39 AM
Post #33 of 41 (2572 views)

Registered: Aug 11, 2005
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Re: Tashed Metabolisim [In reply to]
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From expereince, voimiting does work, at least to lose weight, as do laxitives, as long as you do not binge as well. Binge and purge, in the long run, will result in weight gain.

Jengurl, kudos for your honesty here. I have to say that it sounds like you are not over your disorder because you describe vomiting and laxatives as things that "work" to lose weight. So does cutting off your leg.

Vomiting "works" at destroying your esophogus, and your teeth, and your breath. It also keeps your body from getting the nutrients it needs to fuel body function.

Laxative abuse "works" at causing laxative dependency (you really don't want that), messing with your fluid and electrolyte balances, and causing irritable bowel syndrome.

Please do see that nutritionist, and know that for active people numbers on the scale lie. Muscle helps your body in obvious ways, but on this topic more muscle mass -> higher metabolism, which is why someone recommended weight training earlier. This is not about "bulking up" - anyone who knows anything about weight training should know that you have the choice of toning long and lean muscles (low weight, high # repetitions) or building bulky ones (high weight, low # reps).

In any case, weight training or not, when people try to lose weight and are active in whatever way, they often freak because they don't end up at the weight they originally wanted. That's because they don't factor in that muscle weighs more. Losing fat is great, and gaining muscle is better. Ultimately getting in better shape makes your body more efficient, and more solid. So let go of the scale and focus on how you feel. Eat healthy, get help from a nutritionist so you can educate yourself on how to make good food choices, and stay physically active in things you enjoy.


Oct 1, 2006, 6:53 AM
Post #34 of 41 (2572 views)

Registered: Jun 5, 2006
Posts: 253

Re: Tashed Metabolisim [In reply to]
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Don't listen to anything anyone here says. I know you want advice, and you've got a lot of well intentioned (and probably in many cases, well informed) opinions. But these are issues that can only be properly addressed by trained medical professionals who have seen you and examined the specifics of your history. I'm sure many things said here are probably good, sound suggestions, but given your past struggles with these issues, you really should see a professional in person.
Sorry to be a downer.

You should, however, listen to anything positive and encouraging that has been said here, since there are clearly a lot of people trying to offer you support. Climbers are sweet like that.

What the !@#$? Did you even read what every one wrote? Did you even read what you wrote your self? Damn I wish I was able to rate, never mind I'll come back when I can to fling the stinking pile of poop at your post that it deserves! I'll be nice and try to stay civil for jengurl's sake. Seems to me that almost every other post to this topic suggested her getting professional help (nasty name edited prior to posting)

I didn't mean to suggest that I was the only one suggesting that she get professional help. And I certainly wouldn't try to imply that anyone here meant anything but constructive help. But I did mean to emphasize my point once again because I believe these disorders can be life-or death situations, and I don't think many people on this forum are qualified to help others deal with them, certainly myself included. I wasn't criticizing anyone in particular (Although I could easily have been, what with people suggesting that body image and eating disorder problems can be cured with BEE calculations, more exercise, or "just eating more.") I'm sorry if this offends you.

And Jengurl, once again, I want to point out that everyone here, myself and mountain racer included, are just trying to look out for you here and offer our support, and clearly from all the suggestions and debate, we all wish for you the very best.


Oct 1, 2006, 7:14 AM
Post #35 of 41 (2572 views)

Registered: Jun 5, 2006
Posts: 253

Re: Tashed Metabolisim [In reply to]
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Don't listen to anything anyone here says. I know you want advice, and you've got a lot of well intentioned (and probably in many cases, well informed) opinions. But these are issues that can only be properly addressed by trained medical professionals who have seen you and examined the specifics of your history. I'm sure many things said here are probably good, sound suggestions, but given your past struggles with these issues, you really should see a professional in person.
Sorry to be a downer.

You should, however, listen to anything positive and encouraging that has been said here, since there are clearly a lot of people trying to offer you support. Climbers are sweet like that.

What the !@#$? Did you even read what every one wrote? Did you even read what you wrote your self? Damn I wish I was able to rate, never mind I'll come back when I can to fling the stinking pile of poop at your post that it deserves! I'll be nice and try to stay civil for jengurl's sake. Seems to me that almost every other post to this topic suggested her getting professional help (nasty name edited prior to posting)

I'm not trying to imply that I'm the first to suggest that she get professional help. Nor am I trying to say that anyone here meant anything but the very best, and perhaps were even speaking from past experiences. But I am trying to emphasize how important it is to get professional help from a medical professional. I know many people said this, but I also know that many people had a variety of suggestions that might make it seem like eating disorders and body image problems can be cured with a bit of determination or a change in eating habits. I believe that these sorts of disorders can be life threatening, and that only those properly trained should be trying to cure them. I didn't mean to dig at anyone in particular (although perhaps I could have, with the ideas that BEE calculations, more exercise, or "just eating more" could be all this person needs). I'm sorry if this approach offends you.

And Jengurl, once again, I want to point out that everyone here, myself and mountain racer included, are just trying to look out for you here and offer our support, and clearly from all the suggestions and debate, we all wish for you the very best.


Oct 3, 2006, 12:39 PM
Post #36 of 41 (2572 views)

Registered: May 17, 2006
Posts: 58

Re: Trashed Metabolism [In reply to]
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Don't listen to anything anyone here says.

This is the most turd worthy part of your post BTW, and so it gets one. (and apparently so did mine, but whoever did didn't have the guts to say why)

In reply to:
I didn't mean to suggest that I was the only one suggesting that she get professional help.

Except that is exactly what you did imply by your first statement. And so you continue to contradict yourself. Keep peddling....backwards. The best way to get yourself out of a hole is ....... to stop digging.


Oct 3, 2006, 2:13 PM
Post #37 of 41 (2572 views)

Registered: Sep 7, 2003
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Re: Trashed Metabolism [In reply to]
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Don't listen to anything anyone here says.

This is the most turd worthy part of your post BTW, and so it gets one. (and apparently so did mine, but whoever did didn't have the guts to say why)

That was me. And you should be honored - it's the first post I've ever bothered to rate.

And do you really need me to explain why I thought it was just about the most turd-worthy post I've read on this board in quite a long time? Seriously? Go back and read it again yourself.


Oct 3, 2006, 3:33 PM
Post #38 of 41 (2572 views)

Registered: Aug 18, 2005
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Re: Tashed Metabolisim [In reply to]
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I don’t want to encourage starvation or anything like that, just wanted to provide a data point. I would have thought that a woman eating 1100 calories a day would definitely lose weight. Well, my (brand new) girlfriend (that I am plumb crazy about, whooo hooo!) has to take prescription meds for a condition she has, and those things really slow her metabolism down. She had it professionally checked and she burns 1100 calories a day (she’s 5’4 and weighs 140 lbs!). Amazing! She works out every day and eats grass, wild onions and twigs (well, fruits and veggies and a little protein), and has a hell of a time keeping her weight under control. I had no idea meds could do that to you. Man, if I had to take them I would be a cow! We are working hard this month to eat good, and see if we can trim a few pounds (both of us). I just wanted to throw that in there just in case it might be a factor. Oh yeah, you can lose weight fast and keep it off forever by simply cutting off limbs, let’s be serious.


Oct 3, 2006, 4:43 PM
Post #39 of 41 (2572 views)

Registered: Aug 11, 2006
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Re: Tashed Metabolisim [In reply to]
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You'll notice that I'm new here, at least for posting purposes. With the many threads I've read and the information about climbing that I've gleaned, this has been a great site for me, but after a couple of pages or so, people seem to get all up in arms for some reason :evil: . About this particular problem, to the OP, there has been a wealth of information given about metabolism, nutrition, weight, etc., that can be very helpful - I even have my own advice to give :wink: . One thing that should be glaringly apparent by now is that it's more information than you ought to try to understand, sift through, and implement by yourself. As this is a life/death (or at the very least Quality of Life) situation, please do yourself a favor and talk face to face with a nutritionist, or other qualified person with whom you can interact. You are a unique and special person, not just a BMI or number on the scale! If you indeed have a history of medical conditions of this nature you must seek external help. It has the best chance of getting to the root of the problem, as well as treating your symptoms. Book learning and online interaction will not affect the change that you need. The personal relationship you foster will also help you gather the strength for what you will need the most - commitment and follow-through. Best wishes, and please let us know how it goes!


Oct 24, 2006, 5:24 AM
Post #40 of 41 (2572 views)

Registered: Jun 5, 2006
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Re: Tashed Metabolisim [In reply to]
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Jengurl -
I'm just checking in to see how things are going for you at this point. I hope you're healthy and happy and climbing well.


Dec 7, 2006, 2:59 PM
Post #41 of 41 (755 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2006
Posts: 24

Re: [lena_chita] Tashed Metabolisim [In reply to]
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[quote "lena_chita"]I second (third?) the nutritionist advice given your history.

I know someone who also claims that she is eating 1300-1400 calories and claims to be active and still can't seem to lose weight. I believe that she is 1) over-estimating her activity level 2) under-estimating her calorie intake 3) possibly has a thyroid problem. WHether that in any way applies to you I wouldn't know...

I don't think you will get any solid advice by asking a quiestion like that online where people don't know you, and have no way of judging how accurate your self-assessment is. But I can only say that there are serious health problems associatied with eating disporder history, so you sholud be even more careful than an average person when taking advice of strangers regarding your exercise plan and eating.[/quote]

this is good advice. i eat probablly 1300 calories a day, excercise atleast 2 hours a day (climbing or cardio) and i have been gaining weight so i am now going to the drs for blood work to check for thyroid problems. It just takes simple blood tests but if you dont get it checked out it could lead to something serious

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