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Feb 5, 2007, 10:28 PM
Post #76 of 128 (2610 views)

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Re: [maldaly] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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i have left ropes up on routes overnight 2 or 3 times due to weather, getting a beatdown, or whatever. but each time i got my ass out of bed before light the next day and cleaned up my mess. each of these times i didn't sleep welll because i knew there was the possibility of my stuff being gone the next day. however, i knew it was my responsibility.

that is where i have the biggest problem, is people not owning up to their choices and decisions. this complet lack of responsibility is pathetic. growing up, if i would have left my father's or granfather's tools out in the yard overnight they would have busted their jim beam bottle over my ass. 'but grampa, i was planning on using the tools again sometime this week, maybe". i have no sympathy for these babies.


Feb 5, 2007, 10:37 PM
Post #77 of 128 (2593 views)

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Re: [lemon_boy] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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this whole retarded blame the victim mentality is one of the major flaws in our society. We shouldn't ever have any simpathy because people are asking for crimes to be committed against them.

theft is theft, I leave my $1500 kayak sitting out on the beach in coastal NC for 6 months (along with everyone else's boats) none of them are locked down and none of them are ever stolen. You know why? Because most people aren't tools.

It's not yours, you take it, YOU'RE the one responsible, not the person who's stuff you stole. I really hope none of you "if you leave it out you should expect to have it taken" people raise kids.


Feb 5, 2007, 10:41 PM
Post #78 of 128 (2591 views)

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Re: [lemon_boy] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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Good point Lemon and about what I've been thinking for the last 3 pages.

Anytime you leave stuff on public property, this is what may happen. Like it or not that is how it is. If you wanted your stuff so bad it should never have been left. People that climb on rocks aren't the only folks out in backwood areas. Also, this case sounds alot like some kids playing out of sight that found something cool to play with or tear up. When younger and much less knowing, I would probably have considered such a find quite the score. In that situation, an unknowing individual could care less about your undeserved rights on public property.

Pick up after yourself or buy some property and post it. Then you could do what you want. Whining can only make it worse for everyone else.

ps: Sorry about your stuff but I have also lost things under similar circumstances. Hard lesson to learn.


Feb 5, 2007, 10:53 PM
Post #79 of 128 (2578 views)

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Re: [areyoumydude] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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why did you leave your gear? you really thought it would not get taken? and then you say its 'stolen' ? i'd like to see that report to the police, you leave it out (espically intentionally) you run the risk of it getting stolen.

I go climbing, and my buddy sees one biner and goes out of his way to claim the goods.. you leave shit out, others take it.. thats the way it is.

if you want to keep your stuff, bring it with you. lastly, you trust gear that has been left out in the weather? you're lucky the gear didn't fail on you.


Feb 5, 2007, 10:59 PM
Post #80 of 128 (2574 views)

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Re: [AngusBeefheart] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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hey angus,

did mommy buy that kayak for you? i bet if you worked your ass off to buy it yourself you would think twice about leaving out in public for 6 months without locking it down.

using the whole 'blaming the victim' argument in this case is ridiculous. i'm not blaming a victim. i am chastising some ostrich who has their head in the sand saying "it won't happen to me".

i seriously hope that you don't have kids. they will be completely unprepared for the real world. you will probably be the type of parent who blames the school system, society, etc when your kid is 35 years old and living in your basement huffing paint every day.


Feb 5, 2007, 11:02 PM
Post #81 of 128 (2565 views)

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Re: [lemon_boy] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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lemon_boy wrote:
hey angus,

did mommy buy that kayak for you? i bet if you worked your ass off to buy it yourself you would think twice about leaving out in public for 6 months without locking it down.

using the whole 'blaming the victim' argument in this case is ridiculous. i'm not blaming a victim. i am chastising some ostrich who has their head in the sand saying "it won't happen to me".

i seriously hope that you don't have kids. they will be completely unprepared for the real world. you will probably be the type of parent who blames the school system, society, etc when your kid is 35 years old and living in your basement huffing paint every day.

Hella funny. True dat.


Feb 5, 2007, 11:08 PM
Post #82 of 128 (2561 views)

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Re: [Davey] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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Davey wrote:
lemon_boy wrote:
hey angus,

did mommy buy that kayak for you? i bet if you worked your ass off to buy it yourself you would think twice about leaving out in public for 6 months without locking it down.

using the whole 'blaming the victim' argument in this case is ridiculous. i'm not blaming a victim. i am chastising some ostrich who has their head in the sand saying "it won't happen to me".

i seriously hope that you don't have kids. they will be completely unprepared for the real world. you will probably be the type of parent who blames the school system, society, etc when your kid is 35 years old and living in your basement huffing paint every day.

Hella funny. True dat.

no, actually i worked my ass off for that boat. What mommy did do was raise me right.

You raising your kids to accept that taking things that are left out should be expected is a validation of that behavior. Of course, everyone trying to justify the highline being taken is really trying to validate their own immorality. I don't steal, but apparently you approve of stealing.

And then of course you're surprised that there are communities out there that actually watch out for each other.

(This post was edited by AngusBeefheart on Feb 5, 2007, 11:11 PM)


Feb 5, 2007, 11:14 PM
Post #83 of 128 (2548 views)

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Re: [lemon_boy] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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lemon_boy wrote:
i'm not blaming a victim. i am chastising some ostrich who has their head in the sand saying "it won't happen to me".

actually, what the OP said was "hey, my shit got stolen, it sucks, if anyone sees being sold let me know" which is exactly what you or I or anyone would do if something valuable was stolen.


Feb 5, 2007, 11:22 PM
Post #84 of 128 (2539 views)

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Re: [AngusBeefheart] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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come on little beefheart, come clean! mommy and daddy are putting you through duke university. mommy and daddy bought you a car, pay your car insurance, and give you a little 'pampering cash' so you can party it up on the weekends. admit it. you know nothing about how the real world works.

to say that i justify stealing and that i am immoral is pretty absurd. anybody who knows me knows that if i catch somebody breaking into my car, i'm gonna break both of their arms. and then i am going to hurt them. but at the same time, if i weld a stopper into some crack and can't get it out (which, btw hasn't happened in more than 10 years because i pride myself on not losing shit left and right) i'm not going to tell the big bad pirate to give it back to me.

but i guess that mommy and daddy taught you that its not your fault when you don't keep your sh!t together. life sure is sweet when everything grows on trees, eh little buddy?

(This post was edited by lemon_boy on Feb 5, 2007, 11:24 PM)


Feb 6, 2007, 3:30 AM
Post #85 of 128 (2500 views)

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Re: [lemon_boy] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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aww that's cute, so to respond to theft you use felony assault, real moral champ, real moral. And we're not talking about booty gear, pay attention.

I'm sorry you're so hurt by the fact that i'm getting an education. I guess this 'real world' you speak of isn't the same as the one on MTV?

Because no one who goes to a good school is on financial aid, has thousands of dollars in loans, and works a job on top of 60 hours of 'not real' school work a week.

I guess when you rationalize the world with violence, you have no choice but to lash out against those who don't

(This post was edited by AngusBeefheart on Feb 6, 2007, 3:34 AM)


Feb 6, 2007, 4:00 AM
Post #86 of 128 (2479 views)

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Re: [gandolf] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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gandolf wrote:
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1) It's not ok to steal, even if you're "tempted" geez people

2) take your slackline down when done, no one wants to look at your circus toy

My thoughts exactly.

If you take something without the intent to give it back to the original owner - it's stealing. (I can't beleive I had to spell that out for some people)

I agree with this statement as well. Good ethics simply put.


Feb 6, 2007, 4:08 AM
Post #87 of 128 (2479 views)

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Re: [roy_hinkley_jr] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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roy_hinkley_jr wrote:
A highline stands out against the sky from many view points and are as ugly as power lines in the wilderness. Sounds like this is just another egotistical Moab newbie who never heard of Monkey Wrenching...the spirit of Ed Abbey lives on.

if highlines are so offendingly ugly, then go sabotage some powerlines, or maybe a road or some buildings in your pristine wilderness. sell your car so you don't pollute. chop every bolt you find.

BTW Larry is NOT a newbie. I do not know him personally, and have never rigged a highline, but I do know he is a very experienced climber and highliner, highlines take a long time to rig, and he was using it every day. it was not going to be left up for months or even days unused.

when gear is stuck or bailed off of and abandoned it is fair game. anything else that appears in any way that the owner might be returning is stealing.


Feb 6, 2007, 6:28 AM
Post #88 of 128 (2440 views)

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Re: [AngusBeefheart] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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oh little beefy weefy, aren't you the sweetest? why don't you write us all a little haiku on the dichotomies of man being bigger than god and the questions of flesh vs soul? cute little blog page by the way. only further proves my point that you haven't fallen out of the nest yet. pretty typical of the average 9 year old.

working 60 hours a week on top of a full course load? first of all, you haven't worked 60 hours in your entire lifetime (and don't try to count the 10 hours you spent failing to teach a bunch of kids about wilderness medicine, and getting the young chicklets drunk and failing to score). also, duke might might consider 6 credit hours full time, but no REAL university does. don't kid yourself. you're going to be living at your mama's house for quite a while kid. i bet you're the kind of belayer who drops a partner and says 'its not my fault, i didn't think you would fall."


Feb 6, 2007, 6:31 AM
Post #89 of 128 (2437 views)

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Re: [lemon_boy] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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my dearest lemon_boy, you seem to struggle with reading comprehension, as soon as i'm done with the chicklettes I'll give you a little peer tutoring (you teach me about this real world and I'll teach you how to read)

(This post was edited by AngusBeefheart on Feb 6, 2007, 6:49 AM)


Feb 6, 2007, 9:31 AM
Post #90 of 128 (2400 views)

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Re: [AngusBeefheart] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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this could really all be solved if we had all payed attention in kindergarten...

1. Clean up your toys when your done playing with them(Clean up you S#!t when your done with it)

2. keep your hands to yourself(don't take other peoples s#!t)

3. there is always time for milk and cookies(there is always time for milk and cookies)Smile


Feb 6, 2007, 1:50 PM
Post #91 of 128 (2386 views)

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Re: [AngusBeefheart] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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Face it beefy, lemon boy has you figured, and you're a spoiled little brat. From your blog

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Saturday began like any other. Me and Vik woke up late, consumed some sort of college type food, and drove over to pick up Ashley. From there we went to Petsmart and Vik bought an anole. Yes, another beast to add to our menagerie. The little green lizard complements the scorpion, fire-bellied toad and rat quite nicely. On the way back we stopped at Sam's to get some tobacco, but Vik had forgot his passport and the guy behind the counter decided to channel his rage at the failure that is the life of a late 20's burn out working full time at a gas station towards Viktor, who's only crime was to leave his ID at home (he is of course fully of age and has frequented Sam's for nearly a year). We had a little row and then left.

For the next few hours I watch X-Men cartoons on youtube.

I'd rather hang around the gas station "loser" you delight in slamming than your know-nothing spoiled self important crowd. Works 60 hours and full time student BWAHAHAHA right.


Feb 6, 2007, 1:57 PM
Post #92 of 128 (2378 views)

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Re: [dynosore] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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so the guy saying you shouldn't steal people's shit is a spoiled brat while guy trying to defend theft by saying they had it coming is right?

this got off topic. And classy job pulling quotes from my blog, neither of you know me and we were having a perfectly fine little flame war.

But really, whatever you think of me (sheesh, that kayak bit opened up a can of worms, I was just trying to show that there are places where you would expect not to have things taken) the point remains: Don't take shit that isn't yours

(This post was edited by AngusBeefheart on Feb 6, 2007, 2:14 PM)


Feb 6, 2007, 2:30 PM
Post #93 of 128 (2364 views)

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Re: [bler] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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bler wrote:
lastly, you trust gear that has been left out in the weather? you're lucky the gear didn't fail on you.

this is my main thought on this - also i'd never take anybodys project or slack stuff but i do take "booty" ie: you can't clean it and leave it - its mine

Partner j_ung

Feb 6, 2007, 2:50 PM
Post #94 of 128 (2357 views)

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Re: [bler] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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bler wrote:
lastly, you trust gear that has been left out in the weather? you're lucky the gear didn't fail on you.

This is typically not a concern when it only stays up for a short period of time. Now, a multi-month exposure to the elements? Then I think I'd worry.


Feb 6, 2007, 3:14 PM
Post #95 of 128 (2342 views)

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Re: [j_ung] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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In the initial post Larry was not complaining, justing asking if anyone had any details. Roy then picked a fight... then went on to advocate monkey wrenching. He gives environmental conservation a bad wrap like Islamic terrorists give religion a bad wrap.


Feb 6, 2007, 4:58 PM
Post #96 of 128 (2314 views)

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Re: [aclove] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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mmmmmmm.... lemon-chicken beef wrap.


Feb 6, 2007, 5:14 PM
Post #97 of 128 (2309 views)

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Re: [devils_advocate] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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steal - NO
remove - YES

maybe it's just my trail mainantence and conservation background, but i would have carefully deconstructed the rig, no cutting, left a plastic LNT card with note, and handed in the slack rack to the nearest ranger or park office, letting them know about the note, and that someone might be coming to claim it

this would get rid of the "trash" left behind, while still allowing the owner to retrieve his gear (then it is between them and the park office, as it should be)

happy trails and safe climbing



Feb 6, 2007, 5:41 PM
Post #98 of 128 (2286 views)

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Re: [AngusBeefheart] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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little andy beef fart, why don't you go ahead and give me that reading comprehension lesson? seems like a proud duke scholar, such as yourself, is the man, errrr boy, for the job.

but let's leave the reading for later and start with economics. so when your little $1500 kayak (what, is it some cheezy touring sea kayak? you obviously don't do any real kayaking) gets ripped, is mommy and daddy gonna buy you a new one? or are they just going to have the insurance man pay for it? here's a little lesson in economics for you (hey you're 9 years old, that's old enough isn't it?). the insurance man isn't paying for it. everybody else is. you're quite the little socialist aren't you? getting everybody else to pay for your laziness?

and jeremy11. you don't know anything about larry but you absolutely know he isn't a newbie. you been reading tarot cards again? and by the way, a blind man with one arm can set up a slackline in 15 minutes. if larry wanted to use it everyday, why not just do it at the park behind the maverick? save time, effort, hassle. probably because he wanted scenery and to 'be in touch with nature'. maybe the person who chopped it wanted scenery too?

(This post was edited by lemon_boy on Feb 6, 2007, 5:45 PM)


Feb 6, 2007, 6:00 PM
Post #99 of 128 (2273 views)

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Re: [lemon_boy] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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I have seen more trolling on hear then an Alaskan fishing guide.


Feb 6, 2007, 6:03 PM
Post #100 of 128 (2414 views)

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Re: [lemon_boy] Stolen: Highline bandit stikes again. [In reply to]
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my good friend lemon_joy, we really seem to be bonding, I'd love to go climbing with you and learn more from your wisdom and vast experience. I promise not to drop you if you promise not to fall.

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