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Dec 21, 2009, 6:42 AM
Post #1 of 1 (778 views)

Registered: Oct 23, 2009
Posts: 9

Update?  (North_America: Canada: British_Columbia: Greater_Vancouver_Region: Capilano_Canyon)
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Does any one have an update on Capilano climbing? The best information I can find online is here from 2001.

Just spent an afternoon wandering around the park and still can't find it.

Following those directions is virtually impossible seeing as fish hatchery road does not exist on any map I can find. So I assume it is Capilano Park rd they speak of which leads me here (N49 20.934 W123 06.960)

This is the only place (aside from right next to the dam) I can find that could have bolts on it but I didn't see any from the top. Any info or even just a rough lat/long would help quite a bit.

Cheers, D.

Forums : Climbing Information : Regional Discussions


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