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[Park Service] Please Don't Preach to Me
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Dec 24, 2003, 6:51 AM
Post #26 of 34 (989 views)

Registered: Nov 26, 2002
Posts: 668

Re: Please Don't Preach to Me [In reply to]
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The skeleton with wings on this page is WAY BADASS but I couldn't 'borrow' it. Looks to me like he's talking some smack at (G)od and is preparing to fly up to "(H)eaven" and take a few souls back down to the dark depths. Mmmmmm, nice and toasty down there.


Dec 24, 2003, 3:56 PM
Post #27 of 34 (989 views)

Registered: Jul 27, 2001
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Re: Please Don't Preach to Me [In reply to]
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i didn't moderate any of your crap at all jody. i just called you out on being an asshole. i only moved or edited about 6 offensive postsl(2 of which were bashing christianity pretty brutally), so i wasn't nearly as over the top as the mods are now.


Dec 24, 2003, 5:10 PM
Post #28 of 34 (989 views)

Registered: Nov 1, 2002
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Re: Please Don't Preach to Me [In reply to]
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To me, religion is the epitome of stupidity. I don’t care if other people want to think that way, just as long as they don’t impose their ideas on me. It seems as though this is the heart of the matter: imposing thoughts or ideas on others. So what if there is a plaque or a cross in a private place. If I don’t like it, I’ll ignore it. The same should be said for them. If I want to make an eight-foot tall flaming pentagram in my front yard on Christmas Day, then I will. If they don’t like it, then tough schist; they can ignore it. When it comes to public places, I don’t think that we should choose (religious) sides. Public places should be neutral

Well said. If you are actually stupid enough to believe everything the church tells you, go ahead. But don't make me know about it. Don't make me have to see your idealology emblazoned all over public land. And don't make public schools forcefeed your creationalist bullsh*t to kids who are trying to learn science, ok? But most importantly, don't try to use your contrived and bigotted "morals" affect public policy in a way to take away my rights.

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I left this place because Christian-bashing is accepted and making jokes about Muslim terrorists gets a person tarred and feathered and labeled a biggoted racist. There is too much hypocrisy here. Andrew, you are really one to complain about the moderation as you were front and center back when I was being ripped on, get off your throne. I am really sorry I checked back in, I will now make all you Christian-bashers happy by checking back out, I see this place has only gotten worse

So why is it acceptable to bash Christianity but not Islam? Christianity is the establishment. In this country, Christians are almost never persecuted for their beliefs. But a large number of people, including many on this site, have to deal with all sorts of bullsh*t every day becuase of them. Christianity is a large and oppressing weight pressing down on the progress of our society. And Islam? Its another minority that is, to a great extent, persecuted by our Judeo-Christian society.


Dec 24, 2003, 5:37 PM
Post #29 of 34 (989 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: Please Don't Preach to Me [In reply to]
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So why is it acceptable to bash Christianity but not Islam? Christianity is the establishment. In this country, Christians are almost never persecuted for their beliefs. But a large number of people, including many on this site, have to deal with all sorts of bullsh*t every day becuase of them. Christianity is a large and oppressing weight pressing down on the progress of our society. And Islam? Its another minority that is, to a great extent, persecuted by our Judeo-Christian society.
Really? I can't remember the "oppressing weight" of Christianity being responsible for hijacking any airliners and killing thousands of Muslims in a single day. Americans, largely of Judeo-Christian make up, were indeed killed by Islamists simply for being Americans. How are Muslims similarly persecuted here? Your post was either a great troll or you are truly misguided.



Dec 24, 2003, 6:36 PM
Post #30 of 34 (989 views)

Registered: Nov 1, 2002
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Re: Please Don't Preach to Me [In reply to]
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I'm talking about mainstream society. Yes, the hijackers were muslim, but they were extremists and do not represent mainstream islam. However, most muslims, or even anyone of Middle Eastern descent, muslim or not, is persecuted, directly or indirectly, by mainstream american society. Racial profiling has become epidemic, and it is nearly impossible for anyone who even looks Middle Eastern to travel by air without getting a least a few suspicious looks, or worse.

But anyway, the mention of Islam was an aside, and I only included it becuase it was mentioned by extrememountaineer. The point I am trying to make is that Islam bashing is largely driven by hate and ignorance that was started by the actions of a couple extremists, but is now directed toward the rest of the Muslim world. And guess what? Most American Muslims are just as appalled by the actions of those extremists as we are.

Furthermore, back to the original argument, a lot of the Christianity-bashing on this site is driven not my ignorance and hate, as Islam-bashing is, but instead by the constant bullsh*t we experiance firsthand. Being prothelitised to, attacks on evolution and other hard sciences, and having thier "morals" imposed on us, which results in the loss of my rights due to thier religous beliefs. This can hardly be an isolated incident driven by a few extremeist, no? Instead, it is the large-scale infiltration of American society at large by militant christians. That is the point of this thread, that we are tired of dealing with them.


Dec 24, 2003, 11:54 PM
Post #31 of 34 (989 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2003
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Re: Please Don't Preach to Me [In reply to]
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i just called you out on being an asshole.

Thank you Andrew...If someone like you calls me an asshole, I guess I'll take it as a compliment. :lol:


Dec 24, 2003, 11:55 PM
Post #32 of 34 (989 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2003
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Re: Please Don't Preach to Me [In reply to]
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i just called you out on being an asshole.

Andrew, you are so ignorant. I am an asshole for posting a joke about terrorists? What in the heck is the matter with you? I can't believe people are so friggin' sensitive. You are such a stud though, you have determined that I am an asshole, wow, what powers you have! I just found it funny that you jumped all over my ass and now you are getting on the mods for essentially doing the same thing. I don't care that you never actually moderated my were sure leading the charge in the mods and eds forum besmirching my good name.


Dec 26, 2003, 5:24 PM
Post #33 of 34 (989 views)

Registered: Aug 5, 2001
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Re: Please Don't Preach to Me [In reply to]
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The main gist of this thread was not about "bashing" any religion, but, rather, about the dubious actions of federal agencies in apparently recognizing any particular religion (or, in the case of editing a documentary at the Lincoln Memorial, acceding to pressure from a conservative special interest that's uncomfortable with gay and minority rights issues). Such recognition is unconstitutional.


Dec 26, 2003, 11:13 PM
Post #34 of 34 (989 views)

Registered: Nov 26, 2002
Posts: 1512

Re: [Park Service] Please Don't Preach to Me [In reply to]
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What's amazing here is that the title of this thread is, Please Don't Preach to Me, followed by a breaking wave of sermons. Smug ones, too. Santa must have stiffed a few of our breathern . . .

Tilt the old nog a bit and buckle down for another great year!


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