
Mar 10, 2004, 1:47 PM
Post #1 of 5
Registered: Oct 2, 2002
Posts: 56
Guys !!! We can access to Tebong Area, after 15April 2004 ! YES !!! Both Local Gov and Owner agree...!

Mar 10, 2004, 2:04 PM
Post #2 of 5
Registered: Jun 17, 2003
Posts: 6
sweet and awesome. gotta plan a trip after 15 april. are there any more informations that anyone should know regarding bouldering in the area? :D

Mar 11, 2004, 8:12 AM
Post #3 of 5
Registered: Oct 2, 2002
Posts: 56
Yes ! we will provide u the details soon on this site ! Map, Name of routes and some others rules in the tebong palm site. dont worry !!! we are working on that now !

Oct 12, 2004, 2:57 PM
Post #4 of 5
Registered: Oct 2, 2002
Posts: 56
Pls get all the routes detalis from BLOCK or Mymountaingoal.com Pat, pls post some of the routes that we have climb before and the Topo MAP ! - thanks and pls make sure all climber will follow the rules, if not the owner will not allow us to access anymore !

Dec 11, 2004, 10:21 AM
Post #5 of 5
Registered: Sep 15, 2003
Posts: 161
Loong...in my infinate spare time I'm endevouring to put together a topo map/guide and boulder/route list for Tebong, I need everyones input to help us include all new problems. If anyone out there suspects that they may have made the first ascent of a boulder problem. Post the details on this thread, be VERY specific on the location of the boulder, the orientation of the route (some key characteristic), the date you "cleaned", and the name you chose to give it...dont forget to add your own name if you want to get kudos for your efforts. In the meantime check out the latest photos and movies posted in the blocx galleries http://www.blocx.com/bouldering.html http://www.blocx.com/movies.html j