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Maintenance and missions for kinnaird bluffs.
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Apr 20, 2004, 7:35 PM
Post #1 of 1 (1441 views)

Registered: Apr 8, 2004
Posts: 7

Maintenance and missions for kinnaird bluffs.  (North_America: Canada: British_Columbia: Kootenays: _Kinnard_Bluffs)
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Recently, a safety assessment was made and a conclusion was reached. The majority of bolts at kinnaird are not safe.So communal efforts are being made to replace all old relics, and all sport climbs that are bolted for gnarl and not for safety, will be having minimal bolts added to them for safety.This mission contains no thoughts of turning this traditional area into a skaha, but the majority of climbs here are just stupid.As well for those sport climbers, looking for more sport at kinnaird, new projects are being developed raging from 5.6 to 5.10 as there are already a few hard sport climbs.As well all routes now top out at a rappel points for descent, thus no need to descend via the hailmerry gully or sunshine gully(danger hazards in gully too high(roled ankles).Any thoughts or comments(feelings) concerning this matter please contact me and i`ll be glad to listen to your words.

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