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Photos tagged with "sandstone"

oh so sweet - sweet pain

Average Rating = 2.75/5 oh so sweet - sweet pain

me pulling out of the crux on sweet pain 5.12a Red Rocks NV. A great route, beta makes the crux flow nicely! a great way to break into the 12s (nice and soft)
Submitted by: cadaverchris on 2003-04-01
Views: 2862 | Comments: 2
harness wedgie: shortroped great route

Average Rating = 3.67/5 harness wedgie: shortroped great route

a pic of me falling off of Fast Moving Train. I was about coming off, and my belayer had me on a pretty short rope, so the end result is the harness wedgie as you see it here. hahahaha
Submitted by: cadaverchris on 2003-10-23
Views: 3695 | Comment: 1
Abraxxis Wall

Average Rating = 4.50/5 Abraxxis Wall

Larry and Ivo on the second pitch of an unfinished route in Kane Springs Canyon, near Moab.
Submitted by: joe on 2007-01-24
Views: 5651 | Comments: 10
Grab the Grissle (gristle?)

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Grab the Grissle (gristle?)

Yours truly on one of the more popular routes at Wonderland. A six (if i remember correctly) bolt climb with some slab and some steep stuff, as seen here. The small buttress that is home to this route is mid-slope and you can almost start the climb just below the roof by side-hilling in along the slope and clipping the 2nd last bolt. I guess one could walk off at this point as well, but you would miss the best part of the route! Thanks to Liam for the shot.
Submitted by: getsomeethics on 2007-02-06
Views: 2770 | Comments: 0
'Clipping!' on Fish-eyed Fool

Average Rating = 0.00/5 'Clipping!' on Fish-eyed Fool

Mathew Roling clipping on Fish-eyed Fool [5.10b] at Fosters Falls. Big thanks goes out to him for retrieving our gear.
Submitted by: stevenosloan on 2007-03-02
Views: 3045 | Comments: 0
Upper Boulder

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Upper Boulder

This is one of the upper boulders on Sehome Hilll. Google Eyes V8 is #2 on the topo. For more info on Sehome Hill Bouldering go to
Submitted by: jeffvoigt on 2007-03-18
Views: 4257 | Comments: 0
Upper Boulder on Sehome Hill

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Upper Boulder on Sehome Hill

This is one of the upper boulders on sehome hill. Bombshell is #3
Submitted by: jeffvoigt on 2007-03-18
Views: 4700 | Comment: 1
1001 Faces (F7a) #1

Average Rating = 3.00/5 1001 Faces (F7a) #1

First attempt by Lionel in this powerful V5/V6 on the Capelle's sandstone.
Submitted by: thomasribiere on 2007-03-31 | Last Modified: 2007-04-01
Views: 3289 | Comments: 0
Sandstone at Kronthal

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Sandstone at Kronthal

Sam ejoyes the perfect sandstone at the crags of Kronthal, France. more pix on my website
Submitted by: fabe on 2007-04-10
Views: 2775 | Comment: 1
Twice as nice as the first time!

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Twice as nice as the first time!

Atop Coyote Tower, Oak Creek Spire in the distance.
Submitted by: markguycan on 2007-04-23
Views: 2013 | Comments: 0
Long way...

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Long way...

Me trying to climb the traverse "Philosophenweg" V9 at Riesenstein in Heidelberg/Germany
Submitted by: raftaa on 2007-05-10
Views: 2511 | Comments: 0

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Pegasus!

Phuganut approaches the quality climbing on Mt Hayden in the Grand Canyon
Submitted by: markguycan on 2007-06-18 | Last Modified: 2009-08-16
Views: 4145 | Comments: 0
Ultimate Finger Crack

Average Rating = 4.67/5 Ultimate Finger Crack

CrackMD sends this remote hidden gem!
Submitted by: markguycan on 2007-06-29
Views: 3416 | Comments: 3
Manny climbs out of the Exam Room

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Manny climbs out of the Exam Room

On the FA of Digital Exam, it's dark in there!
Submitted by: markguycan on 2007-07-23
Views: 2363 | Comments: 0
Twisted Moves

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Twisted Moves

Collage of photos taken of rockclimbchar leading a sport climbing route, Jungle Trundler, 5.11a, Rebel Camp Hollow, Red River Gorge, Kentucky. The Red has very nice corbin sandstone.
Submitted by: rockclimbchar on 2007-08-04 | Last Modified: 2007-08-05
Views: 3571 | Comments: 0
Laws of Tradition

Average Rating = 4.47/5 Laws of Tradition

Laura Lemons on "To Defy Laws of Tradition", 5.10a, Left Flank, Red River Gorge.
Submitted by: hrtmnstrfr on 2007-09-04
Views: 8801 | Comments: 25

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Anaconda

First pitch of Anaconda. An excellent historic route.
Submitted by: dlintz on 2007-09-22 | Last Modified: 2007-09-30
Views: 5867 | Comment: 1
Mercury's Rising!

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Mercury's Rising!

Pyrosis on the insecure 5.10 lieback crux pitch
Submitted by: markguycan on 2007-10-29
Views: 2125 | Comments: 0
Snake Eyes

Average Rating = 4.25/5 Snake Eyes

Cobra Vision feels like a big wall in the desert! CrackMD on the final pitches.
Submitted by: markguycan on 2007-11-02
Views: 3502 | Comments: 2
5.9 campus traverse

Average Rating = 4.50/5 5.9 campus traverse

Pyrosis on the very memorable initial pitch of Fire Cat Spire
Submitted by: markguycan on 2007-11-02
Views: 2588 | Comments: 2
Negro Bill Canyon

Average Rating = 5.00/5 Negro Bill Canyon

Less than half a mile down the canyon from 191.
Submitted by: getsomeethics on 2007-11-13
Views: 4595 | Comment: 1
Beautiful Bootleful

Average Rating = 4.43/5 Beautiful Bootleful

Dean on the steep & clean diherdal section.
Submitted by: markguycan on 2007-12-03
Views: 4290 | Comments: 10
tip-toeing over the void

Average Rating = 3.00/5 tip-toeing over the void

sed getting some exposure on P2
Submitted by: markguycan on 2007-12-31
Views: 2356 | Comment: 1
ArchEnemy topo

Average Rating = 4.00/5 ArchEnemy topo

an adventure and a test piece!
Submitted by: markguycan on 2007-12-31
Views: 2786 | Comments: 0
palatinate bouldering

Average Rating = 0.00/5 palatinate bouldering

Submitted by: raftaa on 2008-01-08
Views: 2108 | Comments: 0
super crack tower summit

Average Rating = 3.00/5 super crack tower summit

Tree pose on summit and look at that quality sandstone cap rock! awesome backcountry route!
Submitted by: markguycan on 2008-01-25
Views: 2326 | Comments: 2
steep hands!

Average Rating = 4.00/5 steep hands!

pyrosis on the stellar third pitch
Submitted by: markguycan on 2008-01-25
Views: 3294 | Comments: 4
small hold

Average Rating = 0.00/5 small hold

Steffi climbs "hardgirl"
Submitted by: raftaa on 2008-01-31
Views: 2415 | Comment: 1
joachim trying to reach the top

Average Rating = 4.00/5 joachim trying to reach the top

joachim is flying through "la grande passion"
Submitted by: raftaa on 2008-02-03
Views: 2638 | Comments: 0
captain hook

Average Rating = 0.00/5 captain hook

Laszlo climbs "Captain Hook"
Submitted by: raftaa on 2008-03-25
Views: 2086 | Comments: 0

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Zadduk

Laszlo tries "Zadduk" 7b+.
Submitted by: raftaa on 2008-03-25
Views: 2117 | Comments: 0
Deface Crack, 5.10

Average Rating = 4.50/5 Deface Crack, 5.10

Me on Deface Crack, 5.10, a trad route at the Bluff Street Cracks, above downtown St. George, UT. My first time leading it and hardest trad lead so far, next time I will try to stay out of the dihedral.
Submitted by: nieder on 2008-05-09
Views: 4178 | Comments: 2

Average Rating = 5.00/5 Feuerlöscher

Painfull climbing in Saxony (Germany) on one-finger-holes. RP XIa=8a/8a+=5.13b/c
Submitted by: andreasproft on 2008-09-04 | Last Modified: 2008-10-16
Views: 3223 | Comments: 0
full value

Average Rating = 4.00/5 full value

you may want to stop at the first anchor(10b) but it's worth it to hang on for that upper crux!
Submitted by: markguycan on 2008-10-20
Views: 2703 | Comments: 0
crackMD cranks!

Average Rating = 3.50/5 crackMD cranks!

nice job on this finger and stemming testpiece!
Submitted by: markguycan on 2008-10-20
Views: 2579 | Comments: 0
Alex on blank face

Average Rating = 4.67/5 Alex on blank face

Alex Plotnikoff, five years old, smearing her way up a 5.9 blank face at a neighborhood climbing park. Fingernails and fortitude!
Submitted by: emeraldlake on 2008-11-28
Views: 3202 | Comments: 2
Gabe in the Südverschneidung, into the chimney

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Gabe in the Südverschneidung, into the chimney

After happily placing a crazy number of knots and slings in the crack, I was now contemplating how to tackle the exit chimney.
Submitted by: sbaclimber on 2009-07-13
Views: 3121 | Comments: 0

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Shangrila

KB on final stem of the cruxy 3rd pitch
Submitted by: markguycan on 2009-11-12 | Last Modified: 2009-11-13
Views: 2473 | Comment: 1
Broke-back Arete

Average Rating = 5.00/5 Broke-back Arete

Splitter fingers turn the acute angled arete, then lieback hands to a perfect belay ledge.
Submitted by: markguycan on 2010-02-10
Views: 2914 | Comment: 1

Average Rating = 4.00/5 caustic

An awesome climb, I'm glad we went out for it.
Submitted by: ianmeister89 on 2010-04-05
Views: 3050 | Comments: 0
Funny Face

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Funny Face

North cali beach bouldering.
Submitted by: bagels on 2010-05-31
Views: 3222 | Comment: 1
Cabra Macho

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Cabra Macho

Felipe showing he is a Cabra Macho!!!
Submitted by: winglessangel on 2010-06-18
Views: 3054 | Comments: 4
Bode Seco

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Bode Seco

Felipe on route Bode Seco, "Dry Goat"... Will he remain dry?
Submitted by: winglessangel on 2010-06-18
Views: 2883 | Comments: 0
50 Foot Whipper

Average Rating = 4.00/5 50 Foot Whipper

Anthony Meeks off a project in Tennessee
Submitted by: akornylak on 2011-01-10 | Last Modified: 2011-01-29
Views: 3290 | Comments: 0
Lower part of Tannin

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Lower part of Tannin

Keith just about at the start of the business of Tannin.
Submitted by: kachoong on 2011-07-09
Views: 2457 | Comments: 0
Left most end of the boulder wall along Road

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Left most end of the boulder wall along Road

North face of the boulder nearest to access road. Obviously there is a large amount of growth because the lack of traffic.
Submitted by: Peterslug on 2011-08-10
Views: 1950 | Comments: 0
Mid section of North face of boulder Wall

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Mid section of North face of boulder Wall

A bit dirty but a fun traverse area if nothing else. Left of the access road along the main road.
Submitted by: Peterslug on 2011-08-10 | Last Modified: 2011-09-07
Views: 1805 | Comments: 0
Sizing up the midsection

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Sizing up the midsection

A bit dirty but possibly a fun traverse or short top-out bouldering problems. (This was on a rock-finding day in Ohio)
Submitted by: Peterslug on 2011-08-10 | Last Modified: 2011-08-13
Views: 2512 | Comments: 0
East face of boulder midway down the access road

Average Rating = 0.00/5 East face of boulder midway down the access road

A good size sandstone overhang and roof problems adjacent to small boulder problems. All unknown ratings. (This was on a rock-finding day in Ohio)
Submitted by: Peterslug on 2011-08-10 | Last Modified: 2011-09-07
Views: 2198 | Comment: 1
Right end of wall

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Right end of wall

A good size sandstone overhand and roof problems adjacent to small boulder problems. Midway up to the facing horizontal crack is approximately 6ft tall. This is the furthest right prior to being able to hike around to the top of the wall. (This was on a rock-finding day in Ohio)
Submitted by: Peterslug on 2011-08-10 | Last Modified: 2011-09-07
Views: 2011 | Comments: 0
Bouldering the East lower side of the access road

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Bouldering the East lower side of the access road

The downhill eastern side of the access road has short sandstone faces like these.
Submitted by: Peterslug on 2011-08-10 | Last Modified: 2011-09-07
Views: 1848 | Comments: 0
Sizing up the face

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Sizing up the face

A good size sandstone face with crack and roof problems located on the left side of the access road after the parking area.
Submitted by: Peterslug on 2011-08-10 | Last Modified: 2011-09-07
Views: 1954 | Comments: 0
Railroad Boulder #2

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Railroad Boulder #2

A good size sandstone boulder with thin crack top out problems. Slightly inclined faced, with moss...of course.
Submitted by: Peterslug on 2011-08-10 | Last Modified: 2011-09-07
Views: 1630 | Comments: 0
Dundee Falls corner

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Dundee Falls corner

A good size sandstone outcropping on the south side of the creek. Grade rises up to the south (left in the photo) allowing for top roping from solid trees above. (This was on a rock-finding day in Ohio)
Submitted by: Peterslug on 2011-08-10 | Last Modified: 2011-09-07
Views: 2674 | Comments: 0
Rock detail

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Rock detail

Sandstone features found frequently in bands with partial limonite and iron bands throughout the area. Also sometimes there are bands of larger grit sand and pebbles over a broken band, that has mostly worn away, leaving ledges and the like.
Submitted by: Peterslug on 2011-08-10 | Last Modified: 2011-09-07
Views: 2530 | Comments: 0
Beach Rock #1

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Beach Rock #1

Large sandstone boulder with crack and face problems on 4 sides. Mainly trad or boulder. There are a few trees and cracks available or top rope anchoring. This boulder is the one closest to the trail, this face is the side away from the trail. (This was on a rock-finding day in Ohio)
Submitted by: Peterslug on 2011-08-11 | Last Modified: 2011-09-07
Views: 2439 | Comments: 0
Beach Rock #3

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Beach Rock #3

The smaller of the three sandstone boulders with a large overhang and face problems on one of its 4 sides. Mainly trad or boulder. There are a few trees and cracks available for top rope anchoring. (This was on a rock-finding day in Ohio)
Submitted by: Peterslug on 2011-08-11 | Last Modified: 2011-09-07
Views: 2653 | Comments: 0
Left end

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Left end

Left end of the Big Wall @ Beach City Wildlife Area. Access down to the face via a trail to the left of the photo. View to the North.
Submitted by: Peterslug on 2011-09-06
Views: 2020 | Comments: 0
The nose of Pig's Snout

Average Rating = 0.00/5 The nose of Pig's Snout

Left end of the Big Wall @ Beach City Wildlife Area. Easy A is the center crack. Pig's Snout Route is the right arete.
Submitted by: Peterslug on 2011-09-06 | Last Modified: 2013-03-06
Views: 2738 | Comments: 0
Right of Recess

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Right of Recess

Just to the right of the recess. A few easier ledgy climbs.
Submitted by: Peterslug on 2011-09-06
Views: 2141 | Comments: 0
Middle of the Big Wall

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Middle of the Big Wall

Middle of the Big Wall @ Beach City Wildlife Area. Face right of the Recess. A few routes pictured here that run to the ledge below the top.
Submitted by: Peterslug on 2011-09-06
Views: 2153 | Comments: 0
The Crack

Average Rating = 0.00/5 The Crack

The Big Wall. Balance Beam is on the left, then the Crack and then the Firepit route.
Submitted by: Peterslug on 2011-09-06 | Last Modified: 2011-09-14
Views: 2672 | Comments: 0
The Spare Tire

Average Rating = 4.00/5 The Spare Tire

The route pretty much follows the right side of the rope. The black streak is visible to the left, and other climbs to the right wrap the corner.
Submitted by: Peterslug on 2011-09-06 | Last Modified: 2011-09-07
Views: 2525 | Comments: 0
Top of the Big Wall

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Top of the Big Wall

The top of the Big wall @ Beach City Wildlife Area. This is what you see when you approach the top looking to the East. Access to the bottom is down to the left or right behind the photographer's location.
Submitted by: Peterslug on 2011-09-06 | Last Modified: 2011-09-14
Views: 3193 | Comments: 0
The Pearl V6

Average Rating = 0.00/5 The Pearl V6

The Pearl V6 at Eastern Skybridge in Slade, KY.
Submitted by: tH1e-swiN1e on 2012-01-23
Views: 2263 | Comments: 0
Paradise Lost 5.13b

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Paradise Lost 5.13b

Paradise Lost 5.13b at Purgatory at the Red River Gorge.
Submitted by: tH1e-swiN1e on 2012-01-23
Views: 2100 | Comment: 1
Gods Own Stone 5.14a

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Gods Own Stone 5.14a

Neal Sipahimalani sending Gods Own Stone at Gold Coast in the Red River Gorge, KY.
Submitted by: tH1e-swiN1e on 2012-01-23
Views: 2047 | Comments: 0
Traverse to void

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Traverse to void

Airy traverse over virgin terrain, shallow horzontals for gear lead almost to the beautiful splitter...Almost except for an unforseen 12foot void!
Submitted by: markguycan on 2012-03-31
Views: 1832 | Comments: 0
Mother of all Towers

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Mother of all Towers

The Koraro Sandstone Towers, 150 meters high, climbed in 4 pitches, on very little protection and our 'rope gun' Niels Tietze, followed by Nico Demus, Mathieu Thermes, and myself, May 15th 2012. We reached the summit at 6:30pm.
Submitted by: Aylwyn on 2012-09-05 | Last Modified: 2012-09-09
Views: 1610 | Comments: 5
Summit on Koraro Towers

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Summit on Koraro Towers

Summit on Koraro Towers, 15th May 2012, 6:39pm local time.
Submitted by: Aylwyn on 2012-09-07
Views: 1503 | Comments: 0
Summit on smaller Guhe Tower

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Summit on smaller Guhe Tower

The air is clean and the sandstone beneath our feet is warm and comforting. We left gear behind for rappeling: Two nuts, yellow extension rope and Karabiner.
Submitted by: Aylwyn on 2012-09-07
Views: 1694 | Comments: 0
Placing gear in layback - hmmm!

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Placing gear in layback - hmmm!

This little 5.10a corner crack does not look anything special for it's grade. But it's an evil one. One side of the corner is overhanging and there are lot's of tiny pebbles in the crack. The entry opens up a lot and so you already did a tricky entry boulder, when it comes to placing gear from the layback position. The guide book even states, that enough people coming for the 5.13d sport climb in the overhanging wall to the right, have failed to even finish the supposed 5.10 warm up in that corner beast :) - climber: Manu
Submitted by: mangiari on 2014-05-29 | Last Modified: 2014-06-01
Views: 2217 | Comments: 0
Hurry up - it's pumpy!

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Hurry up - it's pumpy!

Manu in "Lutzverschneidung". The route is only rated 5.10a, but it's a real pumpy beast. Speed is the most effective weapon to fight it. Placing a lot of gear from the layback position can easily throw you out, even if you onsight much higher grades normaly.
Submitted by: mangiari on 2014-05-29 | Last Modified: 2014-06-01
Views: 2020 | Comments: 2

 Tags related to "sandstone":

grand teton summit sunset fingercrack silhouette clip landscape postcard waterfall hottie squeeze heel hook foliage buttshot malibu fresno kraft crag bum arapiles ausrtralia hideout boulder swamp boulders happy_cat wall street bum boy perkins parowan gap shinobe fat''hedral zen wall montana terry ferg photo sepia mike willyoung jon thorpe castle hill frog se queensland left flank military wall motherlode perspective anchor pistol ridge nightlife clipping rectory drytool caves slovenia estes park psycobloc st. george underworld andy raether autumn enchanted rock black and white v 4 sierra lost dome canterbury two finger pockets cave hollow balancy looking glass happies happy boulders spotting jackson falls alberta columns ebor falls choss jackson county montucky horseshoe buttonhead spicy panoramic lancelot port hills christchurch turkey hisarcik kayseri bw little yangshuo banyan tree tower adele nimbus neil bare feet pose land of oz devil''s marbles mainline wall priest river csh pad orange single life lei pi shan abond moon hill red dragon logan barber boston hammond pond kristie lonczak jessy kingrey crimp kalle viira hangdog woody topout sloper feather bag whole route teruel glebeh pucok krueng indonesia aceh sequence pennsylvania ronin lifestyle yosemite backcountry saxony sandrock peterskill hone quarry begoon little cottonwood canyon contrast bright color tablerock rawley springs appetizers gum run paul''s run philly kelly drive boulder antarctica roof crack dog new jack city gowser lion'''s head city of rocks new river gorge wichita mountains tied to the whipping post chapada diamantina bahia state eliseu frechou conglomerate rock desert tower la sals ringlock horseshack calcite speed zion moonlight handcrack minas gerais blue mountains umbrella traverse vedauwoo brendan heywood gara gorge new south wales africa savage amusement 21 ramen mt. piddington eternity piddington stonehenge millcreek rawhide queen creek arcata grand canyon long canyon shelf road iran 5.11a see spot run boulderering torres del paine grab the grissle coffs harbour wonderland tuolumne meadows artistic suesca beauty kansas bouldering kamikaze doug sad boulders east sierras sunset boulders goat rock northern california jenner deborah matty keaven matty chihuahua majalca solo free exposure nz caste hill quantum field gnarkill fosters sea crag leavenworth lynchburg va central va trestles pier b whistler quebec charlotte chick germany pinch problem dr. google eyes bellingham sehome hill sehme hill foster falls ironman long beach dunedin europe fern gully paradise on the brazos bomb shelter monte pinnow jasper knieling smith rocks bunkerguy capelle sanstone das piano development bunker italia joes valley sea of screams quartz half dome will boyd janetta cravens boyd kronthal gumball muscle beach dirty hippies mt. lemmon duluth castle rock california bouldering peru illusion dweller double cross frenchman coulee squirrel rock rockclimbchar mt coolum aerial massacre rocks wild onion stanage jackson harbor retention wall paul hara women climbing fossil rock lighthouse tower dolomite tower cayonlands kachina spires canyonlands hawks nest heidelberg kraftwerk devil's den devil'''s den military gettysburg homestake sweden 12a ti point new zaland guam abot lhoknga bay area good earth blue mounds mt diablo amazing face erg frog buttress vietnam expo indian rock warmup pole canmore emergency misc freyr great wall jasper lost boys jason reynolds rockwars great escape shagg geat escape maple canyon nautod philippines dingle putian visayas truckee i80 somermset nuts jenny lake beginners delight tricycle phiippines ililo cougar canyon el cap erica doppler effect johua tree real hidden valley sentinel rock do or fly shannon moore puppy dome corrridor the rack tobin sorenson the edge monkey puzzle grampians sports route grampions cool craking hot chick kansai sunshine coast matt eaton knee bar queensland junkyard maine ocean ill gotten booty fist crack kotecnik paradise forks portaledge beerwah bolt route guernica indoor rockgym mar del plata costa atlantica white bluff shaggin waggon pockets of resistance minden rico suave kaymoor lightning pine creek pindari dam kjugekull iceland venezuela routesetting fingers end at the world magallanes magellan race cape of horn czech elbsandstein karin robbers roost charleston north shore herman margarita cave boulering aea 51 joe cool repelling conner redwool 11a solarium day canyon potash moab day canyon night climbing granite mountain whiteout rail candyland prescott hellgate hualapies luce tequila sunrise comet pockets cubed the standard horsetooth river road dihedrals throwing oranges nockamixon gateway awakening american fork your offer is good not gay man kinda gay man sushi but not gay beautiful man also i really don't want to cheat on my wife brown but come on guys leave me alone i don''t need this added pressure but please don't go any higher cause i wouldn't be able to refuse it. not that there is anything against gay ontario leaves colors quartzite backpack 1st street 2nd street mesaba red river climbing. rock dan allard housekeeping camp4 yoemite lake tahoe gravity boulder the bad triassic spooner crag deadman''s buttress negro bill canyon low desert arch death valley trippy rock yosemite valley nickys colo billiards blue cloud don minnehaha awesome evolution traverse alpne boatrock firewoman fire woman sunrise flock hill chris brown dreamcape aspropirgos art sketch latsoudorema driving south forest huapalcalco horse flats sanfrancisco marialy pinhead rockfall ontop murder creek muder creek ingrown toenail lego minne fist jam big horn mating grotto nrg babyface la bufa guanajuato palatinate josh finkelstein t wall michael tucker red rocks nevada dolomite gritty northern sommerset dessert carl hertzog drew davis bulgaria romania lost horse merlin linville gorge the daddy shadow dance moore''s wall spokane el potrero chico stoney point raether monestary triasic big bend caleb simpson canibal crag caustic climbing art san francisco kootenai central oregon wolverine stump bluff bowling green shredding unrepeatable iowa bull creek bonnie''s roof christmas tree hylteberget gothenburg robbie bottoms lily rock trough horse pens sam johnson blowing rock holds uganda bluff street orofino gulch bouldering australia caste rock doube dyno the cabbage patch all thumbs the secret garden twsted the green face 5 mile boulders chikaloon aleksandr romanenko lost tools midwest solon garage roof section lay hongs layback lincoln bolton bolton quarry spring break power glide my creation joe pyle photoshop stenson self portrait runout boise aurora chalten santa cruz castel rock chiang mai rock climbing adventures coopers bouldering donkey punch kelly canyon anorexic doupe lounge union college garth montgomery nebraska irr tony pacini pacini tony kansas rock city devils lake north chimney josh enevoldson jeremy meza heather jagger riverside quarry strawberry jam rock state ironman traverse sardegna dog leg corner tierra fuego racing torres paine austral team end world keystone boulder volcanic composite #3 camalot malaysia clip a dee doo daa jimmy cliff big rock deroehn skipping orangahang 9 soles james w. parker cathedral spires custer state park needles andreas proft vantage zulu death mask ham creek mclellan curtis q''emlin post falls coopers rock sipi falls vt the monument ben carlson wiamea chris kenny garage woody sharp peak district flying buttress feast of fools gardiner october bill baer zac hansen southern illinois stealth c4 sex air mattress crash pad alabama hills monument roofcrack chossmonkey hard crack kutcher la guairita groom creek nice skoteino dieder varadero cuba cigar caves cuba creepy crawl ginormas roof holy shit! huge roof satan''s tits nathan kutcher san mateo county santa cruz mountains flaming gorge bouldering on a rope belize 45 guatemala quetxaltenango yoemie diesel power way lake paralyzed dr. rubios crystals az problem the press unnamed hanger 18 pehastin fly solon iowa stemming izmir so ill holds metolius holds moon hangboard pyle pusher holds tasmanian climbing ben lomond outrage estrellas i kan haz dry toolz castlewood canyon fruit boots cowbells trad iz rad!!!!! chossy klimz t3h klimz!!!!! tard climbing frozen ham sammiches widgi deadman''s summit cactus heaven koh tao rockin the frootbootz chiang mai w00t trad mixed el ptrero chico los lobos exposed beh rad will the wolf survive pacheca hobo beach pirates cove freehang paper thin boulder tradass sur america juan sebastian asencio word the lost bolt logan kerr clayton buck christensen phoenix humboldt county beach bouldering lost coast houda point sketchy pro solar slab campground crack jovino scott los padres totem talullah tribu outfitters robert hunters pennsylvania bouldering rock maze proletariat pyramid mojo folea tendons mend xenolithe razor blades dead point granite point pooping robins mount woodson hand jams la ceja de mi amigo. gilgit revelstoke beehive sandtone elbsandsteingebirge papst extraplomada enjoy climing the roof deleware alapocas dogwood veliko tarnovo trinity rocks farm usteto lead climbing nepal nepal photos canyoning detox mountain white pine south karncruncher the party pit elizabeth talking furnace headwall bmx apple valley intense tampa buildering 5.10d 10b the new river gorge nick stoumpas fang spire pizza before cake bishop peak estrelita variation bitterroot valley st. marys piatra craiului zarnesti mud stolen chimney sign route reachy indoor wall cheat river benton macro leaf petrified hornet poudre canyon northern colorado northern colorado climbers coalition pearl boulder 420''s gandalf nc3 hatchery boulders bog piano boulders fort collins rotary park scoop belgium march les dames mexco melaque thief klus multi pitch balsthal focus new mexio white rock once were warriors thin pap frt wetherill big cottonwood maybe sprain maybe not maybe no sick not really death maybe injury xingo alagoas talhado sao francisco psiobloc farm hill tdlphoto tuscarora formation cube fratelli wuber wuber bosque de piedra shuruyev predator tarantula spider michael bartosek photography stumbling blocks ruins angelina kalianda andre kiryanov kiryanov dolt hinterlands jolt junco beginning of all things crazy horse crazy horse buttress pat goodman matt kuehl celestial mechanics ravens rock md cresent rocks ravens rock crescent rocks higball marymoor so ill the roost shirtless the new smuggler's notch smugg''s the finn nate vince port alfred waterval boven watreval boven charlie romanenko asr aleksandr rakaposhi bagrote henarche glacier dubani peak drytoolng tioga pass gunkswest first aid beach ciy big wll east buttress middle cathedral yosemite paterson kings river pearl paradise lost purgatory 5.14 gods own stone sws lone pine 395 boat rok yellow grizzly koh yao noi climbing in thailand vertical voyages sam''s throne hermosillo climbing bolivia rock limbing in sucre climbing sucre shimenguan tigray vertical impossibilities ethiopia first asent 8 buy petzl cheap climbing gear okinaa white oak canyon falls shenandoah park pear and apple obama barack first ascent mountain school troll hut northern devils canyon gto sendero d''oro new routes gatineau nature nazi crsp constant clothing marin lake perris hollow man ying yang nordic rock climbing dahab camel canyon western kilimanjaro rock climbing africa rock climbing germany valley north fork michael gray manu lutzverschneidung