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Jul 1, 2003, 9:21 AM
Post #101 of 355 (17449 views)

Registered: Mar 25, 2002
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Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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i found out that i cant climb under influence of any kind of drugs, illegal or legal. i once tried smoking pot before climbing and found out that my abilities were seriusly lower than in my sober state. not to mention i was lazy like hell. the same goes for drinking. so i climb first and the drgs have to wait untill im done with climbing.


Jul 1, 2003, 10:59 AM
Post #102 of 355 (17449 views)

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Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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I was a doper for a few years in my childhood but I grew up, decided to become an adult & take on life while awake.
I don't have to rationalize why I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs & try to eat halfway decent. I see the results of smoking, drinking & other drugs every day that I come to work. By far the vast majority of our adult ER & hospital admission patients do one & usually all 3 of those things. And to a man (or woman) they are not people I would trade places with. They are unhappy, sickly, living miserable lives because of what they've done to their bodies since teenage (or earlier) years. And by far the majority of children we treat have parents who smoke, drink and/or do other drugs.
You can talk all about how great you were in college and how you climb better stoned; I'll see you when you're wheezing from COPD or stupid drunk or just plain stupid because you've fried away the great brain you were born with.
I give you narcotics and antibiotics to treat the gross dental problems that result from your meth use. As I so often chart on your ER record, You look much older than your chronological age (for the simpletons, "You look rode hard & put up wet".)
And the sad thing is, many of you poor souls had great potential, many have (or had) great professions, money, great brains, great strength, great climbing ability. Why would you want to prematurely end that? :cry: :?:
I don't claim to be a naturally great climber like many of you are. But I plan to continue doing it as long as I have the strength; and I have a better chance of staying healthy longer by taking care of this old body.
It's your right to prematurely age & kill yourself as you wish. Hopefully there will always be people like me here to scrape you off the highway, hold you up in bed, put a tube in your lungs to breathe for you and give you painkillers to make your passing more humane.


Jul 1, 2003, 1:44 PM
Post #103 of 355 (17449 views)

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Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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While I totally see where you are coming from, you've taken this argument to it's extreme. OF COURSE it's bad to overuse a particular substance, nobody here is arguing that point. But there's a HUGE difference between having a substance abuse problem and occasionally smoking some bud or having a drink. More people than not have a handle on things and can drink or smoke from time to time and not be considered the dregs of society.

But if you're going to take a shot at drinking and drugs, why stop there? There are tons of other things in this country that people obsess over or otherwise overuse to their detriment. Hell, fast food probably contributes as much to poor health and general unhappiness as drinking and drugs. How many lazy fat asses are there in this country that think nothing of chugging down a few Big Macs and then going home to sit in front of the TV all night until they eventually keel over from a heat attack? Should we string up Ronal McDonald from the golden arches?


Jul 1, 2003, 1:55 PM
Post #104 of 355 (17449 views)

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Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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Smoke pot, climb hot.


Jul 1, 2003, 4:10 PM
Post #105 of 355 (17449 views)

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Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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so all the marijuana supporters come out after i leave, sheesh, where were you all last night??? haha


Jul 1, 2003, 4:12 PM
Post #106 of 355 (17444 views)


Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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[quote:5a8450bcbf="beastmaster"]So basically what this boils down to is that "mtngeo" needs to see an official transcript to think that "northshorebuds" is smart enough to smoke pot and get a's and b's at school ?!?!?[/quote:5a8450bcbf]

no. you are oversimplifying the thrust of my point. northshorebuds claimed to have achieved x grades in school -- the pot smoking component of this thread is not germain. regardless of whether he smokes pot or sniffs glue or has sex with haitian spidermonkeys, he claimed to make x grades. what i asked was that he support that assertion by providing verifiable proof.

many stupid people smoke pot. many amazingly brilliant people smoke pot.


Jul 1, 2003, 4:13 PM
Post #107 of 355 (17449 views)

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Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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what about average people like woody harrelson


Jul 1, 2003, 4:21 PM
Post #108 of 355 (17449 views)

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Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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You might be able to climb better because you are doing stuff that is stupid, but what is the use you are screwing up your body to do it.


Jul 1, 2003, 4:23 PM
Post #109 of 355 (17449 views)

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Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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because its worth it


Jul 1, 2003, 4:26 PM
Post #110 of 355 (17449 views)

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Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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I don't want to know who said you are high on drugs. I want to know who said those drugs will get you high.



Jul 1, 2003, 4:28 PM
Post #111 of 355 (17449 views)

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Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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???? huh


Jul 1, 2003, 5:33 PM
Post #112 of 355 (17449 views)

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Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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Buds, man.... Let me first say that I support your position... sort of. It would be hypocritical of me not to. But you have to understand that you are still somewhat of a novice smoker. When I was in college I smoked so much that I referred to it as "getting normal." Had only tried it a couple times in high school and in college I decided to experiment. I also made deans list the entire time and the motto in our apartment was "If it ain't a 5 footer, it ain't worth smoking!" I blazed for years, morning, noon, and night. Till I got to the point where I was burning half a Z of really dank KB a week all by myself....and barely getting high. When you are blowing more on herb than rent, it stops being worth it. So I gave it up for a while, not totally, but cut back to about once in a blue moon. A lot of my old pals that I was blazing with in college still burn at that rate, and you know what....they look like sh!t. Most of them don't climb anymore, and you can almost smell the lack of motivation on them. And as I pointed out in a really asinine earlier post to this thread, it is pointless to smoke before climbing because the adrenaline just snaps me out of it. I still enjoy the occasional afterclimb spliff amongst friends, but give up the bong dude, it wrecks your throat. What's my point here? I don't friggin' know. Burn like a rock star and enjoy it while it lasts. Eventually though, you have to mend your ways or else you end up being that old guy at the Phish shows that everyone just feels sorry for.


Jul 1, 2003, 5:38 PM
Post #113 of 355 (17449 views)

Registered: Sep 24, 2002
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Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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Hah, can't believe I read that whole thing, you know work is slow. Best post on the thread:

I find that smoking before climbing is just a waste of good pot. The adrenaline rush I get from climbing seems to snap me out of my mellow buzz. Save it for the afterclimb celebration.... but that's just me, and I'm not you. THANK F__KING GOD. RAHAHAHAHAHA
The Pirate

So true. Joseph Campbell said that "drugs are the mechanically induced mystical experience". The implication being that there are nonmechanical, and therefore superior ways of achieving a similar state.

Marijuana has relatively few unpleasant side effects, but one is a short-term impairment of memory retention. If you are getting good grades while hitting the bong every night, I suspect you could do better, or simply expend less effort studying if you keep a three-day window between studying and indulgence.

Worst post award always goes to spelling/grammar flames. Dreadfully passe, and a general indication that one has nothing to say.


Jul 1, 2003, 5:47 PM
Post #114 of 355 (17449 views)

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Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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i understand your concern, but i have heard it before, some people puff all day everyday and turn out like shit, i also know old people that puff everyday that are considered by society "SUCCESSFUL" people, whatever that means, it affects everyone differently, from one smoker to another, thanks for the concern but i myself cant see that happening


Jul 1, 2003, 8:07 PM
Post #115 of 355 (17444 views)


Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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northshorebuds (corey) --

thank you for the scholastic link. i appears you are INDEED an honors student. my most sincere congratulations on a job well done.




Jul 1, 2003, 8:09 PM
Post #116 of 355 (17449 views)

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Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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If you are getting good grades while hitting the bong every night, I suspect you could do better, or simply expend less effort studying if you keep a three-day window between studying and indulgence.

Or not. Smoking pot calms many people (myself included) enough to study or concentrate on the task at hand instead of letting themselves get distracted by other topics/problem/etc, and i'm one studious motherfucker. Again, this isn't universal and varies from person to person but to claim his grades would be better if he didn't smoke as much is an uninformed generalization that should be thrown out the door with all the other propaganda that litters our culture.


Jul 1, 2003, 10:30 PM
Post #117 of 355 (17449 views)

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Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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Uninformed? Oh, I beg to differ. 8) The short-term effects of marijuana on memory retention are well-documented scientific consensus, and so widely known as to be the butt of common jokes. Its a shame that the massive amounts of propaganda being churned out over this, simply obfuscate the real drawbacks of drug dependency.

If you truly cannot focus on studying without smoking pot first, I recommend exploring alternatives such as meditation, or examining whether you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms. There are legal drugs targeted to that sort of problem, but they have their own set of undesirable side effects.


Jul 1, 2003, 11:16 PM
Post #118 of 355 (17449 views)

Registered: Feb 28, 2003
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Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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Uninformed? Oh, I beg to differ. The short-term effects of marijuana on memory retention are well-documented scientific consensus, and so widely known as to be the butt of common jokes.

Please post a link to an article which proves your case. Since this is "scientific consensus" and it's "well-documented," then you should have no problem.

It's my guess that you'll probably have trouble finding objective information, because since the days of Nixon, the U.S. government has pretty much consistently denied funding for any researcher who wants to do an objective study of the effects of marijuana. They have only funded researchers who set out to prove that marijuana has negative effects. In spite of more than 30 years of purposely biased research, they've still only been able to "prove" that marijuana might kind of be slightly bad for you, sort of.

Even if they proved that cannabis was guaranteed to kill anyone who ever smoked it, this would not legitimize drug prohibition--The government has no business trying to regulate my body chemistry.


Jul 2, 2003, 12:06 AM
Post #119 of 355 (17444 views)


Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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marijuana has taught me many valuable things about life.

one of the greatest lessons is that you need not bake the cookie dough to enjoy it.

thank you for that.


Jul 2, 2003, 12:30 AM
Post #120 of 355 (17444 views)

Registered: Aug 21, 2001
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Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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ive never tried both at the same time but with my experience in bud i think i would do better than usual


Jul 2, 2003, 1:22 AM
Post #121 of 355 (17444 views)

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Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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A characteristic feature of a marijuana "high" is a distortion in the sense of time associated with deficits in short-term memory and learning. A marijuana smoker typically has a sense of enhanced physical and emotional sensitivity, including a feeling of greater interpersonal closeness. The most obvious behavioral abnormality displayed by someone under the influence of marijuana is difficulty in carrying on an intelligible conversation, perhaps because of an inability to remember what was just said even a few words earlier.

Marijuana and Medicine - Assessing the Science Base - Institute of Medicine (IOM) - National Academy of Science 1999


Jul 2, 2003, 1:46 AM
Post #122 of 355 (17444 views)

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Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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If mtngeo is hiring, I need work!!!

Any peak, anytime


Jul 2, 2003, 3:01 AM
Post #123 of 355 (17444 views)

Registered: Jun 25, 2003
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Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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got some shoes today


Jul 2, 2003, 5:05 AM
Post #124 of 355 (17444 views)

Registered: May 7, 2003
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Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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Not that anyone's going to read my post; I'm going to chime in anyway. I've been climbing for about 20 years now. More than I care to mention, I have run into stoned climbers. What bothers me is how many climbers have this "what's-right-for-you-isn't-right-for-everyone" mentality. This anarchic attitude is prevalent among much of the “extreme sport” adherents. The frustration I experience is when people looking at me immediately stereotype me. Granted the stereotype of live-out-of-your-vehicle type of climbers isn’t all off target. I used to climb every to every other day, camped out of my car, pay people to belay me and camped on the cliff themselves just to spend every waking moment on the rock. What climbing types did I find doing the same? Pot smoking jobless doinks, that’s what!

Before I get stoned (rocks thrown at me, pun intended) for pointing so judgmental a finger, let me first say I’ve been a drug abuser myself. Being a former doink, I don’t suppose I can look down on other climbers continuing to do the same. That doesn’t mean the topic of right vs. wrong can’t be mentioned. If you smoke pot, it’s wrong. That’s why I stopped doing drugs. Don’t give me the, “It’s-the-most-harmless-blah-blah-blah…” speech—really old by now.

In short, syllogistic-terms, my thinking can be summarized as follows:

Breaking the law is wrong
Smoking pot is against the law
Therefore, smoking pot is wrong

Be nice—don’t be a doink!



Jul 2, 2003, 5:18 AM
Post #125 of 355 (17444 views)


Re: Climbing under the influence of drugs (marijuana) [In reply to]
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[quote:66031aea5a="toejam"]Worst post award always goes to spelling/grammar flames. Dreadfully passe, and a general indication that one has nothing to say.[/quote:66031aea5a]

i strongly disagree. the ability to put forth a thought that is compelling, cogent, well-crafted, and technically correct, is a basic yardstick of overall intelligence.

disagree if you will, as it is your prerogative, but there is little doubt a short writing sample would ferret out the george plimptons and henry kissingers from beavis and butthead.

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