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WTF is up with people who climb trad?
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Nov 5, 2008, 2:46 PM
Post #101 of 485 (1757 views)

Registered: Aug 2, 2006
Posts: 1321

Re: [HappinessIsWinning] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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HappinessIsWinning wrote:
yourself. BTW, I hope more people bolt cracks, you rich fucks can fuck yourselves with all your cams, most of us, especially given the times, can't afford a full trad rack.MadMadMadMadMadMadMadMad

Uh dude, do you even know how much it costs to bolt a route? Much less an entire crag? Stop whining keep clipping your bolts and remember somebody else payed to put that route up you are climbing on.


Nov 5, 2008, 2:49 PM
Post #102 of 485 (1752 views)

Registered: Sep 29, 2008
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Re: [chossmonkey] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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Backpedaling is,.. um,..

Anyway, I'm not kissing ass, I just appreciate the idea of diversity, I like choices. He made a very valid point:

j_ung wrote:
Personally, I like some variety in my climbing. One day I might want a runout frightfest that tests my belayer almost as much as it tests me. On others I want to clip a bolt or two. The biggest mistake we as climbers can make, IMO, is to homogenize climbing one way or the other. When I lose the inclination and opportunity to customize my climbing as I see fit, it's probably time for me to hang it up. And since I don't really want to hang it up, I'll say I'm pretty happy to have some areas be closer to pristine and some not so much.

I couldn't agree more.

(This post was edited by HappinessIsWinning on Nov 5, 2008, 2:54 PM)


Nov 5, 2008, 2:53 PM
Post #103 of 485 (1746 views)

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Re: [bigfatrock] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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bigfatrock wrote:
Uh dude, do you even know how much it costs to bolt a route? Much less an entire crag? Stop whining keep clipping your bolts and remember somebody else payed to put that route up you are climbing on.

I understand that, that's part of the reason I would like to put a few routes up at some point. So I can contribute something to the local climbing in my area. Also I see lots of potential in some undeveloped areas here.


Nov 5, 2008, 2:53 PM
Post #104 of 485 (1744 views)

Registered: Dec 2, 2006
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Re: [HappinessIsWinning] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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HappinessIsWinning wrote:
lol, damn this is an exciting post. Sorry for the people I offended, I fully understand your position. Hell like I said I want to climb trad. This is what happens when you drink too much and read about Ken "The Bolt Chopper" from the East Coast. I don't want to get into detail about my opinions, nor do I want want to respond to all these posts... My problem is with people that want to go chopping bolts. I generally agree that a well placed piece of pro is more then likely stronger then most bolts. I also feel we should set better standards for bolting so they are less dangerous. And as far as climbing bolted crack,... I can get that done at Shelf Road. Once again sorry for anyone who got offended. Hell if I saw this post I would be on the OP like white on rice.


btw: WHOO HOO Obama WON!!!!!
and try not to drink to much, and if you do avoid reading about Ken "The Bolt Chopper", you may very well do something quite rash, like make a thread like this one.... Blush

If someone doesn't want their shit chopped there are two clear and well-established paths to making sure that it doesn't happen.

1. Be the first to send the line in question and keep your bolting within the accepted boundaries of the local ethic for the area.


2. Make damn sure the FA is cool with you adding bolts and make damn sure the locals KNOW the FA is cool with it.

PS. I chopped your mom.


Nov 5, 2008, 2:57 PM
Post #105 of 485 (1739 views)

Registered: Sep 29, 2008
Posts: 256

Re: [knieveltech] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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I would only put up bolts on new routes (with proper research into ethics/regulation) or to replace old/outdated hardware on existing routes (once again talking to the people who are currently in charge of that for the area).


Nov 5, 2008, 2:58 PM
Post #106 of 485 (1737 views)

Registered: Nov 20, 2002
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Re: [HappinessIsWinning] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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HappinessIsWinning wrote:
I'm 29, but emotionally, and in level of maturity, about 17. and I can't control what I write when I drink

there, fixed that for you.

HappinessIsWinning wrote:
Does it make you feel good to degrade people?

hey, you offered the straight lines. I especially liked your wishing death on trad climbers. right then and there, you admitted to a level of douchebaggery I admit I am not man enough to embrace. oh wait, I meant, "not STUPID enough to embrace" sorry, my B.

In reply to:
Do you feel stronger after a post like that?
no. whenver I read posts like your OP, my despair for humanity deepens.

In reply to:
Your weak, your post is a perfect example of why/how. Oh, and next time you have had a few too many read this post and try to not get pissed:;;page=unread#unread

see here's where we differ.

1. I don't drink to excess anymore. the novelty wore off oh, 25 years ago. you're still new to it, so it still seems fun adn exciting.

2. even when I did drink to excess, I could still tell when I was on the verge of saying/writing something stupid, so I didn't. even then, I had more self control than you've exhibited.

3. I've seen KNs handiwork at Farley. he's a douche, hands down. so i contributed money to the WMCC, since that seems like it might actually help the cause rather than blathering away ineffectually, (or, like you, DRUNKENLY AND INEFFECTUALLY, about the wrong thing) on some stupid online BBS.

4. I'm weak? dude, you're the one who posted while drunk, posted stupidly I might add, and then used the idiotically lame excuse of blaming it on the drink. that's both dishonest and lame.

(This post was edited by robbovius on Nov 5, 2008, 3:32 PM)


Nov 5, 2008, 3:05 PM
Post #107 of 485 (1727 views)

Registered: Aug 2, 2006
Posts: 1321

Re: [HappinessIsWinning] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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HappinessIsWinning wrote:
bigfatrock wrote:
Uh dude, do you even know how much it costs to bolt a route? Much less an entire crag? Stop whining keep clipping your bolts and remember somebody else payed to put that route up you are climbing on.

I understand that, that's part of the reason I would like to put a few routes up at some point. So I can contribute something to the local climbing in my area. Also I see lots of potential in some undeveloped areas here.

You complain about rich people being able to afford trad racks, yet you have no idea how much it even costs to bolt a route. You will pay about $55 (five bolts and set of double ring anchors) to bolt a route, that will get you one cam. So do the math, you can climb many more cracks with a trad rack than you would be able to pay to bolt.

If you really want to climb bolted cracks to go Shelf Road in Colorado, or fine other quality limestone crags. You are bound to find your bolted cracks there.

(This post was edited by bigfatrock on Nov 5, 2008, 3:15 PM)


Nov 5, 2008, 3:10 PM
Post #108 of 485 (1720 views)

Registered: Jan 22, 2004
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Re: [bigfatrock] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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bigfatrock wrote:
If you really want to climb bolted cracks to go Shelf Road in Colorado, or fine other quality limestone crags. You are bound to find your bolted cracks there.
....or just move to one of the areas in europe where not only are the cracks bolted, but the bolts are even subsidized!!ShockedLaughCool

(This post was edited by sbaclimber on Nov 5, 2008, 3:10 PM)


Nov 5, 2008, 3:14 PM
Post #109 of 485 (1711 views)

Registered: Dec 2, 2006
Posts: 1431

Re: [HappinessIsWinning] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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HappinessIsWinning wrote:
I would only put up bolts on new routes (with proper research into ethics/regulation) or to replace old/outdated hardware on existing routes (once again talking to the people who are currently in charge of that for the area).

Then what, exactly, the fuck are you on about?


Nov 5, 2008, 3:17 PM
Post #110 of 485 (1702 views)

Registered: May 20, 2006
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Re: [HappinessIsWinning] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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HappinessIsWinning wrote:
shockabuku wrote:
HappinessIsWinning wrote:
No one has a right to be elitist....

Anyone has the right to be elitist.

That's the kind of response I would expect from you...

Good, that shows me you're not as naive as you represent yourself to be.

Partner j_ung

Nov 5, 2008, 3:17 PM
Post #111 of 485 (1699 views)

Registered: Nov 21, 2003
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Re: [HappinessIsWinning] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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HappinessIsWinning wrote:
Backpedaling is,.. um,..

Anyway, I'm not kissing ass, I just appreciate the idea of diversity, I like choices. He made a very valid point:

j_ung wrote:
Personally, I like some variety in my climbing. One day I might want a runout frightfest that tests my belayer almost as much as it tests me. On others I want to clip a bolt or two. The biggest mistake we as climbers can make, IMO, is to homogenize climbing one way or the other. When I lose the inclination and opportunity to customize my climbing as I see fit, it's probably time for me to hang it up. And since I don't really want to hang it up, I'll say I'm pretty happy to have some areas be closer to pristine and some not so much.

I couldn't agree more.

Thanks, but you're banzed anyway. I hereby impose a 2-second banz. That'll learn ya. Tongue

Partner macherry

Nov 5, 2008, 3:28 PM
Post #112 of 485 (1686 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2003
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Re: [HappinessIsWinning] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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HappinessIsWinning wrote:
Awesome response, this is by far the most informative reply. I would have to say your post puts this into a better perspective for me. Like I said above, I was drunk when I read the Ken "The Bolt Chopper" thread and may have responded a bit, um... rashly.

drunken posting=FAIL


Nov 5, 2008, 3:33 PM
Post #113 of 485 (1676 views)

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Re: [macherry] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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macherry wrote:
HappinessIsWinning wrote:
Awesome response, this is by far the most informative reply. I would have to say your post puts this into a better perspective for me. Like I said above, I was drunk when I read the Ken "The Bolt Chopper" thread and may have responded a bit, um... rashly.

drunken posting=FAIL

drunken posting=marginal self control= UBERFAIL

Partner macherry

Nov 5, 2008, 3:44 PM
Post #114 of 485 (1664 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2003
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Re: [robbovius] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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robbovius wrote:
HappinessIsWinning wrote:
I'm 29, but emotionally, and in level of maturity, about 17. and I can't control what I write when I drink

there, fixed that for you.

HappinessIsWinning wrote:
Does it make you feel good to degrade people?

hey, you offered the straight lines. I especially liked your wishing death on trad climbers. right then and there, you admitted to a level of douchebaggery I admit I am not man enough to embrace. oh wait, I meant, "not STUPID enough to embrace" sorry, my B.

In reply to:
Do you feel stronger after a post like that?
no. whenver I read posts like your OP, my despair for humanity deepens.

In reply to:
Your weak, your post is a perfect example of why/how. Oh, and next time you have had a few too many read this post and try to not get pissed:;;page=unread#unread

see here's where we differ.

1. I don't drink to excess anymore. the novelty wore off oh, 25 years ago. you're still new to it, so it still seems fun adn exciting.

2. even when I did drink to excess, I could still tell when I was on the verge of saying/writing something stupid, so I didn't. even then, I had more self control than you've exhibited.

3. I've seen KNs handiwork at Farley. he's a douche, hands down. so i contributed money to the WMCC, since that seems like it might actually help the cause rather than blathering away ineffectually, (or, like you, DRUNKENLY AND INEFFECTUALLY, about the wrong thing) on some stupid online BBS.

4. I'm weak? dude, you're the one who posted while drunk, posted stupidly I might add, and then used the idiotically lame excuse of blaming it on the drink. that's both dishonest and lame.

this is correct


Nov 5, 2008, 4:06 PM
Post #115 of 485 (1647 views)

Registered: Nov 13, 2005
Posts: 461

Re: [HappinessIsWinning] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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HappinessIsWinning wrote:
lol, damn this is an exciting post. Sorry for the people I offended, I fully understand your position. Hell like I said I want to climb trad. This is what happens when you drink too much and read about Ken "The Bolt Chopper" from the East Coast. I don't want to get into detail about my opinions, nor do I want want to respond to all these posts... My problem is with people that want to go chopping bolts. I generally agree that a well placed piece of pro is more then likely stronger then most bolts. I also feel we should set better standards for bolting so they are less dangerous. And as far as climbing bolted crack,... I can get that done at Shelf Road. Once again sorry for anyone who got offended. Hell if I saw this post I would be on the OP like white on rice.


btw: WHOO HOO Obama WON!!!!!
and try not to drink to much, and if you do avoid reading about Ken "The Bolt Chopper", you may very well do something quite rash, like make a thread like this one.... Blush

Go Figure, a guy who supports bolted cracks also supported Obama...I think we are on to something.


Nov 5, 2008, 4:14 PM
Post #116 of 485 (1646 views)

Registered: Sep 29, 2008
Posts: 256

Re: [robbovius] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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robbovius wrote:
3. I've seen KNs handiwork at Farley. he's a douche, hands down. so i contributed money to the WMCC, since that seems like it might actually help the cause rather than blathering away ineffectually, (or, like you, DRUNKENLY AND INEFFECTUALLY, about the wrong thing) on some stupid online BBS.

Just thought I'd point out that this post has clearly had an effect. Otherwise there wouldn't be 5 pages of responses in this short of time, and if you ignore posts like yours and pay attention to posts that actually discuss the topic you might be able to contribute something other than insults. But maybe that isn't why you post on this forum...


Nov 5, 2008, 4:22 PM
Post #117 of 485 (1630 views)

Registered: Nov 13, 2005
Posts: 461

Re: [HappinessIsWinning] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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HappinessIsWinning wrote:
robbovius wrote:
3. I've seen KNs handiwork at Farley. he's a douche, hands down. so i contributed money to the WMCC, since that seems like it might actually help the cause rather than blathering away ineffectually, (or, like you, DRUNKENLY AND INEFFECTUALLY, about the wrong thing) on some stupid online BBS.

Just thought I'd point out that this post has clearly had an effect. Otherwise there wouldn't be 5 pages of responses in this short of time, and if you ignore posts like yours and pay attention to posts that actually discuss the topic you might be able to contribute something other than insults. But maybe that isn't why you post on this forum...

Yeah, cause your OP was really a call for an intelligent conversation.


Nov 5, 2008, 4:27 PM
Post #118 of 485 (1626 views)

Registered: Sep 29, 2008
Posts: 256

Re: [alleyehave] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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alleyehave wrote:
HappinessIsWinning wrote:
robbovius wrote:
3. I've seen KNs handiwork at Farley. he's a douche, hands down. so i contributed money to the WMCC, since that seems like it might actually help the cause rather than blathering away ineffectually, (or, like you, DRUNKENLY AND INEFFECTUALLY, about the wrong thing) on some stupid online BBS.

Just thought I'd point out that this post has clearly had an effect. Otherwise there wouldn't be 5 pages of responses in this short of time, and if you ignore posts like yours and pay attention to posts that actually discuss the topic you might be able to contribute something other than insults. But maybe that isn't why you post on this forum...

Yeah, cause your OP was really a call for an intelligent conversation.

True.... Should I change it then?


Nov 5, 2008, 4:43 PM
Post #119 of 485 (1597 views)

Registered: Nov 24, 2003
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Re: [HappinessIsWinning] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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Naw, I'd just stop if I were you. In the span of five pages you've:

1. Contradicted your OP so many times that even you don't agree with your original post.

2. Admitted that you where acting like an idiot.

3. Agreed with all of the viewpoints that conflict with your OP.

(This post was edited by chadnsc on Nov 5, 2008, 4:45 PM)


Nov 5, 2008, 4:45 PM
Post #120 of 485 (1594 views)

Registered: Sep 12, 2008
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Re: [knieveltech] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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knieveltech wrote:
PS. I chopped your mom.

Wouldn't that be "I chopped your dad and now she is my beeoch"?


Nov 5, 2008, 4:53 PM
Post #121 of 485 (1592 views)

Registered: Dec 2, 2006
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Re: [Toast_in_the_Machine] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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Toast_in_the_Machine wrote:
knieveltech wrote:
PS. I chopped your mom.

Wouldn't that be "I chopped your dad and now she is my beeoch"?

Eh, I'm not really into sausage.

(This post was edited by knieveltech on Nov 5, 2008, 4:53 PM)


Nov 5, 2008, 5:00 PM
Post #122 of 485 (1584 views)

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Re: [knieveltech] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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but once chopped, is it still sausage?


Nov 5, 2008, 5:46 PM
Post #123 of 485 (1562 views)

Registered: Oct 31, 2007
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Re: [hafilax] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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hafilax wrote:
Someone has rack envy.

I live under the poverty line and have a full rack. It's all about priorities. Steph Davis didn't make more than $7,000 in a year by the time she was 27 (according to her book).

Don't listen to this guy, he's from Canadia, they have that Socialized Rack System up there. Down here in the U S of A you gotta put some caps in a crackers ass before you get enough paper to get a rack.


Nov 5, 2008, 5:51 PM
Post #124 of 485 (1556 views)

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Re: [Toast_in_the_Machine] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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Toast_in_the_Machine wrote:
but once chopped, is it still sausage?

Uh, I'm prepared to leave the taste test up to others, so inclined.


Nov 5, 2008, 6:03 PM
Post #125 of 485 (1547 views)

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Re: [knieveltech] WTF is up with people who climb trad? [In reply to]
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knieveltech wrote:
Uh, I'm prepared to leave the taste test up to others, so inclined.

I’m sorry my attempt at drawing a parallel with chopping off bolds and gender change operations went so horribly un-humorous.

Maybe I should have used some of my other ideas instead:

“I clipped your momma’s bolts”
“I can’t claim FA on your momma, that’s gramps’ claim”
“Your daddy got chopped and now he’s your momma”

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