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May 20, 2004, 5:28 PM
Post #1 of 100 (10684 views)

Registered: Nov 27, 2001
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PA route database
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I know that someone already posted a topic about this but I am restarting one. A site user just deleted my origional post because a made a harmless satirical coment made to be funny. I
get misunderstood sometimes so I will try to be less comical this time and more serious. Hopefully this post will not be deleted also?

Anyway I relisted the area known as Canton PA posted by whenindoubt. I relisted it because it was in the wrong region 250-miles from its actual location. I also posted the appropriate access closure.

Here are a few questions:

Should users be allowed to post access sensitive areas they know nothing about and have never been to?

Should users be allowed to reptedly list areas hours from the actual towns they are in?

Should users be allowed to post areas that are going to make people ask folks and waste time and energy looking for areas hundreds of miles from where they actually are?

This site is only as good as the people who contribute. Pretty soon people will start saying don't look on for beta cause its all wrong.


May 20, 2004, 5:36 PM
Post #2 of 100 (10684 views)

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Re: PA route database [In reply to]
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Maybe there needs to be a feature in the database where people can put a stamp of approval (or disapproval) about an area. Possibly a voting feature that asks "On a scale of 1-10, how accurate did you find this information?". Poor beta could be looked into by the area managers.

Now, I know what you might say..."If you think the beta sucks - then fix it!" But sometimes people don't have the knowledge or time to fix the beta. But they do know that directions were poor or something similar.

Partner rrrADAM

May 20, 2004, 5:40 PM
Post #3 of 100 (10684 views)

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Re: PA route database [In reply to]
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As stated before many times over, if any info in the RDB is incorrect, we can all click "edit" and make it right. If something needs to be deleted, then contact the State Manager or the RDB Administrator.


May 20, 2004, 5:48 PM
Post #4 of 100 (10684 views)

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Re: PA route database [In reply to]
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good luck rob, i gave up years ago trying to change the pa database

hell, the regions aren't even right

i put new directions to areas after trying to follow the ones that were written...edited them and then a month or so later those old directions were back again...ever try to get to high rocks from the directions posted??? :roll:

anyhow...good luck! :wink:


May 20, 2004, 5:49 PM
Post #5 of 100 (10684 views)

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Re: PA route database [In reply to]
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As stated before many times over, if any info in the RDB is incorrect, we can all click "edit" and make it right. If something needs to be deleted, then contact the State Manager or the RDB Administrator.

Amen brother!


May 20, 2004, 6:05 PM
Post #6 of 100 (10684 views)

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Re: PA route database [In reply to]
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I guess my point is that whenindoubt obviously has a copy of Climb PA and or Rock N Road. he listed the area Rickets glen as being in Scranton. this area is 70 miles from scranton, rock in road says it is in Red Rock(the correct town). Why not just say it is Red rock when he posts the thing and not Scranton 70-miles away. If he has been to the spot he certainly knows it is not in Scranton.

Same thing with Canton, Canton is in the town of Canton but he listed it a sbeing in Pittsburgh 250-miles away. He did the same thing with 4-other areas.

All I am saying is what is wrong with simply putting the correct town in.


May 20, 2004, 6:08 PM
Post #7 of 100 (10684 views)

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I second rradam's comment. If there is a mistake... simply correct it. What's the big deal? The area wasn't even in there before. If it is now closed, having the area in there and something stating that it is now closed is even better than not having it in there at all. Now people know it is closed. Access to areas changes over time. Maybe someday the arfea will reopen. If/when that happens it is already in the database and people can update the access situation. You have to start somewhere. I welcome anyone to improve on what I started.


May 20, 2004, 6:16 PM
Post #8 of 100 (10684 views)

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Re: PA route database [In reply to]
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Wouldn't it be great if we had a good comprehensive guidebook for PA climbing? Then we wouldn't have to rely on sketchy internet beta all the time. Hey Rob, do you know of anyone who might be able to put something like this together soon?


May 20, 2004, 6:21 PM
Post #9 of 100 (10684 views)

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Re: PA route database [In reply to]
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I'll bite...

Ok. In this case I totally side with Rob. I agree with rrrAdam for just about any other place, but I think that PA might be a special case here. The PA database needs some serious work, SERIOUS WORK. There are tons of areas listed with no information at all... sometimes I would like to check out these areas.... but where is it? What is it? Who the hell adds this stuff like this? I really wish that the manager would at least DO SOMETHING about all problems with the PA database... I also would LOVE to see a rating system, just like we rate routes we could rate locales. I think that we should also have a mandatory access issues part of the main page for climbing areas. People are still going to go to places that are closed to climbing (I will confess I have done it in the past) but I think that in a state like PA which has many many areas that are access sensitive, we whould at least be presented with the issues before we unknowingly tresspass where we are not wanted and get in deep shit.

Peace :D

Edited to add more info.


May 20, 2004, 6:33 PM
Post #10 of 100 (10684 views)

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Re: PA route database [In reply to]
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Why did you list the climbing area Canton as being in Pittsburgh and not the town of Canton???????


May 20, 2004, 6:43 PM
Post #11 of 100 (10684 views)

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Re: PA route database [In reply to]
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deer lake bluff is wrong, too.

also, why post climbing areas that are closed... is it really productive...


May 20, 2004, 6:45 PM
Post #12 of 100 (10684 views)

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Re: PA route database [In reply to]
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I'll bite...

Ok. In this case I totally side with Rob. I agree with rrrAdam for just about any other place, but I think that PA might be a special case here. The PA database needs some serious work, SERIOUS WORK. There are tons of areas listed with no information at all... sometimes I would like to check out these areas.... but where is it? What is it? Who the hell adds this stuff like this? I really wish that the manager would at least DO SOMETHING about all problems with the PA database... I also would LOVE to see a rating system, just like we rate routes we could rate locales. I think that we should also have a mandatory access issues part of the main page for climbing areas. People are still going to go to places that are closed to climbing (I will confess I have done it in the past) but I think that in a state like PA which has many many areas that are access sensitive, we whould at least be presented with the issues before we unknowingly tresspass where we are not wanted and get in deep s---.

Peace :D

Edited to add more info.

If you really want to patch up the PA RD or make an effort for a PA guide book, we should get a person from each area and get on it this summer. I'd be more than happy to do the NW, and a guide book of this sort would definitely be sweet.



May 20, 2004, 6:51 PM
Post #13 of 100 (10684 views)

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also, why post climbing areas that are closed... is it really productive...

Historical purposes. Every good guide book or RD should include history on the areas, closed or open. Sure you might get a few people who climb in the closed areas, but you also prevent a lot of people from climbing there as well.



May 20, 2004, 7:30 PM
Post #14 of 100 (10684 views)

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Re: PA route database [In reply to]
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There is nothing wrong with putting a town in that is closer than the one I put in. Go ahead and do it. I simply chose to put a bigger city in that people might be more inclined to know about if they were not from the area.


May 20, 2004, 7:42 PM
Post #15 of 100 (10684 views)

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There is nothing wrong with putting a town in that is closer than the one I put in. Go ahead and do it. I simply chose to put a bigger city in that people might be more inclined to know about if they were not from the area.

You have also added areas like brickyard quarry with no real description at all? Why did you do that?



May 20, 2004, 8:45 PM
Post #16 of 100 (10684 views)

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Re: PA route database [In reply to]
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I didn't tell people the precise GPS coordinates of each bolt either. Why would I leave that information out? Get a life.

If you know more info about this area feel free to add that information. The information I provided was a starting point and is accurate. Bottom line.

If the information in the database could be clarified... clarify it.

You are either part of the problem or part of the solution. Please stop your whining and contribute or go away.


May 20, 2004, 9:01 PM
Post #17 of 100 (10684 views)

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Re: PA route database [In reply to]
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Under this new method of organizing the routes DB, I vote we move Yosemite National Park to the Sacramento area. :lol: :roll:


May 20, 2004, 9:32 PM
Post #18 of 100 (10684 views)

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Re: PA route database [In reply to]
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Does anyone out there understand a concept known as continuous improvement?

For those of you who do:
Do you see how Mr. boss's sarcasatic suggestion is contrary to this concept this concept? I jhope so

Partner mr8615

May 20, 2004, 9:35 PM
Post #19 of 100 (10684 views)

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Re: PA route database [In reply to]
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whenindoubt... have you ever been to/climbed in each of the area's you listed? I would suggest to everyone who lists climbing areas in the DB to only list places you have been to and climbed at so you can provide a decent description, rating, town and directions for the area. If you want to list an area from a guide book or one you have never been to, perhaps ask if anyone has been there or has info before posting the area to the DB? I think this would help the problem.



May 20, 2004, 9:46 PM
Post #20 of 100 (10684 views)

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Re: PA route database [In reply to]
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I was climbing in these PA areas before you were born. If you have some new information about them go ahead and update what I put in there and stop your complaining.


May 20, 2004, 9:58 PM
Post #21 of 100 (10684 views)

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Re: PA route database [In reply to]
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A. Relax
B. I'm not trying to start a flamefest
C. From reading the other posts on this page and commenting on continuous improvement...Posting a new area 250mi or 70mi away from it's actual site is not improvement. I can't even mapquest that to get an idea of where I'm going!!! If you are adding something, please at least have something decent to comment on about the area. The PA routes DB is junk right now, why continue to make it worse? IMO you should at least have some sort of quality product or info before releasing it to the public and taking up their time when they bother to browse it.



May 20, 2004, 10:03 PM
Post #22 of 100 (10684 views)

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Re: PA route database [In reply to]
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Tony (whenindoubt),

I'm thinking since its been a long time since you have been to these spots maybee you have forgotten what cities they are near. Like Scranton is a ways fromr Rickets glen but wilkes barre is a very very large city closer.

I guess what I am trying to say is since you live in Salt Lake now you must have forgot exact locations of these areas if it was a long time ago you were there. I can certainly understand that as I have forgotten how close or far places are from spots.

I have to say though that Pitt is no where near Canton, big cities like State College, Altoona, williamsport are all between Pitt and Canton and all those are closer to canton than Pitt.

I suppose if you dont want to contribute more than the name of the area just keep posting them and people on the site will contribute the names, location and directions and cities that are close by. You should remove Canton from the Western PA region though. It is in Central PA, actually sort of close to Eastern PA.

Happy climbing
~Rob :D


May 20, 2004, 10:27 PM
Post #23 of 100 (10684 views)

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I suppose if you dont want to contribute more than the name of the area just keep posting them and people on the site will contribute the names, location and directions and cities that are close by. :D

Please don't contribute just a name. Take a look at the climbing area's contributed by runitout. Of 21 areas only 1, City of Rocks, contains any useful information whatsoever. How is that helpful?

I, for one, would like to see all of these useless "contributions" deleted. I will take up rrradam's suggestion and make this request of the state manager and the rdb administrator. Perhaps if enough of us write something will be done about the PA database. However, since this issue has already come up before, I have some doubt whether it will do any good.


May 20, 2004, 11:58 PM
Post #24 of 100 (10684 views)

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I didn't tell people the precise GPS coordinates of each bolt either. Why would I leave that information out? Get a life.

I think the information that you left out is pretty much a necessity just to find a place.... like uhh..... directions???

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If you know more info about this area feel free to add that information. The information I provided was a starting point and is accurate.

250 miles is not accurate.

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If the information in the database could be clarified... clarify it.

I dont think that this should be our job! We could all make it better sure, but why not get it right the first time!

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You are either part of the problem or part of the solution. Please stop your whining and contribute or go away.

I have contributed, go ahead and check. I think that since I have at least provided directions that my contributions are much better than yours. I dont have the time to spend countless hours correcting your shitty locations. Even if I wanted to I couldnt because I CANT FIND ANY OF THE STUFF YOU ADDED DUDE TO LACK OF INFORMATION! :x

This isnt a whine... this is a serious plea to stop adding information to our database... I mean... your not helping anyone or making the dBase better.


I swear when I look at what you have done on this site... it makes me wonder if you have just contributed to get some rating points.


May 21, 2004, 4:53 PM
Post #25 of 100 (10684 views)

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I like the idea of continuous improvement, but I agree with most of these people...if you're going to enter a new area into the database then do it right the first time. If you have so little info about a crag that you can't even enter a description...then maybe you're not the best person to be entering that beta. Post stuff that you know intimately and that you have visited recently. Quality...not quantity.


May 21, 2004, 4:56 PM
Post #26 of 100 (6040 views)

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Partner rrrADAM

May 21, 2004, 5:26 PM
Post #27 of 100 (6040 views)

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I'll bite...

Ok. In this case I totally side with Rob. I agree with rrrAdam for just about any other place, but I think that PA might be a special case here. The PA database needs some serious work, SERIOUS WORK. There are tons of areas listed with no information at all... sometimes I would like to check out these areas.... but where is it? What is it? Who the hell adds this stuff like this? I really wish that the manager would at least DO SOMETHING about all problems with the PA database... I also would LOVE to see a rating system, just like we rate routes we could rate locales. I think that we should also have a mandatory access issues part of the main page for climbing areas. People are still going to go to places that are closed to climbing (I will confess I have done it in the past) but I think that in a state like PA which has many many areas that are access sensitive, we whould at least be presented with the issues before we unknowingly tresspass where we are not wanted and get in deep s---.

Peace :D

Edited to add more info.

It's the job of the climbers in PA to fill this info out.... Access details, directions, routes, etc...

Who do you propose should do it for you ???

States like Ca, Ut, and Co haver very active members who diligently keep the info updated, and detailed. These three states also have active State Managers. I have not seen the PA manager weigh in yet on these issues. But bear in mind that it's not the job of the MGR to input all the info, as it's impossible... I am the MGR of California, and we have over 490 Areas, MFRs, and Retailers, and I cannot possibly be familiar with all of them. I do get PMs regularly from users who tell me stuff is incorrect or duplicated, and I take appropriate action. (Hint... Remember I said to contact the Area MGR or the RDB Administrator ??? Ca users don't just bitch about duplicate or errant stuff in the RDB, they contact the MGR. :wink: ) In other words, get into the solution and start adding the info all of you seem to know.


May 21, 2004, 6:08 PM
Post #28 of 100 (6040 views)

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Re: PA route database [In reply to]
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As the PA manager doesn't seem to be participating in this thread let me ask you what you, rrradam, what would you do if someone added a bunch of areas to the CA database with NO information whatsoever other than a name? Take a look at runitout's entries. Do you have ANY listings in CA like that? Let's face it, there is SOMEWHERE someone could climb in virtually every town in CA. So can I just get out my atlas and add areas at will? I bet I could really increase my "ranking" that way. Wouldn't that be impressive!

Partner mr8615

May 21, 2004, 6:40 PM
Post #29 of 100 (6040 views)

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In other words, get into the solution and start adding the info all of you seem to know.

The problem for me is that I can't add info for a place I don't know how to find and don't know if it's even listed under a city within 100 miles of the climbing location. I am all for helping, I'd love to go visit the areas that he's listed and add tons of info, pictures, gps location, access issues, etc. I'm just unable to find the location with merely the name and a random city in PA. Would anyone else be interested in helping me with 'fixing' whenindoubt's shitty rating boosters? Does anyone know of locations, or access issues with the areas he's listed? Let's get together and do something to clean up this bs instead of bi*ching about it all the time. I'm free this weekend.



May 21, 2004, 6:49 PM
Post #30 of 100 (6040 views)

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It's the job of the climbers in PA to fill this info out.... Access details, directions, routes, etc...

Who do you propose should do it for you ???

States like Ca, Ut, and Co haver very active members who diligently keep the info updated, and detailed. These three states also have active State Managers. I have not seen the PA manager weigh in yet on these issues. But bear in mind that it's not the job of the MGR to input all the info, as it's impossible... I am the MGR of California, and we have over 490 Areas, MFRs, and Retailers, and I cannot possibly be familiar with all of them. I do get PMs regularly from users who tell me stuff is incorrect or duplicated, and I take appropriate action. (Hint... Remember I said to contact the Area MGR or the RDB Administrator ??? Ca users don't just b---- about duplicate or errant stuff in the RDB, they contact the MGR. :wink: ) In other words, get into the solution and start adding the info all of you seem to know.


I seriously dont want to get into an argument with ANYONE about this, but as phlsphr pointed out, this isnt really an issue about incomplete information. While that is a huge problem, and I do try to do my part and update the information that I do know (and I know of several other active members who do the same), whenindoubt is just adding nonsense. All he lists is a name. More importantly, 20 seperate areas with only names. As I said before, I would love to go check out these areas and see what they have to offer and then I would update the dBase as I have done before. But just a name??? I mean cmon... Its obvious what he is trying to do here. And when he does decide to enter information other than a name, it is incorrect. Seriously incorrect. I dont feel that listing towns 70-250 miles away from locations is a convenience to anyone, which was his reason for doing so. I seriously dont mean to bitch about this and make this thread go on forever... but I think that roclimb had a damn legitamite complaint and I wanted to get behind him on this. Active users from this state have tried to contact kagunkie in the past to fix some of the ugly dBase problems, myself included, and have gotten nothing but frustration. This is why users from this state are taking it to the forums. How do we even know what to do with entries that are blank. We cant find them, there is way to validate the listed region of the state, I mean... this is pretty damn annoying, especially in PA where avid rock climbers will take almost anything they can get.

I have sent our mgr, pms in the past with no result and I know others have also. I will apologize on behalf of all of us here for these repeat theads that you and I both hate, but we are getting frustrated and with good reason. I have no idea what else to even say or do.

How can I fix something that I cant even find???



May 21, 2004, 6:50 PM
Post #31 of 100 (6040 views)

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If you PA'ers can't get in contact with the PA manager then contact me with the corrections/deletions and I will do that for you.

RDB Manager,
Andy Lemon

Partner rrrADAM

May 21, 2004, 6:50 PM
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As the PA manager doesn't seem to be participating in this thread let me ask you what you, rrradam, what would you do if someone added a bunch of areas to the CA database with NO information whatsoever other than a name? Take a look at runitout's entries. Do you have ANY listings in CA like that? Let's face it, there is SOMEWHERE someone could climb in virtually every town in CA. So can I just get out my atlas and add areas at will? I bet I could really increase my "ranking" that way. Wouldn't that be impressive!

Yes, there are several areas in California that are name only. Why should I delete it ??? Any info is better than none.

I notice that you have entered ZERO info into the RDB, yet are complaining about the info another has entered. Like I said, get into the solution brutha. Remember, any info is better than none, and you have shared no info, as in none.

Again, the RDB is a group effort, and it takes the efforts of the group to make it worthwhile. Ca, with 499 Areas (as of today) has an active group putting forth the effort for all to benifit. Can you not share your knowledge with the other users ???


May 21, 2004, 6:53 PM
Post #33 of 100 (6040 views)

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I just checked, your PA managers last login was Mar 31st. This doesn't mean he needs to be fired or anything... :lol: He's probably just busy. He has contributed tons to the RDB. But, if he doesn't login within the next week or so, contact me and I will make the changes.



May 21, 2004, 7:23 PM
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no info is better than bad info....brutha


May 21, 2004, 7:28 PM
Post #35 of 100 (6040 views)

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Re: PA route database [In reply to]
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I haven't entered anythng because I have nothing USEFUL to add--though I may have soon. At least I'll resist the temptation to follow through on my CA road atlas suggestion. You say, "Any info is better than none". We clearly disagree on that one. Merely posting a name, with nothing else, is not helpful to anyone. You know I (honestly) have done some climbs in CA that I don't remember precisely where they were. Would it be "better than none" if I were just to make a rough guess as to a nearby town--and just enter that town name into the database as a climbing area? Would that make the database better, or worse? Not all "info" is worth publishing. There are places around me that I won't enter here because access at those spots is sensitive. An "any info is better than none" approach in this case would be irresponsible on my part. I'm just one person, and obviously NOT as heavy a user as many here. But, for my part, I want to see quality on this site, not mere quantity. will be a better site if people follow my example, and hold off on contributing unless they have something that is genuinely useful.

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As the PA manager doesn't seem to be participating in this thread let me ask you what you, rrradam, what would you do if someone added a bunch of areas to the CA database with NO information whatsoever other than a name? Take a look at runitout's entries. Do you have ANY listings in CA like that? Let's face it, there is SOMEWHERE someone could climb in virtually every town in CA. So can I just get out my atlas and add areas at will? I bet I could really increase my "ranking" that way. Wouldn't that be impressive!

Yes, there are several areas in California that are name only. Why should I delete it ??? Any info is better than none.

I notice that you have entered ZERO info into the RDB, yet are complaining about the info another has entered. Like I said, get into the solution brutha. Remember, any info is better than none, and you have shared no info, as in none.

Again, the RDB is a group effort, and it takes the efforts of the group to make it worthwhile. Ca, with 499 Areas (as of today) has an active group putting forth the effort for all to benifit. Can you not share your knowledge with the other users ???

Partner rrrADAM

May 21, 2004, 7:30 PM
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no info is better than bad info....brutha

Agreed 100%. As I have said, numerous times, if you know info is bad, click and correct it. It takes just as much time as clicking "reply" in a thread... And certainly less time than complaining about it repeatedly for months. I would fix it for you if I could, but the only areas I have climbed at in PA are Mocanaqua and Tilbury, both of which I added to the RDB almost 4 years ago. :wink:


May 21, 2004, 7:35 PM
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Again, the RDB is a group effort, and it takes the efforts of the group to make it worthwhile. Ca, with 499 Areas (as of today) has an active group putting forth the effort for all to benifit. Can you not share your knowledge with the other users ???

No disrespect here,

I'm sure everybody here realizes that the RDB is a group effort. The people posting to this thread would add info if they had it. The whole focus of this thread is to get some way inaccurate stuff deleted (Thanks for looking into this Andy), and perhaps the most important, to keep areas that will need deleted from showing up so often. I'm all for adding info and making things better, but like I said before, why post something if you don't have anything quality to provide (quality not being whether the rock is good or not, but the info you provide). Having said that, stop posting trash, lets get the areas in question deleted, and lets bring the PA RDB back up to par.


Partner rrrADAM

May 21, 2004, 7:49 PM
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Again, the RDB is a group effort, and it takes the efforts of the group to make it worthwhile. Ca, with 499 Areas (as of today) has an active group putting forth the effort for all to benifit. Can you not share your knowledge with the other users ???

No disrespect here,

I'm sure everybody here realizes that the RDB is a group effort. The people posting to this thread would add info if they had it. The whole focus of this thread is to get some way inaccurate stuff deleted (Thanks for looking into this Andy), and perhaps the most important, to keep areas that will need deleted from showing up so often. I'm all for adding info and making things better, but like I said before, why post something if you don't have anything quality to provide (quality not being whether the rock is good or not, but the info you provide). Having said that, stop posting trash, lets get the areas in question deleted, and lets bring the PA RDB back up to par.


I have for almost 2 months now asked you guys to PM the Area Manager, and if not happy, then PM the RDM Administrator. How many PMs have any of you sent to either of these two ???

BTW... There are a few in this thread who have added/edited zero info in the RDB yet are complaining about it's quality. So saying that all would correct the info if they had it is not entirely true, as one in this thread even said "it's not our job to correct it". Newsflash... It's all of our jobs to correct it if we can, and ask users entering errant info to stop, instead of publically attacking them.

Many of you want to hold "whenindoubt..." accountable for inacurate info, yet even those who know the correct info have not fixed it, nor have you PMd the appropriate people as I suggested months ago.

3 possible solutions:
1. Fix the info (anyone can do this, and most preffered)
2. Contact the Area MGR (who would have to fix it for you if he can)
3. Contact the RDB Administrator (same as above)
4. The info gets deleted (this is not preffered, as fixing the info is the best)

Anyone disagree ???


May 21, 2004, 8:17 PM
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Active users from this state have tried to contact kagunkie in the past to fix some of the ugly dBase problems, myself included, and have gotten nothing but frustration.

I was under the impression that people had attempemted to make contact with kagunkie. Either way, Andy has offered to help if need be, and as he said, kagunkie is most likely busy which is definitely understandable. I'll rephrase what I said earlier about none of us having the info for said areas...I personally do not have any information on these areas, and I was assuming that since everyone on this post is trying to get things fixed, that none of them have it either. Seems logical to me. And in all seriousness, I'm not attacking whenindoubt, I would just imagine that someone that has written a guide book would have a better idea of what is and is not accurate and appropriate for the RDB. All we're asking (or should I say I am asking) is that if you want to put an area up, put some thought into it. If you have questions as to the accuracy of what you are posting, then take it upon yourself to maybe ask a question in the regional discussions forum, get the correct info, then post. That seems much easier than bothering the area MGR repeatedly to fix an ongoing problem.


Partner rrrADAM

May 21, 2004, 8:27 PM
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Active users from this state have tried to contact kagunkie in the past to fix some of the ugly dBase problems, myself included, and have gotten nothing but frustration.

I was under the impression that people had attempemted to make contact with kagunkie. Either way, Andy has offered to help if need be, and as he said, kagunkie is most likely busy which is definitely understandable. I'll rephrase what I said earlier about none of us having the info for said areas...I personally do not have any information on these areas, and I was assuming that since everyone on this post is trying to get things fixed, that none of them have it either. Seems logical to me. And in all seriousness, I'm not attacking whenindoubt, I would just imagine that someone that has written a guide book would have a better idea of what is and is not accurate and appropriate for the RDB. All we're asking (or should I say I am asking) is that if you want to put an area up, put some thought into it. If you have questions as to the accuracy of what you are posting, then take it upon yourself to maybe ask a question in the regional discussions forum, get the correct info, then post. That seems much easier than bothering the area MGR repeatedly to fix an ongoing problem.


Gotcha, and agree.

If Keith was unavailable, then we should have gotten ahold of Doug and had him look into replacing him, as that was what was meant by "if not happy contact the RDB Admin". It's the job of the Area Manager (AM) to look into things like this.

Andy is a Senior AM, so he can do this, as that's part of his job. I know Keith personally, and he likes being the MGR of PA, but he may be too busy to do the job required for your state. Something to ponder... Who would like the job if it becomes available ???


May 21, 2004, 8:42 PM
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Active users from this state have tried to contact kagunkie in the past to fix some of the ugly dBase problems, myself included, and have gotten nothing but frustration.

I was under the impression that people had attempemted to make contact with kagunkie. Either way, Andy has offered to help if need be, and as he said, kagunkie is most likely busy which is definitely understandable. I'll rephrase what I said earlier about none of us having the info for said areas...I personally do not have any information on these areas, and I was assuming that since everyone on this post is trying to get things fixed, that none of them have it either. Seems logical to me. And in all seriousness, I'm not attacking whenindoubt, I would just imagine that someone that has written a guide book would have a better idea of what is and is not accurate and appropriate for the RDB. All we're asking (or should I say I am asking) is that if you want to put an area up, put some thought into it. If you have questions as to the accuracy of what you are posting, then take it upon yourself to maybe ask a question in the regional discussions forum, get the correct info, then post. That seems much easier than bothering the area MGR repeatedly to fix an ongoing problem.


Gotcha, and agree.

If Keith was unavailable, then we should have gotten ahold of Doug and had him look into replacing him, as that was what was meant by "if not happy contact the RDB Admin". It's the job of the Area Manager (AM) to look into things like this.

Andy is a Senior AM, so he can do this, as that's part of his job. I know Keith personally, and he likes being the MGR of PA, but he may be too busy to do the job required for your state. Something to ponder... Who would like the job if it becomes available ???

I for one thing have already done this in the past. I pmed the Senior Mod who is in charge of area managers saying that our State manager seems to be inactive and there is many things needing to be fixed. I never got a reply back saying something was going to be done but maybe something needs to be done. I have fixed and added quite the amount of beta for the areas I have only climbed at and know about. I have even contacted roclimb more than a handful of times to make sure beta I was putting up was accurate. I don't know the state well enough to become a Pa manager so that question is out but I'll do needs be. If anyone wants me to start working on certain areas of the Pa DB, Pm me and we can go from there.



May 21, 2004, 8:44 PM
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Active users from this state have tried to contact kagunkie in the past to fix some of the ugly dBase problems, myself included, and have gotten nothing but frustration.

I was under the impression that people had attempemted to make contact with kagunkie. Either way, Andy has offered to help if need be, and as he said, kagunkie is most likely busy which is definitely understandable. I'll rephrase what I said earlier about none of us having the info for said areas...I personally do not have any information on these areas, and I was assuming that since everyone on this post is trying to get things fixed, that none of them have it either. Seems logical to me. And in all seriousness, I'm not attacking whenindoubt, I would just imagine that someone that has written a guide book would have a better idea of what is and is not accurate and appropriate for the RDB. All we're asking (or should I say I am asking) is that if you want to put an area up, put some thought into it. If you have questions as to the accuracy of what you are posting, then take it upon yourself to maybe ask a question in the regional discussions forum, get the correct info, then post. That seems much easier than bothering the area MGR repeatedly to fix an ongoing problem.


Gotcha, and agree.

If Keith was unavailable, then we should have gotten ahold of Doug and had him look into replacing him, as that was what was meant by "if not happy contact the RDB Admin". It's the job of the Area Manager (AM) to look into things like this.

Andy is a Senior AM, so he can do this, as that's part of his job. I know Keith personally, and he likes being the MGR of PA, but he may be too busy to do the job required for your state. Something to ponder... Who would like the job if it becomes available ???

I for one thing have already done this in the past. I pmed the Senior Mod who is in charge of area managers saying that our State manager seems to be inactive and there is many things needing to be fixed. I never got a reply back saying something was going to be done but maybe something needs to be done. I have fixed and added quite the amount of beta for the areas I have only climbed at and know about. I have even contacted roclimb more than a handful of times to make sure beta I was putting up was accurate. I don't know the state well enough to become a Pa manager so that question is out but I'll do needs be. If anyone wants me to start working on certain areas of the Pa DB, Pm me and we can go from there.


I pm'd the wrong staff person, that explains alot. I will send my orginal pm to andy lemon if I can find it.


May 21, 2004, 8:54 PM
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Andy is a Senior AM, so he can do this, as that's part of his job. I know Keith personally, and he likes being the MGR of PA, but he may be too busy to do the job required for your state. Something to ponder... Who would like the job if it becomes available ???

If this is the case, would it be possible to divide PA MGR into W, Central, and E? Or even go as far as NW, SW, etc. so that each part of the state has someone with intimate knowledge of each area? Thinking about this, I see it being very useful, but at the same time unnecessary if there is one person who knows the state well. Just ideas.



May 21, 2004, 9:09 PM
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Andy is a Senior AM, so he can do this, as that's part of his job. I know Keith personally, and he likes being the MGR of PA, but he may be too busy to do the job required for your state. Something to ponder... Who would like the job if it becomes available ???

If this is the case, would it be possible to divide PA MGR into W, Central, and E? Or even go as far as NW, SW, etc. so that each part of the state has someone with intimate knowledge of each area? Thinking about this, I see it being very useful, but at the same time unnecessary if there is one person who knows the state well. Just ideas.


That would be cool. I would say post that up in the Suggestion and Question forum and see what people say. But be prepared, what some may think is an awesome idea, others may just ignore it. I guess you have to pay 20 bucks if you have an idea and you want to see it developed.


May 21, 2004, 9:16 PM
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rradam said,

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Agreed 100%. As I have said, numerous times, if you know info is bad, click and correct it. It takes just as much time as clicking "reply" in a thread... And certainly less time than complaining about it repeatedly for months. I would fix it for you if I could, but the only areas I have climbed at in PA are Mocanaqua and Tilbury, both of which I added to the RDB almost 4 years ago.

Thanks for adding Tilbury....the place has serious access issues with the parking and people have gtten tickets and fined!


May 21, 2004, 9:23 PM
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I contacted Keith about the erros in the Gunks database on 16 March 2004 and volunteered to fix them. He said no, he would do it.

It's now 21 May. This was (at best) a 2 hour job.

As I said, FWIW.


Partner rrrADAM

May 21, 2004, 9:36 PM
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As for Tilbury... Supposed to park down on Rt 11 not up near the homes. Access was not an issue when I climbed there, so don't be an asshole by implying I entered info that shouldn't be there, especially when I'm trying to help you solve issues with your state.

The person to contact was/is Doug (polarwid), as he's the Admin in charge of the RDB, he's just on vacation of sorts at the moment, to Thomas is filling in for him till he returns. You can also check the "Managemant Team" page, listed under About to see who to contact.

And dividing states has been suggested, but is too much of a hassle to code, when we are gonna redo the whole RDB anyway. Believe me, with 499 Areas as of today, I can use the help in managing California. :wink:


May 21, 2004, 9:57 PM
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WOW rradam,

You just called me an #######, that is pretty rude. I made a casual sarcastic comment by changing whenindoubtrunitout's name to when- in doubt -blurt-nonsense-out and you deleted my post minutes after I entered it and I had to restart this one.

What kind of strange virtues do you live by that you feel you can call me an ####### and leave your post but delete mine because you feel it was wrong? You have a funny way of justifying things you do.

By the way Tilbury has had the same access problems for 10-years now. Sometimes parking is accepted but mostly it is and has not been.

Parking on Rt 11 is tolerated a bit more but you still have to park on private business owners property, they get a little funny when a dozen cars show up in their lots and strange folk with big paks and ropes start pileing out.

Just the Facts!


May 21, 2004, 10:17 PM
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Tony , first off YOU LIVE IN UTAH

and second off you suck so stay out of the database, if your gonna scrw things up for all of us!

Partner rrrADAM

May 21, 2004, 10:37 PM
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Tony , first off YOU LIVE IN UTAH

and second off you suck so stay out of the database, if your gonna scrw things up for all of us!

That was constructive.

Sounds like we need to contact Doug (polarwid) when he returns to consider looking for replacements for NY and PA possibly if things aren't being taken care of in a timely manner. As I said previously in this thread... I get about 4-8 PMs weekly about Routes, Sections, and/or Areas in the CA RDB from users and act accordingly. The AM for an active state is a job that needs at least weekly attention and commitment.


May 21, 2004, 10:49 PM
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May 21, 2004, 10:52 PM
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Tony , first off YOU LIVE IN UTAH

and second off you suck so stay out of the database, if your gonna scrw things up for all of us!

That was constructive.

Sounds like we need to contact Doug (polarwid) when he returns to consider looking for replacements for NY and PA possibly if things aren't being taken care of in a timely manner. As I said previously in this thread... I get about 4-8 PMs weekly about Routes, Sections, and/or Areas in the CA RDB from users and act accordingly. The AM for an active state is a job that needs at least weekly attention and commitment.

ding ding ding ding.... :shock:

Partner cliffhanger9

May 21, 2004, 11:24 PM
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...speaking of jacka$$ess...


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how old are you?? please. grow up. :roll:

Partner cliffhanger9

May 22, 2004, 12:03 AM
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Sounds like we need to contact Doug (polarwid) when he returns to consider looking for replacements for NY and PA possibly if things aren't being taken care of in a timely manner. As I said previously in this thread... I get about 4-8 PMs weekly about Routes, Sections, and/or Areas in the CA RDB from users and act accordingly. The AM for an active state is a job that needs at least weekly attention and commitment.

as for this...yes i agree.

i know i dont have much room for speaking in this thread because i myself have not really submitted much. i know this. i am not gonna bitch and whine because i understand that there are things that I can do about it.

I do however think it is unacceptable to have a state manager that has not logged in in 2 months :shock: i understand it is a volunteer effort and can appreciate and respect the work that is put into the site. but i think someone managing a state as active as PA - as noted in another thread it has the 3rd most areas in the USA - should be responsible enough to realize that they are unable to fulfill the role and ask for more help or pass it on to someone else.

Adam, is andylemon an appropriate person to talk to about personal issues with a state manager while Doug is gone or should someone else of admin status be contacted?

I would like to handle this appropriately instead of further corrput the negative image that some people have given my state. as for the rest of you who genuinely are trying to help, i thank you. hopefully when this is all resolved we will be able to find our way to the crags and i will have the pleasure of climbing with you guys sometime ;)




May 22, 2004, 1:29 AM
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Is all of this banter really worth it? I mean we're talking about PA, aren't we? Who flipping cares about the data base. The choss that is PA climbing has and will always be there even if the directions and route descriptions are wrong.


May 22, 2004, 1:46 AM
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lalala yeah yeah whatever, you are a jackas$ too, by the way Im 6 and 1.2 years old,a nd my mommy told me to not talk to strangers, Jackas$ hahahahahahahahaahha :D :D :D


May 22, 2004, 4:20 PM
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i agree with rob... if just anyone can add info with out checking the validity then there are alot of problems that will occur... I could post directions to rock run and 10 other places around there, but the people who are climbing there now probablly wouldn't like that.


May 22, 2004, 4:37 PM
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I get about 4-8 PMs weekly about Routes, Sections, and/or Areas in the CA RDB from users and act accordingly.

I for one would like to see that changed. Those pm's should be going to Polarwid and if he is away or busy, or even if we know more about the area... should be directed to the Database Managers. The problem here is LACK OF COMMUNICATION. Users on this site don't know who does what? There is a description buried somewhere on the site that lists me as an area manager... it might be fun to try and find it again, but for the most part people don't know what the heck I do here until I tell them. Everyone thinks I'm some sort of a moderator.

About JOINT STATE MANAGERS: I have suggested this about 2 and a half years ago to Trevor. He was more active then and said he would rather just use one person that can do the job. This would be a really great tool to be able to have 2 people to look over an area.

About the PA DATABASE: Since my post I have recieved 0 pm's to fix the PA database. That almost explains how much of a big deal this is... :roll: I've never been to PA so I don't know personally. If someone types out where they want the areas, where they want the regions, and where they want sections, routes moved... where they want areas deleted... where they want things added or fixed, I can accomplish this in a day. However, I need the info first.


Partner rrrADAM

May 22, 2004, 5:05 PM
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I get about 4-8 PMs weekly about Routes, Sections, and/or Areas in the CA RDB from users and act accordingly.

I for one would like to see that changed. Those pm's should be going to Polarwid and if he is away or busy, or even if we know more about the area... should be directed to the Database Managers. The problem here is LACK OF COMMUNICATION. Users on this site don't know who does what? There is a description buried somewhere on the site that lists me as an area manager... it might be fun to try and find it again, but for the most part people don't know what the heck I do here until I tell them. Everyone thinks I'm some sort of a moderator.

About JOINT STATE MANAGERS: I have suggested this about 2 and a half years ago to Trevor. He was more active then and said he would rather just use one person that can do the job. This would be a really great tool to be able to have 2 people to look over an area.

About the PA DATABASE: Since my post I have recieved 0 pm's to fix the PA database. That almost explains how much of a big deal this is... :roll: I've never been to PA so I don't know personally. If someone types out where they want the areas, where they want the regions, and where they want sections, routes moved... where they want areas deleted... where they want things added or fixed, I can accomplish this in a day. However, I need the info first.


Andy... Why should I not get the PMs from users in my state telling me about duplicate or misinfrmation ??? I am the MGR for California, so they should be PMing me not Doug, as it's my job as the MGR to look after the stuff. All AMs should click "What's New" in their state/s to see what is recent, and it is the jobs of the AMs to look after their states, and field these types of issues, and post in the AM Forum if they have questions. You and the other SAMs should field those questions and help the other AMs, and they should only go up to Doug if they can't reach a decision. That is how the "process" should work, and communication is the key, but communicating using that chain of command is key. If Doug has issues he can't resolve, he takes it to me, and if I can't resolve it, I take it to Trevor.

Basically this is the chain:
-State MGR
-AM Forum (to ask peers)
-Senior AMs (should answer questions in AMF, and guide AMs)
-Doug (RDB Admin, provides the direction to the AMs and the SAMs, and staffs the AMs)
-Me (COO)
-Trevor (Pres)

Users should always go to the AM First, and if they are unhappy with the response (or lack of one), then they should go to the RDB Admin, as he may have to consider restaffing that position. Make sense now ??? I still get users interested in doing work for the site, but I direct them to the person in charge of that area... For AMs to Doug, for Mods, to Phil, as those are who I chose to head up those jobs. I can staff them, but it's not my job anymore... I use the chain too brutha. :wink:

It's also easy to see who manages a state, as it says "managed by _____" underneath the State when you pull up the page in the RDB. And the Contributors page also lists all of the AMs, and the Management Org Chart lists you as a Senior AM, this can be found under About. Andy, for a senior AM you should know this brutha... I also said this in an earlier reply in this same thread. :wink:

Those PMs should be going to the State MGR first, then the RDB Administrator second. Follow the chain of command, as it's easier to resolve problems this way. You helping fixes the current issue with PA maybe, but does not address the problem that maybe Keith cannot commit the time required to do the job needed, so it's only a temp fix.

And the current person stitting in for Doug as the RDB Administrator is 'coldclimb', but Andy can also do this for you. Bear in mind again that the preffered solution is to move misplaced Areas to their propper Region, and/or add more info to them... Both of which any user can do, and many of you seem much more familiar with the Areas in question that Andy, I or any other AM. Deleting stuff is a last resort, and even is a bad choice when the Area exists and has pictures linked to it, as it will leave the pics linked to dead links.


May 22, 2004, 9:04 PM
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Is all of this banter really worth it? I mean we're talking about PA, aren't we? Who flipping cares about the data base. The choss that is PA climbing has and will always be there even if the directions and route descriptions are wrong.

Yeah, it's worth it. Not everybody is training for the Nose or Sphinx crack. Not everybody is taking road trips to find perfect splitters or endless clip-ups. Some folks just want to get out to the local crags.

I, for one, would like to find a half-decent crag with a clear access situation and a partner who can show me around when I visit PA. Each area should have an accurate location (including region), lucid directions and a clear statement about access. If access is unclear, that's a different problem and that should be stated.

I wish good luck to anyone working on access or information issues in PA, and offer my desktop publishing experience to anyone looking to make a guidebook.

Partner mr8615

May 23, 2004, 1:26 AM
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I did start a new discussion about this, but it's more likely to get viewed in here. Anyone know how to get to huntingdon rocks? I'm trying to go out there this weekend and improving the RDB entry for that area. Someone help me out.



May 24, 2004, 3:42 PM
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so whats going to happen with the Pa manager problem? It's also abit funny that the usuall peanut gallery who always complain about our RDB being out of shape will not comment on what should be done. I love when people are pissed off because things aren't correct but once the time comes to fix it, they are no where to be found. :? Just my .02...

Partner rrrADAM

May 24, 2004, 3:45 PM
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To many it's much easier to bitch and complain that to get into the solution.


May 24, 2004, 3:46 PM
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Adam, I thought you where talking about the whole routes database... not the CA section. Like you said though, I should be recieving pm's about these issues before you. If I don't recieve pm's before you, then this position of "RDB Manager" isn't really needed, right?


May 24, 2004, 3:51 PM
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I put in my input into the forum, and as was suggested to me... when I had time to do this (finally this morning) I reviewed the PA DB, and PMed information to andy_lemon. I also corrected what I had time to correct. I will be correcting more and adding some good info as I gain new information and gain more time to do so.

We all want things changed and I am trying to do what I can here.

Andy I sent you a PM this morning.


Partner rrrADAM

May 24, 2004, 3:53 PM
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Adam, I thought you where talking about the whole routes database... not the CA section. Like you said though, I should be recieving pm's about these issues before you. If I don't recieve pm's before you, then this position of "RDB Manager" isn't really needed, right?

I shouldn't recieve PMs about issues other than Ca. If I receive PMs about Area MGRs, as I still do on occasion, I ask the user to contact Doug.

You should receive PMs now that you have said you would help, but by default the PMs should go to the appropriate AM then to Doug, who can delegate it to one of his SAMs, you being one.

Unfortunately Andy... It's easier for some to just bitch and complain that to actually do something about it like fix it, or even send you a PM, as they would have to take the time to do so, and list the Areas that need attention. Don't hold your breath.


May 24, 2004, 4:25 PM
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I have time to do some stuff here and there. I have no clue what needs fixing but I'll do what I can. I've been checking the RDB and saw a city that needs moving. I'll pm andy and go from there. If someone could send me a pm of what needs fixing in NE regional, I could do it.



May 24, 2004, 4:27 PM
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PA RDB Changes

As per a couple of pm's I recieved this morning I made the following changes. Before I get into this I would like to point out that I tried to not overright anybody's information that they had originally added. If I did so, I did so by accident so feel free to save changes over my name. Also, by me NOT OVERRIGHTING anyone's information that will mean when you goto view the "what's new" under the PA State page it will show them as making these changes. That is not true, I made the changes so please feel free to direct your hate mail to me. If you disagree with any of the changes I made post here or send me a pm listing; 1) The area in question 2) The reason you disagree and 3) how I can contact you if your not on on a daily basis.


The following areas where moved from the Northeastern Region to the Southeastern Region:

Eastons Rock Island
Emmaus Boulders
Kernsville Dam
Lehigh Gap (Devils Pulpit)
Lehigh Gap (East Side)
North Lookout/Hawk Mt
Patriot Boulders
The Pulpit
Climb On - Climbing Gym
Nestors - Retailer

The following areas where deleted:

Five Fingers Area: It was a duplicate of Mocanaqua (Library Area).
Tamaqua Cliff: This was a duplicate of the Tamaqua Quarry.
Coburn: This was a duplicate of Penns Creek.
Deer Lake Bluffs: This area is closed and is no where near Scranton, its listed city. It also had ZERO information.
Angel Falls: Closed to climbing, no where near its listed city, and it also had ZERO information.

Before I deleted any area I made sure they where in fact duplicates or that they had no information whatsoever (including if there are enough climbs for a day, week, month, year, lifetime).



May 24, 2004, 4:29 PM
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WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED? This morning there was 173, now down to 169? I thought adam always said we try not to delete areas, only improve them? Also, cities have been moved. Allentown crags have been split between 2 different regions? AHHHHH


May 24, 2004, 4:32 PM
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move Bauer rocks into southeastern region as well. It's city is Allentown, maybe you missed it.

Partner rrrADAM

May 24, 2004, 4:32 PM
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Good job Andy. Thanx for your work. :wink:


May 24, 2004, 4:37 PM
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Good job Andy. Thanx for your work. :wink:

agreed, good job. I was checking it out probably at the same moment as you were moving everything. I was shocked when I saw what was done, looks good.


May 24, 2004, 4:44 PM
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move Bauer rocks into southeastern region as well. It's city is Allentown, maybe you missed it.

Done. Thanks should goto Mackavus for the changes, I just executed them.


May 24, 2004, 6:39 PM
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Thanks for the clean-up work. There is one other area with zero information that should be moved (if it exists):

Table Rocks of Sunbury

This should be in the Southcentral region.

Then there are a couple of areas listed as being near Pittsburgh which contain zero information and should be modified in some way.

1) Mt Davis. If this refers to the state high point, then the nearest sizeable settlement is Somerset. There is no other area within 50 miles of Pittsburgh that local climber s know by that name.

2) Canton of Pittsburgh. No Pittsburgh climbers refer to a local area by this name.

Thanks again
David Collins


May 24, 2004, 6:49 PM
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Someone mentioned that a PA climbing guide would be nice, and I have to agree. I have been half working on this as a project for fun. It makes climbing in different areas a little more interesting for me anyway. I had really thought of doing Southeast PA, since that is the easiest place for me to get to regularly. If I ever get it done, maybe I will expand to other ares of PA.

It will take a long time since I am trying to climb all of the routes, and at the very least climb extensively in each area. It will also take a long time since it is not how I pay the bills, nor is it my goal for it to become so. In any case, I welcome contributions from anyone in the form of information you think is important. I am also collecting copies of old guidebooks as I am not looking to rewrite the history of the areas. Currently, I have two from High Rocks, some sections of the old PMA guide, Horst's Chickies Rock guide, and a few misc. others.

I am sure there are a lot of old guides I will discover on the way. I am also updating the data base wherever possible/appropriate. Maybe some day I will have it all on paper with the pictures I have taken as well.


May 24, 2004, 6:57 PM
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When I mentioned the possibility of a PA guidebook on the first page of this thread, I meant for it to be somewhat sarcastic but Rob didn't take the bait. Rob (roclimb) has been working on a PA guidebook for some time now and has said has said that it should be published by this summer. I was hoping to get an update from him because I can't wait to get a copy. Keep the dream alive Dred, but you may not have to wait long, or do all the work yourself. Rob, any news for us on the guide? Hope you don't mind me putting in a plug for you.


May 24, 2004, 7:43 PM
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Posting a new area that was not previously there is an improvement to the database. I posted the nearest major metropolitan area to this climbing area. Sorry if there wasn't one within a distance of your personal liking.


May 24, 2004, 7:56 PM
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When I mentioned the possibility of a PA guidebook on the first page of this thread, I meant for it to be somewhat sarcastic but Rob didn't take the bait. Rob (roclimb) has been working on a PA guidebook for some time now and has said has said that it should be published by this summer. I was hoping to get an update from him because I can't wait to get a copy. Keep the dream alive Dred, but you may not have to wait long, or do all the work yourself. Rob, any news for us on the guide? Hope you don't mind me putting in a plug for you.

I look forward to seeing the new book. I would be happy to share the information I have with anyone. As I stated before, I am not motivated by profit on this. I will keep working on mine as well. I enjoy the research, and the process.


May 24, 2004, 8:04 PM
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I posted the nearest major metropolitan area to this climbing area. Sorry if there wasn't one within a distance of your personal liking.

I've been reading through this and keeping to myself, but dude, 250 miles!?! There wasn't another city closer than 250 miles? That would be like saying Governers Stable is located near Pittsburgh.


May 24, 2004, 8:22 PM
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Go ahead and improve it!

Partner coldclimb

May 24, 2004, 8:53 PM
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Sorry I didn't find this thread sooner, but it looks like Andy and Adam had things covered nicely. I am temporarily the head RDB Manager, so if there's any more problems here, they can be directed to me or the other SAMs, Andy and Thomas, and they'll get taken care of. That's what we're here for. :)

Good job guys.

Partner mr8615

May 24, 2004, 9:52 PM
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Go ahead and improve it!

It's funny that you say 'improve' when to delete the misinformation you've added would be an improvement! Usually I'm all for additions of any form, but I just learned that Huntingdon Rocks is closed, and never was actually open to climbing! Have you actually ever been to this area? Were you trespassing? You're always getting defensive, so defend yourself! Why did you add this area without adding that it's private property and not opened to climbing?


May 25, 2004, 5:33 AM
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Man, I'd like to let runitout have a chance to add to some of these areas. Alot of areas that start out in the DB do so by being added with little information. Then they are expanded on by other users. It seems waistful to delete an area if there is actually something technical there. However, something like the highest point in PA shouldn't be added unless there is 5th class climbing... at least some cool 4th class stuff.

If no information can be added from what is there now I have no problem deleting the areas to lessen the cluster frig.



May 25, 2004, 3:59 PM
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Joel G,

Sorry about that, I skipped through the post too fast and must have missed the part about the guide i'm doing. I am just a few short weeks from finishing the PA guidebook, after that It should be available soon. I hoped to have it done by now, but as someone mentioned; it's tough having a full time job, a life, and visiting dozens of climbing areas and writing about them. Most of the areas I had been to years ago but could not remember all the problems I did, grades etc., it's also been a project calling old PA pioneers who climbed in PA in the 70's, 60's, 50's and even 1940's! Trying to locate these folks has been really hard and time consuming.

Anyway it will be done soon. I will keep people posted and thank you for showing intrest.

~Rob :D


May 25, 2004, 4:07 PM
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I have a wicked 40' boner for this book! I CANT WAIT!!!



May 25, 2004, 4:08 PM
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Your doing a good job,
A few things about the database: The Tamaqua Quarry you deleted is actually a completely different area than the Tamaqua cliff. There are actually about 4 different areas in Tamaqua, I was merely adding a different spot so it should be put back in. It was a simple mistake I guess seeing as the areas are both named vertually the same.

Also-Five Finger Rock Area is actually seperate areas in Mocanaqua. None of them encompass Paradise or Mocanaqua proper. Five Finger is a name that was designated to encompass areas that were never listed on or anyplace else (one of these spots resembles a mini Gunk's crag). Someone must have heard the name five finger and assumed it was Mocanaqua and entered it incorrectly as Mocanaqua.

Either way you did the right thing getting it out because Moc. and the Library should be seperate.

Also-mt davis that was deleted has some bouldering there, I would have to get a map of the mtn to remember where it is though.

~Rob :D


May 25, 2004, 4:09 PM
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waiting on pins and needles...

Partner rrrADAM

May 25, 2004, 4:11 PM
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Your doing a good job,
A few things about the database: The Tamaqua Quarry you deleted is actually a completely different area than the Tamaqua cliff. There are actually about 4 different areas in Tamaqua, I was merely adding a different spot so it should be put back in. It was a simple mistake I guess seeing as the areas are both named vertually the same.

Also-Five Finger Rock Area is actually seperate areas in Mocanaqua. None of them encompass Paradise or Mocanaqua proper. Five Finger is a name that was designated to encompass areas that were never listed on or anyplace else (one of these spots resembles a mini Gunk's crag). Someone must have heard the name five finger and assumed it was Mocanaqua and entered it incorrectly as Mocanaqua.

Either way you did the right thing getting it out because Moc. and the Library should be seperate.

Also-mt davis that was deleted has some bouldering there, I would have to get a map of the mtn to remember where it is though.

~Rob :D

This is exactly why we asked that the users familiar with the Areas correct the problems. Many are upset that a guy who lives in Utah added some info they don't agree with, but you want a guy in Indiana to start fixing/deleting stuff. He asked for users doing the complaining to send him PMs, so who did ???

Saw lot's of complaining, and users telling us to "fix it", but so many were not willing to help do it correctly.

You, not particularly the user quoted above, now the saying... "Be carefull what you ask for, you just may get it."

To be honest... The RDB for PA reflects exactly what the users who live in PA have done in regards to it. Very little. Much of it has been entered by users who live in other states, so you should thank them not bite their heads off. :wink:


May 25, 2004, 4:21 PM
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I sent the PM to andy to get him to correct and delete stuff. So Rob that was my fault...

The five fingers area regardless of the name contained climbs in the Library and I thought that it was a Library copy. That is why I told him to remove it. About the Tamaqua Cliff area, I was informed by locals of the area that climbing was closed there, unless I meant the quarry. So that was my mistake. I have no idea however who asked that Mt Davis be removed.

And YES, I did TRY to do this correctly, shit...I made 1 mistake, not 21 like blurt-it-out. I am going to continue to do my best, as I have before to help make the dBase as good as it can be.


Edited to fight back against rrradam :P


May 25, 2004, 4:27 PM
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I notice rrrAdam gets pretty defensive about the database whenever someone brings it up. May I suggest that there may not be enough helpful info on how to best use/add info to the database? There is a Routes FAQ but you will only see it if you click on the "Routes" link but not while browsing through the actual database. Maybe you should make this link more visible? And perhaps add a section to the FAQ about what an ideal entry should look like. Suggest that users add areas that they know and have recently visited so that the info is fresh in their mind. And suggest ways that people can edit other's entries but be careful of deleting the useful info that is already present.

And accept the fact that many people will ask some of the same questions over and over again. In time, they will get the hang of it. But don't harangue someone everytime they ask a question or, God forbid, makes a complaint.


May 25, 2004, 4:28 PM
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Your doing a good job,
A few things about the database: The Tamaqua Quarry you deleted is actually a completely different area than the Tamaqua cliff. There are actually about 4 different areas in Tamaqua, I was merely adding a different spot so it should be put back in. It was a simple mistake I guess seeing as the areas are both named vertually the same.

Also-Five Finger Rock Area is actually seperate areas in Mocanaqua. None of them encompass Paradise or Mocanaqua proper. Five Finger is a name that was designated to encompass areas that were never listed on or anyplace else (one of these spots resembles a mini Gunk's crag). Someone must have heard the name five finger and assumed it was Mocanaqua and entered it incorrectly as Mocanaqua.

Either way you did the right thing getting it out because Moc. and the Library should be seperate.

Also-mt davis that was deleted has some bouldering there, I would have to get a map of the mtn to remember where it is though.

~Rob :D

This is exactly why we asked that the users familiar with the Areas correct the problems. Many are upset that a guy who lives in Utah added some info they don't agree with, but you want a guy in Indiana to start fixing/deleting stuff. He asked for users doing the complaining to send him PMs, so who did ???

Saw lot's of complaining, and users telling us to "fix it", but so many were not willing to help do it correctly.

You, not particularly the user quoted above, now the saying... "Be carefull what you ask for, you just may get it."

To be honest... The RDB for PA reflects exactly what the users who live in PA have done in regards to it. Very little. Much of it has been entered by users who live in other states, so you should thank them not bite their heads off. :wink:

I would have to agree to a certain point. Yes, there are people from other states who have put up beta for Pa and then there is other users from Pa who have put alot just as much themselves. Not all Pa climbers are like this I believe, some simply dont care what the RDB looks like as they do what they want to do and I'm fine witht that. I for one have done what I could to the crags I know I could help. Look at a the highest ranking for Pa and you will see what I'm talking about. I'm simply trying to defend some of us but not everyone.

I am certainily happy how the DB looks and I could only hope it improves more and more.


May 25, 2004, 4:45 PM
Post #92 of 100 (6239 views)

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IMO people should talk to the land owners before posting an area... there are quite a few places that sport hunting areas that should be avoided during the fall...

there are pro's, con's and impilcations of everything posted on the route data base.

adam is always defensive...


May 25, 2004, 4:53 PM
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I hope I did not come across the wrong way. I was not complaining to andy, or about Moc., tamaqua or Mt Davis. I was just trying to make sure the right stuff gets put up. You guys are doing a good job. I am just trying to help a little.

The Mocanaqua stuff looks good as it is. It has been confusing over the years cause an old guide book incorrectly refered to moc as five finger. Since then the name stuck a bit. No one could have known though so thats totally cool.

That is correct that one of the tamaqua quarries is closed. thats the one on the west end of town however the one I entered the one on the east end of town is open to climbing because it is on public game lands. The climbers who said it was closed probably meant the quarry that is closed on the west end. The quarry I entered is pretty well hidden in the woods and I would be surprised if locals even know about it.

Anyway, Andy, Mackavus, you guys are great keep up the good work.
Talk to ya soon
~Rob :D


May 25, 2004, 4:56 PM
Post #94 of 100 (6239 views)

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I think a useful insight gained by this discussion is that some additional guidelines would be helpful for those thinking of contributing an area. A note about access is already there. I would add a few, so that potential contributers always saw the following:

Please Read This First:

Your actions have consequences. If this area is on private land, or is sensitive with regards to access, it would be wise to engage the landowners, caretakers, or rangers BEFORE publicizing the area. In addition, you should omit detailed approach directions for such areas until they stabilize. This is a high-traffic website, and you cannot control how others will use the information you provide.

You should only add to the routes database when you have useful first hand knowledge to provide. Merely copying information from a guidebook, even if not word for word, is plagiarism unless you credit your source. Moreover, copying such information without permission may be a violation of copyright. Please do not do this.

Avoid merely publishing the name of an area with no other useful information. At the very least an area should contain some description of the climbing to be found at that area and some general directions to help locate the site (unless there are access issues). If you suspect there is climbing to be found in an area but lack first hand knowledge use the forum to request information and/or an addition to the database from those who are more knowledgeable of the area.

If you feel that an area should be deleted, or moved to a different region, contact the state manager first with your request. If the state manager does not respond within a reasonable amount of time contact the routes database administrator with your suggestion.

Partner rrrADAM

May 25, 2004, 6:13 PM
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I notice rrrAdam gets pretty defensive about the database whenever someone brings it up. May I suggest that there may not be enough helpful info on how to best use/add info to the database? There is a Routes FAQ but you will only see it if you click on the "Routes" link but not while browsing through the actual database. Maybe you should make this link more visible? And perhaps add a section to the FAQ about what an ideal entry should look like. Suggest that users add areas that they know and have recently visited so that the info is fresh in their mind. And suggest ways that people can edit other's entries but be careful of deleting the useful info that is already present.

And accept the fact that many people will ask some of the same questions over and over again. In time, they will get the hang of it. But don't harangue someone everytime they ask a question or, God forbid, makes a complaint.

Whenever a user adds or edits a route, section, or an area this link is provided:

How many have actually read it ???

Not defensive at all... Just trying to get users into the "solution". We get lots of bitching and complaining, but not a lot of help. We can't do it all for the users... It is a group effort, but some just complain instead of put forth an "effort". :wink:


May 28, 2004, 1:54 PM
Post #96 of 100 (6239 views)

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I'd like to point out something I noticed today as I was looking over Pa's DB. Looks like things get moved around once again...I must say it looks awesome so ty to whoever did it. I think it might have been kagunkie as he recently logged on. Just my guess...


May 28, 2004, 2:38 PM
Post #97 of 100 (6239 views)

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To be honest... The RDB for PA reflects exactly what the users who live in PA have done in regards to it. Very little. Much of it has been entered by users who live in other states, so you should thank them not bite their heads off. :wink:

bullcrap adam

i spent a hell of a lot of time in the routes DB teo summers ago

keith either changed it or deleted it

these areas are not correct

to pennsylvanians...the state is divided into 3 parts...

east being the smallest, central being about twice the size of east...and west takes up damn half the state anything west of state college is western pa

anyhow i PMed keith even called him to ask why he replaced what i thought was much better directions etc to areas...he wanted to make the changes himself...whatever :roll:

i gave up and now keith is no longer an active member of this site

he chopped a few bolts and disappeared :lol:

kathy and keith are fishing their free time away these days :P


Nov 15, 2005, 1:48 AM
Post #98 of 100 (6239 views)

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Is Salt Lake City in Utah or is it in the United States? No matter how you answer the question some idiot who just likes to argue can argue against you.

Thanks for the additional clarification of route information I initially included. Your contribution adds to the database. Just as mine did.


Nov 15, 2005, 2:55 AM
Post #99 of 100 (6239 views)

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Route information and climbers wanted


Nov 15, 2005, 7:28 PM
Post #100 of 100 (6239 views)

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Roclimb... Did you finish the PA guidebook yet? This is the only yse this flame fest of a post has given me.

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